Frederic awaited Dassel's return, in a state of feverish anxiety forthe success of his mission. He had carefully pondered over hisChancellor's proposition, and he now dreaded lest the refusal of Henryto the contemplated divorce might interfere with the realization of hischerished projects. The very possibility of failure was painful to him,but when the Chamberlain announced the Duke's arrival, he dissembledhis agitation and advanced cordially to meet him.

  "Are you at last satisfied, my dear Duke," said he, motioning to aseat.

  "Certainly, I must be satisfied," replied the Duke, who seemed uneasyand dispirited.

  "The princes will be here shortly, and we will open the Council withoutdelay, for the measures against Milan must be decided upon at once.This proud and rebellious city shall feel all the weight of ourdispleasure,--our own opinion is in favor of utterly destroying thishot-bed of treason, and we trust that your Grace thinks with us."

  The Duke remained silent, his eyes still fixed upon the ground.

  "My plan is the result of mature deliberation," pursued Barbarossa;"but we would listen to your counsel."

  "As your Majesty pleases," replied Henry.

  The Emperor glanced towards Rinaldo, who answered by a look ofastonishment.

  "Your Grace seems out of spirits;--you will, I know, pardon my remark,"said Frederic, cordially. "I trust that you have received no bad newsfrom the Duchy, or that you have no domestic annoyances!"

  "Domestic annoyances, only, Sire!" said Rinaldo.

  "How so?"

  Dassel read in Henry's silence, an invitation to take upon himself theexplanation of the affair, and he began to paint in gloomy colors andwith crafty skill the misfortune of the Duke, who, with all his powerand renown, was doomed to leave no posterity to reflect his greatnessand his fame.

  "These sad facts have been the subject of our interview," he said."Your Majesty will readily appreciate the natural despondency of aprince who looks beyond the present and who labors for ages yetunborn!"

  "Really, I am deeply grieved," said Barbarossa, "but I can perceive noremedy. It does not seem as though Clemence were destined to realizeyour Grace's desires."

  "Pardon my boldness," said Rinaldo, "if I venture to allude to yourMajesty's course of conduct in a similar conjuncture."

  "Very true! but every husband cannot, in the same case, do as I havedone," said Frederic.

  This remark was calculated to excite the pride of the Duke, who hadalways regarded Barbarossa as the main obstacle to his own desires ofpersonal aggrandizement.

  "The Emperor must fully understand and examine my position," saidHenry, raising his head proudly. "I must observe that, were our casesreversed, your Majesty would meet that courtesy from the Duke."

  "Particularly from the Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, who does not idlybear the title of 'the Lion,'" added Frederic. "But, in truth, thebusiness is serious and difficult; and although the reason assigned forthe divorce appears a valid one, it is not in our power to passjudgment. Pope Victor alone enjoys this prerogative."

  The last observation was judiciously calculated. It was necessary thatHenry should understand, positively and clearly, that it was onlyFrederic's Pope, who, upon the Emperor's order, would pronounce thedissolution of the marriage. He wished to be assured of Henry'sdefection from the party of Alexander III., from whom the Saxon princehad nothing to hope in the matter of the divorce. Frederic gazed at himattentively, for the Lion's silence appeared an encouraging omen, as hehitherto had been a zealous supporter of the claims of Alexander III.to the throne of St. Peter.

  "We doubt not," resumed Barbarossa, after a moment's silence, "that hisHoliness, upon our representations, will be persuaded."

  "I would solicit your Majesty's intervention in this business, that itmay be brought to a satisfactory conclusion as speedily as possible,"said the Duke.

  "As we have been ourselves in a similar position, we shall be able toadvance most excellent reasons for its immediate solution. But I wouldadvise that the Duchess be not informed of our project; it would causeher unnecessary pain, and a woman's tears must not influence in anywaythe course of events."

  The Chancellor seeing that his plot was progressing favorably, withdrewto seek for Conrad and his fair charge. He was anxious forHermengarde's success, but less through pity for her misfortune than inthe hope that it might further his own vile schemes. He found them inhis own tent, which stood close by the Imperial pavilion. Hermengardewas seated in a corner of the apartment, gazing first at the sky andthen towards the entrance, where she eagerly watched for theChancellor's return. She trusted that her tears and entreaties wouldsoften the heart of the Emperor. The monk had opened his breviary, andwas praying, as Rinaldo entered smiling at the success of his plotagainst the Saxon Duke. He approached the young girl, and saidkindly,--

  "Pardon me, noble lady, if I have made you wait. In cases like yours,all depends upon choosing a seasonable moment. I think that moment hasarrived."

  These words awakened her hopes; but the thought that in a few momentsher father's fate for weal or woe would be decided, took away hercourage.

