“You will be hearing from the General,” the guard asserted.

  “Well, good. You run along now, and tell the General to come and see Miss Mable.” She pushed me right past him and down the hall. “Now, don’t you worry, Abigail. You’re not in any trouble.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. We’re almost there,” she breathed heavily.

  She led me down and around a few corridors and then stopped at a doorway. She slid a keycard over the box and when the door slid open, she wheeled me in. She then led me down another hallway, and I began to feel a little anxious.

  I wondered if this was one of those places where they did testing. We kept going, back a ways, and I could feel my head start to throb. It was probably the insurmountable stress building up inside of it. I wondered if I could run if I needed to. My head was still so dizzy, I didn’t think I’d make it too far.

  I was just about to question Miss Mable again, but she stopped in front of another door. She swiped another keycard over the box and it slid open.

  My breath seized. My heart stopped in my chest. My eyes started to water.

  “Finn?” I breathed.

  He was lying on a bed, with wires and tubes attached to his arms and face. He looked so still, so peaceful, and so pale. Just seeing him, instantly made my world a little brighter.

  A doctor stood in the corner of the room, and when he turned, I began to weep.

  “Dr. Banks,” I sobbed. Tears pooled in my eyes.

  “Abi, you’re here,” he said, walking over and giving me a hug.

  “How is he?” I asked, wiping away the tears.

  “He’s sedated. He’s been in and out of consciousness for the past few hours, and when he does come out, he repeats one word… ‘Abi’.”

  I shook my head, not knowing what to say.

  “Abi, I’m sorry you’ve had to get out of bed. I know you’re recovering from head trauma, and that you’re being guarded, but I also knew you probably wanted to see him,” he said, patting me on the shoulder.

  “Thank you, Dr. Banks. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

  “I know what young love feels like, and also know how it feels to know the person you care about is hurt. Both of you are family to me, and I’ll make sure you continue to get the best care.”

  “Thank you. You are the best,” I said, trying to fight my tears.

  I could tell Dr. Banks was fighting his own tears. He smiled and looked up at Miss Mable. “You can wheel her up to him, Mable.”

  “Sure doctor,” she replied. She pushed me forward, so I was right next to his head. I reached out and lightly brushed my fingers across the side of his face.

  “Finn. It’s Abi.” I spoke the words softly. His eyes twitched, but he didn’t move. “I need you to hurry up and get better, okay?” I moved my hand up and brushed them through his thick brown hair.

  “Come, Mable. Let’s go get some coffee in the next room, and let these young people have a moment,” Dr. Banks said.

  “Why sure, doc. This old woman could use a bit of caffeine to loosen these rickety joints,” she laughed.

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes, Abi. If you need me, just press that red button on the wall next to you.”

  “Okay. Thanks again.” Dr. Banks took Miss Mable by the arm and led her out.

  I turned back to Finn. “Finn Armstrong, if you can hear me, I just want you to know how much I love you. I’ve always loved you. You’re my best friend, and I can’t lose you. So, please…please get better.”

  His eyes flittered again.

  “Abi?” His voice was soft.

  “I’m here.” My heart twisted inside.

  “Did I lose my leg?” he asked.

  I gasped and looked at down his body. The blanket revealed the form of two full legs.

  “No. Looks like they’re both accounted for.”

  “Are you sure that one’s not fake?” he asked.

  “You tell me,” I said, slowly running my hand down his injured leg.

  “Nope. Definitely not fake,” he grinned.

  “Well, that’s good,” I blushed. “I seriously thought I was going to lose you.”

  “Me? Naw. There’s no way I’d ever leave you. You know me.”

  “Yes. Stubborn. But, I love that about you,” I said.

  “Abi, you’ll need someone to take care of you. To protect you, watch your back, and build you a nice home where you can have a family, and grow old.” His hand reached for mine, and I offered him the uninjured one.

  “What happened to your hand?” he asked, pointing to the bandage.

  “Uncle Frank shot me.”

  “He what?”

