Teagan takes them and mumbles, “Thanks.”

  “No problem,” Trent replies, leaning against the counter.

  She swallows the pills down and then drinks the water. “Can I ask a question?”

  “Sure,” Trent replies.

  “Not that I am not enjoying the view, but why don’t you have a shirt on?”

  Smiling, Trent says, “I was doing what exercises I could while I was here. It’s a great way of burning off the after effects of the liquor. I didn’t want to make the shirt sweaty.”

  “Well, you can keep the shirt off,” Teagan quips, grinning behind the glass of water.

  Trent gives her a mischievous smile. “On that note, I think I should put it back on.”

  “Booo,” Teagan laughs.

  “So……” Trent starts. “How much do you remember from last night?”

  “Ummmm, I was fine until I got home, and I kind of remember you showing up and that you were staying, but otherwise I don’t remember much,” Teagan states.

  With a nod, Trent says, “I see.”

  “Why?” Teagan hesitantly says. “What happened?”

  “Nothing,” Trent answers with a smile. “I just had to get you ready for bed.”

  Furrowing her eyebrows, Teagan asks, “Do I even want to know?”

  “I kind of….” Trent starts. “Never mind, it’s not important.”

  “No, you can’t start something like that and not finish it,” Teagan teases.

  “I saw you without your top on,” Trent winces. “You took me by surprise, and I wasn’t quick enough to cover you.”

  Teagan stares at Trent, horrified. “You’re joking right?”

  “Would it make you feel better if I said yes?”

  “No, because I know you’re lying!” Teagan screams. “Oh my god!” She covers her face and bends over. “That’s horrible.”

  “Well……you were adamant about not sleeping in your dress. I was just trying to get you into bed.” There is a moment of silence, and then Trent puts his hands out and says, “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have helped if I thought that was going to happen. I promise, I didn’t try anything.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t!” Teagan retorts between her fingers. “You wouldn’t touch me for a million dollars.”

  Trent hesitates and then whispers, “You really don’t remember last night.” He looks away and then back at her.

  “What?” Teagan replies, looking up at him.

  “Nothing, why don’t you get into the shower if you are feeling better,” Trent suggests. “It may help.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Teagan exhales. “I feel nasty.” She stands up and winces. “Ugh, I hope I feel better soon.”

  Trent smiles, “You will. That smoothie will help a lot.”

  “Okay,” Teagan replies. “I’m going to head to the shower.”

  “I will call a cab,” Trent says. “If I am gone before you get out, I hope you feel better.”

  She looks up at him a little wide eyed; disappointment crosses her face. “Why are you leaving?”

  “Because,” he starts. “I am wearing the same clothes as yesterday and need a shower myself.”

  Frowning, Teagan mumbles, “Okay.”

  “Why? Were you planning on doing something with me today?” Trent inquires. “You are awfully hung over.”

  “No,” Teagan sighs. “Go home. Thanks for helping.”

  Giving her a kind smile, Trent says, “If you want to do something, we can do something.”

  A little bashful, Teagan replies, “Like what?”

  “Is there anything you have been wanting to do?” Trent asks.

  She thinks about it for a moment. “Can we go to the aquarium?”

  “Sure, Kya loves it there,” Trent chuckles. “I like it too.”

  “You do a lot with Kya, huh?” Teagan replies. “That’s really cool. I love my nieces.”

  “Kya means the world to me,” Trent murmurs, looking away. “Go get in the shower, and then we will go to my place, and I will get ready.”

  “Okay, I’ll make it quick,” Teagan calls over her shoulder as she turns and walks to her room. Twenty minutes later, she comes walking out of the bathroom. “All right, it’s a jeans and hoodie kind of day,” Teagan states. “Hair in a bun and no make-up. You get plain, old me.”

  Trent smiles, “Well, the plain, old you is still beautiful. I like girls in hoodies as much as a short skirt.”

  Teagan’s cheeks light on fire. “Let’s get going.”

