“No, not at all,” Trent replies, a little breathless. “It’s perfect, sexy but classy at the same time. He won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.”

  “That’s what we want,” Teagan sighs, spinning around on her toes. “All right, the other dress will be perfect. So, we are all set.”

  “You need shoes,” Trent states.

  Giving him a look, Teagan says, “I can try to match shoes I already own.”

  “Nonsense! Girls love shoes. You need new shoes to go with the dresses!”

  “You’re being ridiculous,” Teagan says, gesturing to the dresses between the two of them. “These dresses are enough.” She looks down at the price tag of the red dress, and her eyes bulge. Teagan yells, “Trent! We can’t buy these! This dress alone is three quarters of my rent! Let me see the prices of the other dresses.”

  Trent holds them back. “Don’t be silly. You can work them off if you want to.”

  “I will have to work full time for the entire summer. I can’t spend this much on four dresses,” Teagan snaps. “Let’s go look somewhere else.”

  He reaches over and snatches the other two dresses from Teagan. “We’re getting these dresses, and I pay people enough that you won’t have to work that much to pay it off.”

  “This is insane!” Teagan exclaims. “You couldn’t possibly pay me enough to work that off in less than 6 months.”

  “How much do you make now?” Trent asks.

  “Minimum wage,” Teagan mumbles.

  He gives her a blank stare, “Seriously?”

  “Yes,” Teagan replies. “I’m in college. What do you expect!?”

  “You’re coming and working for me,” Trent states. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “And tell me, what can I possibly do in the security world?” Teagan inquires. “I have no training.”

  “There is plenty of stuff for you to do,” Trent declares. “I will make you my assistant.”

  “Well, that would work out,” Teagan laughs. “Like we could be appropriate and professional with each other all the time.”

  Trent rolls his eyes. “We could handle it.”

  “I guess,” Teagan mumbles. “It’s probably not a good idea. What if we stop talking to each other?”

  “Why would we ever stop talking to each other?” Trent asks.

  With a shrug, Teagan says, “You could get a new girlfriend who is a total bitch and forces us to not be friends.”

  “I would never let that happen,” Trent retorts. “EVER.”

  “That’s good to know, I guess,” Teagan sighs. “Anyway, I honestly can’t accept you buying these.”

  “Please, just let me do this for you,” Trent says. “I won’t do it all the time. You need to rock it next weekend. We both know you want that.”

  Teagan thinks about it for a minute and then groans, “I know! Fine, but I will pay you back.”

  “Deal,” Trent agrees. “Let’s go find you some killer heels to wear with these dresses.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  An hour and a half later, they are driving over to the university. Teagan looks at Trent. “I’m going to have to work a lot to pay off all this stuff.”

  “I’m still saying, if you had let me pick out lingerie for you to wear underneath it, we could have called it even,” Trent replies, laughing sarcastically. “But, NOOOOO, that wouldn’t fly.”

  “It’s not like you would be able to see me in the lingerie,” Teagan giggles. “So, it really wouldn’t matter anyway.”

  “But the knowledge that you were wearing it would be payment enough.”

  “Shut up,” Teagan playfully snaps.

  “So, what is at this harvest festival anyway?” Trent asks.

  “It’s almost like a carnival,” Teagan replies. “It’s entertaining. I promise.” Suddenly, her cell phone starts ringing. “Geez Victoria, we’re coming.” Teagan picks up her cell phone and says, “Huh, that’s weird, it’s a private number.” With a shrug, she answers, “Hello?” There is nothing but dead silence. “HHHEEELLLLLLLOOOOO?” She draws out.

  “You better watch your back bitch. You will get what you deserve,” a deep, menacing voice fills her ears.

  Teagan’s heart stops. “What?”

  “You heard me, you bitch. You better watch your back.”

  She looks at Trent with a panicked face. “Who is this!?”

  “Your apartment was just the beginning.”

  “WHO IS THIS!?” Teagan yells. When the phone goes silent, Teagan throws her phone down. “Holy shit!”

  “What’s wrong?” Trent asks quickly.

