


  She hangs up the phone and quickly dials Victoria. “Hey girl!” Victoria cheers when she answers.

  “Hey, do you want a ride to the pub later?” Teagan asks.

  “Sure, I am glad that you’re coming!”

  “I need a break from studying,” Teagan sighs. She thinks she knows what Victoria is going to say, but she doesn’t want to assume anything, or give her any ideas.

  “You know what you should do?” Victoria giggles.

  “What?” Teagan retorts. She nestles the phone against her chin and starts water running in the sink.

  “Call and invite Trent!”

  “No,” Teagan snaps. She almost drops the bottle of dish soap into the sink.

  “Why not!?” Victoria exclaims.

  Narrowing her eyes, Teagan says, “Because, it’s not like we are going to hang out.”

  “You don’t know that,” Victoria counters. “You haven’t asked yet.”

  “No, I haven’t talked to him all week. It would be weird.”

  “Just do it.”

  Laughing, Teagan says, “No!”

  “I double dog dare you,” Victoria challenges.

  “No.” She rinses off the plates she just washed and puts them in the dish strainer on the counter beside her left elbow.

  “I triple dog dare you.”

  “Still no,” Teagan retorts, as she finishes the dishes. She pulls the plug to drain the sink. Good, one less thing to worry about, she thinks.

  “What do I have to do to get you to do it!?” Victoria yells.

  “Nothing, because I am not going to do it,” Teagan states strongly, drying her hands.

  There is an exasperated exhale on the other end of the phone. “Whatever.”

  “I will pick you up at 1:45,” Teagan declares, trying to change the subject. “All right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Victoria sighs. “I still think you should call him.”

  “Bye Victoria!”

  “Bye Teagan,” Victoria emphasizes and then laughs.

  Teagan shakes her head and hangs up the phone. She walks over to the refrigerator and opens it up. “Dishes are done. What do I want to eat?” Biting her lip, she finally decides on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She takes out the peanut butter and then looks for the jelly. “Oh yeah,” she says. “I have a new jar.” Turning, Teagan goes to the cupboard. She grabs the jelly and starts to open it. It won’t move. She tries with all her might. It still doesn’t budge. Frowning, Teagan sets the jelly on the counter. “Damn it, I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” She smirks and thinks of Trent. Teagan looks down at her phone and goes back and forth. Finally, she picks it up and texts: So, about that opening jars thing. I think I spoke too soon. I can’t get my grape jelly open. Hesitating for minute, Teagan finally presses send.

  A minute or two goes by. She exhales, turns back to her jelly and tries to open it again. Suddenly, there is a whistle. Smiling she goes to her phone. The text reads: I am not coming over there just to open a jar of jelly.

  She responds: Batman would.

  Batman would not go to someone’s house to open a jar.

  Yes he would.

  No, he wouldn’t.

  Whatever, you are no help.

  Flip the jar upside down and hit the bottom of it with the palm of your hand. It helps pop the top.

  Teagan looks at the jar. She picks it up and does exactly as he says. Turning it back around, she tries to open it. With a pop, the seal breaks. “Yeah!” She cheers. Picking up her phone, Teagan texts: Well, aren’t you handy?

  Yes, I am.

  She hesitates for a second and then types: Can I buy you a beer for your help? Not fraternizing, strictly consumption of liquor.

  Are you asking me out again?

  We are going to the pub to shoot pool. I figured I could buy you a beer.

  Can you play?

  Yes, very well, thank you. So, are you game?

  I can’t today, sorry, but be safe and don’t drink and drive please.

  Disappointed, Teagan writes: I won’t.


  I guess I will see you tomorrow.

  Yes, you will. Have fun and be safe.

  Okay, see you later.

  You too.

  Frowning, Teagan puts down her phone and goes back to making her peanut butter and jelly sandwich before studying and heading to pick up Victoria.

  The smell of falling leaves fills the air as Teagan drives over to Victoria’s place. The weather will soon stop being pleasant. She pulls up in front of the apartment, and at precisely 1:45, Victoria gets into her car. “Are you ready to school the guys?” She looks cute in her jeans and light green puffy jacket with UGG boots.

