She shakes her head, “It’s fine. I’m awake.”

  “Well, now I feel bad,” Kellen mumbles.

  Teagan sits up and stretches again. “It’s all good. I’ll make breakfast.”

  “Pamcakes!” Kya yells.

  “Okay,” Teagan laughs. “Are you going to help?”


  Nudging her head, Teagan says, “Come on.”

  Kya giggles and gets off the bed. Teagan yawns a lot as they prepare breakfast. Kellen pours her a big cup of coffee. “Hopefully, that helps,” he murmurs, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “It will.”

  He smiles and goes to take a shower. The morning is great, and Teagan smiles contently as Kellen puts Kya’s jacket on. “All set?” Kellen asks Kya.

  “Yeah!” Kya exclaims.

  “Okay, say good-bye to Teagan.”

  Kya runs over and hugs Teagan’s legs. “Bye, Eggen!”

  “Bye, Sweetie,” Teagan replies, bending down to hug her back.

  When she stands up, Kellen comes over and gives her a kiss. “Have a good day. Do whatever you want here. The house is yours.”

  “Oh yeah, I’m so taking a bath,” Teagan says. “I have wanted to since I saw it.”

  “I wish I could join you,” Kellen whispers. “But enjoy yourself.”

  “I will,” Teagan replies. She pulls him close. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Kellen kisses her again, “I will miss you, too.” He exhales and smiles. “All right Kya, let’s take you to your mom’s.”

  “K,” Kya giggles. “Bye Eggen!”

  “Bye, guys; have a good day,” Teagan states. She walks them to the door. “Don’t get into trouble.”

  “Never,” Kellen quips mischievously.

  They say good-bye, and Teagan shuts the door. She giggles and runs up to the bedroom. Teagan makes the bed nicely and picks up everything in Kya’s bathroom. After a while, she runs the water and fills the tub. When she climbs in, Teagan moans, “Oh my gosh, this is amazing.”

  She soaks in the hot water until her fingertips start to prune. She sighs and reluctantly gets out. While she is towel drying off, she hears the front door slam. Happily, Teagan wraps the towel around her. She runs out and down the steps. “Did you change your mind and decide to stay home?” When Teagan gets to the last step, she stops dead in her tracks. Standing in front of her is a blonde woman. She looks to be in her later twenties and very pretty. “Oh,” Teagan gasps. “Umm, hi.”

  “Hi,” the woman draws out, staring at her.

  Teagan nervously pulls the towel tighter. “I’m sorry; I thought you were Kellen.”

  “No, I’m Celine Grayson,” the woman declares seriously, crossing her arms.

  Smiling, Teagan asks, “Kellen’s sister?”

  Celine gives her an evil smirk. “No, his wife.”

  Silence fills the room as Celine stares down Teagan, obviously judging her. Teagan doesn’t quite understand what she heard. Confusion, and then pain at the realization of the words Celine spoke, cross her face. She whispers, “What did you say?”

  “I’m Kellen’s wife, Celine,” the woman states again. “And you must be the adulterous mistress.”

  “What?” Teagan gasps, her pulse pounding in her ears.

  Celine looks at her skeptically, pointing a red, well-manicured nail at Teagan, running it up and down in mid-air. She reminds Teagan of Cruella DeVille sizing up the puppies in the dalmation movie. “How old are you? It looks like he stole you from the nearest high school.” Her voice is a half-sneer. It sends shivers through Teagan.

  “I am twenty-two,” Teagan snaps. “I go to the University.”

  “Fantastic,” Celine drawls out. “Now, what are you doing here?”

  “Ummmm,” Teagan mumbles. “I don’t know. Did you say his wife?”

  Celine laughs menacingly. “Yes, I’m Mrs. Grayson. I have been for over five years.”

  “You’re Kya’s mom,” Teagan stammers.

  “Yes,” Celine responds. “Much to my surprise, my daughter came home going on and on about her dad’s girlfriend. You spent the night last night?”

  Nodding her head, Teagan mumbles, “Yeah, Kellen never told me….”

  “That he was married?” Celine scoffs. “Obviously, he left that out.”

  After a few moments, Teagan stands up taller. “He did tell me you broke up two years ago.”

