“What are the best and worst qualities about Kellen?” Dwayne chirps.

  “Best and worst, huh?” Teagan laughs, looking up at Kellen. “Hmmmm, well, the best is that he takes care of me no matter how terrible I feel, and the worst is….hmmmm…..that’s a tough one.”

  “He has to have a bad quality,” Dwayne groans. “Or are you still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship?”

  “Bad thing, he is usually a gentleman when I want him to be a scoundrel,” Teagan states.

  A huge smile spreads across Kellen’s face. “I can change that.”

  “That isn’t a bad quality,” Dwayne groans.

  Teagan turns to Dwayne. “Honestly, I haven’t found one yet.”

  “I really can’t cook very well…at all,” Kellen interjects. “I also pay people to clean my house.”

  Teagan laughs. “You would think a grown man could keep his house clean.”

  “Well,” Kellen replies. “I am a very organized person, but I have a service that comes through once a week.”

  “Lazy,” Teagan snorts.

  “Hey, I can afford it, why not?” Kellen states, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Okay, Groom, your shot,” Teagan says.

  Dwayne sets down his beer and walks around the table. He bends over and takes a shot. It rolls right into the pocket. Georgia cheers for him. Dwayne looks up at Teagan. “Call it.”

  She eyes the table and says, “11 in the far corner pocket.”

  “All right,” he chuckles, as he takes the shot and misses. “All right, all right, shoot.”

  Tapping her chin, Teagan asks, “Have you been all over each other this week, or are you waiting for your wedding night?”

  “OH!” Georgia exclaims. “We haven’t had sex in six months and haven’t kissed in a month!”

  “WHOA!” Teagan shouts. “Why?”

  “It will make our wedding night special,” Georgia replies happily.

  Teagan looks up at Kellen. He narrows his eyes, “Don’t get any ideas.”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” Teagan retorts. “There is no way I could hold off for that long.”

  There is an uncomfortable clearing of the throat. Everyone turns to Justin. He is staring straight at Teagan. “Hey Teagan,” he whispers quietly.

  “Justin,” she replies sharply. “Kellen, honey, this is my ex-boyfriend, Justin. Justin this is my boyfriend Kellen Grayson.”

  “Dude JUSTIN, that is KELLEN GRAYSON, THE Kellen Grayson!” Dwayne yells.

  Justin’s eyes widen. He stutters, “The MMA fighter?”

  “Mmmhmmmm,” Teagan hums, pulling Kellen closer. “The undefeated UFC champion.”

  “That’s your … boyfriend!?” Justin squeaks.

  “Yup,” Teagan answers strongly, smiling up at Kellen.

  “We have already talked on the phone. I work under Trent Grayson. Mr. Kimble and I are already acquainted,” Kellen practically snarls in a nice tone.

  Teagan smiles at the dumbfounded look on Justin’s face. She turns around to Kellen. “It’s my turn. Give me a kiss for good luck.” He looks down at her and then sweeps her up into a heated kiss. When Kellen pulls away, Teagan audibly exhales. “Whoa.” She feels herself getting warm all over.

  “Hot,” Georgia snickers. “Honey, that better be us on Saturday night.”

  “It will be baby, don’t worry,” Dwayne replies, looking at Teagan. “Take your shot already.”

  Walking around the table, Teagan sees the shot she wants to take. It is right in front of Justin. She walks in his direction and says, “Excuse me.” Justin takes a few steps back. Teagan feels nervous bending over in front of him. She looks at Kellen, and he nudges his head down; she understands what he wants her to do. Teagan bends over and sticks her ass out to take the shot. She pulls the cue stick back slowly and eyes up the shot. Finally, she shoots and makes it. “Score one for me.”

  “Good shot,” Justin gulps.

  “Mmmmm,” Teagan hums as she traces her fingers across the table.

  “You know what, we need some shots. Baby, do you want a shot or two?” Kellen asks.

  Teagan winks and smiles. “Sure.”

  “Tequila?” Kellen mischievously suggests.

  “Sure,” Teagan laughs.

  “You drink Tequila?” Justin quips. “Seriously?”

  “It’s my favorite thing to put in her,” Kellen states. He then stops, pauses, and says, “Well, it’s my second favorite thing to put in her.”