  “Yeah, can you believe it?” I teased. “But the bullet also went through the face of an Arvy who was about to bite me.”

  “Holy shit. Thank God for Uncle Frank. I could have had a zombie girlfriend.”

  “Not zombie. Zombies are people who died and were reanimated by some unexplainable means. I’d be more of a mutant. A crazed person with white eyes, who’d want to do nothing more than bite you.”

  “Well, I’d still love you. I’d just have to fashion some kind of a muzzle to tame that love bite,” he smiled.

  “Fashion a muzzle?” I squeaked.

  “Yep. And you wouldn’t have to worry about being tied up. I’d fence our yard in so you could roam around freely.”

  “Wow, thanks.”

  “I know you’d do the same for me, right?” he asked.

  “I don’t know about building a fence, but I could tie you to a tree, and give you a long leash,” I grinned.

  “I guess that would work.”

  I loved our random conversations. It made me feel like we were back home, in our old world, just for a moment. And for that moment, everything was going to be okay.

  “Yeah, but really, I hope you’d stick to our original deal,” I said. “No keeping of crazy mutants. If I ever do change, I want you to put me out of my misery. Quickly.”

  “Well, we don’t have to worry about that right now, do we?”

  “No,” I breathed, holding onto his hand.

  Suddenly the door slid open, and two guards came storming in, with guns. They looked mean, and headed toward me. I quickly leaned over and pushed the red button.

  “Abigail Park, you’re coming with us,” one of them said, pulling my wheelchair back. My hand disconnected from Finn, and then all of a sudden, I was handcuffed to the chair.

  “Don’t touch her,” Finn shouted, shooting up from the bed and reaching for me.

  The guard quickly pulled me out of his reach.

  “No!” I screamed, as he fell forward and hit the floor.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Dr. Banks yelled, rushing in.

  He and Miss Mable ran over to Finn and helped him off the floor.

  “Leave her alone!” Finn threatened, grabbing the other guard’s chest as he stood.

  “We have orders from General Donnelly. She wasn’t supposed to leave her room.”

  “She’s under my care. I ordered the nurse to bring her here,” Dr. Banks said.

  “Well, the General would like to speak with you, doctor. You need to come with us right now,” the guard lifted his gun.

  “Mable, please call Dr. Rose, and tell him to come down here immediately.”

  “Yes, doctor,” she replied, trying to get Finn back into bed.

  Finn’s face was red, his eyes filled with anger. “If you touch her, or harm her in anyway, God help you,” he warned.

  The guard grinned as his eyes narrowed on Finn. “Oh, don’t worry, lover boy. I’ll take good care of her,” he sneered, bringing his face down to the side of my face.

  I pushed my head to the side and butted him with the side of my skull. I saw stars.

  “Bitch,” he cursed, rubbing the side of his cheek, glaring at me. “Well, I like ‘em feisty,” he said, grabbing my chin.

  “Get you’re filthy hands off her, you bastard,” Finn thr
eatened. He tried to fight past Miss Mable, but right now, Miss Mable was stronger than he was.

  I shook out of the guards grip, and then he quickly pulled me back and wheeled me out.

  “Finn!” I screamed, but it was too late. I was already out and heading down the hall.

  “Don’t worry, Finn. I’ll take care of her,” Dr. Banks voice trailed behind me.

  What the hell was going on?

  This place was just as bad as the outside.

  Chapter 24

  “General, could you please tell me what’s going on?” Dr. Banks asked as we entered the room.

  “Dr. Banks, let me make this very short and clear. Things are run differently here than how they were run in your previous hive. Your leader had a handful of people to take care of, while I am in charge of hundreds.”

  “People don’t like rules, but rules are set up to give boundaries, and keep everything running. When people break the rules, there must be consequences. Consequences are a necessary evil, and are used as examples to keep future rules from being broken.

  “You, Dr. Banks, broke a rule tonight. I specifically gave orders to keep Miss Park in her room, and under a guard’s supervision, because she has also broken a rule. Now, I realize that Miss Park is also under your care, so I am giving you a warning. It’s not wise to cross me.”