  “Sounds good,” Trent agrees. “I put everything in your refrigerator. You saw how to make it for next time.”

  “Ugh,” Teagan groans. “I don’t get drunk very often. That is all Victoria. I promise you, I’m not going to have anything but beer for a while.”

  “Awwww,” Trent draws out. “You’re fun when you’re drunk. I get a free show.”

  With a smirk, Teagan says, “Shut up.”

  “Come on.” Trent sticks his hand out. “We should go.” Teagan looks down at it but pauses. Trent draws it back quickly. “I’m sorry. After last night, I’m sure you want some distance.”

  “It’s not that. It’s not like that with you Trent,” Teagan states, “But, it confuses me.”

  “Okay…how?” Trent inquires.

  “We’re friends. You said we could be only friends because of the fraternizing thing.”

  He laughs, “I think we are way, way, WAY beyond that point. It’s fine if you don’t want to be affectionate. I get it.”

  “It gives the wrong impression,” Teagan whispers. “You don’t want physical contact, and then you do. We’re supposed to be platonic friends.”

  “I think we are at the point of being really good friends,” Trent says, shrugging his shoulders. “We can show affection, but if it makes you uncomfortable then I will stop.”

  “You don’t make me uncomfortable,” Teagan declares softly. “It’s the exact opposite. You are the first guy that I have let touch me or show any sort of affection since Justin.”

  “It scares you,” Trent softly replies.

  “Kind of,” Teagan sighs.

  “Then I will stop.”

  She looks up and into his eyes. Trent stares back at her; kindness radiates from his eyes. Teagan takes in a deep breath and then steps up to him. She looks at him before wrapping her arms around him and laying her head on his chest. Trent hesitantly puts his arms around her. “I need to get past it,” Teagan murmurs. “Will you help me with that?”

  “Of course,” Trent replies, squeezing her close. “We can take this one step at a time.”

  “I want to feel comfortable dating again,” Teagan sighs. “I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life.”

  “You won’t, baby,” Trent whispers, kissing the top of her head. “Give it time. You will learn to trust again.”

  “I trust you. You make me feel safe, so safe.”

  Trent hugs even harder. “I would never let anything happen to you.”


  “Okay, let’s go,” Trent says. “I desperately need to take a shower.”

  “You smell perfectly fine to me,” Teagan giggles. “Very alluring.”

  “Mmmmm,” Trent hums. “I hope you aren’t mad, but I borrowed your car to go to the store. I filled it up with gas.”

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Teagan says, looking up at him. “I can afford gas.”

  With a wink, Trent says, “I can afford more of it. Come on, let’s go.”

  * * * * *

  “Isn’t that cool,” Teagan whispers, looking through the glass.

  “Jellyfish are cool, but they can seriously hurt you,” Trent replies, walking up behind her.

  “But they are so beautiful,” Teagan states. “I mean, how graceful!”

  He stops directly behind her. His body is barely touching hers, but it feels so intimate. She has the urge to grab his hands and wrap them around her. Almost on cue, Trent brings his hand up and plac
es it on her hip. He bends over and whispers, “What do you want to do next?”

  Her nerves are tingling from the contact, and she murmurs, “I don’t know. What do you want to see?”

  “The sharks,” Trent softly says into her ear. The sensation of his breath hot on her skin makes Teagan back up into him. Trent wraps his arm tight around her. “Teagan,” he breathes out.

  She can’t even move; she is so lost in his touch. Teagan wants to turn around and kiss him, kiss him like she has never kissed another man. Knowing that she can’t, Teagan steps away from Trent. “Let’s go to the shark tanks. Come on.” She starts to walk to the far door.

  When they get to the shark tank, they enter through a clear tube. The fish and sharks are swimming around them. Teagan smiles and says, “This is so cool.”

  “There are hotels in the Bahamas that have rooms underwater. So, you are surrounded by the sea and all the fish,” Trent states.

  “Oh my gosh, when I get married, that’s where I am going to spend my honeymoon,” Teagan giggles, running her hands down the glass. “Could you imagine lying in bed and watching this for hours? Soft classical music playing, wrapped in the arms of the person you love.”

