the`Lenore,'" interposed Wilton, "for I know that he is not an honest man;and that he has been all along robbing the widow. We must decide onsome plan to convince Mrs Hyland, that she is placing confidence in ascoundrel."

  Wilton and Mason remained with me nearly an hour; and it was decidedthat nothing should be done openly, until my term of imprisonment shouldexpire. We were then to ascertain when Adkins would be on a visit toMrs Hyland's house, when we should all three go together, meet himthere, and tell Mrs Hyland the whole story of his falsehood anddishonesty.

  "Should she not believe us, and still continue to trust him," saidWilton, "then she deserves to be robbed, that's my way of thinking."

  I thought the same, so far as robbing her of her worldly wealth; but itwas bitter to believe that the rascal might also rob her of a jewel morepriceless than all else--of Lenore. But I could not believe that themost insane folly on her part would deserve so extreme a punishment, asthat of having Adkins for a son-in-law!

  Mason gave me his address, so did Wilton, and I promised to call onthem, as soon as I should be set at liberty.

  They left me happy, and hopeful. I was happy, not because I was young,and in good health--not because I had found friends who would aid me insubduing an enemy; but because the beautiful Lenore had interestedherself in my misfortunes, and was trying to remove them.

  That was a theme for many long and pleasant reveries, which while theyrendered me impatient to be free, at the same time enabled me to passthe remainder of my term of imprisonment, with but slight regard for themany petty annoyances and discomforts of the situation.

  I accepted my liberty when it was at length given me; and on the sameday went to visit Mason and Wilton.

  What had been done already by Lenore, left me under the impression thatshe would still further aid me in establishing the truth. I feltconfident, that she would not object to letting us know on what day andhour we might meet Adkins at her mother's house; and with thisconfidence, I wrote a note to her, containing the request that she woulddo so. Then, in pleasant expectation of soon having an opportunity ofclearing my character, I awaited the answer.

  Volume One, Chapter XIII.


  Lenore did not disappoint me. Two days after getting out of the prison,I received her reply--informing me that Adkins would be at her mother'shouse the next day, and advising me to call with my friends, abouthalf-past ten. I had made known to her the object of my desire to meethim.

  After receiving her note, I went immediately to Mason and Wilton; and weappointed a place of rendezvous for the next morning.

  That evening, I was as uneasy as the commander-in-chief of an army onthe eve of a great battle. I had an enemy to confront and conquer--areputation already sullied to restore to its former brightness.

  I could not help some anxiety as to the result.

  In the morning, I met my friends at the appointed place; and as theclock struck ten, we started for the residence of Mrs Hyland.

  As we came within sight of the house, I perceived Lenore at the window.She recognised us, rose from her seat, and disappeared towards the backof the room. When I rang the bell, the door was opened by herself.

  Without hesitating, she conducted us all three into the parlour, wherewe found Adkins and Mrs Hyland.

  The latter appeared to be no little astonished by our unexpectedentrance; but as for Adkins himself, he looked more like a frightenedmaniac than a man.

  "What does this mean?" exclaimed Mrs Hyland, in a voice that expressedmore alarm than indignation.

  "These gentlemen have called to see you on business, mother," said herdaughter. "There is nothing to fear from them. They are our friends."

  Having said this, Lenore requested us to be seated; and we complied.

  Adkins did not speak; but I could read from the play of his features,that he knew the game was up, and that he had lost.

  "Mrs Hyland," said Wilton, after a short interval of silence, "I havecalled here to do what I believe to be a duty, and which I ought to havedone long ago. If I am doing any wrong, it is only through my ignoranceof what's right. I was your husband's friend, and we sailed together,for nine years or thereabouts. I was on the ship `Lenore' when CaptainHyland died, in New Orleans; and I have heard the stories that MrAdkins here has told about this young man. Those stories are false.When in New Orleans, at the time of your husband's death, Adkins wasmost of the time drunk, and neglecting his duty. Rowley did not desertfrom the ship, neither did he neglect the captain, but was the only oneof the ship's company with him, or taking care of him, when he died.Mr Adkins never liked Rowley; and the only reason I can think of forhis not doing so, is just because it is natural for a bad man to dislikea good one. When Mr Adkins obtained the command of the ship, he wouldnot let Rowley come aboard again--much less return in her to Liverpool.I made one voyage with Adkins as first mate after Captain Hyland'sdeath, and learnt, while making it, that I could not continue with himany longer--unless I should become nearly as bad as himself. For thatreason I left the ship.

