Kellen hands Teagan the champagne bottle. She takes it, totally confused. Bending over, Kellen sweeps her up in his arms. “There, no sore feet.”

  “You’re so strong,” she teases.

  “I am, but you also don’t weigh much,” Kellen chimes. He presses the button for the elevator. They wait, and Teagan starts to play with the top of the champagne “Don’t open that. You will launch the cork and make a mess.”

  “Sorry, I don’t have experience doing it,” Teagan replies with a snarky attitude.

  They get into the elevator and Kellen looks down at her “Can’t wait the few minutes to get upstairs?”

  “No,” Teagan replies. “I am impatient. I want it now.” Kellen looks down at her, and Teagan gives him the most heated look she can muster. He clears his throat and looks at the moving numbers above the door. “Tell me,” Teagan whispers. “Have you ever had sex in an elevator?”

  “No,” Kellen coughs, trying to be serious.

  “Wanna?” Teagan quips.

  Kellen grins. “We can save that for another day.”

  “Sweet,” Teagan laughs.

  Kellen shakes his head and chuckles, “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, use your imagination,” Teagan murmurs. She feels his fingers dig in deeper to her skin, and she sighs.

  Finally, the doors open, and Kellen carries her down to their room and inside, sets her down gently, and turns to close the door behind them.

  A wave of nervousness sweeps over her. When Kellen turns back around and looks at her, Teagan gulps. There is an electric charge between them as they stand a few feet apart, staring at each other. Teagan starts to fiddle with the top of the bottle nervously. “What should we do?”

  He takes a few steps forward until he is in front of her. “What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know,” Teagan replies. She takes in a deep breath. “There isn’t anything wrong with me.”

  “I know that,” Kellen whispers back, tracing his fingers down her jawline. “I won’t try anything. We can just go to bed.”

  “I want to have sex,” Teagan murmurs ever so quietly.

  Sighing, Kellen says, “Well, we aren’t going to.”

  “Why?” Teagan squeaks. “You don’t want to!?”

  “Yes I want to,” Kellen laughs. “But we have no protection, and I am too tipsy to drive.”

  “Oh,” Teagan replies, disappointed.

  “How much of you wanting to have sex has to do with proving Justin wrong?”

  “I want to have sex with you,” Teagan replies. “It has nothing to do with Justin.”

  “Teagan baby,” Kellen starts. “After everything you went through with Justin, I think we should take things slow.”

  “How slow?” Teagan asks.

  Kellen takes the champagne bottle from her. “Why don’t you think about that, while I open this.” He starts to undo the metal wrap.

  Taking a deep breath, Teagan walks over to the Jacuzzi. Bending over, she turns on the hot water and feels it until it’s the right temperature. There is a pop behind her, and it makes her jump. “I can do this,” she breathes out. Standing back up, Teagan turns around.

  She finds Kellen pouring champagne into a plastic water cup. Teagan giggles. He holds it up for her. “Classy, huh?”

  “Very,” Teagan quips back, taking it from him. She nervously takes a sip.

  He pours some for himself and then walks over to the Jacuzzi and sets his cup and the bottle down on the ledge. Kellen pauses and then turns around. Teagan gulps. He casually saunters over and stops by the bed. There is a bench at the end of it. Kellen shrugs his jacket off and places it nicely on the bench. Teagan watches him kick one shoe off and then the other. Turning to her, Kellen says, “Have you given it any thought?”

  Teagan takes her cup of champagne and chugs it down. Kellen laughs. Playfully, Teagan throws the cup over her shoulder, and he laughs even more, easing her anxiety a bit. Teagan walks over to him. Kellen stands there with his hands in his pockets. She stops in front of him and looks up into his eyes. He doesn’t move as his gaze drifts down to her. With shaky hands she starts to undo the buttons of his vest.

  “Are you okay?” Kellen whispers.

  “Yeah,” she squeaks. “Just….”


  “Yeah,” Teagan replies. She undoes the last button and pushes the vest off of Kellen. He catches it and lays it down on top of the jacket. When he turns around, Teagan jumps on him kissing him deeply. Kellen falters back for a second before kissing her back passionately. Kellen parts her lips with his and grazes his tongue on hers. Teagan moans into his mouth. She gets lost in his lips, in this moment with him.