  “I could imagine making love under the sea would be pretty awesome, too,” Trent replies.

  Blushing, Teagan whispers, “I would like to experience that one day, actually making love, because that is not what happened to me.”

  “That wasn’t even sex,” Trent murmurs in her ear. “I know what it was.”

  “I know,” Teagan sniffles.

  “Don’t cry baby,” Trent says, pulling her into his arms. “I will beat the ever living piss out of him for what he has done.”

  “Okay,” Teagan snickers into his arm. “I may enjoy watching that. But you know you really can’t do that, right?”

  “Why not?” Trent quips.

  “It’s called assault,” Teagan laughs, looking up at him.

  “I have some really great lawyers,” Trent declares. “Plus, I will make him swing at me first. I may actually let him hit me in the face because then it will look like he started it.”

  “Will that work?” Teagan asks.

  “It’s worth a try,” Trent laughs.

  With a huge smile, Teagan reaches up and strokes his cheek. “But I don’t want your beautiful face tarnished in any way.”

  “It would be worth it,” Trent retorts playfully. “I really want to lay this guy out.”

  Teagan looks down and exhales loudly. “I want to show you something next time you are at my place.”


  “I want to show you the video,” Teagan whispers.

  “Why?” Trent gasps.

  Looking up at him, Teagan says, “I think I need someone to understand the horror of it. Why I am the way I am.”

  “Teagan, that’s very private,” Trent says. “Are you sure?”

  “I want someone to see it who won’t laugh, who understands the damage it did,” Teagan states. “I have never shown it to anyone.”

  “Then why me?” Trent asks softly.

  “You may not know it, but you are helping me move forward. It’s slow, but I trust a guy again. I know you won’t hurt me. I guess I need to see it and be okay with it. It’s a lot to ask, I know. You don’t have to do it. It could be really awkward.” She looks down, not wanting to see his possible rejection with her own eyes.

  “If you need to be held while watching it and told that it’s okay and you are safe now, I will do it. You do need to heal and if I can help in that, I will, in any way I can.”

  Teagan looks into his eyes and then stands on her tip toes. She goes to kiss his cheek, but Trent turns his head. Their lips meet, and it is the softest, sweetest kiss. Teagan quickly pulls away and steps back. “Sorry,” she stammers. “I didn’t….I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  “I did,” Trent replies.

  With a shocked look, Teagan gasps, “What?”

  “You need to know it’s all right. I’m not going to hurt you. Kissing is a gentle, wonderful thing. I don’t want you to be scared of it.”

  “But you said you didn’t want me to fall for you,” Teagan softly says, still in shock.

  “I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend. It was a moment where you needed that contact. Tell me, did it scare you? Was it bad?”

  She shakes her head. “No, it was nice.”

  “See,” Trent whispers. “Take it one step at a time.” He reaches out and grabs her hand. “Come on, let’s go see the sharks.”

  Completely lost, Teagan follows him. She can still feel the press of his lips on hers. It makes her feel things that she doesn’t think she is supposed to be feeling. Shaking her head, Teagan tries to put it into the back of her mind.

  When they leave the aquarium, Trent opens Teagan’s door for her. “Doesn’t the driver usually open the passenger’s door?” She laughs.

  “A gentleman always opens the door for a lady, even if that lady is driving,” Trent quips. He gets into the car and looks at her. “What do you want to do now?”

  “Aren’t you sick of me yet?” Teagan laughs.

  “No, do you have homework you need to do?” Trent inquires.

  Groaning, Teagan sighs, “Yes, I have a test to study for. BORING.”

  “Well then, we had better get you home so you can study. Can’t have you slack off because you are hanging out with me,” Trent jokes, nudging her arm with his elbow.

  “Want to come over?” Teagan asks. “We can watch tv and order a pizza while I study. I have to be doing two things at once to get anything accomplished.”