  Tears start pouring down Teagan’s face “Whoever trashed my apartment just called me!” She exclaims. “They said I had to watch my back! Oh my god! Someone is really after me!”

  “What!?” Trent snaps. He pulls over to the side of the road.

  “Oh my god!” She cries. “What am I going to do!? They know where I live!”

  Trent grabs her and grips her in a hug. “Calm down; I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “You can’t protect me all the time!” Teagan exclaims. “What am I going to do!?”

  “We are going to put a security system in at your apartment,” Trent declares. “I will have it installed tomorrow.”

  “But what do I do the rest of the time!?”

  “I’m going to give you a Taser,” Trent says. “I will teach you how to use it.”

  She buries her face into his chest and cries. “This is insane. Stuff like this doesn’t really happen!”

  “I know,” Trent murmurs, kissing her head. “We will change your number tomorrow, too.”

  “I want to go home,” Teagan says, shaking. “I just want to go home.”

  “We’re going to swing by my place. I’m going to grab some stuff and stay at your place tonight. I don’t want you there alone until we have a security system activated,” Trent declares, as he pulls away from Teagan. “You should call Victoria and tell her you aren’t coming.”

  Sniffling, Teagan whispers, “Okay. He called me a bitch.”

  “You’re going to be okay,” Trent states. “We’re going to make you safe. I promise. Even if I have to give you a security detail.”

  Teagan starts laughing. “I’m going to have a bodyguard?”

  “If necessary,” Trent’s voice is back to being all business. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  “I think as long as I feel safe at home with the security system, I’ll be fine,” Teagan mutters. “Do Tasers really take people down?”

  “Takes them down and makes them piss their pants,” Trent says. “You will have pepper spray and a Taser. You can always Taser them and then spray that crap all over their face. They won’t be able to get off the floor.” Teagan picks up her phone. Trent points to it. “You should put me on speed dial.”

  “You are.” Teagan smirks, holding it up. “Batman…..see, in my favorites.”

  He gives her a thoughtful look. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Yeah, you are important to me,” Teagan mumbles. “I’m going to call Victoria.” She hits her number and holds the phone up to her ear.

  Victoria answers right away. “Where are you girl!? Did you get side tracked making out with each other?”

  “No!” Teagan snaps. “The guy who broke into my apartment just called and threatened me over the phone!”

  “Holy crap, you’re kidding, right!?”

  “No,” Teagan whines. “I’m scared shitless. Who would want to hurt me?”

  “I don’t know! Is Trent with you?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan says. “He is going to stay with me tonight and then put in a security system tomorrow.”

  Exhaling, Victoria asks, “Do you want us to come over there? We can skip the festival.”

  “No, have fun,” Teagan sighs. “I will probably just make us dinner.”

  “Get a bottle of wine…..let him be your hero,” Victoria whispers.

  “Shut up Vi
ctoria!” Teagan snaps. “This isn’t funny.”

  “I wasn’t saying that it was!” Victoria exclaims. “I was trying to make you smile.”

  Teagan releases a breath of air. “I know. I am just so….frazzled. I don’t get it! I haven’t done anything to anyone! What in the hell is this!?”

  “I don’t know,” Victoria replies. “It’s like a sick joke.”

  “If my apartment wasn’t so badly damaged, I would say it was, but they must mean business,” Teagan says. “It scares the shit out of me, Vic. I don’t know what to do.”

  “I will protect you,” Trent interjects softly. He grabs her hand and squeezes.

  “Well, the sooner he gets the security system in the better,” Victoria states seriously. “This isn’t something to screw around with.”

  Shaking her head, Teagan agrees, “Yeah, I know.”

  “Get home and be safe,” Victoria instructs. “Call me if you aren’t around Trent. One of us will meet up with you. At least you will have another person by your side.”

  “Trent is getting me a Taser,” Teagan tells her. “He is going to show me how to use it.”

  “I will find mine, too,” Victoria replies. “Then we both are armed. You should get a gun. That’s what I think.”

