The next morning--although at rather a late hour for her--Dorothyarose, feeling greatly refreshed by her sound and dreamless sleep.

  While she was yet dressing, her brother rapped on the door, and toldher she was to go to the little room near by, where supper had beenserved the night before, and that Dolly--the sutler's wife--would havebreakfast ready for her.

  An hour later, as she stood at the open window of her room, drinking inthe fresh morning air, still bearing the odor of fallen leaves wettedby the night damps, she saw her brother, with Captain Southorn andseveral other men, chatting together a short distance away.

  Jack was the first to turn his eyes in her direction, and seeing her,he smiled and waved his hand, at which Captain Southorn turned aboutand hurried toward her.

  He was soon standing under the window, and reaching up took possessionof one of the small hands resting upon the sill.

  For an instant neither of them spoke, but Dorothy's dark eyes smiledshyly into the blue ones uplifted to her face.

  "And it is really true," he said at last, with an air of conviction."Do you know, little one, that when I awakened this morning, I wasfearful at first that I 'd been dreaming it all. But knowing now whatI do, how can I have the heart to go away and leave you again? Cannotyou come to Boston with me now--this very day?"

  She shook her head. "No, no,--I must not do that. I must go back toDorchester, to see Mary and Mistress Knollys once more. And,too"--with a blush--"I could not go without any raiment besides this."And she touched the folds of her riding-habit.

  He stood a minute as if thinking, and then asked if she would come outfor a short walk.

  "Most assuredly," was her smiling response; and turning from thewindow, she was not long in putting on her hat.

  As she was about leaving the room, she noticed her riding-whip lying onthe table where she had tossed it upon her arrival the previousevening. It was a gift from her father, and one she prized veryhighly; and fearing that the sight of it might excite the cupidity ofsome of the servants, she picked it up, and then passed quickly out tothe porch.

  Here she encountered several of the officers whom she had seen talkingwith her brother a short time before. They now drew aside to let hergo by, which she did hurriedly, her eyes lowered under the shadowyplumes of her riding-hat, and oblivious of the admiring glances theystole at her.

  Many of the inmates of Washington's headquarters had become acquaintedwith her little romance; and so, unknown to herself, she was an objectof much interest. It was for this reason also, as well as on accountof the responsibility assumed with regard to him by Washington himself,that the English captain was occupying a somewhat unusual positionamongst the American officers.

  Finding her brother and husband together, the two coming to meet her atthe porch, Dorothy asked after Hugh, and was told by Jack that he hadgone with a message to some of the outposts, but would return shortly.

  "And is he well this morning, Jack?"

  "Oh, yes," her brother answered lightly. "You will not go far away, ofcourse," he added, "nor stay long, else I shall have to come or sendfor you."

  "Only a short distance;" and Captain Southorn motioned to the wood thatlay not far from the rear of the house.

  "Who is this Hugh?" he inquired, as they walked slowly along, the dryleaves crackling under their feet. "Is he the sergeant, Hugh Knollys,who went with your brother yesterday?"

  "Yes;" and something in his tone impelled her to add, "and I've knownhim all my life."

  "Oh, yes," he said, knitting his brows a little, as he kicked theleaves before him, "I remember right well. It was he I used to seeriding about the country with you so much last summer."

  "He is like my own brother," she explained quickly, not feeling quitecomfortable in something she detected in his manner of speech.

  "Is he?" now looking at her smilingly. "And does he regard you in thesame fraternal fashion?"

  "Why, of course," she answered frankly. "Hugh and I have always knownone another; we have gone riding and boating together for years, havequarrelled and made up, just as Jack and I have done. Only," and nowshe spoke musingly, "I cannot remember that Jack ever quarrelled muchwith me."

  "No, I should say not, from what I've seen of him," her husband saidheartily.

  By this time they were in the seclusion of the wood; and now his armswent about her and held her fast.

  "Sweetheart, tell me once more that you love me," he said. "I onlybrought you here to have you tell it to me again, and in broaddaylight."

  She rested her head on his arm and smiled up into his face.

  "How many times must I tell you?"

  "With each sweet breath you draw, if you tell me as many times as Iwould wish to hear. But this is certain to be the last moment I shallhave to see you alone, as you are to start for Dorchester, and I forBoston. And you will surely--surely join me there as soon as I sendyou word?" He spoke eagerly, and as if fearful that something mightarise to make her change her mind.

  "Yes, to be sure I will,--have I not promised?"

  "That you have, God bless you. And you will let no one turn you fromthat, little one?"

  "Why, who should?" She opened her eyes in surprise, and then therecame a flash to them. "No, no, even if every one was to try, theycould not do it now. What is that?"

  She started nervously, and turned her head quickly about, as they bothheard a rustling in the bushes.

  "It is only a rabbit or squirrel," her husband said, "or perhaps a--"

  There was the sharp report of a gun close by, and a bullet grazed hisshoulder and struck the tree-trunk directly over Dorothy's head. Thenext instant there came the sound of trampling and fierce struggling;and a voice Dorothy knew at once, cried, "You sneaking dastard, whatmurder is it you 're up to?"

