The removal of the holy relics of the three Magi had excited thepeople, and from all sides a crowd of every age and sex hurried forwardtoward Pavia. The Emperor and his entire Court went out to meet theprocession, and soon a noise like the distant murmuring of the sea,announced the approach of the relics.
The shrine, carried by the monks, was a work of art of inestimablevalue. It was shaped like a dome, of gold and silver, studded withprecious stones. Four columns supported the roof, which was of solidgold; and the sides exhibited medallions representing scenes in thelife of the three wise men of the East.
Eberhard of Salzburg inaugurated the ceremonies with the greatestsolemnity. Frederic and seven other princes bore the shrine through thestreets, which were lined by the knights, in complete armor, in orderto keep back the crowd. Flags floated from every turret and spire, andthe windows were decked with rich draperies and ornaments of gold andsilver, above which appeared the reverent faces of the piousinhabitants. The streets were hidden beneath masses of flowers andcostly carpets; the bells tolled, and the people chanted hymns ofthanksgiving and of praise. Rinaldo himself, magnificently dressed,seemed, as he walked along with clasped hands, to be animated by thesame sentiment of respectful awe which pervaded all classes of thespectators. Occasionally he glanced stealthily at the Emperor withevery evidence of satisfaction on his features, for the craftychancellor fully appreciated the motives which had influenced hissovereign to this parade of outward devotion.
Rechberg took part in the religious ceremony in an entirely differentframe of mind. He prayed fervently, joined in the sacred chants of thecongregation, and repeated audibly the invocations of the people. Witha lively faith in the power of the holy kings, he laid bare to them hisinmost heart, and sought their intercession. He besought them to drawdown the blessing of God upon his approaching marriage withHermengarde, promising that he would, after its solemnization, suspendthree silver lamps as a votive offering in their honor from the dome ofthe Cathedral of Cologne. He pronounced this vow at the moment that theprocession crossed the nave to replace the shrine in the body of thechurch. Seats for the Empress and other Court ladies had been erectedon either side; and Rechberg, who did not understand the Latin prayerschanted by the clergy, desired to contemplate the brilliant spectaclepresented by the Imperial suite. He thought that he had sufficientlyhonored the relics by his devotions. He remembered the vaunted beautyof the Countess Richenza of Champagne, and he gazed curiously around.The benches on the right were occupied exclusively by Beatrice and herladies of honor; the Countess must necessarily be on the other side, towhich his back was turned. He might by a slight movement change hisposition, but he feared lest his action might appear rude. After amoment's hesitation, however, he stepped forward so that his face wasconcealed by the main altar, and then, certain that he had not beenremarked, he turned round unaffectedly. His curiosity was immediatelygratified. In the first row, at a few paces only from him, knelt thedaughter of the Count of Champagne. Her veil was thrown back, and acloud of fair hair fell in rich masses upon her neck. Her eyes werefixed upon the shrine, and her lips moved as though in prayer.
Rechberg was bewildered with admiration. Hellig had exaggeratednothing, for Richenza was wonderfully beautiful. Suddenly her eyes wereraised toward the young man, who hastily turned away.
In the interval, the ceremony had been completed. The shrine had threedoors, like a large church. They were open, and through a goldenlattice-work could be seen the venerated relics. An immense number oftapers were burning in candlesticks of silver; several priests werewatching carefully around the shrine, and monks were seated before thedoors to receive the books and engravings and pictures which the pietyof the crowd presented as votive offerings to the holy remains.
Eberhard of Salzburg could not let escape this excellent opportunity ofproclaiming his religious sentiments. He stood upright on the summit ofthe altar-steps, immediately in front of the ostensorium, ready tobless the princes and the people. But, before bestowing thebenediction, and much to the discomfiture of the Emperor and theconfusion of Rinaldo, he pronounced a few words of earnest exhortation,counselling obedience to the authority of Alexander III.
"Our gracious Emperor and lord," he said, "whose duty it is to defendthe Church, will root out the venom of heresy. It is due to his ownrenown, to the name which he inherits from his Carlovingian ancestors,to the glory which he has won, to rise in aid of the Holy See, and toshow to all the scoffers, that he is the obedient son of the Pope, theprotector of the Church, of law, and of morals. It is on theseconditions that I bless our noble sovereign; I bless all thoseillustrious prelates and knights who obey Pope Alexander,--I bless allthe world of faithful Catholics."
He was about to take the ostensorium, when Barbarossa made a sign. Itwas impossible that the discourse of the Archbishop before so brilliantan assembly could be allowed to pass unnoticed.
"Your Reverence has profited by this opportunity," he said, "to remindus of the duties of our position. These duties are onerous, indeed, nowthat error has possessed the minds of many of our fellow-men. Weespouse the cause of no faction; we only defend right and justice. Ourpredecessors, acting in this by the advice of high ecclesiasticaldignitaries, deposed all those, whatever their position, who profitedby it to the injury of souls and the prejudice of the Holy Church. Ourduty is the same, and we are resolved to discharge it. Whenever thePlenary Council, which is about to assemble, shall have proclaimed whois the lawful Pope, we will defend him against all his enemies andopposers whatsoever. May the present schism soon be destroyed forever,and may peace be restored to God's Holy Church."
