She leaned in and rested her head against his chest. “I don’t want you to think I’m not happy for Sofia and Eric. I really am. It’s just that…” She took a deep trembling breath and right then he knew exactly what was wrong.
He’d thought about it when he hung up with her after giving her the news. Maybe he should’ve waited until he got home to tell her. But Sofia had just told him when Sarah called and it was still so fresh on his mind. He stroked her back. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I wanted to bring it up but since you hadn’t in months I was afraid to. What do you say if it doesn’t happen this month we go see a doctor?”
She lifted her head away from his chest and stared at him. Her big beautiful green eyes were full of worry. “I’ve done some research, babe,” he said, kissing her forehead. “There’s all kinds of reasons why it might not be happening. It could be something really simple.”
“I’ve been looking it up, too. But I’m just so scared. What if they tell us we can’t ever?”
“Sarah, we already know we can.” God he’d never forget how devastated she’d been. He had been too but he hurt more for her than anything. He knew how excited she’d been. Not that he hadn’t been but he decided long ago that he could be happy going through life without kids as long as he had Sarah by his side. But since this was so important to her he’d do whatever it took to make her happy. “It already happened once, baby. It’ll happen again.”
Her eyes went from worried to hopeful. “You think?”
He smiled kissing her. “Yeah, I think.”
She smiled, taking a deep breath and leaned against his chest again. “Okay so if it doesn’t happen this month, I’ll make an appointment.”
“Good.” He kissed the top of her head. “Now you wanna tell me why you had to go outside to talk to Syd?”
She continued to lean against him. “I didn’t want you to hear me tell him I was upset about Sofia’s news.”
Angel clenched his teeth, taking a deep breath. He had to remind himself that Sarah had always been close to Sydney. So close that sharing something this personal with him was normal. He only hoped that now that he was getting divorced it didn’t mean she’d be hearing more from him. Best friend or not, Angel had never truly accepted it, just learned to tolerate it. Sarah had to know this. But he’d let it go for now.
He turned to the pot of white rice on the stove. “So you really making dinner?”
Sarah pulled away glancing at the pot then back at him with a smirk. “Why is that so hard to believe?”
Angel laughed. “I didn’t say that. I’m just saying,” he glanced around at the otherwise empty stove top. “Are we playing survivor or something? Is rice all we’re having?”
She laughed. “No I was going to make some teriyaki chicken.”
Angel crinkled his nose. “What do you say we go grab a pizza and some beer. Well, wine for you. ” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Might not be too long before you can’t have wine anymore .”
That brightened her eyes and she nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he said kissing her. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Chapter 2
heightc Sal explained the final task needed to close out the books for the month. Ever since the third restaurant had been opened up in La Jolla Shores last year, he’d had his hands full, but he was still insisting he could manage all three restaurants. The back office stuff anyway—things he’d gone to school for all those years. But knowing how busy he and Grace were with the new restaurant and now Grace taking time off to be home more with baby Sal; Sarah had finally convinced him she could take over some of the things he normally did at her and Angel’s restaurant. It was a bit more daunting than she’d expected. He always made it look so easy but she was catching on. If only her mind didn’t keep wandering.
She was two weeks late now but refused to make any announcements. The initial home pregnancy test had come back positive and even though she’d allowed herself to jump into Angel’s arms and cried overjoyed; there was still a very small possibility it could be a false positive, or she could lose it again. Her appointment with her doctor was still a few days away. Secretly she knew she was. She was already feeling all the signs from the first time. They would hold off until she was past that twelve week mark. It was a long time to keep it to themselves but she knew this family. They’d make a huge deal out of it which would only make things worse if something went wrong.
Raul, their newest waiter, walked in the back and started putting on his apron. Unlike most of the waiters they hired, since he’d worked at several of the trendy marina restaurants he’d needed the least amount of training and he doubled as a bartender when they got real busy on the weekends. He was a little cocky and outspoken and flirted wildly with the other waitresses, not to mention the customers, but Sarah had to admit he was good.
Sal turned to face him. “So how we doing? You catching on?”
Raul brought his eyebrows together with an expression of sheer confidence. “With my eyes closed.”
Sarah was glad for the distraction because her phone had buzzed a couple of times since Sal started explaining everything to her and she thought it rude to check her texts so she took advantage now that he chatted with Raul.
Both texts were from Sydney. She clicked on it and read the threaded messages.
Sitting at the airport. Flights delayed and I’m bored as hell.
How are you feeling?
He’d was the only other person that knew about her positive pregnancy test. She tried to keep it from him but the last time they talked he knew something was up when she stumbled on her answer about why she still hadn’t made an appointment to see the fertility specialist. He knew her too well so she decided to just tell him, but made him promise to not mention a word to his parents until she gave him the go ahead.
She was about to text back when Sal stood up. She looked up at him. “Are we done?”
“Yep, that’s it. For the monthly stuff. I’ll come back and show you the quarterly stuff next month.”