  "Do not be alarmed; all will be well. Have no fear, and when you arebefore the Emperor, speak as your heart dictates. In such a case, thatlanguage is always more eloquent than studied words."

  "Have you any hope?" asked Conrad, who sought to read the statesman'sthoughts.

  "Most excellent, my dear Abbot. The Emperor, I am positive, will grantBonello's pardon. But hasten! and when you are summoned, lose no time."

  He said a few more kind words to the young girl, and then left thetent. Meanwhile Frederic passed into the council-chamber, where thenobles sat discussing the siege of Milan and the future fate of thecity. Obizzo, chief of the Italian auxiliaries, inveighed bitterlyagainst the tyranny of the Milanese, and insisted upon making themsubmit to the same severe measures which they had inflicted upon Lodi.Obizzo's neighbor, dressed in full episcopal robes, and with a sword byhis side, scarcely listened to the Italian's arguments, but watchedeagerly the door of the Imperial chamber as though awaiting thepresence of the monarch. It was Bishop Gero, of Halberstadt, elevatedto that dignity by the powerful will of Barbarossa, in spite of alllaws and justice, after the banishment of Bishop Ulrich.

  That worthy prelate had sought refuge with the primate of Salzburg, andas Gero had heard of the arrival of the Archbishop's envoy, he began tofear the loss of his benefice. The bishops of Osnabruck and Minden,creatures of the Emperor, also spoke in favor of extreme measures. TheCount Palatine, Otho of Wittelsbach, always impatient of long speeches,found Obizzo's harangue tedious, and began to grow angry. At thismoment was heard the deep voice of Henry the Lion, the curtain wasdrawn aside, and Barbarossa, accompanied by the Dukes of Saxony,Bohemia, and Rottemburg, entered the room. Behind them came theChancellor Rinaldo. The nobles bowed respectfully to the Emperor, whoseated himself upon the throne prepared for him, whilst they placedthemselves in a half circle before him. On his entrance, the Chancellorhad arranged the curtains so as to leave a small opening, behind whichstood an attendant awaiting his orders.

  "Reasons of grave moment have decided us," said Barbarossa, "not toawait the arrival of the Duke of Austria, but to march, to-morrow, uponMilan. With God's help, it will be for your gallantry to punish thecrimes which this city has committed against justice, against thesupremacy of the German nation, and against the Majesty of our ownperson. Conscious of their guilt, as they must be, these rebels cannotexpect a war according to the dictates of generosity, but one ofextermination. We desire to know whether our trusty allies agree withthe expectations of our adversaries. The question then is this: shallthe campaign be carried on with inexorable severity, or does the enemydeserve that we should exhibit a certain leniency, and a respect forpersons and property?"

  Henry the Lion, to whom belonged the right of speaking first, reflectedfor an instant. His chivalrous dispo
sition did not sympathize with thiswar of extermination proposed by the Emperor, and a similar thoughtcould be read in the countenance of the Duke of Rottemburg and theCount Palatine Otho.

  The schismatical bishops, who understood at once that Barbarossa haddetermined upon the total destruction of the city, bent their heads intoken of adhesion. They could scarcely wait for the moment of theballot, so eager were they to give signs of their obedience. Obizzomoved impatiently upon his chair, unable to understand the hesitationof the Duke of Saxony.

  "I came here with my Saxons and Bavarians to fight against the enemy,"said the Lion; "to punish the rebels, and to make them acknowledge yoursovereignty. But all this can be accomplished without laying waste thisbeautiful country. Why destroy their vines, uproot their trees, ruintheir crops, burn their villages and hamlets? I am no partisan ofuseless cruelty."

  "In other circumstances we would agree with you, noble Duke," repliedFrederic; "but we think that Milan should receive the same treatmentwhich she has inflicted upon other cities."

  The Margrave Obizzo could no longer keep silence.

  "Why show mercy to the scourge of all Lombardy? Milan has shed torrentsof innocent blood, and has left to her victims only the choice betweendeath or slavery! Yes," he cried, "Milan has a thousand times meritedher destruction. And what I advance here, my lords, is not merely myindividual opinion, but the sentiment of all Lombardy."

  Obizzo's arguments coincided with the desires of the Emperor, but as hewas about to continue, the latter stopped him by a look.

  "You have not exaggerated, Margrave," said he, "but your emotions havecarried you, perhaps, too far. What is your opinion, my Lord ofRottemburg?"

  Although at heart opposed to the destruction of Milan, a punishment, inhis opinion, much too severe, this prince was too anxious to conciliatethe Emperor's favor to venture upon a remonstrance, and he yielded animmediate assent to the monarch's views.