  “Yup,” Teagan replies.

  “What’s wrong?” Victoria asks.

  “Nothing,” Teagan mumbles. “I’m fine.” She starts to pull into traffic.

  “No, you’re not,” Victoria counters. “What’s wrong?”

  With a heavy sigh, Teagan taps the steering wheel. “I texted Trent.”

  “Seriously!?” Victoria exclaims in excitement. “What did he say?”

  “He couldn’t come,” Teagan replies, shrugging.

  “Like wouldn’t or couldn’t?”

  “I don’t know. I think couldn’t. He didn’t say anything about fraternizing this time.”

  Smiling, Victoria says, “That’s getting somewhere!”

  “I guess,” Teagan sighs.

  “You sound really disappointed,” Victoria suggests.

  Teagan shrugs, “I don’t know if disappointed is the word.”

  “Then what are you feeling?” Victoria inquires quietly.

  She thinks about it for a minute and then Teagan answers, “Okay, disappointment.” She maneuvers between two cars. The sounds of traffic fill the space between them as no one says a word for a while.

  “You like him, don’t you?” Victoria breaks the silence.

  “As boyfriend material? No, but I liked hanging out with him. It was fun.”

  “You seriously wouldn’t date him?” Victoria quips.

  “I didn’t say that,” Teagan says, shooting her a look. “I just know that isn’t going to happen, but I could see being friends with him.”

  “Text him again,” Victoria urges. “Keep up a conversation.”

  “I don’t know,” Teagan exhales.

  Victoria nudges her. “It would be a good thing for you to get close to a guy. Maybe starting off having a close guy friend would get you to open up to dating again.”

  “I date,” Teagan replies.

  “No, I meant seriously dating. Testing the waters to have a boyfriend.”

  “I guess,” Teagan exhales. “Justin really messed me up.”

  “I know, maybe Trent will mess him up,” Victoria laughs.

  “Wouldn’t that be nice,” Teagan sighs happily.

  Victoria grins, “You know you will have to take him to Michigan.”

  “Yeah, I think I have come to that conclusion, too. It will keep Justin away from me. I don’t want him to ruin the wedding for me.”

  “And you shouldn’t let him. Trent will keep him away, and you may have fun with him. Maybe he dances!” Victoria claps her hands.

  Teagan turns and looks at her. “Do you really think he dances?”

  “Maybe,” Victoria replies, shrugging. “You never know.”

  “I don’t take him as a dancer,” Teagan states.

  “You could teach him how to dance. You can teach him how to dirty dance,” Victoria points out.

  “I DO NOT dance like that in front of people, only by myself or around you. Don’t you dare tell anyone, especially Trent!”

  Laughing, Victoria puts up her hands. “I have always promised to not tell a soul. Relax.”

  She glares at her friend. Finally, Teagan says, “You are evil.”

  “My halo hangs off my horns, girlfriend,” Victori
a declares, with a big smile. They both burst out laughing.

  When they get to the pub, they find Mike, Isaac, and Emily already playing pool. Mike is taking a shot. “Don’t mess up!” Teagan jeers.

  “Well, you are such a distraction,” he retorts, hitting the cue ball.

  “Whatever,” Teagan snorts. “Who’s winning?”

  “I won one, so I am playing whoever wins this game,” Emily declares in her soft voice.

  “Em, the pool shark,” Victoria snickers. Emily shrugs and gives a bashful smile. “I want a beer!”

  “It’s two o’clock,” Teagan laughs.

  “Eh, it’s five somewhere,” Victoria retorts. “Should I buy a pitcher?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” Isaac says. “Do you want money?”

  “Nah, I got this round,” Victoria declares. “Be back in a bit.” Teagan follows her to the bar. Victoria smiles at the bartender. “A pitcher please.”

  The guy replies, “Sure,” but his eyes don’t leave Teagan. She can feel his eyes looking down her form-fitting blue sweater. She turns red and looks away.

  Victoria looks at the bartender and then back at Teagan. “You need to text Trent and tell him you miss him.”

