Page 9 of Roped In

  broke his lips free from hers and dragged an openmouthed kiss down her throat. When the collar of her shirt kept him from sampling more of her skin, he tugged until the metal snaps popped.

  No bra. Nothing to get in the way of taking every bit of that sweet flesh into his mouth to be sucked and licked and tasted.

  Her breath stuttered when his teeth enclosed her nipple. She knocked his hat to the ground as she clutched the back of his neck, pressing his mouth deeper against her.

  Sutton shoved his thigh between hers. Immediately she rocked her hips against that hard muscle.

  “Yes. Right there.”

  He lost track of all sanity as he nuzzled and suckled her sweet tits, stopping himself from jamming his hand down her pants and feeling her hot and creamy core as he got her off with his fingers. Choosing instead to get her off this way, because fuck, there was something primal about making her come nearly fully clothed.


  London’s head fell back against the building and she softly gasped his name as he gave her what she needed.

  She’d clamped her thighs around his leg so tightly he felt the contractions in her cunt pulsing against his quad. He felt the matching pulse beneath his lips as he drew on that taut nipple. Felt her short nails digging into the back of his neck.

  Fucking hell this woman tripped all his wires.

  When she loosened her grip on him, he planted kisses up her chest, letting his breath drift along her collarbone, smiling when gooseflesh broke out beneath his questing lips.

  “You are no saint, Sutton Grant.”

  “Nope.” He nuzzled the curve of her throat.

  “Mmm. Keep kissing me like that while I fix my shirt.”

  “I’m happy you didn’t wear a bra.”

  “No need for me to wear one, well, probably ever.”

  “Lucky me.”

  She rubbed her lips across his ear, raising chills across his skin. “Brace your hands on the building by my head.”


  She nipped his earlobe. “Because I wanna kiss you.”

  As soon as he complied, he angled his head so she could better reach his lips.

  But London dropped to her knees and started working on his belt.

  “Sweet Christ, woman. What are you doin’?”

  “Giving you a kiss.”

  “My mouth is up here.”

  “That’s not where I wanna kiss you.”

  Any blood left in his head surged to his groin. The one teeny part of his brain that wasn’t giving him mental high-fives managed to eke out, “What if someone comes up behind us?”

  “You really care about that?” Pop went the button on his Wranglers. Zip went his zipper. She pulled back the jeans and shifted his boxer-briefs so his dick slid through the opening.

  “Fuck, not really. Just giving you an out—holy fucking hell,” he said when her hot mouth closed around his cock.

  When she eased back and off him, he actually whimpered.

  “Oh, bulldogger, you’re just big all over, aren’t you?”

  Before he formed a coherent sentence, she sucked him to the root.


  And again.

  And again.

  His body throbbed with the need for release. God. It’d been so long.

  “London,” he managed, “I’m about to...” That warning tingle in his balls lasted barely a blip before his cock spasmed and unloaded. Each hot spurt jerked his shaft into her teeth.

  Her mouth worked him until he was utterly spent. He started to feel lightheaded, realizing he’d held his breath. After gulping in oxygen, the fuzzy sensation faded, but he still felt rocked to his core.

  Then London was in his face. “Sutton, you’d better do up your jeans.”

  “Sure.” Still in a daze, he pushed off the building. He kept his gaze on hers as he tucked in, zipped up, and buckled. Then he leaned in and kissed her. “Thanks.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Fair is fair though, darlin’.”

  Her eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “I wanna taste you. Undo your jeans.”



  London’s obedience surprised him as well as pleased him. Excitement tinged with fear danced in her eyes as she loosened her belt and unzipped, peeling the denim back. “I don’t think—”

  He slammed his mouth down on hers. Kissing her with a teasing glide of his tongue and soft licks, he pressed his palm over her belly, slowly sliding his hand over the rise of her mound and into her panties. When his middle finger breached the slick heat of her sex, he smiled, breaking their kiss. “You’re wet,” he said, his breath on her lips.


  “It’s so fucking hot that you’re wet after blowing me.” He followed the slit down to her center where all the sweetness pooled. After swirling his fingertips through her cream, he worked his hand out. Then he pushed back so only a few inches separated their faces and brought his hand up, letting her see the wetness glistening there, hyperaware they were close enough she could smell her own arousal.

  Sutton slipped his fingers into his mouth and sucked the sweet juices, briefly closing his eyes to savor this first taste of her.

