“That’s kind of a good idea,” Kellen replies.

  “Kind of?” Teagan scoffs. “It’s a fabulous idea.”

  “Oh, you think so,” Kellen laughs.

  “Yes,” Teagan giggles. Kellen starts to tickle her, and Teagan screams, “STOP! OH MY GOD! STOP!” He rolls her over and braces himself over her.

  Giving her a big grin, Kellen says, “You’re very mouthy.”

  “Yes, yes, I am,” Teagan replies mischievously. He bends down to kiss her, and she reciprocates. After a few minutes, Teagan pulls away. “We should figure out what to do with my car.”

  “Oh yeah,” Kellen exhales. “Hold on.” He flops down on the bed next to her. Reaching over he grabs the phone. Kellen dials a number and smiles at Teagan. She can’t help but smile back. “Hey Ian, it’s Kellen. Can you do me a favor? Teagan locked her keys in her car and has a flat. Can you go take care of that? I will reward you greatly,” he chuckles. “Yeah, hold on. Where is your car?”

  “On Maple, like seven blocks north of here,” Teagan replies.

  He looks up and starts whispering to himself. “Okay, it’s on Maple and Victory Lane. It’s a light blue Honda Accent. No, just bring me the keys when you are done, oh and her cell phone and purse.”

  “My backpack,” Teagan whispers.

  Kellen shakes his head “Just call when you are on your way over. Thanks.” He hangs up the phone.

  “Hey, I need my backpack,” Teagan laughs.

  “Hold on,” Kellen interrupts. He dials another number. “Kyle, you are going to be one happy man. I’m leaving you in charge until Monday. Yes, you’re more than capable. I’ll be reachable by phone, but otherwise consider me off. Yup, everything is set up; you just need to make sure it goes smoothly. Okay, thanks. What? Ummmm, no,” Kellen stops and looks at Teagan. “I’m just going to be busy.” Kellen scowls. “Dude, don’t pull attitude with me. Teagan can find out.” He pauses, “It’s her, you dipshit! Oh yeah, idiot.” He laughs. “Yes, we are back together.” Teagan rolls over and nuzzles up next to Kellen. “So yeah, you are in charge but I have to go. Yup, bye.” He hangs up the phone. “So, the next two days are yours,” Kellen states.

  “What about this weekend?” Teagan asks.

  “I have Kya,” Kellen retorts, shrugging his shoulders.

  “No, that’s great,” Teagan assures him. “Let’s take her to the aquarium. I bet we will have a blast.”

  Kellen smiles broadly. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” Teagan replies.

  “She has asked about you a lot,” Kellen states. “She really likes you.”

  “Good, then we will have a weekend together. I will pack a bag and stay over.”

  He grins and says, “That sounds perfect.”

  “What are we going to do about Celine?” Teagan asks. “She just came into your house last time. I would rather not deal with her by myself.”

  “I changed the locks,” Kellen states. “And the code for the alarm. And I did tell her I did that. She was pissed, but oh well, it’s not her house anymore.”

  Frowning, Teagan says, “So, all the stuff in the house is from her, the decorating?”

  Kellen scoffs, “No, my sister decorated. I got rid of most of the shit she left behind. Trust me, she took nearly everything, but I didn’t care. I have the money to get new stuff.”

  “How much do you give her a month?” Teagan asks. “If that’s any of my business.”

  “About $4,000,” Kellen states. “Her car is paid off, so it’s rent for her apartment. Really, it’s just to keep her happy. I take care of all of Kya’s medical bills and clothes, things she needs.”

  “Wow,” Teagan laughs. “You must make a lot of money.”

  “I do,” Kellen replies. “You have yourself a wealthy boyfriend.”

  “Have you ever thought of paying Celine off?” Teagan suggests softly. “Kya for a lump sum.”

  “It would look bad,” Kellen sighs. “Trust me, I have thought about it, a lot. It wouldn’t stop there. I know her. She would sue me for custody sooner or later, just so she could get more money.”

  Teagan frowns. “Is she mean to Kya? If she is, I may beat the crap out of her.”

