The Abbey of Cluny belonged to the most illustrious of the religiousorders, and controlled two thousand convents distributed throughoutChristendom and Palestine. It was not only a pious sanctuary, but alsoa school, the renown of which extended beyond the seas. Unlike themonks of the other orders who were chiefly engaged in agriculture andfield labors, the peaceful denizens of Cluny were entirely devoted tostudy and the pursuit of science, and attached a greater value to theirmanuscripts than to any material treasures. Many were constantlyoccupied in transcribing the works of the Fathers of the Church, andeven those of the pagan writers of antiquity. The volumes intended forthe church service were richly illuminated in order to be more worthyto appear upon the altar. The Church itself was enriched with pictures,sculpture, and works of art. The dormitories, the halls, and therefectory were filled with masterpieces, and resembled a vast museumdestined to defend the fine arts against the ravages of time.

  The cathedral, which was the largest in the world, was a marvel ofRoman architecture, and everything in it so magnificent, that SaintBernard could not resist expressing his discontent.

  "What use is there of this amazing height, this immense width andendless length, of these sumptuous ornaments, which attract the gaze ofthe faithful, but distract their attention?" he wrote to Peter, thevenerable Abbot of Cluny. "Why all these candelabras studded withprecious stones, these costly paintings and works of art? Is it throughhonor to the Saints that you walk over their images and spit upon thoseof the Holy Angels? Why these sublime representations on a pavementwhich must be covered with dust?"

  In the opinion of the austere monk of Citeaux, the study after thebeautiful was far inferior to that of godliness, and he imagined thatthe former injured the latter. The most liberal hospitality waslavished in the abbey on all travellers of every rank; women only wereexcluded; and precise rules specified the manner of the reception ofstrangers according to their rank and quality. At different times Clunyhad entertained Pope Innocent IV., twelve Cardinals, with their entiresuite, two patriarchs, three Archbishops, and eleven Bishops, and theKing of France, with his mother, brother, sister, and the whole court;the Emperor of Constantinople, the heirs-apparent to the crowns ofCastile and Aragon, and several Dukes with their knights and retinues.Still the good monks continued to live in rigorous asceticism; andtheir liberality to others often reduced them to extremities ofprivation. They watched over the poor of the neighborhood, and eachweek the pious brothers sought out the sick and wretched, to administersuccor and consolation. On one occasion, during a famine, the AbbotOdilon sold the church ornaments, even to a crown, which had beenpresented to the monastery by the Emperor Henry II., in order torelieve the wants of the suffering members of Jesus Christ.

  Although hospitality was considered an obligation by all the cloistersof the Catholic world, Rechberg was surprised at the scale on which itwas dispensed at Cluny; and the presence of the Pope increased theconcourse of travellers. Each day came and went messengers to and fromall parts of the world; and Erwin heard on all sides a perfect Babel ofthe most different tongues. Pilgrims were arriving from Greece andSpain, from Muscovy, England, and Arabia, to prostrate themselvesbefore the Apostolic throne. The Roman Empire alone was not representedat Cluny, through fear of the powerful displeasure of the EmperorBarbarossa.

  Rechberg admired the learning, the energy, and the grave dignity of themonks, and never before had he experienced so deeply the influence ofCatholicity. The Pope appeared to him to be the heart of Christendom,uniting the two extremities; for Frederic's authority was as nothingcompared with that of the Holy Father. When he contrasted the Emperor'screature, the false Pope Victor, with the venerable Pontiff, the Headof the Church, he smiled with pity and contempt.

  "My godfather will be obliged to subdue the universe," he said tohimself, "if he wishes to make the Holy Pope his vassal."

  Erwin had resided in Cluny for about a fortnight; the novelty at firstamused him, but Antonio's words constantly recurred to his memory, andalthough full of anxiety to ascertain their truth, a sentiment of dutyretained him at the abbey;--he could not desert the unfortunateClemence.

  One day, upon leaving the princess, now more resigned and collected,since she had ascertained with what paternal interest she was lookedupon by Alexander, Rechberg was met by the lay brother, a worthy man,who hitherto had done him the honors of the monastery.

  "Are you already at liberty, brother Severinus?" asked the Count. "Iscarcely thought it was yet time for vespers."

  "The good fathers are about going to the choir, and we will takeadvantage of their absence; you would lose a great deal, Count, if youwere to leave us without seeing the pictures in the refectory."

  "I don't doubt it; let us go there now." As they were crossing thecourt-yard, where crowds of strangers were walking beneath the shade ofthe oak-trees, Rechberg suddenly perceived a man whose face appearedfamiliar; he had seen him at Castellamare where he had been pointed outby Hermengarde. It was Nigri's servant, Cocco Griffi, and our herostood still, watching his movements and hoping for an opportunity toaddress him.

  "There is no want of curiosities here," said brother Severinus,remarking his guest's astonishment, "for we have every variety ofcostume and language. Look at that Arab with his bright eyes and whiteteeth; he and the grave and haughty Castilian by his side are envoysfrom the King of Navarre." Just then Erwin lost sight of Cocco Griffi.

  "Our painters often come here," resumed the monk, "to study faces anddetails of which I know nothing; I saw the other day in one of theartist's cells a representation of the devil, which was the livingimage of a Moor who had been here;--I will show it to you."

  Rechberg had not been mistaken. Cocco Grim, in company with a monk,entered a two-storied house where persons of the middle class werelodged. The monk mounted on the steps to examine the red marks tracedupon the wall, and then, turning towards Cocco,--

  "It is here that Antonio lives," he said, "if you want him."

  Griffi went in. The spy was waiting, and at first looked up as thoughnot well satisfied with the interruption; but as soon as he recognizedhis visitor, he rose and went forward, cordially.

  "Cocco! is that you? What good wind brings you here?"

  "A miracle, my dear Antonio; when you know it you will be surprised,and, it may be, somewhat provoked."

  "I will wager that your master has been doing something absurd; is notthat the case?"

  "Yes, you have guessed it. My master and the lady of Castellamare areon their way to Cluny; I was sent ahead to announce to you thismasterpiece of diplomacy."

  Antonio looked at Griffi with amazement, and then broke out, angrily.

  "This is a beautiful piece of business, indeed! That ass never had anybrains! He will spoil everything! The young girl will come here; shewill meet the Count, and all my plans will be thwarted. Whatimprudence! I suppose he has told her that Rechberg is here with theDuchess, and that on his return he is to marry Richenza; is that it?

  "Yes, all but the marriage."

  "That's it; he concealed the only thing which he ought to have told."

  "Oh, he talked of nothing but Erwin and Richenza, Richenza and Erwin."

  "Well, what then?"

  "Then! oh, Hermengarde asserted that she was under a vow to make apilgrimage to Cluny, and that she would no longer delay it."

  "The pretext was a good one,"

  "Then my master offered to accompany the young person."

  "And she refused?"

  "Two or three times, but Pietro insisted. They will be here to-morrowat the latest, and my master promises to conduct the affair to yourentire satisfaction. You may count upon his gratitude."

  Antonio smiled as he heard the last words, for he knew that Pietropossessed immense wealth in Lombardy.

  "The affair has miscarried," he said to himself, pacing the room. "ButHermengarde cannot lodge in the cloister; she mu
st stay in the village,and as Cluny opens its gates but once a week to women, it will be amere chance if she and Rechberg meet."

  He turned towards Griffi. "Where are you living?" he asked. "Near thegate; one of the windows overlooks the street."

  "Be on the lookout, and let me know as soon as they arrive."