  Before he completely pulled his fingers free, London was right there. Licking his fingers, tasting herself on him, sucking on his tongue. The kiss could’ve soared past the combustible stage, then neither of them would’ve been able to stop. But something made him hold back, turn the kiss into a promise of more to come as he dialed down the urgency. Easing back, he let his hands wander, wanting all of her but willing to wait until he could have her the way he needed.

  London sensed the shift too. She fastened her jeans and fixed her belt. Her gaze finally hooked his, but he couldn’t read her.

  He traced the edge of her jaw. “What?”

  “You pack a powerful punch, Sutton Grant.”

  “Same could be said about you, Miz Gradsky.” Knowing they needed a break from the intensity, he reached down and grabbed his hat and settled it on his head. “You still wanna hit the party?”

  “Of course. Now we’ve got a really good excuse for being fashionably late.”

  “So if someone asks where we’ve been?”

  “I’ll say we were messing around and lost track of time.” She smoothed her hands over her hair and straightened her clothes. “It’s the truth.”

  They returned to tent city hand in hand. The party wasn’t hard to find.

  Several guys stopped London to chat, and he had a surge of jealousy even when she introduced him right away. But they both discovered it wasn’t necessary since he knew a lot of the people hanging around. Except the kids in line for the keg all looked younger than eighteen. Seemed like so long ago that he’d been the new kid on the circuit. Back then, seeing guys who were the age he was now had seemed so ancient.

  Finally, they reached the spot by the fire where the couple hosting the party held court.

  Sutton had only seen the pair last week from a distance. Stitch was a substantial guy—although Sutton had him by a couple inches—and he appeared to be four or five years younger than London, which is why Sutton didn’t do a double take at seeing his baby-faced girlfriend. She was cute, miniature in stature. But her blonde hair, as big as the state of Texas—a phrase his friend Tanna used to say—added some height. He wondered if someone had warned the young thang about the perils of standing too close to the fire doused with that much hairspray. Or about the fuse-like dangers of the synthetic beauty queen sash she wore loosely draped across her chest.

  Besides, Sutton was way more interested in this Stitch guy, the douche-nozzle dumb enough to dump long, lean London for pint-sized Paige.

  Like most bulldoggers, Stitch was solid, but he’d gone a step further, bulking up to the point he’d lost his neck. Nothing else about him seemed remarkable, save for the fact the guy was bow-legged. Probably made Sutton an ass to wish the dude was cross-eyed, with
buck teeth and nearly bald beneath his cowboy hat too, but there it was. Sometimes he wasn’t a nice guy.

  London’s hand tightened in his. “Sutton.”


  “Stop growling.”

  “Sorry.” Not at fucking all. “Just feeling a little territorial, darlin’.”

  “I can see that. So can everyone else.”


  Lelo elbowed Stitch and his entire body stiffened.

  Then Stitch dropped his arm from Paige’s shoulder and skirted the fire pit, heading toward them. He offered his hand first and Sutton automatically followed suit. “I can’t believe the Sutton Grant is here at my campsite. I can’t believe I’m meeting you. Man, I’m such a huge fan! Your run in Vegas was legendary. It was a dream to get to watch history being made.”

  “I appreciate you saying so.”

  “When Lelo said you were here, I thought he was pulling my leg. He’s such a prankster.”

  “Maybe his name oughta be Stitch,” Sutton deadpanned.

  Stitch’s eyes clouded for a second. He didn’t get the joke.

  Sutton kept his expression cool. As much as he appreciated Stitch’s enthusiasm, it bothered the crap out of him that neither the man nor his girlfriend had acknowledged London.

  Paige pushed her way between them and offered her hand, while keeping a proprietary hand on Stitch. “Hi. I’m Paige. We’re happy you could stop by our party.”

  “We appreciate the invite.”

  Paige glanced at London, then refocused on Sutton. “I’m sure London has told you all about us, but we had no idea she’d met someone new.”

  Sutton smiled at London. “Don’t know where you got the impression that London and I just met. I’ve known her for three years. We reconnected when I asked her to work with my horse, since she’d trained him at Grade A Farms.” He brought their joined hands up and kissed the back of her hand. “And what a reconnection it’s been.”

  London let her secret smile speak for her.

  “Good to see you, London,” Stitch said politely. “You’re looking well.”

  “Thanks, Stitch.”

  Then Stitch launched into a barrage of questions that normally would’ve amused Sutton, but he was just so damn distracted by the woman by his side. The scent of her. The tiny taste of her still lingering on his tongue. The bonfire had nothing on the heat that rolled off her body. Then she started feathering her thumb across the inside of his wrist. Back and forth. Pressing into the vein to feel his pulse, teasing the sensitive spots as if it was his cock.

