The days intervening until Friday passed without event, and thehousehold affairs went on much as before, Tyntie proving herself fullycapable of replacing Aunt Penine as head of the domestic regime.

  That lady kept her room, seeing no one except Tyntie and one of theyounger maids. She had refused all overtures extended by her niece andMary Broughton; and so, by the advice of the head of the house, theyleft her to herself.

  Even Aunt Lettice was refused admittance by her sister, and refrainedfrom seeking it a second time after being informed by Joseph Devereuxof the recent occurrences.

  The gentle old lady now went about the house in a sad, subdued fashion,secretly debating as to whether she would decide against King orColony, but carefully keeping her thoughts from being known to others.

  Johnnie Strings had kept his word to Dorothy, and brought the ribbonand lace. Aunt Lettice had paid him for the goods she purchased,making no response when he said, as he strapped his pack, "TheBritishers be quartered on the Neck, ma'am,--landed there this verymornin'. The reg'lars,--they came down by ships from Salem; an' atroop o' dragoons be ridin' over to join 'em."

  It was Mary Broughton who asked, "What are they come there for,Johnnie,--do you know?"

  "Any one can guess, mistress, I take it," he replied significantly,busying himself with the buckles.

  "And what do you guess, Johnnie?" asked Dorothy, who was examining asampler 'Bitha was working, which was to announce,--

  "Tabitha Hollis is my name, New England is my nation, Marblehead is my dwelling-place, And Christ is my Salvation."

  Johnnie Strings finished his work with the straps and buckles; thenraising himself from the floor, he said jocosely: "Now, MistressDorothy, surely ye don't care to burden your mind with matters o'state. Whatever they be come down for, 't is a true fact that theredcoats be on the Neck,--a hundred or more of 'em. An' as I wastellin' ye but t'other day, ye'd best keep at home till they be calledaway again."

  This was Thursday; and Friday morning the two girls, with 'Bitha, weredown in the Sachem's Cave, a small opening that ran, chasm-like, intothe rocks a few feet above the level of the sea, with a natural roofprojecting over it.

  Within was a sandy floor,--whether or not the work of man, none livingcould say. It was studded with shells, placed there by childish hands,and the cave had served as playhouse for many generations of boys andgirls.

  The opening was hung about with a lace-like weed, wherein some drops ofwater were now sparkling in the morning sunshine; and beyond,stretching away to the horizon, could be seen the sea.

  The waves creeping in against the shore broke with gentle plashings asthey touched the rocky base of the headlands; a wonderful serenity layover the face of the earth, and all between the land and horizon seemeda blank and dreaming space of water.

  "We are sure to have a fine night," Dorothy had just said, as shelooked out at the sea and sky.

  "H-m-m," murmured Mary, warningly, and with a quick glance at 'Bitha,who seemed to be poring intently over a small book she had taken fromher pocket.

  "What are you reading, 'Bitha?" Dorothy asked; and the little girl cameclose beside her.

  It was Aunt Lettice's "Church Book;" and on the titlepage was:--

  "A NEW VERSION OF the PSALMS of DAVID, fitted to the Tunes ufed in the Churches: With feveral Hymns Out of the Old and New Teftaments. By John Barnard, Paftor of a Church in Marblehead."

  In the back part of the book was the music of several tunes such aswere used at that time in the churches; and amongst them was one knownas


  music score]

  * Copied literally from publication "printed by J. Draper for T.Leverett in Cornhill 1752."

  Good Parson Barnard had years since been laid away in his grave on theold Burial Hill, which rose higher than all the land about, as thoughNature were seeking to lift as near as might be to the skies the deadcommitted to her care.

  The quaint child seemed to delight in pondering over these hymns, manyof which were past her comprehending; and the long s, so like an f, ledher to make many curious blunders when trying to repeat the words,--athing she was always proud to be asked to do.

  Once she had insisted upon being told why it was that saints must have"fits;" and it appeared that she had misread the long s in thesentence, "The Saints that fit above."

  Her greatest favorite, and the one she often read, was:--

  "My Heart, like Grafs that's fmit with heat Withers, that I forget to eat; By reafon of my conftant Groans I am reduced to fkin and Bones. I'm like the Pelican, and Owl, That lonely in the Deferts ftroll; As mournful fparrows percht alone On the Houfe Top, I walk and moan."

