Page 28 of The Wedge of Gold



  The "Pallas" had been in port twenty days before Jordan began to situp, a few minutes at a time. He was still very weak, but his face wastransfigured by an almost divine light. It was reflected radiance fromthe eyes of Margaret Hazleton.

  The doctor had thrown away his medicine, telling Jordan that all heneeded was good nursing and as much food as his stomach could assimilate.

  It was a happy little company. Jordan and Mrs. Hazleton, Sedgwick and hiswife, the doctor and Captain McGregor--for the ship had been left withthe first officer, and the captain had turned nurse to relieve Sedgwick.

  A week later Jordan could sit up most of the day, and Captain McGregorhad begun to absent himself two or three hours every afternoon. Aboutthis time Browning's dispatch was received.

  Sedgwick was needed in London. What was best to do?

  He prepared a statement of the mine, signed it and got Jordan to sign it,and he shipped the bullion to a well-known Paris banking house.

  Nothing held him back except Jordan's illness. He was growing anxious,and his wife, who watched his every mood, quickly discovered it. So soonas she did, she went to him, put an arm around one of his, and said.

  "What is it, love? What is it that is troubling you?"

  He explained that he ought to be in London, but Jordan was yet too weakto travel, and he could not leave him--not for twenty mines.

  Grace thought the matter over for two or three minutes, and then saidcheerfully:

  "I have it, husband! We will get a nurse for the dear man. I will remain,and Margaret and myself and the nurse can see to him, and will follow youwhen he can travel."

  Sedgwick looked at her fondly for a moment, and then said:

  "You are a great little woman, sure enough; but you are such a one thatI would rather remain than go without you."

  She put her hands upon his lips, and said:

  "Duty, love. Hist, we must always be brave and self-forgetful enough todo our duty. I am going now to see Margaret." She walked a few steps,then turned back and said:

  "Why would it not be the right thing for Mr. Jordan and Margaret to bemarried before you leave?"

  "I believe it would," said Sedgwick, "only that I have planned that wewould give them a great wedding in London."

  "So had I," said Grace, "and we will."

  Just as they were talking, Captain McGregor came from the direction ofthe harbor.

  "I have news for you," he said. "I have sold the 'Pallas.' She will sailto-morrow, and now I propose to remain with you, and go with you toLondon when you go."

  "You have sold the dear ship?" said Sedgwick. "And what of the doctor andthe crew?"

  "They will sail in her. The doctor will be up to make his adieusto-night. They wanted to charter the craft for a long voyage. I would notgo, but offered to sell, and they bought, and re-engaged the officers,the surgeon and the crew."

  "Let us go on board," said Sedgwick. "I want to bid those good mengood-bye."

  "So do I," said the captain. "I will be grateful if you will go with me."

  "Wait a moment until I run down to the bank," said Sedgwick. "While I amgone, Grace, get your hat and wrap; and by the way, captain, how manymen and officers are there?"

  The captain replied: "Six officers, the surgeon and steward, threewaiters, twelve seamen and sixteen men in the firing department."

  The company soon set out, and went on board the "Pallas."

  All hands were called on deck. Captain McGregor made them a littlespeech; told them that his chief regret in giving up the ship was inparting with them, and wished them all happiness and prosperity. Theygave him three cheers, and all shook hands with him, wishing him longlife and asking God's blessing for him.

  Then Sedgwick stepped forward, and said:

  "My Dear Friends:--That I was able to bring one whom I lovebetter than a brother to where he could find the strength to get well,I owe to you. He is yet too weak to be moved, or he would be here by myside to thank you. I was much absorbed on the voyage, but I saw how you,officers and seamen, worked to take advantage of every puff of wind andevery current of the sea. I know how you others were working in the hellof the fire-room, and I shall be grateful to you as long as I live. Iwish you all health, happiness and prosperity in the future.

  "You, with your grand captain, carried the machinery to Africa, which hasmade me a good deal of money. You brought home my friend when he wasmaking an unequal fight for life. I want each of you to have a littlesouvenir of my gratitude."