  “Actually……an old friend of mine is fighting tonight and I was going to watch that,” Trent’s voice falls. “But it’s pay per view.”

  “Ah,” Teagan replies. “I do not have that option. Off to take you home then!”

  “Can’t you study at my house?” Trent asks. “I do have very comfortable couches in the living room.”

  Teagan gives him a small grin. “Are you sure?”

  “A fight is definitely better watched with someone else,” Trent states solidly. “Let’s go get your stuff and head back to my place.”

  “Okay,” Teagan giggles.

  When they pull up to Teagan’s apartment, she looks at Trent “I am going to grab my stuff and be right back down.”

  “Okay,” Trent replies. “Hurry up, chop, chop.”

  “Quiet you,” Teagan teases as she jumps out of the car. When she gets into her apartment, she grabs her books and computer bag. As she is walking past her jewelry box, she stops. Teagan hesitates for a second and then pops open the secret compartment. Inside sits a small jump drive. She waits a second and then grabs it. Teagan shoves it really far down in her pocket and rushes out the door.

  Twenty minutes later they are walking into Trent’s house. “What do you have to drink besides beer?” Teagan asks, as she carries her stuff to the living room.

  “Water, lemonade, and some juice boxes if you want,” Trent answers, as he walks past her.

  Teagan dumps all her stuff on the couch and turns around. “Juice boxes? Why in the hell do you have juice boxes? Aren’t you a little old?”

  “They are for Kya,” Trent replies. “She makes a mess with a real cup still and doesn’t like sippy cups anymore. She’s very particular.”

  “Awww, what a sweet uncle,” Teagan giggles. She walks over to the pictures on the wall to get a better look at them. When Teagan sees Kya she leans in closer to look at her. “Huh,” she whispers to herself. “Hey Trent!”

  “What?” He yells from the kitchen trying not to laugh.

  “I don’t want to be rude, but…..does Kya have Down Syndrome?”

  There is a heavy silence and then, “Why do you need to know?”

  “Oh, I wasn’t trying to be nosy, but I have worked with a lot of kids with downs and she just….looks….to have some of the traits.”

  “Wait,” Trent starts. He comes walking into the living
room. “What do you mean you have worked with kids with Down Syndrome?”

  “Since I was a sophomore in high school up until this last summer, I volunteered for the summer city club. It’s a group that matches up teenagers with developmentally disabled children. We take them to do fun summer things, like going to the water parks, the zoo. You know, stuff like that. I worked with a little blonde girl named Abigail. She has Down Syndrome. We rock it every summer. I have six t-shirts that she made me over the years. I wear them proudly. She wants me to come back this year. I don’t think I will volunteer, but I am definitely going to have to take her out for the day.”

  “Wow,” Trent breathes out.

  “I was actually torn about what I wanted to do because my sister went into social work and she works with developmentally disabled adults. I was kind of thinking about doing that, but she convinced me to go for what I truly loved and that was writing. So, I decided to go with that. Anyway, now that I have prattled on for a while, Kya looks like she has traits.”

  “Trisomy 21, the most common form of Downs. She is actually pretty high functioning, but we try to work with her a lot. I pay for her to get the best tutoring, therapy, everything.”

  “You’re a very good uncle,” Teagan says, turning to him. “She must mean the world to you.”

  Trent looks down at Teagan. “She is the light of my life.”

  “Is she what made you want to have a lot of kids?” Teagan happily asks.

  “Yeah,” Trent replies with a smile. “If I could have ten of her, I would be happy.”

  “Well you should get started on that. You want ten kids and you’re 25. You need to get started soon, or the mom is going to be eternally pregnant.”

  Laughing, Trent says, “I am going to be pretty damn particular about who the mother of my children will be.”

  “Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I want to start having kids in my later twenties. No dead beat dad for me. Of course, I need to get married first, but my future husband has to want to have kids. I want like four of them.”

  “Boys or girls?” Trent inquires with a smirk.

  “Both. We need some boys in my family.”

  “I want both, too,” Trent states.