Page 18 of Room for Two

  “You look so fucking sexy in that,” Ash groaned as he placed a hand on her lower back. The sleek, black one-piece did look good on her. It had sexy cutouts at the waist and dipped down almost indecently low between her breasts. “I think if we hurry, we can multitask before she shows up.”

  “What’d you have in mind?” Dana whispered as she reached out to cup his hard length through his faded jeans. The things that man did for a pair of Levi’s should be illegal. Her other hand was sliding down his happy trail on the way to the Holy Grail when the doorbell sounded. “No!” she cried out. “How could she have possibly gotten here so fast?”

  “Maybe she rode your old broomstick,” Ash joked, referring to the long running insult from Dylan about her being a witch.

  “Too bad”—she squeezed his dick one more time—“because I was just about to ride yours.” She grinned as a volley of profanity followed her down the hallway. God, how she loved that man. Wait a minute! Love? No, no, that’s not right. I meant lust. It’s a simple mistake. They both start with the same letter. Anyone could mix them up. Dana’s pulse was hammering and her heart felt as if it would jump out of her chest. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to regain her self-control. It was silly to react like that to something so simple. No harm was done, right? At least she hadn’t blurted the words out to Ash. That would have been a disaster. She needed to be more careful with her word choices; that was all. Get it together. You’re okay. She plastered on what she hoped was a carefree expression, but probably appeared more like she was constipated, as she greeted Claudia. Naturally the other woman was wearing a pair of formfitting jean shorts and a bikini top. Oh, to have that kind of confidence. She doubted that Claudia even appreciated the gift that she had been given. Only someone who’d struggled with their weight could ever truly understand that type of thing.

  “That asshole security guard totally glared at me when I came in downstairs,” she grumbled. “Like he’s wielding some type of almighty power. He probably only makes minimum wage and lives with his mommy,” Claudia mocked.

  Ash cleared his throat as he joined them. Dana could tell by his tense expression that he’d overheard his sister’s insulting tirade. “I’ll have you know,” he began too pleasantly, “that we pay our associates extremely well. And Jeff is a valued member of the team. If not for him keeping the hoodlums at bay, we’d have far more problems than we do. So I’d appreciate you checking your attitude before I have you escorted off the premises again.”

  “Asher,” Claudia whined, “why must you defend everyone but your own family? I didn’t do anything to upset your precious employee. Aren’t you in the least concerned about him offending me?”

  “You’ve gotta be kidding.” Ash laughed. “You’re so thick-skinned that he wouldn’t stand a chance of actually getting to you.” Then he turned to Dana and lowered his voice to mutter, “Are you sure you want to go through with this? Say the word and we will pick up where we left off. I promise it’ll be far more enjoyable than what you’re likely to endure otherwise.”

  Dana hurriedly moved to shut him down before Claudia could overhear. “Take one for the team, baby. We’re going to check out the beach now. I’ll let you know when we’re finished.”

  Dana had been so distracted that she’d forgotten to put on a cover-up. A fact that Ash brought to her attention by saying, “Are you forgetting something? I don’t want you on display for everyone in the hotel to see.”

  She couldn’t help rolling her eyes at his caveman statement. He was a possessive boyfriend; she already knew that. He didn’t mind her dressing sexy when he was with her, but he was less than thrilled otherwise. He’d never tried to do anything crazy like forbid it, because he knew that wouldn’t fly, but he certainly made his feelings known. This time she had to agree with him. The Oceanix was an upscale resort and she wasn’t comfortable sauntering around basically naked, even though plenty of other women there did. Before she could return to the bedroom for the pullover, he produced it from his side. “You’re so thoughtful.” She smirked as she put it on.

  He dropped a kiss onto her upturned lips. “Have fun,” he said in a voice that clearly indicated he expected her plans to prove otherwise.