  “A gun!?” Teagan squeaks. “I would shoot myself in the leg!”

  “It’s not a bad idea,” Trent says, rubbing his chin. “I can teach you everything there is to know about using a gun.”

  With an appalled look, Teagan says, “I’m not getting a gun!”

  “I think you should,” Victoria emphasizes. “A gun will protect you.”

  “I have never held a gun in my life!” Teagan stammers. “I would shoot an innocent person or myself!”

  “Not if you were taught properly,” Trent states.

  “NO,” Teagan emphasizes. “NO GUN!”

  Trent puts his hands up, “All right.”

  “Well, get a good Taser,” Victoria says.

  “I will.”

  “All right, call me tomorrow please and let me know they put the security system in,” Victoria sighs. “I am worried.”

  “Trent’s with me,” Teagan whispers. “I’m not safer anywhere else.”

  “That’s good to know,” Victoria replies. “I will talk to you later.”

  “Bye,” Teagan exhales. She hangs up and looks out the window “Ugh, I feel like I am going to throw up.”

  Looking at her, Trent asks, “Do you want me to pull over?”

  “No,” Teagan says. “I didn’t mean literally. My stomach is just doing back flips.”

  “I’m going to get you a Taser that you shoot like a gun. That way you don’t have to be right on top of the person,” Trent states. “It’s what the cops use. It will take the person down in a second.”

  “Can you get me more than one?” Teagan inquires hesitantly. “You know, a few for my apartment, one for my purse, my car, for shits and giggles.”

  With a chuckle, Trent asks, “How about I get you four? Will that make you feel safe?”

  “Yes,” Teagan answers. “Will you teach me how to use them?”

  “Of course, you need to be comfortable with them.”

  “Are you sure about spending the night?” Teagan whispers. “You don’t have to.”

  He shakes his head. “No, I will. I can have my guy come over in the morning to install the system.”

  “Shouldn’t I ask my landlord?”

  “I don’t give a shit what your landlord thinks. He obviously is not concerned with the safety of his tenants, at all,” Trent snaps. “We can take it all apart when you move. He can sue you. I will pay the damages.”

  “I would say that is a slight overkill, but I want the system, so I agree with you!” They both laugh. Teagan looks at him and says, “I had no idea this would become such a pain in the ass.”

  “Relax. We can stay at my house if you want. I don’t care where.”

  “No, I want to be home,” Teagan says. “Let’s go get your stuff.”

  “Okay.” Trent reaches over and takes her hand into his. He intertwines their fingers. “You are going to be okay. I promise.”

  Teagan looks out the window, feeling less confident than he is, “I sure hope so.”

  Chapter 10

  “Okay,” Trent says, his voice dripping with patience. “Let’s try again.” He hands Teagan another Taser gun. “Remember to relax, aim and then shoot.”

  “Yeah, that’s easy to do,” Teagan mumbles. She points the gun toward the dummy.

  “You don’t have to be perfectly accurate like a gun. Use the laser to line it up to your target,” Trent reminds her. “You can get them up to fifteen feet away.”

  She nods, lines the gun up to the target and shoots. The pops from the gun echo off of the empty dojo walls. Teagan nails the shot perfectly. “I did it!” she exclaims.

  “I think you have the hang of it,” Trent replies with a nod. “One more time for good measure?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan says. “Let me change the cartridge this time.”

  “Sounds good.” Trent hands her another one and watches Teagan put it in. “Good job. I think I feel confident that you will know how to use this in case something happens.”

  Shaking her head, Teagan whispers, “I hope I never have to use them.”

  “Me too dear, me too.”

  “So…..my alarm…..”

  “Is connected to my office and cell phone,” Trent continues. “If I don’t respond within a minute, 911 will be called.”

  Teagan nods, “Okay.”

  “The only people that know the code are you and me,” Trent states. “No one else knows, and no one else has a set of keys. It’s just us.”

  “I know,” Teagan exhales. “I’m still going through my list of people and giving out my new number. I didn’t realize that I knew so many people.”

  “Miss popularity,” Trent smiles.