  "Tell me, cousin,--what sort o' bottles does God have?" she now asked,as Dorothy glanced at the book held against her knee.

  "'Bitha!" Mary exclaimed reprovingly, while Dorothy stared at thechild, and began to laugh.

  'Bitha could never endure to be laughed at; and being very fond of MaryBroughton, she did not relish her disapproval. And so at this doubleattack upon her sensibilities, she looked hurt and a bit angry.

  "If," she demanded, "'t is wicked to say that God has bottles, whatdoes the Church Book say so for?" And she pointed to the open page.

  "Whatever does the child mean?" asked Dorothy of Mary, as she took thebook into her own hands.

  "There,--right there!" was 'Bitha's triumphant retort. "Read foryourself!" And she trailed a small finger along the lines,--

  "Thou hast a book for my complaints, A bottle for my Tears."

  "There!" the child repeated. "You see 't is so. Why should God keepbottles in Heaven,--and what sort would He keep?"

  "I think you will know more about such things when you grow older," wasDorothy's irresponsive answer; and she handed the book to Mary, whileher dancing eyes glinted with topaz hues caught from the sunshinewithout.

  "You are an odd child, 'Bitha," Mary said, smiling in spite of herselfas she read the lines.

  "That is what I am always told when I ask about anything," the littlegirl pouted.

  Before any reply could be made to this general accusation a shadowdarkened the opening of the cave, and looking up, all three sprang totheir feet with exclamations of dismay.

  A vivid gleam of scarlet shut away the daylight, and a pair of sea-blueeyes, set in an olive-hued face, were looking at them with muchcuriosity.

  The two older girls stood speechless, facing the intruder, whose gazewandered with respectful curiosity over the regal form and gold-brownhair of the one, whose mouth was decidedly scornful, as were also hersteady blue eyes, which regarded him fearlessly, despite her quakingheart.

  Then the new-comer's eyes turned to the smaller figure; and a flash ofadmiration came into them as his hand stole to his head and removed itscovering, while he said with unmistakable courtesy, "Do not be alarmed,I beg of you,--I mean no harm."

  "What do you want?" Mary Broughton demanded, seeming in no wisesoftened by his gentle bearing.

  "Only your good-will," he replied, with a smile that showed beautifulteeth.

  She flashed a scornful glance in return.

  "Good will!" she repeated. "That is something we have not in our powerto give one who wears a coat the color of yours." She spoke defiantly,looking the young man squarely in the face.

  "Such words, uttered by such lips, almost make me coward enough toregret the color," he said good-naturedly, and as though determined notto take offence.

  With this he took a step or two inside the cave; and small 'Bitha,dismayed at the near approach of the scarlet-clad form, clung tightlyto Dorothy's gown, pressing her face into its folds.

  "Speak him fair, Mary," Dorothy whispered, apprehending possible dangerfrom her friend's want of discretion.

  But Mary did not hear, or else she did not care to heed, for she said:"Neither your raiment, nor
aught that concerns you, can matter to us.This is our property you are trespassing upon; and I bid you begone,this moment."

  "You are surely lacking in courtesy, mistress," he replied, stillsmilingly.

  The words were addressed to Mary, but his glowing eyes were fixed uponDorothy, who was still standing with her arms about 'Bitha. The colorwas coming and going in her cheeks, and something in the big eyes toldhim that a smile was not far away.

  "We have no courtesy for British soldiers," was Mary's haughty answerto his imputation; and there was an angry tapping of her foot upon theshell floor.

  He shrugged his shoulders, and turning more directly away from Mary,now spoke to Dorothy.

  "I was only wandering about the shore," he declared, looking at her asthough pleading for her good-will, "and hearing voices as I stood onthe rocks above, I made bold to find out from whence they came."

  Mary had not taken her eyes from his face, and now she was quick toanswer him.

  "Well," she said, before Dorothy could speak, "having found where thevoices came from, you'd best go on about your own affairs and leave usto ours."

  "And what if I refuse?" he asked quickly, a flash coming from his eyesas though she had at length nettled him.

  "I should try to tumble you over the rocks at your back," she answeredwith sudden anger; and she stepped toward him as if to carry out herthreat.