  “What are the charges against Miss Park?” Dr. Banks inquired.

  “That is none of your concern, doctor,” he answered. “Your main concern should be the wellbeing of the residence here. Period. Leave the rest to me.”

  I could see the frustration on Dr. Banks face. He was disconcerted, but I also knew he was wise and bit his tongue. It was no use fighting the General.

  The General’s office was a large room, filled with war memorabilia and ancient weaponry. It definitely wasn’t a family friendly place. It was a place that seemed fitting for someone who craved power.

  I was beginning to see General Donnelly for who he really was - a power-hungry man. According to history, those kinds of men were the cause of much harm and destruction. Power, if not harnessed, could corrupt a mind. Power could change a man, driving a wedge between the sane and insane, and only the possessor of that mind would be able to choose.

  Choose right, and they could become a ruler, well-loved by everyone. Choose wrong, and the mind suddenly thinks everyone is able to commit treachery, including their own blood.

  In this particular case, General Donnelly was already in control of this hive, but there were others who were in a much greater position than he was. And now with talk of moving to the new government hive, he probably felt threatened. And threatening a power-hungry man is a very scary thing.

  “You are free to go, Dr. Banks. I trust you understand the rules,” the General said.

  “Yes. I understand,” he answered, “but Miss Park is still under my care, and she’s suffered a major brain trauma. She should not be here. She needs to be in the infirmary, in bed, resting for at least a few more days.”

  The General glared at me.

  “Miss Park, my daughter is sitting in a cell because of the prank you two pulled. I’m only lenient with you because you’re injured, but believe me, I will deal with you later,” he said, in a not so friendly tone. “Dr. Banks, you can escort Miss Park back to the infirmary, but she is not to leave her room. Understood?”

  “Yes,” Dr. Banks answered.

  “Un-cuff her,” the General motioned to the guard.

  The guard looked disgusted, and shook his head as he un-cuffed me. “I’ll be watching you,” he whispered.

  I wanted to retaliate, but I quenched the fire burning deep within me. I just wanted to get out of here, as soon as possible.

  The guard stepped aside and Dr. Banks pushed me out. We remained silent until we reached my room. The same guard was there, and sneered as we walked by. Dr. Banks helped me get back into bed, and gave me some medicine.

  “Just rest, Abi. Don’t worry. I’ll try and keep you here as long as I can. We’ll figure something out,” he whispered. “Your parents will be visiting in a few hours. I’ll talk with your father. Right now, I’m going to go back and check on Finn, and I’ll send Miss Mabel down with some food.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Banks. In more ways than one.”

  “We’ll be okay, Abi. We’ll figure it all out, and we’ll be okay,” he said with a smile.

  I nodded. I knew Dr. Banks saw what I did, and I knew it was something he wouldn’t put up with. We were supposed to be free. This was supposed to be a safe zone, but right now, it felt unsafe.

  We still had a long way to go before we could really be free. If that were even possible. All I knew is that I had three fears: the Arvies, losing Finn, and the people in charge of the hives.

  Only time would reveal which would become the greatest threat.

  Right now there was one thing I needed to do. Only one thing I could do to help anyone.


  The End…For Now.


  Cameo Renae was born in San Francisco, CA, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and recently moved with her husband and children to Alaska. She loved reading from as long as she can remember, and it was C.S. Lewis' - Chronicles of Narnia - which sparked a fire in her soul and made her want to create her own wondrous, magical worlds and awesome characters to go on adventures with. In My Dreams & Hidden Wings were both recently published through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing earlier this year. Descent (A Hidden Wings novella) was released May 15, 2013, and Broken Wings (Book 2 in the Hidden Wings Series) was released June 1, 2013. ARV-3 is her most current release.

  She is currently working on the next Hidden Wings Series book titled: Tethered Wings. No release date yet. :) One day she hopes to find her own magic wardrobe, and ride away on her magical unicorn... Until then... she'll keep writing!


  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24



  Cameo Renae, ARV-3 (The After Light Saga)



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