  “Listen to you….” Kellen laughs. “You have been hanging around me too much.” He laughs some more. “But to answer your question, no she isn’t mean to her or anything. She’s just irresponsible. She can’t handle the Down Syndrome aspects of our daughter. Celine keeps demanding we get her into daycare, but I don’t think Kya is ready for that. Celine just doesn’t want to deal with her for an entire day.”

  “I will watch her when I can,” Teagan offers. “I adore her, and we had a blast. Down Syndrome doesn’t bother me in the slightest.”

  “Thanks,” Kellen replies. “She had a lot of fun with you.”

  Kissing him on the chest, Teagan says, “I need to eat. I haven’t eaten since breakfast. My study group was going to get a pizza.”

  “I need to eat too,” Kellen says. “What do you want?”

  “Are you buying?” Teagan giggles.

  Kellen chuckles. “Already using me for my money, eh? Of course, we can get whatever you want.”

  “Chinese,” Teagan answers quickly. “I’ve been craving Chinese for days. They need to deliver because I don’t have dry clothes.”

  “My shirt is practically a dress on you,” Kellen points out.

  She looks to the side and says, “Yeah, but I don’t think a restaurant would see it that way.”

  “Okay, we will order in,” Kellen agrees. “Want a beer? I want a beer.”

  “Sure,” Teagan replies. “Hey, by the way, thank you for saving me that night I got drunk.”

  “That guy is lucky I was more worried about you. I was literally going to kick the shit out of him,” Kellen states. “I haven’t been that pissed off in a while, even with Justin. This was worse.”

  She hugs him close. “I would have been broken if I woke up in a stranger’s bed.”

  “Victoria called me frantic. We thought at least I would stop the guy, and then maybe I could get you home.”

  “Thank you,” Teagan whispers, kissing his skin. “Thank you so much. Sorry for kicking you out.”

  “It’s all in the past,” Kellen reassures her. “Let’s not think about it.”

  “Okay,” Teagan whispers. “I am going to put a shirt on.”

  He smiles. “Not the sweatshirt.”

  “No, too hot, anyway, that dress shirt was much more comfortable.”

  “My favorite one? Kya picked it out,” Kellen states.

  “Oh my gosh!” Teagan gasps. “I won’t wear it then!”

  “Why not?” Kellen inquires. “Like I said, it looks much better on you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Kellen grabs her and says, “Positive,” before kissing her.

  * * * * *

  Teagan wakes to kisses tracing down her naked back. She smiles and stretches, “Good morning.”

  “Mmmm,” Kellen hums against her. “Morning.”

  “What are you doing?” Teagan quips mischievously.

  “Giving my girlfriend a proper good morning,” Kellen whispers.

  She rolls over and grins. “Three times yesterday and already this morning?”

  Kellen starts kissing her stomach. “Yes.”

  “I feel grubby,” Teagan whines. “Let’s take a shower.”

  Looking up at her he smiles seductively and says, “Okay.”

  “Oh, with that look I don’t think we are going to get very clean.”

  Suddenly, Kellen’s eyes light up. “Oh, I have a much better idea first. Do you want coffee?”

  “No,” Teagan replies. “I would rather have you.”

  “Good,” Kellen chirps, getting off the bed. “We are going to have a relaxing morning.”

  “What are we doing?” Teagan inquires, stretching and standing up.

  “Something I have wanted to show you for a while,” Kellen says, pulling her into the bat

  Raising her eyebrows, Teagan teases, “Is it kinky? It may be a little early for kinky.”

  “Depends on what you mean by kinky,” Kellen laughs. He pulls her into the shower and closes the door. “Hold on.” He turns around and starts pressing buttons. When the steam starts, Teagan grins. “See,” he says, “a nice relaxing morning.” Kellen pulls her down, and they sit on the stone seat.

  The steam starts to really build. “I may get used to this, and then what are you going to do?” Teagan asks. “I’ll be here all the time.”

  “Good,” Kellen replies. He leans forward and kisses her. The longer they kiss, the warmer it gets.

  Finally, Teagan pulls away. “Oh my gosh, I can barely see you.”

  “Too much?”

  “No,” Teagan whispers. She climbs onto his lap and straddles him. “Just means we have to get closer.”