  Celine sneers again, throwing her hands up. “Of course he said that. Ah, Kellen, what am I going to do with you? Well…I’m sorry…what’s your name?”

  “Teagan,” she barely whispers.

  “Teagan…I see….well, my husband and I have been trying to work things out for a while now, but obviously he is trying to work….other things out….as well,” Celine sighs, glaring at Teagan. “How long have you been screwing him?” Her eyes accuse her as sharply as her voice.

  Taking a step back, Teagan’s eyes widen. “Um, excuse me, but we have never slept together.”

  One of Celine’s perfect eyebrows rises. “You’re lying.”

  “No,” Teagan stutters. “We have never had sex.”

  “Well, you’re missing out,” Celine laughs “My husband’s a wonderful lover.”

  “Kellen told me that he hasn’t had sex in two years.”

  Celine chuckles lightly; the noise barely audible but for the vibrations in her throat. “Well, that’s funny. He was in my bed Tuesday night.”

  “Tuesday…..night,” Teagan barely exhales.

  “Yes. He spent the night at my house,” Celine articulates.

  Teagan can feel her heart shatter inside of her chest from the hammered blow of the words. Words escape her, and her head swirls. “We….he….oh my gosh.”

  “I’m going to guess he was with you this weekend and not on a business trip,” Celine says. “He lied…again. He is good at that.” Celine looks down at her fingernails, ignoring Teagan’s reaction.

  Teagan slowly shakes her head, “Yeah….he was with me. He…never told me.”

  “Do you think you are the first girl he has seen on the side?” Celine points back at Teagan. “Surely you don’t think you are that special? That’s the way he has been his entire life. I don’t know why I thought he would change once we got married.”

  “I….I have to go,” Teagan stammers.

  “Yes, why don’t you get dressed and get going,” Celine suggests with a smirk. “I’d rather not hang out with the other woman.”

  “Of course,” Teagan whispers. “Excuse me.” She turns around and runs upstairs. Faster than she ever has before, Teagan gets dressed She quickly grabs all her stuff and heads back down the steps. Celine stands in the foyer, filing her nails. “I am…sorry,” Teagan mumbles. “I had no idea.”

  Celine just shrugs, “Well, now you know, Darling. It’s better that you find out now, then when I move back in.”

  “You’re moving in here?” Teagan gasps.

  “That’s my plan in the next month or so,” Celine throws over her shoulder as she turns to walk away from Teagan.

  Teagan’s stomach turns, and bile rises in her throat. “I…I…have to go.” Teagan bends down and grabs her shoes. She doesn’t even put them on but runs out the door. When she gets into her car, the tears start to build up in her eyes. “God, don’t let me cry, or throw up, in front of her.” Teagan quickly starts her car and pulls out of the driveway. She gets a good half-mile away before she pulls over. As soon as the car is parked, Teagan bends over and cries loudly, cursing herself for letting Kellen in when he was married. He lied to her, and she totally believed it. He was no better than any other guy. He was the same. Asshole.

  After her throat is dry from the sobbing, and her eyes cannot produce on more tear, Teagan stops and takes a few deep breathes. “He’s a liar. I trusted him. Why did I trust him!?” She screams at the top of her lungs, “Guys….they’re all bastards!!!”

  Suddenly, her cell phone rings. It’s Kellen. She hits the ignore icon and throws her
phone down. Still crying, Teagan pulls away from the curb and goes home. When she walks in, she turns off the alarm and falls to the floor, shattered….and broken….again. She felt her heart break. Her chest hurts from the pressure of it all. Kellen keeps trying to call. Every time he calls, he leaves a message. Then, the text messages start.

  Where are you?

  Why aren’t you answering your phone?

  Damn it, I am worried!

  I’m leaving work.

  Vigorously, Teagan shakes her head. Just stay away. Leave me alone.

  Kellen tries calling again….and again. Teagan ignores it every time. Twenty minutes later, Teagan jumps at the heavy knocking at her door. “Teagan!” Kellen yells through the door.

  “Go away!” She screams.

  “What in the hell is going on!?” Kellen demands. “What’s wrong?”

  Teagan storms over to the door and swings it open. “I met your WIFE! That’s what is WRONG!”

  “How…how did you meet Celine?” Kellen stutters.

