IVO Lovat, Lord—Deryni executed by regents following assassination attempt on Princes Javan and Rhys Michael; youngest son of Baron Frizell [CH].
JAFFRAY of Carbury, Archbishop—Deryni and former Gabrilite; successor to Anscom of Trevas as Archbishop of Valoret and Primate of All Gwynedd; an original member of the Camberian Council [SC, CH].
JAMES Drummond, Lord—grand-nephew of Camber and husband to the widowed Elinor [CC, SC, CH].
JARLATH, Saint—sixth century Bishop of Meara and abbot; founder of the Ordo Verbi Dei (CC, SC, CH).
JASON, Sir—knight assigned to guard the Princes Javan and Rhys Michael [CH].
JASON Brown—apprentice to Daniel Draper; inherited the business (CC).
JASPER Miller, Father—non-combatant Michaeline priest [CC, SC].
JAVAN Jashan Urien Haldane, Prince—twin brother of King Alroy; born with club foot [SC, CH].
JEBEDIAH of Alcara, Lord—Deryni Grand Master of the Order of Saint Michael, knight, and Earl Marshal of Gwynedd under Cinhil; an original member of the Camberian Council [CC, SC, CH].
JERUSHA Evaine Thuryn—infant daughter of Rhys and Evaine; a future Healer [CH].
JESSE, Lord—Master of Ebor; eldest son and heir of Earl Gregory [CH].
JOHANNES, Brother—lay Michaeline monk, servant of Alister Cullen [SC].
JOHN—factor who bought Dolban for the Servants of Saint Camber (SC).
JOHN, Brother—an alias of Evaine [SC].
JOHN, son of Daniel—the first “Benedict” at Saint Piran’s Priory [CC].
JONAS, Father—old parish priest at Caerrorie (CC).
JORAM MacRorie, Father—youngest son of Camber; priest and knight of the Order of Saint Michael; confidential secretary to Bishop Alister Cullen; an original member of the Camberian Council [CC, SC, CH].
JOSEPH—one of Earl Maldred’s men (CC).
JOWERTH Leslie, Lord—Deryni uncle of Dafydd Leslie; on Cinhil’s staff until his death in 915 [SC, (CH)].
JUBAL, Brother—monk at Saint Foillan’s Abbey [CC].
JURIS, Dom—Gabrilite priest [CH].
KAI Descantor, Bishop—Deryni itinerant bishop [SC, CH].
KENRIC, Dom—Healer at Saint Neot’s [CH].
KINEVAN, Dom Queron—see Queron Kinevan, Dom.
KYRIELL—Camber’s name in religion [SC].
LAUREN, Sir—a Michaeline knight [SC].
LESLIE, Dafydd and Jowerth—see Dafydd Leslie and Jowerth Leslie.
LIREL, Dame—former nurse to the princes (CH).
LLEW—a guard of Bishop Cullen’s household [CH].
LORCAN, Brother—Ansel MacRorie’s alias as a Michaeline lay brother [CH].
MACGREGOR, Bishop Ailin—see Ailin MacGregor, Bishop.
MACINNIS—see Hubert Edward, and Manfred MacInnis.
MACRORIE—surname of Camber’s family; see Ansel, Camber, Cathan, Davin, Evaine, Joram.
MAHAEL—ancient Deryni historian, author of History of Kheldour (CH).
MAIRI MacLean, Lady—wife to Adrian MacLean and mother of Camber Allin MacLean [CH].
MALDRED, Earl—one of Imre’s warlords; assassinated by Coel Howell’s hireling [CC].
MANFRED MacInnis, Lord—Baron of Marlor, and Earl of Culdi after Davin’s attainder; brother of Bishop Hubert and father of Bishop Edward MacInnis of Arnham [CH].
MARIS—maidservant to Princess Ariella [CC].
MARK of Festil, Prince—son of Ariella and Imre and carrier of the Festillic line after his parents’ death [SC].
MEGAN de Cameron, Queen—wife and queen to Cinhil; mother of Alroy, Javan, and Rhys Michael; formerly Camber’s ward; lived 888–907 [CC, SC, (CH)].
MELISSA Howell, Lady—sister of Coel Howell; brought to court to tempt Imre (CC).