  He moved back hastily, and then, missing his footing on the slipperygranite, fell over backwards down the rocks.

  Dorothy's shriek was echoed shrilly by little 'Bitha, while Mary stoodas though transfixed, looking at the opening through which the youngman had disappeared.

  Dorothy was the first to find her voice. "Mary," she cried interrified reproach, "you have made him fall into the water, and perhapshe will drown. Whatever shall we do?"

  Mary did not reply, but speeding to the entrance of the cave, lookedout over the uneven ledges.

  The Britisher was lying, apparently unconscious, only a short distancebelow her, his shoulders caught in a deep seam of the rocks, while therest of his body lay along a narrow ledge a few feet lower.

  "There he is," she said, turning a white face to Dorothy,--"lying therein the rocks."

  Putting 'Bitha aside, Dorothy came and looked down.

  "See the blood on his face!" she exclaimed wildly. "'T is coming froma cut on the side of his head. Oh, Mary, I'm afraid you have killedhim!"

  Mary started to reply; but Dorothy had already sprung past her throughthe mouth of the cave, and was flying down the rocks to where thewounded man lay.

  Tearing the silken kerchief from about her neck, she knelt beside himand endeavored to wipe the blood from his face, while Mary watched herin silence from above, with 'Bitha clinging to her, and crying softly.

  "I must have some water, Mary," said Dorothy, who saw that the bloodcame from a cut in the side of the young man's head, "and I wantanother kerchief. Throw down yours."

  Mary, without replying, tossed down her own kerchief, but withoutremoving her eyes from the white face beneath her.

  Dorothy ran to the sand-beach near by, and, having dabbled her bloodykerchief in the water, hurried back; then laying it folded upon thewound, she bound it fast with the one Mary had thrown her, lifting thesufferer's head as she did this, and holding one of his broad shouldersagainst her knee, while her nimble fingers deftly tied the knots.

  Scarcely had she finished when she was startled, but no less relieved,to hear a long, quivering sigh come from his lips; and her colordeepened as she looked into his face and met his opening eyes gazingwonderingly into her own. Then they wandered over her bared neck andthroat, only to return to her eyes, dwelling there with a look thatmade her voice tremble as she said, "We are sorry you are hurt, sir; Ihope it is nothing serious."

  He made no reply, and, after a moment's pause, she asked, "Do you feelable to stand on your feet?"

  Still he did not answer, but gave her that same intent, questioninglook, as if gazing through and beyond the depths of the eyes above him.

  As she stammeringly repeated her inquiry, he sighed heavily, and seemedto shake his dreaming senses awake, for, raising himself a little, hepassed his shapely brown hand over his bandaged head, and laughed,albeit not very mirthfully.

  "The other fair young dame must be rejoiced at my mishap," he said,"but--I thank you for your care. I seem to have done something to myhead, for it feels like a burning coal." And he touched the bandageover the wound.

  "It is the salt water, getting into the cut," Dorothy explained, as herose slowly and stood before her. "I am very sorry it is so painful;but it will stop the bleeding."

  "As it was you who placed it there, I like it to burn," he said in atone to reach her ears alone. "But I'll not forget, even when the painceases." And he looked down into her face in a way that made her eyesdroop.

  "I regret very much, sir, that you were injured," said Mary Broughton,her voice coming from over his head.

  He glanced up at her and bowed mockingly. Then stooping to regain hishat, he said, bending his eyes on Dorothy, "Tell me the name I am toremember you by."

  She did not answer; and he stood looking at her as though awaiting herpleasure.

  "That can be no matter," she said at last, and in a very low voice.

  "Ah, but it is--a very great matter," he exclaimed eagerly, laying ahand on her arm, as she turned away to climb up to the cavern.

  Some inward force seemed to be impelling her, and scarcely aware ofwhat she was saying, she murmured her own name, and he repeated itafter her.

  This brought a still deeper color to her cheeks; but as if rememberingall she had so strangely forgotten in the presence of this enemy of hercountry, she pushed away his detaining hand, and passed quickly up therocks to where Mary was standing.

  The young man said nothing more, but looked up at the two; then liftinghis hat, he turned and walked slowly away.

Mary Devereux's Novels