  Dana followed Claudia to the elevator and tried to keep up with the conversation as the younger woman jumped from one subject to the next. Within a few moments they were settling in the lounge chairs that Ash had called ahead to reserve for them. The Florida sun was already causing Dana’s skin to flush as she slathered on a thick layer on sunscreen. Beside her, Claudia opted for tanning oil, which offered no protection. Dana had to bite her lip to keep from lecturing her about the dangers of skin cancer. She’d been too naive to listen when she was that age as well.

  “So how are things going with you and my brother? Are you living together now or what? Charlotte says you’re always there.”

  “I spend a lot of time with him, yes,” Dana replied. She didn’t care to be the subject of the family gossip.

  “You know he’ll never marry you, right? I’m not saying that to be rude, because I like you and he seems to as well. It’s just that Fiona messed him up bad. You’re the first real girlfriend he’s had since things ended with her.”

  Dana really hated herself for it, but she couldn’t resist asking, “Who’s Fiona?” She’d heard from Zoe that Ash had been seriously involved several years ago, but Dylan didn’t seem to know what had happened. He’d said that Fiona and Ash were an item and then they weren’t. Ash had never been very forthcoming about his relationships, so she’d respected his privacy and hadn’t pushed the issue.

  Claudia lowered her sunglasses and turned toward Dana. “She’s a total mystery to us. All we really know is they were serious about each other for years, then she disappeared. He didn’t come around for months after that. He was drinking heavily at the time and our brother Seth, who runs the Oceanix in Myrtle Beach, had to cover for Ash in Charleston for a while. Even he didn’t have a clue what went on. I heard him telling Charlotte that Ash was off the rails and he was worried about leaving him alone.”

  Dana was stunned. That sounded nothing like the confident man she’d come to know. What could have rattled him so badly? Was it also the reason he had opted for casuals one-night stands with women like Brittany for so long? “Wow,” she murmured, still trying to take it all in. She was on dangerous ground here. If Ash found out she was participating in this type of personal conversation about his past, he would be justifiably pissed off. She certainly would be if the roles were reversed. But it was damned hard not to take advantage of the information Claudia was all but dangling over her head. “I bet that was a difficult time for everyone involved.”

  Claudia shrugged. “I don’t remember that much about it and you already know that Ash and I aren’t close. I’m surprised he hasn’t clued you in though. That’s the kind of thing you should be aware of.”

  “Ash and I are keeping it casual.” Dana felt compelled to mention that he hadn’t promised her anything serious. “We haven’t exactly shared all of our secrets. What’s the purpose of that kind of interrogation anyway? It’s better to live in the now than get bogged down in the past.”

  “If you say so,” Claudia said doubtfully. “But as long as you’re not expecting him to put a ring on it, I guess it’s not a big deal.”

  Dana nodded and changed the subject. But her mind was whirling. She hated that she’d fallen neatly into the needy girlfriend trap. She was clearly more attached than she’d thought. Otherwise, why would she care if Ash had lost his shit over some other woman at one time? Hadn’t most everyone gone through a bad relationship or two? What rattled her was his reaction to whatever had happened. He must have been in love; that much was certain. But which one of them had ended things and why? This is why I’ve always steered clear of emotional involvements. A few months with Asher Jackson and I’m in danger of turning into a clingy basket case. But regardless
of how much she tried to convince herself that what she’d learned about Ash’s past failed relationship didn’t matter, she knew it would drive her insane until she had some answers. Which meant that maybe what she felt for him was more than lust after all. And that was downright terrifying.

  For a while Ash wandered around his apartment, at loose ends as to how to spend the day with Dana away. He’d certainly gone and done it. He was in a relationship with the woman he’d tried to hate for the better part of a year. He had no idea when things had taken a more serious turn, but they practically lived together now and he felt happier and more content than he’d been in quite some time. Everything was more enjoyable with her in his life. The sex was phenomenal, her offbeat sense of humor kept him laughing, and dammit, actually carrying on a coherent conversation was amazing.

  When he heard the door open and slam closed, a grin tugged at his lips. “You didn’t last long, baby. I’d have figured you’d tough it out for at least another hour,” he called out before rounding the corner and coming to an abrupt stop.