MICAH, Brother—a Servant of Saint Camber [CH].
MICHAELINES—priests, knights, and lay brothers of the Order of Saint Michael, a militant fighting and teaching Order, predominantly Deryni, formed during the reign of King Bearand Haldane to hold the Anvil of the Lord against Moorish incursions and defend the sea-lanes [CC, SC, CH].
MURDOCH of Carthane, Lord—human Earl of Carthane; one of King Alroy’s regents [SC, CH].
NATHAN, Father—a Michaeline priest [CC, SC].
NESTA—Deryni seeress who foretold the doom of Caeriesse (CH).
NEVAN, Bishop Davet—see Davet Nevan, Bishop.
NIALLAN Trey, Bishop—Deryni Bishop of Dhassa [SC, CH].
NICHOLAS Draper—the third “Benedict”; grandson of Daniel; see Cinhil.
NIMUR, King—Deryni King of Torenth; connected to the Festils of Gwynedd through the female line (SC).
O’BEIRNE, Bishop Dermot—see Dermot O’Beirne, Bishop.
O’NEILL, Lord Tavis—see Tavis O’Neill, Lord.
ORIEL, Lord—a young Healer [CH].
ORIN—Deryni mystic and magician; author of the Protocols of Orin, a collection of scrolls containing extremely potent spells of Deryni magic (SC, CH).
ORISS, Archbishop Robert—Archbishop of Rhemuth; formerly Vicar General of the Ordo Verbi Dei [CC, SC, CH].
PARGAN Howiccan—see Howiccan, Pargan.
PATRICK, Brother—Prior of Saint Foillan’s Abbey; later, Abbot [CC].
PAUL, Brother—monk at Saint Foillan’s Abbey [CC].
PAULIN of Ramos, Bishop—stepson of Earl Tammaron; founder of the Little Brothers of Saint Ercon (912), a teaching order; itinerant bishop and later first bishop of new See of Stavenham [CH].
PHINEAS, Brother—gate-warder at Saint Foillan’s Abbey [CC].
PIEDUR, Sir—knight assigned to guard the Princes Javan and Rhys Michael [CH].
PORRIC Lunal, Father—priest of the Order of Saint Michael and a candidate to succeed Alister Cullen as Vicar General (SC).
QUERON Kinevan, Dom—Deryni Healer-priest, formerly of Order of Saint Gabriel; a founder of the Servants of Saint Camber; later, a member of the Camberian Council replacing Jaffray [SC, CH].
RANALD Gilstrachan, Lord—Deryni assassin executed by the regents [CH].
RANNULF, Lord—Deryni noble drawn and quartered by Willimite terrorists in 903 (CC, CH).
RAYMOND, Bishop—former Prince-Bishop of Dhassa and maternal uncle of Alister Cullen, whom he ordained to the priesthood (SC).
REVAN—lame former carpenter’s apprentice saved by Cathan; clark and tutor to Rhys’s and Evaine’s children [CC, SC, CH].
REYNARD, Brother—infirmarian at Saint Foillan’s Abbey [CC].
RHUN of Horthness, Baron—called The Ruthless, age 32; one of King Alroy’s regents; later, Earl of Sheele [CH].
RHYS MICHAEL Alister Haldane, Prince—youngest surviving son of Cinhil, age 10 [CH].
RHYS Thuryn, Lord—Deryni physician and Healer; husband of Evaine and son-in-law to Camber; developer of the Thuryn technique of concentration; an original member of the Camberian Council [CC, SC, CH].
RHYSEL Jocelyn Thuryn—daughter of Rhys and Evaine, age 7 [CH].
ROBEAR, Sir—knight assigned to guard the Princes Javan and Rhys Michael [CH].
ROBERT Oriss, Archbishop—see Oriss, Archbishop Robert.
ROLAND, Bishop—Auxiliary Bishop of Valoret under Anscom; died 916 (CC).
RONDEL—knight in the service of Manfred, Earl of Culdi [CH].
ROYSTON John Draper—alias of Prince Alroy, who was father to Cinhil (CC, CH).
SAM’L—loyal retainer of Camber at Caerrorie [CC].