  She gives him a look. “And dare I ask how many girls’ numbers you have had over the years?”

  “No new ones except yours in five years,” Trent raises his eyebrows. “So, feel special.”

  Putting the gun down, Teagan inquires, “Five years? What happened five years ago?”

  “I started dating my ex,” Trent mumbles. “We will leave it at that.”

  “But you broke up two years ago, right?” Teagan asks.

  “Yup, I have been single for two years…two long years.”

  “Haven’t you been lonely?” She whispers, “I have been lonely.”

  Trent stops what he is doing and looks at her thoughtfully. “I was lonely until recently.”

  “What happened recently?” Teagan asks. Trent furrows his eyebrows and looks at her like she is dumb. “OH!” Teagan exclaims. “You are talking about me!”

  “Yeah,” he chuckles. “You have filled a very big void in my life.”

  “You have, too,” Teagan replies softly. “You’re very….special to me.”

  “The feelings are mutual,” Trent whispers, not looking at her. “All right, one more time, just in case.”

  With a nod, Teagan aims and shoots. “I nailed it again,” she gives him a high five.

  “Bravo!” Trent cheers. “Do you feel comfortable with it now?”

  “Yeah, totally,” Teagan responds. “I have one for my car, my purse, and two for my apartment. One in my kitchen and one next to my side of the bed.”

  Putting his hand on her, Trent says, “I give you permission to use it on a guy if he ever gets frisky.”

  “What if I want the guy to get frisky?” Teagan quips, looking at him.

  “Then I will personally shoot him with the Taser,” Trent teases.

  “But….what if it’s….you?”

  “Are you saying you want to get frisky with me?” Trent inquires with a sly smile.

  “I’m still under the presumption that I won’t get lucky after the wedding,” Teagan sighs. “But maybe one of these days, I will get you to throw your morals to
the wind.”

  He steps over to her and murmurs, “No one is going to be in this dojo for another two hours. There are locker rooms in back.”

  “Should we get all hot and heavy in the shower?” Teagan giggles. “Steam up the mirrors?”

  “Sounds like fun to me,” Trent whispers in her ear, as he presses up against her. Teagan’s breath starts to get shallow, and her heart rate skyrockets. Trent traces his fingers up her back. “You smell divine.”

  “Okay,” Teagan gasps, stepping back. “Whoa.”

  There is a deep chuckle from Trent. “What did you say on Saturday, nothing about me turns you on?” He steps up to her again and whispers, “I bet I could make you putty in my hands.”

  “I bet you could,” Teagan gulps. “But you aren’t.”

  “Awwwww, damn it,” Trent retorts in a humorous tone. “I was even going to do this.” He reaches down and pulls off his shirt.

  “Trent,” Teagan hisses and laughs at the same time.

  “Yes, Teagan,” he replies softly. “I think you made a comment like my body doesn’t turn you on.” Trent grabs her hands and puts them on his chest. “Do you feel that muscle? That doesn’t turn you on in the slightest?” She giggles uncontrollably. Trent smiles, his eyes twinkling, and says, “Tell me I turn you on.”

  Yelling, Teagan shouts, “Yes! FINE! Yes! You turn me on!”

  “Good.” Trent pulls her into a hug. “I win.”

  “You are such a jerk!” Teagan laughs hysterically. “Huge jerk.”

  “I just wanted to make sure,” he replies. “The other day you made it seem like a one way road, and I felt left out.”

  Rolling her eyes, Teagan groans, “Trent, you are so drool-worthy hot, it’s scary. You should know that already.”

  “I do, but I hadn’t heard it from you.”

  “Full of yourself much?” Teagan snorts.

  He smiles and says, “Do you want to be full of me?”

  “Trent!” Teagan exclaims. “Oh my god! What has gotten into you!?”

  “I’m just being playful. I feel like I can loosen up around you.”

  “You can,” Teagan replies. “I don’t mind. It’s just so different than when we first met.”

  Trent’s face turns serious; his eyes lose their sparkle. “Do you not like it? I will stop.”