  With that he undid a package which he had been holding in his hand. Itcontained a bunch of envelopes. He handed one to each of the officers andmen.

  Those for the mates and engineers each contained bank notes of the valueof L200. Those of the men each contained L50. The doctor's containedL1,000.

  The men whispered eagerly among themselves for a moment; then the thirdmate said:

  "Mr. Sedgwick, the lads want me to ask you how they can best thank you.They are not much talkers, and this gift of yours has about beached theirtongues."

  Sedgwick smiled and said: "No thanks are needed, but I want to tell youthat this is all due to the dearest woman in the world," putting his armaround Grace. "If you will each come and shake the hand of my wife, allthe gratitude you feel will be receipted for."

  They joyfully responded, and one old tar, more bold than the rest, said,as he took the fair little hand of Grace in the grasp of his own knottedhand: "Your mon is a mighty poor hand to save money, but he'll be richernor Rothschild as long as you are spared to him."

  They gave their old captain and his friend three cheers as they passedover the ship's side, and McGregor wiped his eyes all the way back to thehotel.

  Grace went at once to the sick-room. Jordan was half reclining in aneasy-chair. Margaret was sitting where he could see her, and wasevidently reading to him, when Grace entered.

  Jordan spoke: "Take a cheer, madam. Maggie wur readin' 'nd it's mightycomfortin'. It's like sipping old wine and hearin' music in thar nextroom same time."

  "Don't you mind him, Grace," said Margaret. "He is still very weak, andall that he says is not as deep as it might be." But she smiled fondly athim while she spoke.

  "Don't yo' b'leve her, Mrs. Sedgwick," said Jordan. "We all has weakspots in our hearts; she's mine."

  Grace put one hand on Jordan's hand, the other on Margaret's cheek, andsaid:

  "Say all the pretty things of her that you please, Mr. Jordan, and do notmind her, for her heart has been starving for those same words from yourlips for a long time."

  Margaret was silent, but she smiled; and a great flush swept over herface as she smiled.

  "Everything war right, after all," said Jordan. "Hed I not lost her, Imighter grown careless o' her like other men do sometimes uv those theyluv, but no matter, we has a understandin'."

  And again the happy woman smiled and blushed.

  Then Grace explained how much her husband was needed in England; that shehad determined to remain until Mr. Jordan could travel, and let herhusband go; that Captain McGregor had sold the "Pallas," and she thoughtshe would remain with them, and asked Jordan if he thought they, with anurse, could take care of him.

  Before he could answer, Mrs. Hazleton interposed and said:

  "All this sickness and sorrow came through me. Henceforth my life is tobe devoted to where it can do most good. We do not want any display. Whycan we not be married? Then I will be his nurse, and he will need noother. You can go with your husband, and we will come when Tom isstronger. What say you, love?"

  "Do not answer, Mr. Jordan," said Grace. "We have fixed it for you to bemarried where my husband and myself--where Jack and Rose--were married.We will remain until you can travel."

  "I'd be mighty glad ter call yo' 'wife' now, Maggie," said Jordan; "but Idon't reckon it's squar for a man ter take advantage of his nuss." Thenturning to Mrs. Sedgwick, he continued: "Tell Jim I'll be ready ter leaveter-morrer evenin'."

p; So next day they started by easy stages for London. Sedgwick engaged aspecial car to be stopped off at any point he might desire. They rested aday in Milan, another in Paris, and there Sedgwick arranged to have thebullion that might come from the 'Wedge of Gold' at all times at hisimmediate disposal. They reached London in six days; Jordan had gained somuch that he walked to the carriage from the Dover depot, and withSedgwick's and McGregor's support, walked up the steps of Sedgwick'shouse.

  Rose had dinner waiting for them, and at dinner expressed the sentimentsof all by saying: "I believe this is just now the happiest house in allEngland."

C. C. Goodwin's Novels