SANTARE, Lord—Earl of Grand-Tellie; one of Imre’s warlords [CC].
SELKIRK, Master—an arms master to Imre [CC].
SELLAR, Wat and Tim—among the fifty peasants executed at Imre’s command for the murder of Lord Rannulf [CC].
SHAW Farquharson, Lord—Deryni assassin killed in ambush on princes [CH].
SHOLTO MacDhugal, Lord—Deryni bowman who escaped from ambush/assassination attempt on Princes Javan and Rhys Michael [CH].
SIGHERE, Duke—former independent Earl of Eastmarch; first Duke of Claibourne; technically a regent of King Alroy, but fa
iling health never permitted him to assume his duties [SC, (CH)].
SIGHERE of Marley, Lord—youngest son of Duke Sighere and later Earl of Marley [SC, CH].
SIMONN—Healer student at Saint Neot’s [CH].
SORLE—Cinhil’s squire; knighted by Cinhil at Twelfth Night, 917 [SC, CH].
STEPHEN—student at Saint Neot’s [CH].
SULIEN of R’Kassi—ancient Deryni adept, author of Annals (CH).
TAMMARON Fitz-Arthur, Earl—one of King Alroy’s regents; Chancellor of Gwynedd after Alister Cullen [SC, CH].
TAVIS O’Neill, Lord—Healer to Prince Javan [CH].
TERMOD of Rhorau, Lord—Deryni princeling, cousin of Imre, executed by Willimite terrorists in 903 (CC, SC).
THOMAS—a guard of Rhys’s and Evaine’s household [CH].
THOMAS—bailiff at Dolban, for the Servants of Saint Camber (SC).
THOMAS—a former Archbishop of Valoret (CH).
THOMPSON, Dickon—a baker [CH].
THURYN—surname of Rhys.
TIEG Joram Thuryn—younger son of Rhys and Evaine; a future Healer, age 3 [CH].
TIVAR, Dom—Gabrilite priest and weapons master at Saint Neot’s [CH].
TOBAN—a hospice page [SC].
TOMAIS—squire to Prince Rhys Michael [CH].
TORCUILL de la Marche, Lord—Deryni baron; formerly a Festillic minister, now on Cinhil’s staff; dismissed by the regents [SC, CH].
TORIN—a guard of Bishop Cullen’s household [CH].
TREFOR of Morland, Lord—Deryni assassin killed in ambush on princes [CH].
TREY, Bishop Niallan—see Niallan Trey, Bishop.
TURLOUGH, Bishop—one of Gwynedd’s itinerant bishops; later, first Bishop of Marbury [SC, CH].
TURSTANE, Dom—Gabrilite Healer; a stonecutter’s apprentice before his Healer’s training; an original member of the Camberian Council (CH).
UDAUT, Earl—Constable of Gwynedd [SC, CH].
ULLIAM ap Lugh, Bishop—Bishop of Nyford [SC, CH].
ULRIC—novice Healer at Saint Neot’s who went berserk while Queron still taught there; killed by Dom Emrys (CH).
UMPHRED—Camber’s bailiff at Caerrorie [CC, SC].
VALERIAN, Brother—Latin master to the princes [CH].
VARNARITES—Deryni adepts and scholars who founded a proto-university at Grecotha, late 7th–early 8th century; the Gabrilite Order broke off pre-745.
WAT—servant to Rhys [CC].
WEAVER, Mary, and brother Will, and cousin Tom—among the fifty peasants executed at Imre’s command for the murder of Lord Rannulf [CC].
WILLIM, Saint—child martyr to Deryni ill-use; patron saint of the Willimite movement; younger brother of Saint Ercon (CC, SC, CH).
WILLIMITES—anti-Deryni terrorist group sworn to punish Deryni who escape justice through normal legal channels; mostly suppressed in 904 under Imre, but resurging during the latter reign of King Cinhil [CC, (SC), CH].
WILLOWEN, Father—Dean of Grecotha Cathedral and assistant to Bishop Cullen (SC, CH).
WULPHER, Master—Cathan’s steward at Tal Traeth; doubled for Joram under a shape-changing spell [CC, (CH)].