  Teagan bursts out laughing. “Honey, keep those thoughts to yourself.”

  “Mmmmm,” he hums. “I can’t help myself when it comes to your body.”

  “Go do something productive,” Teagan instructs in a humorous tone.

  “Anyone else want a shot?” Kellen asks.

  “We will take some,” Dwayne answers.

  Kellen looks at Justin. Justin raises an eyebrow, “You’re asking me?”

  “No,” Kellen drawls out sarcastically. “I was just staring at you.”

  “Oh,” Justin retorts. “I’ll pass.”

  Teagan feels Kellen tense up next to her. “Go, Baby, get us some shots.”

  “All right,” he says, his voice deepening as he stares at Justin. “I’ll be right back.”

  She watches him go and then turns back to the table. “All right, next shot. Do you want to call it?”

  Dwayne surveys the table and says, “2, right side pocket.”

  With a nod, Teagan bends over and nails the shot perfectly. “Woot woot!” Georgia yells.

  Turning to her, Dwayne scolds her, “Aren’t you supposed to be rooting for your fiancée?”

  “I’m an ex-cheerleader, I will root for whomever I want,” Georgia retorts matter-of-factly, complete with hair flip and her hands on her hips.

  “And a damn mighty fine cheerleader you were,” Dwayne murmurs.

  “You guys definitely were great at what you did,” Justin interjects, as he looks at Teagan. She narrows her eyes at him. He looks away quickly.

  “Give me another ball,” Teagan tells Dwayne.

  “5, left corner pocket,” Dwayne replies.

  She walks around to take the shot. Bending over, Teagan studies it. “Do you need some help?” Justin asks. “It’s a tricky shot.”

  “I don’t need anything from you Justin,” Teagan snaps. She takes the shot and makes it in perfectly.

  “Good job.”

  Her anger starts to build. She spins around and looks at him. “You don’t need to compliment me. You aren’t allowed to compliment me. In fact, it’d be great if you didn’t say anything to me, ever.”

  “Teagan,” he exhales. “Talk to me for a few minutes. I need to say some stuff.”

  “No. You have nothing to say that I need to hear,” she shoots back.

  “Please,” Justin pleads quietly.

  “NO, Justin.”

  Suddenly, she hears, “Is there a problem here?”

  Staring Justin down, Teagan says, “No, no problem.”

  Justin sighs, “I just want to talk to her privately for a moment.”

  “Did we not cover this while on the phone?” Kellen starts. “She doesn’t want to talk to you. Now, we are going to drop this. Dwayne and Georgia deserve a beautiful weekend to celebrate their love. This isn’t about you, so knock it off.”

  “Yeah, sorry,” Justin mumbles. “I’m going to get a beer.” With that, he turns and leaves.

  Kellen turns around with the tray of shots. “I’m sorry about that you guys.”

  “No, it’s fine,” Georgia sighs. “Thank you for handling is so respectfully.”

  “We’re here for you,” he replies, passing around the tray. “So, let’s make a toast.” Everyone takes a shot and holds it up. “To Dwayne and his lovely fiancée Georgia, we hope this weekend is one that you will never forget!”

  Everyone says, “Cheers,” and takes their shots.

  Teagan grimaces, “That stuff is horrible.”

  “Then why are we drin
king it?” Dwayne laughs.

  “She is fun on tequila,” Kellen quips. Teagan rolls her eyes at him. He bends down and kisses her. Even though she knows it’s for show, the kiss still makes her melt. He pulls away, and Teagan looks at him. His eyes light up, and he smiles. She wonders if he feels the same when they kiss, even just a little.

  “Come on girl, miss a shot,” Dwayne teases, breaking Teagan and Kellen’s eye contact.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Teagan draws out, turning from Kellen. “I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Well bring it sista,” Dwayne retorts back humorously.

  Walking around to the other side of the table, Teagan bends over and takes a shot. A few moves later, she is down to the 8 ball. “Call the pocket.”

  “The left side pocket,” Dwayne replies happily.

  Justin comes walking back over and quietly says, “That’s an almost impossible shot.”

  “Yeah, but I can at least try,” Teagan responds. She walks around the table back and forth, checking out her options.

  “Will you snap at me if I make a suggestion?” Justin asks.

