Hedwige was busily employed in dressing the hair of her young mistress,and after arranging the silken tresses which fell in a mass of curlsupon her shoulders, she placed a crown of silver, studded with jewels,upon her head.

  "Be good enough," she said, "to look in the mirror, and tell me if youare satisfied with my skill."

  "It does well enough!" replied Hermengarde, after a hasty glance; "butnow, hurry and finish."

  "I cannot go so fast. You know that every one looks at you. I don'twant to be accused of negligence!" and she gazed affectionately at theyoung girl.

  Hermengarde was dressed entirely in white; her robe fitting closely toher arms and bust, displayed the elegance of her figure, and by itsshape and color enhanced her native grace and distinction. Her wholesoul beamed in her eyes, and, as she stood there before her nurse, sheappeared the creature of another world, detached from the cares andanxieties of earth.

  "So far it is all right!" said Hedwige, after a careful examination.She placed a light blue mantle, with buttons and embroideries of gold,upon her shoulders.

  "Perfect," she resumed; "I could kiss you gladly, you look so well!White and blue suit you admirably."

  "Don't stop for such follies, Hedwige; they have already been twice tosee if we were ready."

  "Do not fear; we will get there in time for the cavalcade. But howstiff and cold everything is here. The Empress' women are like dolls.What serious faces! and what choice language they use! I am afraid allthe time to open my mouth, lest I say something I ought not to. I amglad that we are going where we shall have a little freedom."

  She threw over her mistress a costly mantle trimmed with ermine, andthen fastened to her coronet a long veil, which shielded her face fromthe heat of the sun and the impertinent stare of the crowd.

  A few moments after, Hermengarde and Erwin rode through the camptowards the neighboring wood, followed by Hedwige and the Count'sservant Gero.

  "How long has it been since your visit to Castellamare, my lordCount?--about three months, is it not?"

  "Three months and six days, madam."

  "Perhaps you will explain why, during three months and six days, wehave never seen you? My father gave you a most cordial invitation. Youknow under what obligations we felt ourselves, and were certain of thepleasure which your presence would cause. Why then did you not come?"

  "Because, noble lady, I am not free; all my time belongs to theEmperor."

  "And the Emperor does not wish you to visit the Bonelli? I should havethought of that."

  "Oh, no!" answered Rechberg quickly; "the Emperor's great mind nevercherishes a mean thought. He speedily forgets the past, but he enforcesstrict discipline in his army. Neither prince nor knight is his ownmaster in the field."

  "What rigorous severity!" said Hermengarde.

  "It is necessary, I assure you. Think what would happen if every onecould leave camp when he pleased."

  "Well, well! I accept your excuse; duty before everything. But look,what a beautiful grove! How the grass and the flowers bloom, and thepines spread out their verdant branches! It is truly charming; but itwants the grandeur of our Alpine forests."

  "If you wish, we will go on a little further; there is a lovely spotabove, where I have often dreamed in secret," replied the Count.

  She assented. Gero was left with the horses; and accompanied byHedwige, they followed the narrow path which led to the top of thehill. As soon as they had arrived, Rechberg spread his mantle on thegrass, and Hermengarde took her seat.

  The dense foliage of the trees stretched above them like a dome ofverdure, in which the birds were chirping their gay songs. Through anopening of the forest could be seen the towers and spires of Milan, butall around the forest was thickly planted, and the eye could penetratewith difficulty through the underbrush.

  Scarcely had the young girl seated herself, when two men began to creepup silently and cautiously towards the little group, and concealingthemselves behind a tree, listened eagerly to the conversation. One ofthem was in complete armor, and wore his visor down, but his eyesglared fiercely through the bars of his helmet. The other had only acuirass, and beneath his hat appeared the cunning face of the MilaneseCocco Griffi.

  "You have chosen a beautiful spot," said Hermengarde; "and thisperspective is admirable."

  "Yes; and it was in some degree on that account I selected this wildsite----"

  At this moment the man in armor uttered an angry exclamation throughhis visor, and disappeared in the thicket, followed by his companion.