  “What?” Teagan laughs. Victoria gives a little head nudge to the bartender. “Oh,” Teagan exhales in understanding. “Yeah, well I think he is working out. I will text him.” She pulls her phone out. The bartender finally turns away from them. Teagan rolls her eyes at Victoria.

  “You should really text him,” Victoria states. “Go on.”

  “What should I say?” Teagan asks, exasperated.

  “I don’t know, think of something. You’re the writer, oh wordy one,” Victoria counters.

  With a heavy sigh, Teagan takes out her phone. She taps it with her finger and then texts: At the pub, what kind of beer should I have in your honor? Teagan looks at Victoria. “He is going to think I am a stalker.”

  “Nah, I doubt it,” Victoria retorts.

  Her phone goes off. She reads, “Do you like light beer or dark beer?” Teagan looks at Victoria. “Isn’t beer just beer?”

  “No, to guys there is a difference. Anyway, you like light beer,” Victoria says in return.

  Teagan writes: Light beer.

  Then get Stella.

  The bartender sets down the pitcher. Teagan looks at him and asks, “Do you have Stella?”

  “Yeah, on tap,” the guy replies.

  “Can I have a glass of that?” Teagan asks. The bartender nods. She looks at Victoria. “What if I don’t like it?”

  “Then you have something more to talk about,” Victoria answers.

  When the bartender sets the glass down, Teagan picks it up and takes a sip. “Hey, that’s really good!”

  “Tell him that!” Victoria commands.

  Teagan picks up her phone. Very good choice sir.

  I am glad you like it. It’s a good beer.

  Are you sure you can’t join me for one?

  I would come and have one, but I can’t today. Responsibilities and all.

  On the job?

  Sort of, you can have one for me though.

  Okay. “What else do I say to him?” Teagan asks Victoria.

  “What have you said so far?”

  “Just that it’s a good beer and that he can’t come because he is working or something,” Teagan answers.

  “I don’t know. Ask him if he wants to get a beer sometime this week,” Victoria suggests.

  Giving her friend a look, Teagan says, “That’s like asking him out on a date.”

  “Not really a dddaaattteeee,” Victoria draws out, twirling her hair between her fingers, looking dreamily off in the distance.

  “Yes, it’s exactly like a date,” Teagan snaps her back into reality.

  “Whatever,” Victoria groans. “Come on, let’s go watch them play pool.” Teagan grabs her beer and follows Victoria back to the pool table. “Who’s winning now?”

  Looking down at her phone, Teagan pauses and then texts: Well, if you feel like having a beer this week, let me know, I will buy you one.


  Nooo, not fraternizing, just having a beer. We can even sit a few bar stools away from each other.

  Do I smell?


  Really (said with a lot of sarcasm).

  I don’t know. I am not allowed to fraternize with you, so I haven’t been close enough to smell you.

  And it’s going to stay that way.

  I smell nice, very sexy.

  Tell me, how does one smell very sexy?

  It’s the name of my perfume. It’s from Victoria’s Secret.

  I didn’t realize they sold perfume. I thought it was all thigh highs and bras.

  Nope, lotions and perfumes too.

  Girl crap.

  Hey now, guys like a girl to smell good.

  True. I am an acqua di gio sort of guy.

  Teagan smiles. I love that stuff. I will have to smell you now.

  Good luck on that.

  I do like challenges.

  “Who are you texting over there so enthusiastically?” Isaac asks.

  “Tttrrreeennnntttt,” Victoria sighs.

  “Who’s Trent?” Isaac asks, with tension in his voice.

  “The guy who saved Teagan,” Victoria answers. “Tall, hot, steamy, and built.”

  Isaac frowns. Teagan interjects, “He is teaching our self-defense class.”

  “That is awesome!” Emily exclaims. “Every girl should know that.”

  “You should come and take the class with us,” Victoria offers happily.

  “I already know all that,” Emily says nicely, “But it’s good that you are going.”

  “Oh come on, I bet he could teach you something,” Teagan prods her friend. “You should come.”

  “You should come on the sole basis of seeing how hot this guy is,” Victoria giggles. “I mean he is HOT.”