  “Well, the fact that you’re this happy to see me warms my old heart right up.” Rosa smirked as she tossed her huge pocketbook down on the sofa behind him.

  “What are you doing here on a Sunday?” he asked as he tried to hide his disappointment.

  “Remember I told you I had an appointment on Monday so I’d swing by today and see what kind of mess you’d made of the place?”

  “Oh, that’s right.” He nodded. “Must be time for Ted to get the old marijuana refill from the doctor, right? You don’t want to let that stuff run out.”

  Rosa grinned without confirming his assumption. “So where’s your other half? She get wise and dump you?”

  “She’s at the beach with Claudia. I have to give her credit for putting up with her company for this long.”

  Rosa stared at him incredulously. “Well, she may very well not come back. Why in the world would you let that happen? You know that girl is evil. No telling what kind of stuff she’s filling Dana’s head with. I thought you were smarter than that.”

  “I tried,” he sighed. “But Claudia has been behaving herself lately and Dana wants to give her the benefit of the doubt. You and I both know it’s bullshit, but short of tying her up, I couldn’t stop her from going.”

  “Are you decent?” a voice called out seconds before Rhett joined them in the living room.

  “Does anyone knock anymore?” Ash asked sarcastically. “And how did you get in?”

  Rhett flashed his keycard briefly before pocketing it. “You know I have a master in case of emergencies.”

  “How did this qualify as one?” Ash asked.

  Rhett ignored his question as he pulled a blushing Rosa into his arms and dipped her backward. “My beauty. When are you going to leave that husband of yours and run away with me? You know you’ve always wanted a younger man and here I am. We could be out of the country by tonight. I’ve always wanted to live on love with the girl of my dreams.”

  Ash watched in amazement as Rosa’s face flushed like a schoolgirl’s. She’d met Rhett only a few times, but it was plain to see who her favorite Jackson brother was. She patted the other man’s arm affectionately before asking, “Can I fix you some lunch, handsome?”

  “What about me?” Ash pouted. “I’m hungry.”

  “There’s sandwich stuff in the refrigerator,” she remarked dismissively. “Last time I checked, your arms were in perfect working order.” She graced Rhett with one more big grin, then leveled a frown at Ash before going to the kitchen.

  “You really know how to keep the ladies happy,” Rhett remarked as he flopped down into a nearby chair. “Where’s your lady? I was hoping to catch her naked with my unannounced arrival.”

  Ash tossed a pillow at his head, then took a seat on the sofa. “She’s with Claudia. Yes, it horrifies me as well.”

  “If you actually want this one to hang around, you should keep her away from evil influences,” Rhett advised him, pointing out the obvious. “I like Dana. I think she’s good for you. I’m glad to see you putting yourself out there again. It’s been a long time coming.”

  “Jesus, you sound like Dr. Phil,” Ash mocked.

  “You know what I mean,” Rhett said in a voice devoid of humor. “Whatever happened to end things with Fiona has been behind you for years. None of us ever really understood since you wouldn’t talk about it. But it certainly changed you. With Dana, you’re more like the Ash I remember.”

  “Don’t make this relationship into more than it is,” he warned. “We’re having fun. It’s nothing serious and never will be.” Ash was intent on throwing his brother off the fact that he had developed feelings for Dana that he didn’t understand. “She’s Miss Right Now, not my future bride. She isn’t even my type.”

  “Whatever you say, bro.” Rhett shrugged, clearly unconvinced. How could he be when even Ash wasn’t buying into his own denials? The real question was how deep did his feelings run and was he brave enough to find out?

  Dana froze as she listened to the man she’d come to count on and cared deeply for discount her value to him so easily. He might as well be telling his brother that she was his fuck buddy because that’s what she took away from his offhand comments. Any illusions about being special to him came crashing down around her. She knew that she didn’t have any real reason to be upset. He’d never made any promises and she hadn’t wanted any from him. He was simply stating what she’d said about every guy she’d been with. So why did it hurt coming from his lips?