Frederic had spoken energetically, and with a loud voice. The wordsrang through the cathedral as though they were a profession of faithmade in the presence of the world. Rinaldo smiled faintly, and thecrowd shouted, "What a pious Sovereign! What a God-fearing Emperor! MayGod protect and defend him!"
After the benediction, Rechberg left the cathedral, in the Emperor'strain. All at once he felt a touch upon his arm, and, turning, saw thestranger of the park of Rivoli, dressed in the rich costume of theItalian nobility. On the former occasion the moonlight had enabled himto catch merely a glimpse of his person, but he at once recognized himby his strongly marked features and his long beard. Upon a sign fromthe Unknown, Erwin followed him.
"I promised," he said, as soon as they had entered a by-street, "tomeet you in Pavia. Let us then at once resume our previousconversation. But let me first ask you one question: Is your fidelityto the lady of Castellamare not yet shaken?"
"If I had not confidence in your loyalty," replied Erwin, "I shouldregard the question as an insult."
"Take care, young man; you do not yet know the inconstancy of the humanheart."
"Thanks for your advice; but, in pity, tell me, what motives promptyour interference?"
"What I told you at Rivoli should be proof enough that I am informed onall Court secrets. This infamous Rinaldo has arranged everything.--Hehas shown you the Countess of Champagne; you admired her; you willspeak to her to-day;--the rest will come of itself, naturally."
Rechberg was astonished. Hellig was nothing but a tool of theChancellor. He understood now the reasons for Dassel's extravagantpraise of the French envoy.
"I must acknowledge," he said, "that you are extremely well informed;and I need no other proof to give credence to what you advance. But ifthis Rinaldo fancies that he can make me unfaithful to my oath, he isgrievously mistaken."
"Still, he wishes to bring about a marriage between you and theCountess of Champagne."
Rechberg blushed indignantly.
"How!" he said; "does Dassel believe me faithless, base, and withouthonor?"
"Dassel believes everything possible, because he himself is capable ofeverything. Don't be surprised at anything in that man, whom theyrightly call _ruina mundi_; I only wonder that Barbarossa has not abetter opinion
of his relative."
"Eh! what? the Emperor too thinks so meanly of me?"
"No, Count; the Emperor does not think meanly of you; he wishes to useyou for his own purposes, that is all. Rinaldo has shown to him theadvantages of a union between you and Richenza. Frederic's own marriagegave Burgundy to the Empire; a similar proceeding would uniteChampagne. Believe me, the plan is by no means a bad one. For a cousinof Frederic to become Count of Troyes and Champagne would be a greatstep forward in the march to universal dominion. But, as I have alreadysaid, the question is, Are you strong enough to resist?"
"Well! if the heiress to the throne of France were to offer me herhand, I would refuse it!"
"Richenza returns to her home, and you will be her escort," continuedthe stranger.
"Barbarossa will give you the order himself."
"Very well; if he does, I shall decline the honor."
"You cannot."
"Do you advise me to accompany the Countess?"
"I do."
"But you have yourself reminded me of the inconstancy of the humanheart."
"He who is on his guard has nothing to fear."
"I will not put myself in a false position."
"But when I will have informed you that Hermengarde's journey----"
"Do you know where she is living?" asked Erwin.
"No; but your cousin owns property in that part of the country. It isthere a fearful, mortal struggle against Alexander will take place;there, the bishops of England, Germany, and France will assemble, atBarbarossa's request, to restore peace to the Church: it is there, thatLouis will meet Frederic; it is also in that direction that the Countof Champagne and his daughter are going."
"So that, without doubt, I will be near Hermengarde?"
"If you refuse to yield to Barbarossa's wishes, he will send you backto Germany."
"It is very probable. Well, be it so; I will accept the mission."
"In that case, my dear Count, I must ask you to do me a service," saidthe stranger.
"Speak! you have a claim to my gratitude."
"Suppose that a lady of high rank should wish to travel under yourprotection?"
"You only require me to fulfil one of the duties of chivalry. Whereshall I meet this lady?"
"She and her suite will join you a few miles from here. The roads areso insecure that your escort will be extremely valuable; but, like allunfortunates, she requests to be left as much as possible alone."
"I understand; but, before separating, can I not learn the name of himwho seems to take so warm an interest in my welfare?"
"My name?" said the _stranger_, irresolutely. "Call me Antonio; thename is an humble one, but a thousand noble ancestors of immortal fameare not sufficient to make their descendant a man of honor."
They parted, and Erwin entered the palace, where he met Hellig.
"Ah!" said he to himself, "here comes the traitor, Dassel's tool."
"Count, I am directed to lead you to the Emperor."
Rechberg went to the Imperial chamber, and was informed by Barbarossathat he had chosen him to accompany the French Count to his home.
"Let all be in readiness," he said, "for to-morrow's journey."