  Kellen pulls away and turns around. “Hold on.” He lets her go and goes to turn the faucet off. Teagan walks over and stands behind him. Kellen senses her, but before he can turn around, Teagan reaches around his waist. Her fingers slowly undo his belt. “Teagan,” he says, placing his hand on hers. “We can’t have sex.”

  “I know,” she whispers, smacking his hand away. “That doesn’t mean we can’t do other things.”

  “Are you sure about this?” He asks in a husky, breathy tone.

  “Very,” Teagan replies. “I want you to teach me. You are the only guy I have ever….wanted. I want to feel you all over me. I want you to teach me…to show me.”

  He nods and helps her undo his pants. Teagan feels lightheaded; she’s so nervous. Kellen turns around and looks at her. “How much clothes are we taking off?”

  “We will keep undergarments,” Teagan states. “For now.”

  “Okay,” Kellen murmurs. He takes his fingers and traces them down her arms. The sensation is exhilarating and sends goose bumps over her skin. Kellen reaches her hands and pulls them up. He puts them around his neck. Teagan’s breath shallows. Kellen bends down and brushes his lips against hers. The heat of his breath on her lips makes her crave him. He kisses her slowly, and she molds her body into his. Kellen’s hands wander down her sides, and when they get to the bottom of the dress, he puts his fingers on her skin. Slowly, he skims his way up, taking her dress with him. When his hands get to her ass, he grips her hard and pulls her against him. Teagan whimpers because she can feel his arousal. Kellen continues to kiss her fervently as he pulls her dress up and over her head.

  Tossing it aside, his eyes scan down her body. “You are so beautiful, Teagan.” He traces his finger down her neck, over the hollow of her throat to the top of her bra. “Such wonderful, soft skin.” Teagan’s pulse starts to race in anticipation; this is the most exhilarated she has felt in her entire life. “What do you want?” Kellen asks in a deep breath.

  “Your pants off,” Teagan replies softly, unzipping his zipper. Kellen puts his arms up with an amused expression on his face, and she realizes that he is going to make her do it. Anxiously, she starts to pull them down. Kellen steps out of them, and Teagan tosses them to the side. When she stands up, she can’t help but glance at him. “Holy shit!” She exclaims.

  “Told you that one day I would prove I was telling the truth,” Kellen chuckles.

  “We are going to hold off having sex,” Teagan squeaks. “I mean, I feel REALLY bad for Justin.”

  Laughing, Kellen says, “I won’t hurt you. We will take it slow.”

  “Yeah….really slow,” Teagan quips, looking up at him, a little wide eyed.

  “Is this going too far for you?” Kellen asks.

  “No,” Teagan replies softly. “I want this.”

  “Here,” Kellen chimes. He reaches down and takes his socks off. “Let me get my shirt.” He starts to undo the buttons.

  Teagan bats his hands away. “I want to undress you.”

  “Okay,” Kellen sighs happily.

  She starts to undo the small buttons as Kellen reaches down and starts to run his fingers along her panty line. Teagan stops what she is doing and gasps. “Stop it,” she teases. “You are distracting me.”

like distracting you,” Kellen chimes. He reaches behind her and traces his fingers there, too. Teagan can’t help but stop and savor the touch. “Weren’t you taking my shirt off?” he breathlessly whispers into her ear. He pulls her tight against him and glides his one hand around to the small of her back, holding her still, while his other hand reaches inside her underwear. She gasps and jumps. Kellen breathes out, “What do you want Teagan? You have to tell me.”

  “You in the hot tub,” Teagan squeaks.

  “Well, finish undoing my buttons,” Kellen chuckles.

  Her hands are sweating as she fumbles with his buttons. Completely aggravated, Teagan rips the shirt open sending buttons flying everywhere.

  “Now, THAT’S my kind of girl!” Kellen exclaims rather pleased. He throws off the shirt and rips off the undershirt. Finally, he is standing there clothed only in underwear, his arousal very obvious. She has to take a deep breath to calm herself. “Get into the water,” she instructs.

  Smiling, Kellen says, “You are going to boss me around? Hot.” He climbs into the whirlpool and sits on the edge. “Are you coming in?”

