Diana’s mother frowned and caught her breath, turned quickly, and cast an anxious glance back at the door. What was the matter? Hadn’t Diana arrived yet after all? How strange! She was all ready when she left home. What could have happened? Was she taken suddenly ill? But Diana was almost never ill! She gave another anxious glance back again, and there she could see by the door a vision of white, the wonderful old veil! A lovely vision!

  The audience had caught its breath and looked back, too, saw her there, while that triumphant hymn went on for an instant, filling the church with its sweet glad harmonies, and then suddenly a thrilling voice took up the strains with wondrous words. They were new to Mrs. Winters. What did this mean? Wasn’t the organist going to go on with the “Wedding March” while the bride came up the aisle? But then she had to stop her puzzled worries and listen as the great singer made the words of the song live.

  And so when Diana walked softly up that richly carpeted aisle in the beautiful old white satin wedding gown, trimmed with rare old costly lace, her lovely face alight with joy that had a touch of real glory in it, it was not to the conventional “Wedding March” that she timed her footsteps but to the fine old hymn as that wonderful voice sang the words:

  When He shall come with trumpet sound,

  O may I then in Him be found.

  Dressed in His righteousness alone,

  Faultless to stand before the throne.

  On Christ the solid Rock I stand,

  All other ground is sinking sand;

  All other ground is sinking sand.

  Rodney, in his handsome uniform, with the glory-light on his own face, watched her come up the aisle to him, leaning on her father’s arm, and said to himself in his heart as she came, “What a girl to come home to!”

  GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL (1865–1947) is known as the pioneer of Christian romance. Grace wrote over one hundred faith inspired books during her lifetime. When her first husband died, leaving her with two daughters to raise, writing became a way to make a living, but she always recognized storytelling as a way to share her faith in God. She has touched countless lives through the years and continues to touch lives today. Her books feature moving stories, delightful characters, and love in its purest form.

  Love Endures

  Grace Livingston Hill Classics

  Also available in series …

  The Beloved Stranger

  The Prodigal Girl

  A New Name


  Tomorrow About This Time

  Crimson Roses

  Blue Ruin

  Coming Through the Rye

  The Christmas Bride

  Ariel Custer

  Not Under the Law

  Job’s Niece

  The White Flower


  Matched Pearls

  April Gold


  Rainbow Cottage


  The Gold Shoe

  The Substitute Guest


  Crimson Mountain

  Beauty for Ashes

  A Girl To Come Home To

  Happiness Hill

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  A Girl to Come Home To

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  Grace Livingston Hill, Girl to Come Home To



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