  The only thing she knew for certain was that she didn’t want to face him right now. She needed time to regroup and gather her composure. So she quietly retraced her steps and exited the hotel without Ash being aware that she’d left Claudia on the beach with some guys she knew from college.

  She drove home on autopilot. She was blessedly numb as she took a shower and pulled on a long T-shirt before lying across her bed and staring at the ceiling. She had two options where Ash was concerned and she needed to figure which one she wanted. She could either continue to enjoy whatever they were doing together, or she could end it before things got any more emotionally complicated. In a way, overhearing his true feelings had done her a favor. Any sappy notions she’d been harboring toward him had dissipated. It had been infatuation, nothing more. What woman wouldn’t lose her head a little over him when he focused all of his attention on her?

  Dana knew she should walk away, but somehow that felt to her like the coward’s way. After all, the sex was amazing and she enjoyed his company. Now that she knew where they stood, it would be crazy to run off in a sulk over something that boiled down to the fact that he didn’t do serious relationships and neither did she. He’d simply reaffirmed that for both of them. A text sounded on her phone a few minutes later and she saw a message from Ash wanting to know when she’d be back. Her first instinct was to say that she was on her way, then she thought better of it. She hadn’t spent the night at her apartment in quite some time, and maybe that’s what she needed to reinforce her resolve to stay strong. One evening away from Ash would surely do her good. So she typed out a response and hit Send. Then tried not to think about how lonely she felt at the prospect of sleeping alone. This is so not good.


  Has Zoe mentioned anything to you about Dana?” Ash asked casually while he, Dylan, and Rhett sat at a popular sports bar in Pensacola enjoying a rare guys’ night out. Zoe and Dana were attending a bachelorette party for one of the ladies who worked at the coffee shop. Ash figured they were probably at some male strip club by now shoving dollar bills into a beefed-up dude’s underwear.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Rhett groaned before Dylan could answer. “Is this the portion of the evening where we act like pussies and talk about our feelings? I finally get you two out and we’re going to chat about the chicks in your life?”

  “You’re jea
lous because your blowup doll doesn’t have any friends,” Dylan commented. “What is your rubber lady’s name this time? I remember the last one sprang a leak so loud that I thought you were being attacked by a freaking animal. Who knew those could make so much noise.”

  “Hey, that was years ago,” Rhett mumbled. “If someone had bought you one as a gag gift, you’d have tried it out too. I’ll have you know that Fluffy Muffy was a hell of a lot of fun before she popped. She even did this thing with her mouth; it was—”

  “Damn scary, that’s what it was.” Ash shook his head. “Dylan called me in a panic, sure the place was being shot up. Imagine our surprise when we burst into your room with a baseball bat and found you wrestling your plastic lover. And even worse, she appeared to be solidly kicking your ass.”

  “In hindsight, we should have gotten you the help you needed back then,” Dylan added sadly. “It would have saved years of therapy for the rest of us. You just can’t get shit like that out of your head.”

  Ash tossed a peanut from the bowl in the middle of the table at Rhett. “Thanks for telling us about the oral thing. It was traumatic enough without that detail.”

  “Don’t try to distract us from your issues, Romeo,” Rhett taunted. “I believe you were the one begging Dylan to betray his wife’s trust. You’re so whipped now that you couldn’t even get through one beer before bringing up Dana. What’s the matter, are you afraid she’s about to kick you to the curb?”

  Ash glared at his brother, who had hit uncomfortably close to the truth. He almost laughed it off, but dammit, he needed to figure out what was going on with his woman. So he swallowed his pride and turned to Dylan. “Dana has been acting weird for the last few weeks.” Actually since her visit with Claudia. But when he’d asked her if something had happened then, she’d shrugged him off as if it had been an absurd question. “On the surface nothing has changed, but there’s a distance between us that wasn’t there before.” Ash fully expected Rhett to heckle him, but instead, he remained quiet as they both waited to see what Dylan had to say.