He kissed her head and she thanked him for his patience. He and Raul walked out together into the dining room and she texted Sydney back.
Tokyo again? So far so good. But my appointment isn’t for another few days.
Sydney work ASydney woed as a technical engineer for a giant computer software company whose headquarters was based in Tokyo so they flew him out there at least once a month. When he first hired on he’d actually lived out there for a few months.
She went through some of the stuff her and Sal had just done on the computer while she waited for him to respond.
Angel walked into the back; before she could even say anything he leaned in and kissed her deeply. When he finally came up for air she smiled. “Wow. What was that about?”
He shrugged smiling. “You just do that to me.” He glanced behind him. “How you feeling? Any nausea yet?”
“A little earlier, but I’m fine now.”
He seemed concerned for a second then the corner of his lip went up, flashing her his beautiful dimple. “You know you are, babe.”
“But don’t say anything yet. It’s too soon.”
“Okay, whatever you want.” He kissed her again. “You think you’re up for a ballgame this weekend? Romero and Isabel are stopping by to have lunch and he has extra tickets to the Padres game this Friday. It’s a play off game.”
Her phone buzzed and she glanced at it. So did Angel.
“Sure. That sounds like fun.”
Her phone buzzed again.
“You gonna get that?” Angel asked, pulling open the bottom drawer of the desk. He started looking for something.
“It’s just Sydney. I’ll text him back in a little.”
Angel looked up at her, his eyebrow raised. She knew he’d noticed the increase in texts from Sydney but he had to understand this was a really hard time for Syd. And they were just texts.
r />
“What’s he up to now?”
“He’s stuck at the airport and bored.”
Angels eyes locked on hers for a second before looking back down into the drawer. “Hmm. Alright so I’ll tell Romero we’re in.”
He began to straighten out and she pulled him to her and kissed him. “Thanks for understanding about me not wanting to say anything yet.”
“You know I’ll agree with whatever makes you happy.”
She waited until he was out of the room before picking up her phone. Sydney would always be a sticky subject for them. She still didn’t understand why after all these years Angel could possibly be insecure about this. She hadn’t even seen Sydney in over a year. Sighing, she read the text and smiled.
He’s single now and he has no one but Sarah to entertain him? A married w AA marriedoman whose husband has never made it a secret that their relationship is not one that thrills him? How stupid was this guy?
Romero and Isabel walked in. They came up to Angel and Isabel hugged him. “I thought you said Manny and Max were coming too?”
“They are.” Romero said. “They’re on their way.”
Angel showed them to one of his bigger tables. “I’ll go get a waiter.”
Isabel took a seat but Romero followed him. Angel didn’t need to go too far. Raul was already on his way to their table.
“Izzy just order me the usual. I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Angel. “So you want them?”
Angel stopped. “Yeah, Sarah says she wants to go.”
Romero pulled them out of his pocket and handed him the tickets. He started going on about how great the seats were and he was supposed to go with Alex but the twins were under the weather and neither he nor Valerie wanted to leave them. Angel took a few steps away from the table where Isabel sat, hoping Romero wouldn’t hear Raul doing his usual flirting.
“And get this. Manny’s friend will be able to get tickets if they go to the World Series.”
Just then Raul laughed and so did Isabel. Romero stopped and glanced back at them taking in Raul from top to bottom. He glanced back at Angel. “New waiter?”
“Yeah, just started couple of weeks ago.” Angel took a deep breath as Raul started his usual, ‘you look so familiar’ routine.
The table covered Isabel’s swollen belly so there was no way Raul could tell he was flirting with a pregnant woman. And the last time the whole gang had been together, Sarah had had to endure Valerie, Isabel and Grace complain about their pregnancy woes. One of which was Isabel saying she couldn’t wear her wedding ring anymore because her fingers kept swelling up.
“So the World Series uh?”
Romero turned back to Angel and Angel could see Raul had already struck a nerve with him. Before Romero could answer Raul continued.
“It must be that sweet smile.”
Though Romero had gotten better about his temper, he still annoyed easily especially when it came to his Izzy. “Is this guy for real?” he said, glaring at Raul.
Thankfully Raul walked away from the table just then right past Angel and Romero who stared him down hard.
“Relax he does that with everyone.” Angel smirked trying to soften the moment but Romero wasn’t smiling. “I’ll go get your drinks.”
Angel hurried back to the bar area where Raul was waiting on Romero and Isabel’s drinks. “What’s that guy’s problem?”
“That was his pregnant wife you were just flirting with, you idiot. Will you stop laying on the flirting shit so thick and just take orders like a normal waiter?” Angel reached for the tray with the two drinks for Romero and Isabel. “I got this, and have Julie take over this table.”
A="0"> “Are you serious?” Raul chuckled.
Angel shot him a look and Raul lifted his hands. “All right. But don’t you think that’s kind of stupid to go all cave man over something so small. I complimented his wife. He should be flattered.”
“Yeah, well he wasn’t.”
