Page 48 of The Crimson Blind



  Lord Littimer was greatly interested in all that Chris had to say. Thewhole story was confided to him after dinner. Over his coffee on theterrace he offered many shrewd suggestions.

  "There is one thing wherein you have made a mistake," he said. "And thatis in your idea that Henson changed those cigar-cases after Miss Gateslaid your votive offering on Steel's doorstep."

  "How else could it be done?" Chris said.

  "My dear, the thing is quite obvious. You have already told me thatHenson was quite aware what you were going to do--at least that he knewyou were going to consult Steel. Also he knew that you were going to makeSteel a present, and by a little judicious eavesdropping he contrived toglean all about the cigar-case. The fellow has already admitted to yoursister that he listened. How long was that before you bought thecigar-case?"

  "I should say it might have been a week. We had inquiries to make, youknow. In the first instance we never dreamt of offering Mr. Steel money.I blush to think of that folly."

  "Well, blush a little later on when you have more time. Then Henson had aweek to work out his little scheme. He knows all about the cigar-case; heknows where it is going to be bought. Then he goes to Lockhart's andpurchases some trifle in the shape of a cigar-case; he has it packed up,yellow string and all. This is his dummy. By keeping his eyes open hegets the chance he is waiting for. Ruth Gates hadn't the faintest ideathat he knew anything when she left that case the day she bought itwithin reach of Henson. He gets her out of the way for a minute or two,he unties the parcel, and places the Van Sneck case in it. No, by Jove,he needn't have bought anything from Lockhart's at all. I only thought ofthat to account for the yellow string and the stamped paper thatLockhart's people use. He first takes one case out of the parcel andreplaces it with another, and there you are. You may depend upon it thatwas the way in which it was done."

  The more Chris thought over the matter the more certain she felt thatsuch was the case. Like most apparently wonderful things, the explanationwas absurdly simple. A conjurer's most marvellous tricks are generallythe easiest.

  "How foolish of us not to have thought of this before," Chris said,thoughtfully. "At any rate, we know all about it now. And we know whobought the cigar-case so promptly returned to Lockhart's by Henson. Ishould like to see this Rawlins."

  "You have got to find him first," said Littimer.

  "I'm going into Moreton Wells again to-morrow to make inquiries,"said Chris.

  But she was saved the trouble. Once more the ever-blessed telephone stoodher in good stead. She was just on the point of starting for MoretonWells when Steel called her up. Chris recognised him with a thrill ofeager pleasure.

  "You need not be afraid," she said. "You can speak quite freely. How isVan Sneck?"

  "Very queer," David responded. "Bell hoped to have operated upon himbefore this, but such a course has not been deemed quite prudent. The dayafter to-morrow it will be, I expect. Henson has found out where VanSneck is."

  "Indeed. Has he been to see you?"

  "He has been more than once on all kinds of ingenious pretences. But Ididn't call you up to tell you this. We have been making inquiries atWalen's, Marley and myself. The time has come now to let Marley behindthe scenes a bit."

  "Did Walen's people know anything about the tall American?"

  "Oh, yes. A tall American with a thin beard and a faint suggestion ofsmall-pox called about a week before the great adventure, and asked tosee some gun-metal diamond-mounted cigar-cases--like the one inLockhart's window."

  "Did he really volunteer that remark?"

  "He did, saying also that Lockhart's were too dear. Walen's hadn't gotwhat he wanted, but they promised to get some cases out of stock, whichmeant that they would go to the same wholesale house as Lockhart's andget some similar cases. As a matter of fact, one of Walen's assistantswas sent round to study the case in Lockhart's window. The cases wereprocured on the chance of a sale, but the American never turned up again.No notice was taken of this, because such things often happen toshopkeepers."

  "And this was about a week before the night of the great adventure?"

  "Yes. Wait a bit. I have not quite finished yet. Now, once I hadascertained this, an important fact becomes obvious. The American didn'twant a cigar-case at all."

  "But he subsequently purchased the one returned to Lockhart's shop."

  "That remark does not suggest your usual acumen. The American waspreparing the ground for Van Sneck to purchase with a view to asubsequent exchange. You have not fully grasped the vileness of thisplot yet. I went to Lockhart's and succeeded in discovering that thepurchaser of the returned case was a tall American, quite of thepattern I expected. Then I managed to get on to the trail at theMetropole here. They recollected when I could describe the man; theyalso recollected the largeness of his tips. Then I traced my man to theLion at Moreton Wells, where he had obviously gone to see ReginaldHenson. From the Lion our friend went to the Royal at Scarsdale Sands,where he is staying at present."

  "Under the name of John Smith?"

  "I suppose so, seeing that all the inquiries under that name weresuccessful. If you would like me to come up and interview the manfor you--"

  "I should like you to do nothing of the kind," Chris said. "You are moreuseful in Brighton, and I am going to interview Mr. John Smith Rawlinsfor myself. Good-bye. Just one moment. For the next few days my addresswill be the Royal Hotel, Scarsdale Sands."

  Chris countermanded the dog-cart she had ordered and repaired to thelibrary, where Littimer was tying some trout-flies behind a cloud ofcigarette smoke.

  "Thought you had gone to Moreton Wells," he said. "Been at the telephoneagain? A pretty nice bill I shall have to pay for all those long messagesof yours."

  "Mr. Steel pays this time," Chris said, gaily. "He has just given me someinformation that obviates the necessity of going into the town. My dearuncle, you want a change. You look tired and languid--"

  "Depression of spirits and a disinclination to exercise after food. Alsoa morbid craving for seven to eight hours' sleep every night. What's thelittle game?"

  "Bracing air," Chris laughed. "Lord Littimer and his secretary, Miss Lee,are going to spend a few days at Scarsdale Sands, Royal Hotel, torecuperate after their literary labours."

  "The air here being so poor and enervating," Littimer said, cynically."In other words, I suppose you have traced Rawlins to Scarsdale Sands?"

  "How clever you are," said Chris, admiringly. "Walen's American andLockhart's American, with the modest pseudonym of John Smith, are whatMrs. Malaprop would call three single gentlemen rolled into one. We aregoing to make the acquaintance of John Smith Rawlins."

  "Oh, indeed, and when do we start, may I ask?"

  Chris responded coolly that she hoped to get away in the course of theday. With a great show of virtuous resignation Lord Littimer consented.

  "I have always been the jest of fortune," he said, plaintively; "but Inever expected to be dragged all over the place at my time of life by agirl who is anxious to make me acquainted with the choicest blackguardismin the kingdom. I leave my happy home, my cook, and my cellar, for atleast a week of hotel living. Well, one can only die once."

  Chris bustled away to make the necessary arrangements. Some few hourslater Lord Littimer was looking out from his luxurious privatesitting-room with the assumption of being a martyr. He and Chris weredressed for dinner; they were waiting for the bell to summon them to thedining-room. When they got down at length they found quite a large numberof guests already seated at the many small tables.

  "Your man here?" Littimer asked, languidly.

  Chris indicated two people seated in a window opposite.

  "There!" she whispered. "There he is. And what a pretty girl with him!"