  The Duke of Bohemia likewise voted in favor of sack and pillage.

  "And you, Count Palatine?" again inquired Barbarossa.

  "I share the opinions of Duke Henry!" replied Wittelsbach; "the enemyshould not have cause to think us savages!"

  "If you wish to gain the enemy's good graces, my dear Count, you musttreat him more gently in battle!" said the Emperor, recording thevotes, which, as might have been expected, were in accordance with theImperial wishes.

  The Duke of Saxony dropped his heavy sword, with a loud crash upon thefloor, and twisting his long beard, glared angrily upon the vilecourtiers.

  "You are not obliged to conform to the decisions of the Council," saidFrederic, endeavoring to calm the Duke's anger; "we will trust to yourown discretion in your relations with the enemy.--But," continued he,"some one must inform the Abbot of St. Augustine, whose monastery isnear Milan, that he must solicit us to spare his convent and itsdependencies. Those monks are determined opponents of His Holiness PopeVictor, and warm partisans of the Cardinal Roland."

  Henry was about to say a word in defence of the Abbot, and urge thatreligious discussions were scarcely a valid reason for burning amonastery; but he reflected at the impossibility of obtaining fromAlexander III. the dissolution of his marriage, and he was silent.

  "Those monks are your Majesty's most dangerous enemies," said Obizzo;"they continually excite the people and kindle the spirit of rebellion,on the pretext that your Majesty robs the Church of her liberty, andseeks to submit everything to your power."

  Rinaldo here made a sign to the attendant, who immediately disappeared.

  "As far as I know," said Werner, Bishop of Minden, who never let passan opportunity for the display of his learning, "those monks follow therule of St. Augustine, which Rule, Book II., chap. 12, forbids themexpressly, taking part in worldly affairs, and recommends study and alife of contemplation."

  "Pardon," interrupted Barbarossa, who feared a learned dissertation,"St. Augustine's rule has no connection with the question now beforeus."

  "Certainly," said the prelate, humbly; "the rule has no connection withthe rebellion. I merely cited it to show that I heartily approved ofthe punishment of the Augustinians."

  "It seems to me," said Gero, Bishop of Halberstadt, "that these monksrichly deserve punishment, since they have refused to acknowledge thePope appointed by the Emperor, to whom belongs, by immemorial custom,the right of nominating the Roman Pontiff. For this reason alone, ifnone other existed, the followers of St. Augustine deserve to betreated as rebels."

  Not a voice was raised in defence of the poor monks, and it was decidedthat their monastery should be destroyed.

  The Emperor was returning his thanks to the princes for their ablecounsels, when the silken curtain which closed the entrance to the tentwas thrown wide open. On the threshold stood the stately form of theAbbot Conrad holding by the hand the trembling Hermengarde--a shrinkinggirl by the side of a gray-haired man. Near them stood Erwin, theEmperor's godson; for the youth, touched by the girl's misfortunes, hadhastened to offer his services in her cause. His relationship toBarbarossa permitted him to follow the Abbot to the council-chamber,where he intended to use every effort to advance the cause of theunhappy Hermengarde.

  The Emperor appeared surprised and annoyed, the presence of the Abbotand his charge explained the purport of their visit, and a sombre frownaugured ill for their success; but the nobles who were present couldnot but sympathize with her grief.

  "Pardon, Sire," said the Abbot, bowing respectfully to the Emperor andthe nobles; "my faith in your generosity emboldens me to plead, oncemore, in favor of the unfortunate. Before you stands a wretcheddaughter, whom the father's death will leave a helpless orphan, at atime when a fierce war is raging throughout the land. Will not yourMajesty deign to lend an ear to pity?--it is a virtue which becomes amonarch, as much as justice."

  While Conrad spoke, Hermengarde had fallen upon her knees; but spiteall her efforts, she could only falter out--

  "Pity--mercy!--for the love of God! Be merciful!"

  Barbarossa remained seated; his scowling gaze turned upon the Abbot.

  "You might have spared yourself this effort, my lord Abbot," said heviolently; "do you imagine that a woman's tears could succeed, whereyour arguments have failed?"

  "I had hoped it, Sire. It is natural to the human heart to be touchedby the tears and prayers of the innocent. I hoped for nothing less fromyour Majesty's!"