ZEPHRAM of Lorda, Bishop—former Abbot of Saint Foillan’s Abbey, a house of the Ordo Verbi Dei; briefly an itinerant bishop before the Council of Ramos; later, Bishop of Cashien [(CC), SC, CH].
Appendix II
Legends of Saint Camber
ALL SAINTS’ CATHEDRAL—seat of the Archbishop of Valoret, Primate of All Gwynedd [CC, SC, CH].
ARGOED—after 905, the Michaeline Commanderie (military headquarters) in Gwynedd, in the southern Lendour Mountains [(SC), CH].
ARNHAM—birthplace of Manfred MacInnis’s son Edward (CH).
BARWICKE—site of Saint Jarlath’s Monastery, a few hours’ ride north of Saint Liam’s Abbey [CC, (CH)].
BRUSTARKIA—a Michaeline House-Minor in Arjenol [CH].
CAERRORIE—Camber’s principal residence as Earl of Culdi, a few hours’ ride northeast of Valoret [CC, SC, (CH)].
CARBURY—coastal town north of Valoret; an episcopal see as of December, 917 (CH).
CHELTHAM—site of the original Michaeline Commanderie in Gwynedd; destroyed by Imre’s orders in 904 (CC, SC, CH).
CLAIBOURNE—principal city of Old Kheldour; later, name given to duchy created for Sighere of Eastmarch, after annexation of Kheldour by Sighere and Cinhil (SC, CH).
COLDOIRE—passage through the Rheljan Mountains, near the Arranal Canyon [SC].
COR CULDI—hereditary ancestral seat and fortress of the Culdi earls, near the city of Culdi, on the Gwynedd-Meara border [CC, SC, (CH)].
CULTEINE—a Michaeline House in western Gwynedd [(SC), CH].
CULDI—central city of the Earldom of Culdi, on the Gwynedd-Meara border [CC, (SCCH)].
DHASSA—free holy city in the Lendour Mountains; seat of the Bishop of Dhassa, who is politically neutral, by tradition [(SC), CH].
DJELLARDA—original Mother House and Commanderie of the Order of Saint Michael, at the tip of the Forcinn Buffer States, overlooking the Anvil of the Lord; sometimes called “The Gate of the Anvil” [(SC), CH].
DOLBAN—ruined manor bought by Guaire of Arliss as a site for the first monastery of the Servants of Saint Camber [SC, (CH)].
EASTMARCH—independent holding of Sighere, Earl of Eastmarch; later given to Hrorik, Sighere’s middle son [SC, (CH)].
EBOR—earldom north of Valoret [CH].
FARNHAM—honor of the Camerons; a Crown holding after Cinhil’s accession (CC).
FIANNA—coastal town across the Southern Sea from Carthmoor; famous for its sweet wines (CH).
GRECOTHA—university city, site of the Varnarite School; seat of the Bishop of Grecotha [SC, CH].
GWYNEDD—central of the Eleven Kingdoms and hub of Haldane power since 645, when the first Haldane High King began to unify the area; seat of the Festillic dynasty, 822–904; restored to the Haldane line in 904 with the accession of Cinhil Haldane.
HANFELL—site of a shrine to Saint Camber [CC, SC, CH].
HAUT EIRIAL—a Michaeline House in the southern Lendour Mountains, destroyed by Imre in 904 and again by the regents in 917 [(SC), CH].
HAUT VERMELIOR—site of a shrine to Saint Camber (CH).
HOWICCE—kingdom to the southwest of Gwynedd; loosely allied with Llannedd (CH).
IOMAIRE—site of battle with Ariella’s forces on Gwynedd-Eastmarch border [SC, (CH)].
KHELDISH RIDING—viceregality broken off Kheldour after its annexation by Sighere and Cinhil in 906 [SC, (CH)].
KHELDOUR—small kingdom north of Gwynedd, famous for textiles and carpets; associated with Rhendall and the Festils through Termod of Rhorau (SC, CH).
KIERNEY—earldom north of Culdi, loosely linked to the Crown of Gwynedd [CH].
LLANNEDD—kingdom southwest of Gwynedd; loosely allied with Howicce (CH).
LLENTIETH—Deryni school near the Connait (CH).