  “Yes,” Teagan retorts. “I don’t need your help.”

  “I’m the one who taught you how to play,” Justin counters.

  She stands up and turns around. “What, Justin? What are you going to enlighten me with?”

  “You’re awesome at banking it off the side,” Justin states. He walks over and points. Hit the 7 ball here; it will bounce and angle off to hit the 8 ball. It should work if the 7 hits it on the right side.”

  “Yeah,” Teagan replies with a snarky attitude. “That’s easy enough.”

  “Here, I will show you,” Justin says, as he walks over. “Bend over.”

  “Like hell!” Kellen shouts. “You aren’t touching her.”

  Sneering at him, Justin says, “I am not going to do anything but help her.”

  “I’m sorry,” Teagan interjects. “You’re not touching me.”

  “Teagan,” Justin sighs. “I didn’t want to say this in front of everyone. I wanted to do it alone, but I am sorry, so sorry. I know how much I hurt you. I was out of my mind, doing coke all the time. It turned me into an ugly person that I am ashamed of. Before the drugs, I would never have done that to you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Justin’s face looks genuinely hurt, but Teagan doesn’t care. He did what he did; his words now are hollow.

  Teagan opens her mouth to yell at him, when Kellen steps in front of her. “Listen to me carefully,” he growls at Justin. “You will leave her alone. She will stand up next to you in the wedding, take pictures, and anything else Georgia or Dwayne ask her, but if you bring up anything that makes her shed even one tear, you and I will take it on like gentleman…..OUTSIDE.” The color drains from Justin’s face despite his glare. Kellen steps one foot closer, “Do we understand each other? Because this is going to be a beautiful, fun weekend for everyone, and I will not let you ruin that.”

  “Yeah….fine,” Justin retorts.

  “Now, my love, take the shot, so we can drink some tequila in celebration.”

  With a nod, Teagan bends over and takes the shot. She does exactly what Justin had suggested and nails the ball perfectly. “I win!” She cheers.

  “Good job baby,” Kellen murmurs into her ear, before kissing her gently on her neck. The brush of his lips sends tingles down Teagan, all the way to her toes. She turns around and kisses him. Kellen grabs her and pulls her hips tight against his, and she ever so softly moans into his mouth.

  “Wow guys,” Dwayne laughs. “You need a room, might want to head home.”

  Turning to him, Teagan scoffs, “There are bathrooms.”

  Dwayne whistles, “Now, that’s hot!”

  “Bullshit,” Justin snaps. “I have known you for far too long. You would never do anything in a bar bathroom.”

  “We haven’t done it a public bathroom, yet,” Teagan giggles. “But we did get all hot and heavy in the dojo’s shower stall. Sadly, we were rudely interrupted before we could actually finish what we started.”

  “So, is that the way you have been since high school?” Justin asks hotly.

  Pissed off, Teagan snaps, “No, not at all. Kellen is the first guy I have dated since then.” She pauses and then puts on a wicked smile. “He just has brought out a side of me that I didn’t know existed. It feels incredible. He is incredible….at everything.” She and Justin glare at each other angrily.

  Finally, Justin turns around and says, “Whatever,” and walks away.

  “Score one for Teagan,” Kellen barely whispers in her ear.

  “Damn straight,” she agrees.

  Brushing his lips down her neck, Kellen inquires, “So, can I really take you in the bathroom?”

  “Ummmm, what do you think the answer to that is?” Teagan laughs.

  He spins her around, “Oh come on, it will piss him off so much.”

  “It will also make my friends think I’m crazy,” Teagan responds humorously.

  “I will make it worth your while,” he whispers, as he pulls her against him tightly. “Come on, let me live my fantasy just a little bit.”

  Teagan looks up at him and narrows her eyes. “No sex.”

  “Didn’t expect it,” Kellen replies. “Come on, Teagan…..” he murmurs seductively. “Come into the bathroom with me. We are supposed to be all over each other this weekend. We might as well enjoy it.”

  Everything in Teagan tightens with nervousness and desire. “Okay,” she exhales.

  Kellen looks at her suggestively. “Come on.” He pulls her past the pool table. Dwayne and Georgia stare at them with wide eyes. Teagan waves her fingers and giggles.