  “I got out of the bathtub to find her in your house!” Teagan snaps. “Or should I say your, as in yours and hers.”

  “Teagan…..” Kellen exhales. “It’s not even like that.”

  “Is she your wife!?”

  He hangs his head. “Yes.”

  “You lied to me!” She cries.

  “Teagan, I have never lied to you,” Kellen states. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Taking in a deep breath, Teagan slowly asks, “Where were you on Tuesday night?”

  Slowly, Kellen closes his eyes and puts his fingers over her face. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Did you sleep at her house!? In her bed!?” Teagan screams.

  “Yes….but it wasn’t….”

  “Shut up!” Teagan yells. “Shut up, and leave me alone!”

  “Teagan…baby…listen to me,” Kellen starts, stepping towards her.

  She quickly points her finger at him. “Don’t “Baby” me, and don’t step foot in this apartment!” Kellen puts his hands up and steps back. They stand there for a second in total stalemate. “You lied to me!” Teagan cries out; the pain in her chest is excruciating. “I trusted you. I put all my trust in you! You are just as bad as Justin! But you have shown me the light! All men are the same…selfish, lying assholes!”

  “Teagan, please, I would never hurt you,” Kellen sighs. “Let me explain.”

  “No!” Teagan snaps angrily. “Go away. I don’t want to ever see you again!”

  “Please…” Kellen pleads.

  “No! Leave me alone! You told Justin if I told him to leave me alone, and not talk to me, he had to listen to me. Is that true!?”

  With a heavy nod, Kellen replies, “Yes.”

  “Then I am telling you, don’t talk to me anymore, not one word. Just leave!” Teagan commands. “Now!”

  “Can I say one thing?” Kellen asks. His face is pained, yet defeated. His eyes are wet with potential tears.

  “No! Go away!” Teagan yells. Kellen puts his head down and turns around. With heavy steps, he walks away. She slams the door and collapses to the ground crying.

  Chapter 16

  “You haven’t done anything but go to class for a week,” Victoria sighs. “You have to do something, Teagan.”

  “No, I don’t,” Teagan mumbles, as she pops a frozen dinner into the microwave. “I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, you’re perfect,” Victoria quips sarcastically. “Go shower, get dolled up, and come out with us tonight. What better way to get your mind off of a guy? Check out other cute guys.”

  Teagan glances around her newly cleaned apartment and says, “I don’t want anything to do with guys.”

  “That’s fine,” Victoria teases. “There are plenty of hot girls, too.”

  “No,” Teagan snaps sharply. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Victoria loses patience and raises her voice a bit. “It’s Mike’s birthday. We haven’t missed each other’s birthdays since we all met.”

  Teagan throws her hands in the air and exhales dramatically. “You fight dirty.”

  “Well, it’s the truth,” Victoria replies.

  She thinks about it for a minute and then sighs. “Fine, I will come out.”

  Gleefully, Victoria exclaims, “Yeah!”

  “Pick me up at 7,” Teagan mumbles, not hiding her sadness.

  “Cheer up, we will have fun!”

  “Whatever, see you later.” Teagan ends the call. “Great….just great.”

  Later that night, Teagan takes another shot. Everyone looks at her. “Maybe you should slow down,” Isaac suggests.

  “You….shut up,” Teagan snaps as she points finger in his direction.

  “Teagan,” Victoria starts. “You’re going to make yourself sick.”

  “Who cares!?” Teagan yells. “Since when do you curb our drinking?”

  “Well, you have downed…..a lot,” Victoria says slowly. “It’s also getting late.”

  Throwing her hands up and dancing around, Teagan exclaims, “Tomorrow is Sunday, we don’t have to do a thing!”

  Frustrated, Victoria mumbles, “All right.”

  “I want to dance!” Teagan yells. She turns and goes out onto the dance floor. Rather drunk, Teagan moves to the music seductively.

  Suddenly, two hands sweep around her waist. Teagan spins around. A random guy is standing there. “You really know how to move, Dollface.”

  Teagan hiccups and stares at him through bleary eyes. “Thanks.”

  “Wanna dance?” The guy asks. She stands there for a minute staring at him, still trying to focus in one something solid. The guy looks at her. “Unless you have a boyfriend.”