After dropping off the drinks then the tray back at the bar Angel headed to back room lost in thought. He thought about Raul’s comment. Was it stupid for Romero to get so worked up so easily? In the middle of that thought he walked into the back room where Sarah was laughing reading her text. Immediately the annoyance he’d felt earlier was back doubled. “What’s so funny?”
She seemed startled but attempted to play it off and shook her head. “Sydney.”
“Really? What about him?” Angel wasn’t so sure what pissed him off more. The fact that Sarah could smile so brightly over something Sydney texted her or that they’d obviously been texting all this time.
“He had sent a text earlier saying it should be illegal for some people to wear flip flops. Then just now he sent a picture he took of the guy’s feet he was talking about.” She put her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. “His toes are all nasty and hairy.”
Angel couldn’t even force a smile. “How long has he been stuck at the airport?”
“I don’t know—couple of hours I think,” she said, still smiling.
“And he’s been texting you all this time?” Angel opened the back cabinet to put on a baseball cap with the restaurant’s logo.
He glanced back at her. The
smile was gone. “No he hasn’t, Angel. I said he’d sent me that text about the guys feet earlier. I got caught up with what I was doing I hadn’t even responded just now when I got the picture.”
“I was just asking a question, Sarah. No need to get all defensive.”
“I’m not getting defensive.”
Angel put the cap on and hurried to the door. “All right you’re not.” He stalked out before he blew up. Fuck! He was better than this. It was stupid to go all cave man on her but he couldn’t help it.
Luckily Romero flagged him down as soon as he saw him. Manny, Aida and Max were sitting with them now.
“I wasn’t there,” Manny said as Angel walked up to their table was. “But this guy was. Hey, Angel, tell Izzy about the time Romero burned his eyebrow off trying to light that bonfire at the beach. You should’ve seen him,” Manny turned back to Isabel. “And then he wouldn’t shave off the other one so he wouldn’t look so stupid with only one eyebrow so he walked around for weeks like this.” Manny covered one eyebrow with his finger and wheezed in laughter. Aida snorted and Romero rolled his eyes. After a few minutes with those guys, Angel snapped out of his mood—a little.
The doctor had confirmed what they already knew. Sarah was pregnant. With the twelve week mark long behind them now everyone knew and they’d even made it through the not so wonderful part of being pregnant—the first trimester.
It hadn’t actually been too bad. The physical symptoms weren’t nearly as bad as the raging hormones. Sarah cried at the drop of a pin, and even though it didn’t annoy Angel nearly as much as it bothered him, he’d always hated to see her cry, Sarah admitted she was getting on her own nerves.
Understandably even Angel had gotten choked up when they first heard the heartbeat. But weeks later Angel’s heart nearly stopped when she suddenly jerked awake in the middle of the night only to tell him she’d felt the baby move. That was just the beginning. A few weeks later the leg cramps in the middle of the night started; the first was the scariest. She yelped in pain nearly stopping is heart again and when he got the light on he saw her leg in the air.
“Cramp!” Was the only thing she said. Her agonized expression told him the rest. Luckily, both Isabel and Grace had recently mentioned this. Both Sal and Romero had had to come to their rescue by massaging down the cramped area so Angel jumped on it, attacking that cramped muscle on her leg like it was the enemy. He massaged with conviction glancing back as his poor wife as her expression slowly soothed.
After that he had it down. The moment it hit again he didn’t even have to turn on the lights. Though the amount of times it happened decreased once they looked into what was needed to avoid them. As m
uch as Angel had prayed Sarah would finally be pregnant he never imagined it would be so nerve wracking, until things took a completely unexpected turn.
All this time Angel had searched online for things like morning sickness remedies, mood swings and how the hell to fix it. He’d never taken into consideration some of the more pleasant side effect of pregnancies. At first he didn’t think much of it. Three nights in a row Sarah had attacked him before he even tried to make a move and then woke the next morning in the mood again.
He sat in the back finishing up the schedules for the next week when Sarah walked into the back room with a wicked smile on her face and her green eyes smoldered.
He couldn’t help smiling. “What?”
“We have that call to take remember?” she said, locking the door behind her.
He thought about it for a second as she walked to him. “What call?”
“You know. The one I just told everyone we’d be on for a while.”
> She straddled him, rubbing him in just a way that had him stirring in his pants at once. “Baby, what are you—”
Her kiss was so frenzied it made his legs weak but other parts went solid immediately. His arms wrapped around her and stroked her back as her hands held his face. Angel hadn’t felt this damn excited since they’d found out she was pregnant and he’d been so focused on her well being—both physical and emotional.
Her hands came down to his pants, undoing his button and unzipping him, then she stood just long enough for him to pull them down. For a split second he actually considered objecting, they were in the restaurant and employees were just outside the door, but that passed real quick. He hadn’t even thought about it until then that Sarah wore a skirt. She rarely wore skirts to work. His eyes opened wide and he looked up at her. “Did you plan this?”