Page 2 of The War Tiger



  I.--The Young Sea Chief.--His Mission 11

  II.--The Demon Ship.--The Boy Chow 19

  III.--Adventures at Sea.--Rescue 29

  IV.--The Innkeeper.--Alarming News 38

  V.--Adventure in a Buddhist Monastery.--Chow's Encounter with a Bonze 48

  VI.--Thrashing the Gods.--The Boys taken Prisoners 55

  VII.--Treachery of the Bonzes.--Nicholas sent to Prison as a Traitor 61

  VIII.--Chow sets out to discover some Thieves 69

  IX.--Chow outwits a great Mandarin, and sets out to rescue his Master 76

  X.--Escape of Nicholas from Prison 81

  XI.--Pursued by the Yah-yu.--The Boat Wreck 87

  XII.--Nicholas again taken Prisoner 94

  XIII.--Pagodas, their Antiquity and Uses 103

  XIV.--A dangerous Descent 109

  XV.--Nicholas discovers a Conspiracy, and makes an unpleasant Entry into Pekin 114

  XVI.--The Boys again in Trouble 126

  XVII.--Nicholas resolves upon a dangerous Adventure 136

  XVIII.--The Imperial Gardens 145

  XIX.--The Princess of the Mings, and the Lady Candida 150

  XX.--Danger of the Princess.--Her Rescue by Nicholas 154

  XXI.--Assembly of the great Princes of the Empire 163

  XXII.--The Boy Prince and the Rival Generals 170

  XXIII.--Audience with the Son of Heaven.--Nicholas accuses a great Prince of Treason 178

  XXIV.--Nicholas unveils a Rebel Chief 189

  XXV.--Nicholas and the Prince have an Adventure, and save the Life of Chow 197

  XXVI.--Nicholas receives an important Command 210

  XXVII.--The Rebels attack Pekin.--Treachery of a General, and the Fight 214

  XXVIII.--Attack on the palace.--Suicide of the Emperor, the Princess wounded 221

  XXIX.--The Secret Cavern.--The Princess saved by the Boys 230

  XXX.--A large Stock of Ladies, two taels per sack 237

  XXXI.--Chow makes a Discovery, and Nicholas a Surprise 242

  XXXII.--Nicholas punishes an ungrateful Innkeeper, and escapes from his treachery 250

  XXXIII.--An Overland Journey.--Attacked by Wolves, and stopped by a Serpent 259

  XXXIV.--Saved by a Musk Deer.--Stories of wonderful Mountains 264

  XXXV.--Treachery of the Guide.--The Princess seized by Robbers 271

  XXXVI.--Once more Prisoners, but with Friends.--The Guide's Mistake 279

  XXXVII.--Interview with the General.--Nicholas causes Soldiers to be sent in search of the Princess 285

  XXXVIII.--Cruel Death of the aged Woo.--A Battle.--Bravery of the Boys.--Chow taken by the Enemy 293

  XXXIX.--The Rebels beaten.--Artfulness of the Tartar King.--Chagrin and Disappointment of Nicholas 300

  XL.--The Great Boy Emperor.--Nicholas meets with a fearful Surprise 305

  XLI.--Nicholas has an Interview with his Father, and leaves Pekin forever 309

  XLII.--The Rival Sea Chiefs.--Re-appearance of an old Friend.--A comical Battle with the Tartars 314

  XLIII.--Chow discovers his Mother and the Princess.--Rescues them from the Tartars, and relates his Adventures 320

  XLIV.--A Sea Voyage.--The Colao relates the Adventures of the Princess 329

  XLV.--They reach the Palace of the Sea Chief Koshinga 333

  XLVI.--The King and Queen of Formosa.--Happy Termination of the Story 336


William Dalton's Novels