  “Sit down in the water,” Teagan states, pointing down.

  With a huge grin, Kellen slides down into the water. He reaches over and turns the jets on. “Now what?”

  “Now, I am going to climb in there with you,” she declares, nervously tapping her finger on her hip.

  “Don’t do anything that you will regret,” Kellen says. “We can stop at any point.”

  “No,” Teagan retorts. “I want this; I do.” She looks down at herself. She covers herself up. “I just feel really exposed and I don’t even have pretty underwear on. I should have taken you up on buying me lingerie.”

  “You’re perfect,” Kellen sighs. “Just take your time, and do what you feel is right.”

  Teagan stands there staring at him. Kellen puts his arms on the back of the whirlpool and smiles. Taking a deep breath, Teagan steps in. She lowers herself down in front of Kellen. He stares at her intensely. Teagan crawls over to him and climbs onto his lap. Kellen watches her with cautious amusement. She straddles him on her knees and rests her arms on his shoulders. “Kiss me,” Teagan whispers ever so softly.

  Kellen brings her head down to his. He tilts her head to the side. Starting at the base of her neck, he starts to kiss upward, sending thousands of sensations all over her body. It makes all the right parts tighten in eagerness. He gets to her ear and gently bites and pulls on her ear lobe. Teagan gasps softly. Kellen traces his nose along her jaw line. Finally, he brings his lips to hers and she meets him longingly.

  The kisses are slow and deep. Teagan is enveloped in the sensations. As they kiss, Kellen’s hands search their way across her skin. Slowly, they make their way down. He slides his fingers under the top of her underwear and pushes them down a little bit. Teagan tenses slightly. She daringly moves her fingers and runs them down his chest and then his abs. With a little hesitation, Teagan runs her fingers across the band of his underwear, tickling him. Kellen bucks against her. He grabs her ass and pulls her to him making them rub against each other, and Teagan gasps.

  She pulls away and takes a few ragged breaths, “Holy cow.”

  “Too much?” Kellen asks, trying to catch his own breath.

  Teagan shakes her head, “No, it’s just…..I have never felt this way before, about ANYONE.”

  “Maybe we should slow down,” Kellen exhales.

  “No!” Teagan exclaims. “I want this. I want you.”

  “No sex,” Kellen sternly states.

  Shaking her head, Teagan replies, “No, I know that, but….touch me. I want to feel you all over me. Just touch me.”

  He nods. Teagan tenses when she feels Kellen reach around to the back of her bra. “Is this good?” She nods her head. Kellen unclasps it, and it falls away from her. Her breath gets caught in her throat. Kellen throws her bra out of the whirlpool and then looks at her. He smiles, “You are so beautiful.” Teagan bends over and kisses him softly. Kellen reaches up and grabs her gently. It feels so good that she presses into him harder. He laughs against her lips, “So eager.”

  Reaching down, Teagan takes both his hands and puts them on her. “Show me what I have been missing,” Teagan says breathlessly.

  “Do you want me to really show you?” Kellen asks. “Sincerely want me to show you what you have been missing?” She nods. “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course,” Teagan whispers.

  “All right,” he murmurs. Reaching down, he starts to pull off her underwear. Teagan stiffens. “You aren’t totally okay with it.”

  “No, I am,” Teagan squeaks. “Just nervous.”

  Kellen puts a stray curl behind Teagan’s ear. “How far did you and Justin actually go?”

  “Nowhere,” Teagan answers. “He grabbed me on top but other than that, I wouldn’t let his hands stray anywhere else. He was harsh and forceful. There was never anything that made me want him to touch me.”

  “Okay,” Kellen softly says. “I have one more personal question.”

  “What?” Teagan asks anxiously.

  “What have you done?”

  Confused, Teagan just raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “What have you done to…..yourself?” Kellen inquires with humor in his eyes.

  Sitting up, Teagan says, “Oh my gosh, nothing, ever!”

  “Really?? In 22 years, you never….wondered?”

  “No,” Teagan snaps, pulling away from him slightly. “I was scared of anything to do with sex. What would I think about while I touched myself? How horrible sex could be?”