  “Sounds good,” Kellen murmurs, pulling her against him. Teagan bends over and playfully bites his neck. He hums, squeezing her legs as they continue to get lost in each other.

  “We need to get protection,” Kellen moans, as Teagan grips him.

  “I will get it,” Teagan whispers.

  Kellen puts her hair behind her ear. “There are more in my closet.”

  “Okay,” Teagan breathes out. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Kellen replies happily.

  Teagan kisses him and then stands up. When she gets out of the steam room, she gasps, “It’s cold!” Teagan wraps a towel around herself. “Be right back!” She quickly darts into the bedroom. As she is passing her phone, it whistles. Picking it up, Teagan looks at it. It’s a text from her sister. Quickly, Teagan sends her a text back as she walks to the closet. She looks around and sees the box of condoms sitting on a shelf. Teagan grabs a handful. “That should be enough,” she giggles to herself. There is noise, and Teagan stops what she is doing. She doesn’t hear anything else, so she turns to walk out of the closet.

  As she is about to exit the closet, someone passes in front of her, heading to the bathroom. It’s Celine. Teagan quickly backs up and hides. Celine enters the bathroom. “Hey baby, want some company?” She purrs.

  “What the FUCK are you doing in here!?” Kellen bellows.

  “You shouldn’t leave your front door unlocked,” Celine replies. “Anyway, I came to see you. Want me to come in there? I can show you a good time.”

  “If you come in here, I will pull you out by your fake blonde hair!”

  Teagan quietly steps into the bedroom and unlocks her phone, tapping the recorder app. She hits record. Slowly, Teagan sneaks towards the bathroom. She makes sure to stay out of sight.

  Celine laughs. “Are you still upset about your little trollop not talking to you?”

  “Teagan is more of a woman than you could ever hope to be!” Kellen snaps.

  “I doubt that,” Celine remarks. “Anyway, that’s not why I’m here.”

  “Get the hell out of my house!” Kellen shouts. He is standing with the shower door open. Teagan sneaks up to the doorway. His eyes dart to her. She waves her hands and holds up her phone. Celine starts to turn around. Teagan jumps and hides against the wall. Kellen growls, “What the fuck do you want?”

  Sighing, Celine says, “I need more money.”

  “You get enough money. You aren’t getting a dime more,” Kellen states harshly.

  “What? You don’t want to see your daughter? Okay.” Celine’s voice drips with contempt.

  Carefully, Teagan looks around the corner. Celine has her back turned to her. Teagan signs to Kellen to keep her talking. “Why do you always threaten me with Kya?”

  “Because you want her, and I can make sure you never see her again,” Celine snorts humorously.

  “You know those pictures are BS,” Kellen asserts.

  “I know,” Celine laughs. “But, it’s my word against yours. You know, you would see her all the time if you just got back together with me.”

  “I would rather be celibate for the rest of my life. What does it matter? You don’t even want Kya.”

  “She’s my daughter.”

  “Please, you don’t want her. You never have,” Kellen snarls.

  “Well, not really,” Celine retorts, tapping a blood red nail on her porcelain chin. “But, you want her and that’s what matters.”

  Kellen smirks. “So you are threatening me. You will make sure I don’t have Kya if I divorce you?”

  “You would never see her again,” Celine says.

  “Why do you do this?” Kellen asks.

  “You have what I want,” Celine answers coldly. “I deserve more money.”

  “So, it’s not about Kya. It’s about money,” Kellen sighs. “That’s sad.”

  Celine stomps her foot. “I deserve half of what we have!”

  “You signed the prenup. It’s not my fault that you cheated on me,” Kellen says. “And don’t worry, the pictures I have are very revealing. Of course, so are the pictures of you snorting coke.”

  Standing up a little taller, Celine stutters, “What….how would…where?”

  “I got them last week. You shouldn’t do that shit at parties where you don’t know everyone. But, that’s all right, the courts will believe me now, so you won’t receive a dime more. It’s time to get a job.”

  She crosses her arms. “The courts will never believe you.”

  “Everything I have said is true,” Kellen replies confidently.

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t matter. No one will believe you,” Celine laughs.

  “That’s where you are wrong,” Teagan interjects.

  Spinning around, Celine yells, “What are you doing here!?”