  "Mrs Hyland!" continued Wilton, fixing his eye upon Adkins, andspeaking with determined emphasis, "I have no hesitation in pronouncingMr Adkins to be a wicked, deceitful man, who has been robbing you underthe cloak of friendship; and still continues to rob you."

  "These men have formed a conspiracy to ruin me!" cried Adkins, springingto his feet. "I suppose they will succeed in doing it. Three men andone woman are more than I can contend against!"

  Mrs Hyland paid no attention to this remark; but, turning to Mason,said, "I believe that you are Mr Mason, the steward of the `Lenore.'What have you to say?"

  "I have to state that all Mr Wilton has told you, is true," said Mason."Rowley, to my knowledge, has never done anything to forfeit yourfriendship. I have long known that Captain Adkins was a scoundrel; andmy desire to expose him--overcome by the fact that I have a large familyto support, and was afraid of losing my situation--has caused me to passmany a sleepless hour. I had made up my mind not to go another voyagealong with him--before learning that my testimony was wanted in aid ofRowley here. On hearing that he had robbed the young man--not only ofhis old friends, but of his liberty--I no longer hesitated aboutexposing him. He is a dishonest villain; and I can prove it by havingthe ship's accounts overhauled."

  "Go on! go on!" cried Adkins. "You have it all your own way now. Ofcourse, my word is nothing."

  "He is telling the truth for once in his life," said Mason to MrsHyland. "For his word _is_ just worth nothing, to any one who knowshim."

  "Now, Rowland," said Mrs Hyland, "what have you to say?"

  "Very little," I answered. "I did not wish you to think ill of me.There is nothing that can wound the feelings more than ingratitude; andthe kindness with which you once treated me, was the reason why I havebeen so desirous of proving to you that I have not been ungrateful. Youhave now evidence that will enable you to judge between Adkins andmyself; and after this interview, I will trouble you no more, for I donot desire to insist upon a renewal of the friendship you havesuspected. I only wished you to know that I had given you no cause fordiscontinuing it."

  "Now, gentlemen!" said Adkins, "having been amused by all each of youhas to say, I suppose I may be allowed to take my leave of you; and,"said he, turning to Mrs Hyland, "I'll see you again, madam, when youhave not quite so much interesting company to engage your attention."

  He arose, and was moving towards the door.

  "Stop!" shouted Mason, stepping before him. "Mrs Hyland," continuedthe steward, "I know enough about this man, and his management of yourbusiness, to justify you in giving him in charge to a policeman. ShallI call one?"

  For a minute Mrs Hyland was silent.

  I looked at Adkins, and saw that my triumph over him was complete. Hisown appearance condemned him; and anyone to have seen him at thatmoment--humiliated, cowed, and guilty--would ever after have dreadeddoing wrong; through very fear of looking as he did.

  In truth, he presented
a melancholy spectacle: for he had not thecourage to assume even a show of manliness.

  To complete my triumph, and his discomposure, Lenore, who had been allthe while listening with eager interest, and apparent pleasure to whathad been said, cried out, "Let him go, mother, if he will promise neverto come near us again!"

  "Yes, let him go!" repeated Mrs Hyland. "I must think before I canact."

  Mason opened the door; and Adkins sneaked out in a fashion that waspainful, even for me--his enemy--to behold. After his departure, eachwaited for the other to speak.

  The silence was broken by Mrs Hyland, who said:

  "Of you, Mr Wilton, and you, Mr Mason, I have often heard my latehusband speak in the highest terms; and I know of no reason, why Ishould not believe