  “True,” Kellen retorts. “Okay, well, you trust me right?”

  “Yes,” Teagan laughs. “More than I have ever trusted anyone.”

  “Then, let me teach you, show you what real pleasure is.”

  “Okay,” Teagan exhales.

  Kellen draws her back to him. He brings her head down to his and gives her soft kisses. “I think,” he whispers. “That I am going to enjoy this as much as you.”

  “Why do you say that?” Teagan asks quietly.

  “It’s an honor to be the one to show you this. You have chosen me. I don’t think anyone has cared that much for me before.”

  Teagan pulls back. “You were never with a virgin?”

  He shakes his head, “No, I refused to ever do anything like that because I held on to the fact that your first time should be special. It means something to girls, as it should. You letting me be the first person to be truly intimate with you, means a lot.”

  “Yes,” Teagan states softly. “I want you to be my real first. Make me forget the horror of what I went through. I want my body to know what desire and pleasure really are. I want to feel that with you.”

  “Good,” Kellen whispers. His hands slowly start to pull off Teagan’s underwear and she moves so that he can fully remove them. She starts fidgeting with her fingers.

  “I am glad the bubbles are covering me up,” Teagan mumbles.

  “Come here,” Kellen says. He pulls her in between his legs, so her back is resting on his chest. “Bring your knees up.” She complies but keeps them tight together. Kellen chuckles and kisses her neck. “You need to relax, Teagan. I won’t hurt you. I am going to do this slowly. If at any point you want me to stop, then I will. Okay?” She nods and gulps, trying to relax.

  Gently, he pulls her hands away from her knees. “I’m scared,” Teagan whispers, trembling.

  “Let go of the fear. I am not going to hurt you.” Kellen pulls her knees apart. “Just relax.”

  “That’s easy to say,” Teagan mumbles.

  “Okay, let’s forget this for now,” Kellen says. “Just relax….take a deep breath, and we will just sit here and enjoy each other’s company.”

  That’s easy for her, and she rests against him. Kellen starts to rub her shoulders and Teagan hums in pleasure. He slowly rubs down her arms. Teagan sighs and closes her eyes, leaning her head against him. “This fee
ls good.”

  “See, we will take it slow,” Kellen whispers in her ear. “Just get used to me touching you.”

  “I can handle that,” Teagan giggles, still drifting with her eyes closed.

  Kellen rubs each hand and each of her fingers. He then slowly starts to rub her upper chest, gently around her collarbone. Teagan relaxes against him more. Ever so slowly, Kellen’s hands drift down to her breasts, and she slightly moves her hips against him. It feels amazing and makes every inch of her tingle. Kellen keeps his hands there massaging her. The tingling gets more and more intense.

  Finally, Teagan murmurs, “Please.”

  “What?” Kellen replies softly. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know. You!” Teagan exclaims. “Something! Relief!”

  “Okay,” Kellen breathes against her skin. His hand guides down her stomach and then farther down her skin. “Ready, Baby?” When his fingers reach their destination, Teagan cries out and jolts. “That’s it Teagan; relax against me.” Her eyes roll back, and she does as she is told, rolling with every wave of pleasure, finally learning how good her body can feel at the hands of a man she trusts.

  An hour later, Teagan is lying against Kellen with her eyes closed, and he is holding her. “Did you fall asleep?” Kellen chuckles.

  “No,” Teagan hums into his chest. “I am reliving all of that in my head.”

  Kellen erupts with laughter, “It was that good, huh?”

  Teagan spins around and looks at him. “Three times!” She exclaims.

  “I know,” Kellen retorts with eyes just as wide, completely amused.

  “I can always help you again,” Teagan murmurs hotly, as she reaches for him.

  “As much as I want that,” Kellen chimes. “We need to go to bed. It is really late.”

  “Bed schmed,” Teagan mumbles. “This is fun.”

  Chuckling, Kellen says, “Are you going to have an insatiable appetite when we finally do have sex?”

  “Probably,” Teagan quips back.

  “Come on, let’s get out. We’re both prunes.”

  Teagan giggles and stands up. She cocks her hip and says, “Are you sure you want to go to bed?” She pauses and then quips, “Well, the bed gives us a place, too.”