MARLEY—small earldom carved out of Eastmarch and given to Sighere, youngest son of Duke Sighere, in 906 (SC, CH).
MARLOR—barony of Manfred MacInnis (CH).
MARYWELL—town in northern Gwynedd where a Festillic garrison ran amok (CC).
MEARA—kingdom/princedom northwest of Gwynedd; nominally a vassal state of Gwynedd (CC).
MOLLINGFORD—a Michaeline house in the central Gwynedd plain, destroyed by Imre in 904 and again by the regents in 917 (SC, CH).
MOORYN—petty kingdom at the southeast of Gwynedd; formerly a powerful ally under Imre’s reign (SC).
NYFORD—river town in central Gwynedd near Saint Illtyd’s Monastery, and seat of the Bishop of Nyford; site of Imre’s abortive new capital (CC, SC, CH).
RAMOS—southwest of Valoret, the site of the Mother House of the Little Brothers of Saint Ercon; the Council of Ramos was held here in 917 [CH].
RENGARTH—a border town at the Gwynedd-Eastmarch-Torenth joining [SC].
RHEMUTH—ancient capital of Gwynedd under the
Haldanes; abandoned during the Festillic Interregnum; restored under Cinhil and Alroy [CC, SC, CH].
RHENDALL—lake region north of Gwynedd; formerly the Festillic holding of Termod of Rhorau; given to Ewan, eldest son of Duke Sighere, in 906, as the secondary title of the Duke of Claibourne and courtesy title of his heir (CC, SC, CH).
RHORAU—fortress seat of Lord Termod, cousin of King Imre, in the Rhendall lake region (CC).
SAINT ELDERON—a Michaeline House in Torenth, on the coast near the East-march border (CH).
SAINT ERCON’S ABBEY—Mother House of the Little Brothers of Saint Ercon, in Ramos [CH].
SAINT FOILLAN’S ABBEY—an Ordo Verbi Dei House in the mountains southeast of Valoret, where Camber and Rhys found Prince Cinhil Haldane [CC].
SAINT ILLTYD’S MONASTERY—Ordo Verbi Dei House on the river near Nyford (CC).
SAINT JARLATH’S MONASTERY—Mother House of the Ordo Verbi Dei, two hours’ ride north of Saint Liam’s Abbey [CC].
SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH—parish church near Fullers’ Alley in Valoret, where the Draper family records were kept [CC].
SAINT LIAM’S ABBEY—a Michaeline-staffed abbey-school about four hours’ ride northeast of Valoret; Joram taught there briefly [CC, (CH)].
SAINT MARY’S IN THE HILLS—isolated monastery in the highlands above Culdi [CH].
SAINT NEOT’S ABBEY—stronghold of the Order of Saint Gabriel, an all-Deryni, esoteric order specializing in Healer’s training; in the Lendour highlands [CH].
SAINT PIRAN’S PRIORY—an Ordo Verbi Dei House about a day’s ride north of Saint Jarlath’s; Joram and Rhys interviewed the first two “Benedicts” there [CC, (CH)].
SAINT ULTAN’S PRIORY—an Ordo Verbi Dei House on the southwest coast of Mooryn [CC].
SHEELE—Rhys and Evaine’s manor house north of Valoret; later, an earldom [CH].
TAL TRAETH—Cathan MacRorie’s manor house in Valoret [CC].
TORENTH—kingdom to the east of Gwynedd; ruled by the Deryni King Nimur [SC, (CH)].
TRURILL—castle of Lord Adrian MacLean, Master of Kierney, near Cor Culdi [CH].
VALORET—Festillic capital of Gwynedd, 822–904 [CC, SC, CH].
WARRINGHAM—site of a shrine to Saint Camber (CH).
About the Author
Katherine Kurtz was born in Coral Gables, Florida, during a hurricane. She received a four-year science scholarship to the University of Miami and graduated with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. Medical school followed, but after a year she decided she would rather write about medicine than practice it. A vivid dream inspired Kurtz’s Deryni novels, and she sold the first three books in the series on her first submission attempt. She soon defined and established her own sub-genre of “historical fantasy” set in close parallels to our own medieval period featuring “magic” that much resembles extrasensory perception.