  Teagan presses stop and smiles. “Recording everything your bitch ass just said.”

  A look of pure panic crosses over Celine’s face. “You did…how…”

  “Smart phones,” Teagan replies. “I have an app that records my professor’s lectures and now, your ridiculous rant. It’s a very handy app. Totally worth the 99 cents I paid.”

  “You bitch!” Celine shouts.

  “No, that would be you,” Teagan replies.

  Kellen grabs a towel and wraps it around himself. “I will pick up Kya tomorrow, and she will be staying with me from now on.”

  “You….you can’t do that!” Celine exclaims.

  “How are you going to survive without the money?” Kellen inquires. “I will give you money until the divorce is final. Then you get nothing, not a cent.”

  “You can’t do that,” Celine stammers, her face incredulous.

  “Fine, I will call the attorney tomorrow and give him the pictures,” Kellen says.

  Celine seethes in anger. “Fine, you can have her.”

  “We should go get her now,” Teagan says.

  “I don’t want to deal with her today anyway,” Celine snarls. “I have plans.”

  Suddenly, Kellen gets a weird look on his face. “Wait…..where is Kya?”

  With a devious smirk, Celine says, “She’s at daycare.”

  Kellen is furious. “She hates it there! They don’t know how to work with kids with developmental disabilities!”

  “Well, I needed to get stuff done,” Celine puffs as she looks down at her nails with a blasé attitude.

  “Kellen,” Teagan interjects. “We should go get her now.” Pulling off the towel, Teagan starts to dry off.

  Celine’s jaw drops. “Do you have any modesty?”

  Standing up tall and popping her hip, Teagan says, “Jealous much? If Kya needs us, I’ll strip naked in front of the President if it gets me to her faster.”

  If looks could kill, Teagan realizes she would be dead. “You need to leave now,” Kellen states. “If you come into this house again without my permission, I will call the police.”

  “This is my house too,” Celine snaps.

  “No, actually it isn’t,” Kellen replies. “I made sure you weren’t on the deed. So, it’s my house. I also give Teagan
permission to use whatever force needed to defend my home.”

  “You bastard,” Celine screams.

  “I am giving you to the count of ten to leave my house before I call the police. One…two….” Kellen starts.

  Screaming again, Celine stomps out of the bathroom. Teagan jumps out of her way. She and Kellen stand perfectly still until they hear the door slam. “Is she gone?” Teagan asks.

  “I’ll go make sure and lock the door,” Kellen says. “Are you sure about getting Kya? It puts a damper on things.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Teagan scoffs. “We need to go get her.”

  “Thank you,” Kellen whispers, as he bends down to kiss her.

  When they pull away, Teagan replies, “You’re welcome. I will be ready by the time you get back up here.”

  “Okay.” He kisses her on the forehead and quickly walks out of the room.

  Chapter 17

  “This is the place?” Teagan grimaces. “Really, with all the money you give her?”

  “I know,” Kellen sighs. He slams the door, and they walk to the entrance.

  When they get inside the daycare, there are kids everywhere, but it’s the one tiny voice crying that grabs their attention. A teenaged girl is trying to talk to Kya. “Listen young lady, you need to behave. I mean it!”

  Kya starts to cry harder. “Hey,” Teagan yells. “Back off.”

  Turning to them, Kya sees them and screams, “Dah-dah!” As fast as she can, Kya comes running over to him. Kellen scoops her up in his arms. “Dah-dah, no be dacare!”

  “I know, Sweetie,” Kellen replies, hugging her close. “We came to get you.”

  “Hey,” Teagan says to Kya. “Wipe those tears away. We are going to do something fun.”

  Turning her big brown eyes to Teagan, Kya screams, “EGGAN!”

  “Hi baby girl,” Teagan laughs. Kya leaps from her dad’s arms to Teagan. “Oh!” Teagan exclaims in a huff. She sets Kya down and hugs her. “You okay?”

  “Mean ta me!” Kya yells, tears spilling over again.

  “Listen,” the girl says. “We aren’t mean to her, but she doesn’t listen or behave.”

  Teagan stands up and points her finger at the girl. “Don’t say stuff like that. She just needs to be treated a little differently. She needs understanding, patience.”