  Emily smirks, “Maybe I will then.”

  “Oh geez,” Isaac groans. He moves to take his shot.

  Teagan picks up her phone. Can I ask a favor? She sends to Trent.

  He replies: Uh oh, depends on the favor.

  Can one more friend come and hang out at your class?

  Sure. Just one more though. I do need to make a living.

  I thought you made enough money from the security business.

  Well, okay, that’s true. So yes, you can bring another friend.


  Suddenly, Teagan hears, “Oh crap!”

  She looks up and gasps, “What the hell!?” Teagan watches as Emily’s ex, Franco, comes walking over to them.

  “Hello guys,” he sneers with an evil smile.

  Teagan steps to him and says, “Get out of here.”

  “It’s a public place,” he counters, looking her up and down. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Well, we want nothing to do with you,” Teagan snaps, putting her arms out to her sides. “So, go find somewhere else to park your slimy ass.”

  Franco looks at her and sneers, “Watch your mouth.”

  “What, are you and your loser frat brothers going to intimidate us or something?” Teagan retorts, not backing down.

  “I think you have roles reversed; you are the bunch of losers. I always told Emily that.”

  “Shut up Franco!” Emily yells, standing up. “Go away!”

  “Oh come on baby,” Franco laughs. “I wanted to talk to you.” He sidles up beside Emily.

  “Back off buddy,” Teagan growls, getting in between them. “Leave her alone.”

  “What are you going to do about it Teagan?” He snips, the alcohol on his breath lingers between them in the air. “I don’t think you should be telling anyone what to do.”

  “Get away from us,” Teagan seethes.

  He looks over at Emily. “Come on baby, I wanted to have a good time. I figured you were easy enough.” He makes a sexual motion with his hands.

  “You son of a bitc
h!” Teagan yells. She brings her hand back and slaps Franco across the face really hard, making her hand throb.

  Franco grabs her arm really hard and shouts, “You stupid witch!”

  Teagan grimaces and tries to pull out of his grip. “Let go of me you asshole!”

  “Hey!” They hear someone shout. “Get your hands off her!” The bartender comes out from behind the bar. “There won’t be any of that in here. Separate or leave!”

  Instantly, Franco lets go of her. Teagan rubs her arm because it hurts. “She started it.”

  “I don’t care if she kneed you in the balls, you don’t touch girls,” the bartender snaps. “Now, leave them alone.”

  With a look of disgust, Franco scoffs, “Whatever, she’s just a stupid bitch.”

  “Move!” The bartender commands. Franco glares at Teagan before walking to the other side of the pub.

  “Oww,” Teagan groans, as she shakes her arm.

  “Call Trent!” Victoria growls urgently.

  “No,” Teagan laughs. “He would think I was nuts. Franco is gone. Who cares?”

  “Whatever!” Victoria grabs Teagan’s phone and starts to text something.

  “Hey!” Teagan exclaims, darting after her friend.

  Victoria holds her phone up. “Too late!”

  “What did you say to him?” Teagan whines. She opens up her text window and it says: Can I hire you to kick someone’s ass? “Great, he is probably going to get pissed off.”

  Thrusting her hands forward, Victoria says, “Explain what happened. I bet he would be more than happy to help!”

  The response is: We covered this, I am not a goon for hire. Why, what’s wrong?

  Nothing, she replies. I just got into it with an asshole. Victoria texted you. I really am sorry. It wasn’t right of her to ask you that.

  Are you okay?

  Yeah, he is gone.


  Sorry again. I will see you tomorrow.

  Alright, see you then.

  “Thanks Victoria, I bet he is annoyed,” Teagan groans, turning her eyes to her injured arm and continuing to rub it.

  “It’s fine,” Victoria sighs, “Relax.”

  “Whatever,” Teagan grumbles.

  “Hey, let’s just drink some beer and play some pool,” Emily sighs.

  “You okay?” Teagan asks. Emily shrugs her shoulders, but nods anyway. “That guy is such a douche.”

  “Yeah, yeah he is,” Victoria agrees.