  They get to the bathroom, and Kellen looks inside. “Perfect.” He twirls Teagan out and then pulls her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them. He locks it and turns to her with the sexiest look. It makes her breath hitch in her throat. “Come here,” he says slowly, drawing her forward with his finger.

  Without hesitating she walks straight to him. She looks up at him and whispers, “What are we going to do?”

  Kellen points his thumb to the wall, “Look at what they have.”

  Teagan glances over and her eyes widen. There is a condom machine. She turns back to Kellen. “No.”

  “We might as well buy one, just in case,” he teases.

  “Okay, buy one, just in case,” Teagan instructs.

  Kellen gasps, “You’re serious?”

  She instantly blushes and puts her hair behind her ear, “No.”

  “We will keep that in mind,” Kellen murmurs. He grabs Teagan and pulls her against him. “Tell me, what do you want?” he whispers breathlessly.

  “I don’t know. What do you want?” Teagan asks timidly.

  He hums and runs his hands up her legs and under her dress. Teagan gasps slightly. “Relax,” Kellen murmurs. “I am not going anywhere else. Just here.” He grabs her ass and pulls her tightly against him. “What do you want Teagan?” He asks. “This is all on you and what you are comfortable with.”

  Everything inside of her is clenching in anticipation. “Kiss me,” she exhales.

  Quickly, Kellen’s lips are on hers. Teagan moans and runs her fingers through his hair. The deeper the kiss goes, the tighter she grips him, further enticing him as he picks her up. Teagan easily wraps her legs around him. He spins them around and puts her against the wall. The shock of the cold tile makes Teagan gasp. “Are you okay?” Kellen exhales in a heavy voice.

  “Cold tile,” Teagan replies in between quick breathes.

  “Sorry,” Kellen mutters, pulling her away.

  “No, it’s fine,” Teagan says, pulling him down to her again. He eagerly meets her. As they kiss, Teagan separates his lips and runs her tongue against his.

  He quickly pulls away and stutters, “You said no French kissing.”

  “Shut up and come here,” Teagan demands, pulling his mouth back to hers. Kellen moans as he presses against her. Teagan can feel his aro
usal, and it shocks her a little. This has never happened to her before. It makes her pulse race even more, knowing that it’s turning him on that much. It makes her feel wanted….and sexy.

  They kiss each other wildly. Kellen’s fingers dig into her skin. Her hands rake over his body. Her fingertips knead trenches into his back, pulling him closer. The closeness of their contact has Teagan aroused in ways she’s never been before. She is totally lost in the feeling, totally going along with whatever feels right, without thinking about every detail, for the first time. Times passes, Teagan doesn’t know how long. Finally, Kellen pulls away and takes deep, ragged breaths. “Holy crap.”

  “What’s wrong?” Teagan squeaks, catching her own breath.

  “I am so unbelievably turned on right now,” he exhales. “The drive to rip your clothes off is running through every inch of me.”

  “Okay,” Teagan exhales in a long breath. “Get a condom.”

  Kellen locks his eyes on hers. “You want to have sex in a dirty bar bathroom? That is what you want your first real experience to be?”

  Thinking about it for a minute, Teagan scrunches up her face and whispers, “No.”

  “Didn’t think so,” Kellen sighs, setting her back on the floor. “We need to calm down a little, or at least I do.” He bends over and grabs his knees, taking deep breaths. Teagan starts to giggle. Kellen raises an eyebrow and asks, “Why are you giggling?”

  She laughs even more. Kellen stands up and smiles at her, giving her a quizzical look. “It’s just that…..I have never felt sexier in my whole life.”

  Tilting his head, Kellen says, “Why?”

  “You…..are so aroused…because of me!” Teagan exclaims. “It makes me feel wanted.”

  “I bet you have been wanted before,” Kellen exhales, finally calming down. “I know how much I have wanted you from day one.”

  “What?” Teagan squeaks.

  “Teagan baby,” Kellen starts. “I wanted to keep myself away from you because I was instantly struck by you. You’re so stunningly beautiful. I was afraid of letting anyone in. I hadn’t been interested in casual sex or a relationship, but you lit a fire in me that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I thought keeping you at a distance was the best choice.”

  She steps forward, “So, what are you saying? That it was all an act? That you have been that attracted to me this whole time?”