  They were alarmed at the bold demeanor of the Abbot, but the Lion bowedhis head approvingly, and Barbarossa's scowl deepened. During thescene, Rinaldo had narrowly scanned the Duke's countenance, as if tomark the effect produced upon him by the remarkable beauty of the fairsuppliant. But the crafty statesman was wrong if he imagined that a manof the Lion's character could be ensnared so easily. Had the Duke givenany indication that the plot so skilfully imagined would be successful,the Chancellor would have urged Bonello's cause, but Henry'scountenance remained impassive. Hermengarde was still upon her kneesweeping bitterly, and her face hidden in her hands. At times she lookedupon the Emperor, striving to collect her thoughts, but the stern faceof the monarch appalled her.

  "Pity!" she cried. "Spare my father's life; he regrets his crime! Oh!pardon him!"

  "Enough of these lamentations!" said Barbarossa; "let some one leadthis woman hence!"

  The Bishop Gero hastened to comply with the Emperor's wishes, whilstthe latter explained to those present the crime of which Bonello hadbeen guilty.

  "If you consider our sentence unjust, speak, and the criminal shall bereleased," said he.

  "Bonello is a valiant soldier, although he has drawn his sword in a badcause," replied Otho. "Still, I implore you to pardon him for hisdaughter's sake."

  "Pardon him, Sire. I fear your sentence may cause the death of twopersons," said Henry, pointing to the pale and trembling Hermengarde.

  "This time justice must take its course," answered Barbarossa.

  "The sentence is perfectly just," added Werner, of Minden. "Who woulddeserve death, if traitors were allowed
to go unpunished?"

  The two other bishops nodded in token of approval; they never dissentedfrom any apparent desire of Barbarossa.

  "You perceive, my lord Abbot, that it is impossible for us topardon----"

  He interrupted himself abruptly at the sight of Hermengarde, who fellfainting upon a chair.

  "Enough of this, my lord Conrad, you may withdraw," and he motionedthat they should take away the girl.

  At this moment Erwin advanced, already deeply interested inHermengarde's suffering; his godfather's stern refusal to her appealsaffected him painfully. Bowing to the Emperor, with a bright flush uponhis face, he said,--

  "Pardon, Sire, if I venture to recall to Your Majesty's memory therecent battle, and the promise then made to grant me a favor."

  "Ah! I trust that you will not make an improper use of my promise,Erwin?"

  "An improper use--no, upon my honor. The favor which I now solicit,Sire, is the life and liberty of Bonello, this young girl's father."

  "Is this petition serious, Count?" said Barbarossa, turning to him,angrily.

  "It cannot be more so, Sire," answered the young man, promptly.

  "Reflect well, boy, on what you ask," said the Emperor, fiercely. "Donot play with our promise--it is sacred; but----"

  And he raised his right hand menacingly.

  "If my petition were dictated by egotism, it might be considered anabuse of your Imperial promise; but I merely solicit the life andliberty of a man whose protection is necessary to his daughter'shappiness. In this I merely perform an act of humanity, and perhaps ofchivalry."

  "Well," said Barbarossa, after a moment of angry silence, "since youpersist in a demand which we cannot refuse, be it so! Bonello is free!But you, Count Erwin of Rechberg, for the improper use to which you putour word, we withdraw from you our favor. You are banished from theCourt----"

  He did not conclude, for Erwin, almost stupefied with astonishment,threw himself at his feet, and taking the monarch's hand,--

  "Sire," said he, "in pity, withhold this sentence--do not banish mefrom your presence--at least not now! Let me remain near you--you whoare so menaced with perils on every side. Ah! let me still continue towatch over your precious life, and prove to you my gratitude for thealmost paternal love and care which, until to-day, you have ever shownme! As a boy, I played upon your knees; it was from you I learned touse the sword and the lance; you have been to me a second father! Ah!my beloved godfather, do not send me into exile! Without you I care notto live!"

  The touching prayer of this devoted heart produced its effect upon themonarch, from whose face all sternness gradually passed, to give placeto an expression of a more kindly nature.

  "Rise," said he; "you are a great flatterer, Erwin! It may be, too, acrafty knave! What think you, gentlemen?"

  The nobles were somewhat surprised at this exhibition of feeling on thepart of their sovereign, but their satisfaction was evident. TheEmperor continued,--

  "We must not give any evidence of weakness, and as a punishment for thegreat interest which you have shown in favor of this culprit, you shallbe banished, for a week's time, from our camp. This punishment willenable you to conduct to her home, the damsel whose cause you have sochivalrously advocated."

  Emotion and fear at first did not allow Hermengarde to take in all thedetails of the scene. But when the youth came to tell her of herfather's pardon, her joy and gratitude knew no bounds. Risinghurriedly, she would have thrown herself at the Emperor's feet, but hewaved her away impatiently.

  "You have no cause to thank me," he said. "Farewell, madam; thisbusiness has wearied us!" He signed to her to withdraw, and Conrad,Rechberg, and Hermengarde left the tent.