  "Stop here, little one," said Captain Southorn, calmly, "just a second,until I see what all this means." And he plunged into the tangledthicket beside the path in which they had been standing.

  But Dorothy followed him closely; and a few yards away they came uponHugh Knollys, towering angrily over a man lying prostrate on theground, and whom Dorothy recognized instantly as the rude fellow whohad so alarmed her at the inn.

  At sight of the two figures breaking through the underbrush, Hughstarted in surprise, and a look which Dorothy found it hard tounderstand showed in his face.

  "What is it--what is the matter?" Captain Southorn demanded angrily,stepping toward the two other men.

  Hugh did not reply, and now they heard rapid footsteps approaching.

  "Here, this way,--come here!" shouted Hugh, who did not appear to haveheard the young Englishman's question.

  Farmer Gilbert had arisen slowly to his feet, and did not attempt toescape from the grasp Hugh still kept upon his arm.

  "Oh, Hugh--what is it?" asked Dorothy, looking with frightened eyes athis prisoner.

  "Never mind now, Dot," he answered hastily, but his voice softening."How came you here? You should not--" Then, with a half-sulky glanceas of apology to the young Englishman, he bit his lip and was silent.

  "We were standing in the path just now," said Captain Southorn, "when abullet came so close to us as to do this;" and he touched the torncloth on his shoulder.

  Hugh started. "Then it must have been you he was shooting at!" heexclaimed, glancing angrily at the prisoner.

  "The bullet went just over my head and into a tree," said Dorothy,continuing her husband's explanation.

  "Over your head, Dot!" cried Hugh. "So close to you as that!" And aterrible look came to his face,--one that revealed his secret to thepurple-blue eyes watching him so keenly. "Oh--my God!"

  The appearance of several men--soldiers--cut the words short, andrestored Hugh's calmness, for, turning to them, he bade them take theman and guard him carefully.

  "And I'll take this gun of yours," he said to him, "and see to it thatyou get the treatment you deserve for such a cowardly bit of work."

"Wait a bit, till I answers him," said Farmer Gilbert, now speaking forthe first time, as he turned to face Hugh, and holding back, so as toarrest the steps of the men who were dragging him away. "I want tosay, young sir, that if ye had n't sneaked up on me from aback, an'knocked my gun up, I'd hev done what I've been dodgin' 'round to dothese five days past--an' that were to put a bullet through the head ord----d trait'rous heart o' that British spy in petticoats."

  His face was ablaze with passion, and he shook his clenched fist atDorothy, who stood looking at him as though he were a wild beast caughtin the toiler's net.

  Captain Southorn started forward; but Hugh motioned him back. Thenrealizing the full sense of the fellow's words, he sprang upon him withan oath such as no one had ever heard issue from his lips.

  Falling upon the defenceless man, he shook him fiercely. Then heseemed to struggle for a proper control of himself, and askedchokingly, "Do you mean to tell me that it was her you were aiming atwhen I caught you?"

  He pointed to Dorothy, who was now clinging to her husband; and even inthat moment Hugh saw his arm steal about her protectingly.

  He turned his eyes away, albeit the sight helped to calm his rage, asthe bitter meaning of it swept over him.

  "Aye--it was," the man answered doggedly, nodding his bushy head; "an'ye may roll me o'er the ground again, like a log that has no feelin',an' send me to prison atop it all, for tryin' to do my country asarvice by riddin' it of a spy."

  The soldiers who were holding him looked significantly at each otherand then at Dorothy, who was still standing within the protecting armof the man they knew to be an English officer, and a prisoner who hadbeen captured, alone and at night, close to the spot where theCommander-in-Chief was engaged in a conference with some of hissubordinates.

  Despite the fright to which she had been subjected, the girl was quickto see all this, and the suspicion to which it pointed. And she nowastonished them all by leaving her husband's side, to advance rapidlyuntil she stood facing the soldiers and their prisoner, who coweredaway as he saw the flash of her eyes, and her small figure drawn to itsutmost height.

  "Do you dare say to my face that I am a British spy--I, DorothyDevereux, of Marblehead, whose only brother is an officer in Glover'sregiment? You lying scoundrel--take that!" And raising herriding-whip, she cut him sharply across the face, the thin lash causinga crimson welt to show upon its already florid hue. "And that," givinghim another cut. "And do you go to General Washington, and tell himyour wicked story, and I doubt not he'll endorse the writing of theopinion I've put upon your cowardly face for saying such evilfalsehoods of me!"

  "Dot--Dorothy--whatever does this mean?" It was the voice of herbrother, as he dashed to her side and caught her arm, now lifted foranother blow.

  She shivered, and the whip fell to the ground, while Hugh ordered themen to take their prisoner away.

  They obeyed, grinning shyly at each other, and now feeling assured thatno British spy was amongst them.

  Captain Southorn had stood motionless, looking at Dorothy inunconcealed amazement. But her quick punishment of the fellow's insultseemed to have a good effect upon Hugh Knollys, for his face now showedmuch of its sunny good-nature.

  The sight of what she had done, no less than the sound of her voice,had brought back the impetuous, wilful Dot of bygone days; and he foundhimself thinking again of the little maid whose ears he boxed becauseof the spilled bullets, years ago.

Mary Devereux's Novels