  Enough. He wanted the real thing.

  When Stitch took a breath, Sutton bent his head to whisper. “Let’s go.”

  “We haven’t been here ten minutes.”

  “I can be inside you in under ten minutes,” he countered with a silken growl.

  “We just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the party invite,” London announced to Stitch and Paige, “but we’ve gotta get.”

  Sutton didn’t bother masking his grin.

  “But you just got here!” Stitch protested. “You haven’t even had a beer yet.”

  “Thanks for your hospitality, but maybe next time. Nice meeting you.”

  “Maybe we’ll see you at the fireworks?” Stitch said hopefully.

  Sutton glanced into London’s heavy-lidded eyes. “We’ll be far too busy making our own fireworks to care about someone else’s, won’t we darlin’?”

  “Yeah, baby, we will.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “I missed you last night.”

  Looking into her eyes, Sutton knew none of this was for show—this moment, although played out in front of dozens—belonged only to them. “Same here. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Nine

  London felt Sutton’s hot breath on the back of her neck as she fumbled with the key to unlock the camper. She closed her eyes, trying to calm down because this was it, this was where all the sexual teasing and banter had led to...being naked with Sutton Grant.

  Holy fucking shit was she ready for this?


  “I’m sorry. I’m shaking so hard I can’t get the key in the lock.”

  “Let me.” He didn’t grab the key, he just curled his body around hers, steadying her, making his hand an extension of hers. Metal clicked and the door popped open. He pressed a kiss below her ear and murmured, “After you.”

  She shuddered at the deep timbre of his rough and sexy voice.

  “Should I be concerned about your hesitation?”

  “No. Just stop whispering in my ear. It’s distracting me.”

  “Mmm. Sweet thang, I’m gonna have so much fun telling you every dirty little thing I plan to do to you.” He made a half growl against the side of her throat. “Then doing it.” He sank his teeth into her skin and growled again. “At least twice.”

  That prompted her to take that first step inside. The door slammed behind them.

  Sutton kept his hands on her shoulders as she led him to the bedroom. She’d cleaned off her bed but it hadn’t improved the area much. Suddenly, she worried this might not be the best idea.

  Then that liquid sex voice melted into her ear again. “Stop.”


  “Whatever negative thoughts that’re keeping us from climbing in that bed and crawling all over each other.” He pressed his hips into her backside. He tilted her head to the right and moved his hands over her collarbones to the front of her blouse and popped the buttons. One. At. A. Time.

  As soon as he’d undone the last button, he slowly turned her to face him.

  Keeping her eyes focused on her task, she undressed him in the same leisurely manner, enjoying the feel of his hot skin and contours of his muscles beneath her hands. All she could think about was feeling the press of his weight against her, feeling the musculature in his back with her fingers as he moved above her.

  “You’re killing me with that look in your eyes, London.”

  “The look that makes it very clear I want to lick you up one side and down the other?” She angled her head, breathing on the tight tip of his nipple before her lips circled it.

  “Ah, Christ.”

  “You like that.”

  “Mmm. I’d really like it if we could speed things up.” His hands followed the contours of her sides to the curve of her hips.

  “What’s the rush?”

  “You,” he whispered across her bared shoulder. “I wanna feel you—all of you—around me. Been wanting that for days.”

  That’s when Sutton took matters into his own hands. He stepped back far enough that she could see him yank off his boots and socks. Then he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. He lifted one, sexy dark eyebrow, silently asking why she wasn’t stripping.

  London had an overwhelming rush of shyness. It was one thing to want him so desperately, to want to rip off his clothes and feast on him, to get lost in passion, to reach for each other in a haze of how had they gone from that to...this? Lowering her chin, she allowed her hair to fall over her face.

  Rough-skinned hands cupped her shoulders. Then his fingers were beneath her chin and his avid mouth landed on hers, reigniting that passion. He kissed her with authority and greed while he stripped her out of her remaining clothes. His hands were everywhere, pinching her nipples, squeezing her hips, clamping onto her ass. They fell back onto the bed with Sutton on the bottom, breaking their fall.

  His cock had gotten trapped between their bodies. Raising herself up on all fours, she automatically started rocking against it, kissing him frantically as the tips of her breasts rubbed against the hair on his chest.

  Two sharp slaps on her ass burned like hell—but it caught her attention. She gasped, “What—”

  “Scoot up.”

  Confused by another abrupt halt to their intimacy, her eyes met his.