  At those words, Teagan scoffs, “No, my ex is a bastard.”

  “Well, let me get your mind off of him,” the guy purrs.

  “Okay!” The guy grabs her, and they start dancing. His hands start to wander, but Teagan doesn’t care to stop him.

  Teagan feels someone tug on her arm after she’s been out on the floor for a while. She turns to see Victoria. “Teagan, we should leave.”

  “No,” Teagan replies sharply. “I am having fun.”

  “Everyone wants to go home,” Victoria states.

  “Then go home,” Teagan snaps. “I will catch a cab.”

  Victoria sighs. “Teagan, come on.”

  “I will give her a ride home,” the guy declares with a grin.

  “Yeah,” Teagan says drunkenly. “He can give me a ride.”

  Shaking her head, Victoria says, “I’m not leaving you here. We will wait.”

  “No. I will get a ride with……” Teagan looks at the guy and raises her eyebrow.

  “Tim,” the guy finishes.

  “Tim,” Teagan says. “I will get a ride with Tim.”

  “Teagan, come on. We’re leaving,” Victoria commands seriously.

  Teagan waves her fingers, “Bye!”

  “I meant you are coming with us.”

  “No, I’m not,” Teagan snips. “I’m leaving with Tim.”


  “Victoria….” Teagan starts. “GO….HOME.”

  Crossing her arms, Victoria says, “I’m your best friend. I’m telling you, we’re leaving.”

  “I don’t give a damn who you are!” Teagan shouts. “I’m staying here!”

  Exasperated, Victoria yells, “Whatever, Teagan!”

  “Bye,” Teagan quips, giving her friend a look.

  In a huff, Victoria turns around and walks away. Teagan turns back to Tim. He has light blue eyes and blond, buzzed hair. He is the complete opposite of Kellen, and that is exactly what Teagan needs. He smiles, “So, you are leaving with me?”

  “Looks that way,” Teagan giggles.

  “Sounds good to me,” Tim murmurs, pulling her closer. He leans down and kisses her. Teagan falters for a second, but then kisses him back. They dance around for a while more. Finally, Tim leans to her ear and whispers, “Want to get out of here?”

bsp; “Sure,” Teagan mumbles. She can barely see straight.

  “Come on.” Tim grabs her hand and starts to pull her through the bar. Teagan stumbles her way behind him.

  When they get outside, Teagan exclaims, “Crap! It’s cold!”

  “I will warm you up in a bit,” Tim murmurs, giving her a look. She giggles.

  “The fuck you will,” a deep voice growls.

  Teagan and Tim turn to the side. Kellen steps out into the beam of the streetlight above them. “What are you doing here?” Teagan snaps and throws her hands on her hips.

  “I came to take you home,” Kellen asserts forcefully. “Victoria called me.”

  “Who in the hell are you?” Tim asks hotly.

  “This is my bastard ex,” Teagan slurs. “He is an assssshole.”

  Tim pulls Teagan closer to him. “Well then, in that case, she’s leaving with me.”

  “Get your hands off of her,” Kellen commands. “She’s too drunk.”

  “Whatever, dude,” Tim laughs. “She seems okay to me.”

  “She’s too inebriated to make that choice,” Kellen states. “Come on, Teagan we’re leaving.” He glares at her, and the heat from his eyes startles her. She takes a step back.

  “No,” Teagan mumbles, grabbing her head.

  “Come on,” Tim says, snagging her arm. “We are leaving.”

  Kellen steps up to him. “Listen, she is too drunk. LAWFULLY, you could get into a lot of trouble in the morning because I know for a fact she wouldn’t want this.”

  Shaking her head, Teagan retorts, “Who says I don’t want this? It’s not like sex means anything. This is what guys want, right?”

  “Teagan,” Kellen exhales softly. His eyes soften, but his frustration is still obvious. “Come on, let me take you home.”

  “No,” Teagan whimpers, the tears starting to build up. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hits her, and she falls forward into Kellen. Kellen grabs her.

  “She’s too drunk. And she’s coming home with me.” Kellen attempts to pull her to her feet, throwing her arm around his shoulder.

  “Dude, she doesn’t want to leave with you.”

  “DUDE,” Kellen bellows. “I’m an undefeated MMA fighter. You don’t want to fuck with me!”