stealing Christmas trees business, 149–50
Wilder family traveling to, 5–7
See also Mansfield, Missouri; Rocky Ridge Farm, Mansfield, Missouri
Missouri Ruralist, 9, 16–17, 23, 26–27, 33
“Missouri Showed Them, And,” 17
Missouri State Historical Society, 68
Montgomery, Elizabeth Rider, 295–96
Morgan, Alfred and Lydia, 366–67
motion picture rights, 216–17, 224
Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, 62
Moyston, Guy, 53–54
Mundy, Talbot, 110, 114
Murray, Corrine, 83, 94, 113, 206
Murray, Jack, 83, 86, 206
“My Ozark Kitchen,” 33
Myre, Alvilda, 81
National Economic Council’s Review of Books (Lane, ed.), 310
Near East Relief, Rose working for, 29–30
Nebraska, 6
Neihardt, John, 79
Nevada, 44
New York City Society of South Dakotans, 232
New York Herald Tribune Spring Book Festival Award, 248
New York Post, 142
Newbery-Caldecott dinner, 367
Newman, Patricia, 227
News and Leader, De Smet, 5–7
Nordstrom, Ursula
cyclones in Missouri, 271–72
gifts from, 327, 335, 357, 373
hired as Raymond’s assistant, 99
Horn Book article, 258
Horn Book Christmas issue dedication to Little House books, 355–57
and Horn Book Magazine article, 253–54
and Laura Ingalls Wilder Award ceremony, 362, 365–66
Laura reporting on progress, 243–47
and Little House special edition, 352–53
and The Long Winter, 215
spelling error in By the Shores of Silver Lake, 292
and Syracuse library young reader department, 293–94
and These Happy Golden Years, 243–47, 251
nuclear weapons testing, 278, 279
Ogden, Walter, 57
Ohio state purchasing 3,500 special edition copies of Little House, 235
Old Settlers Day, De Smet, 55–56, 207, 223, 232
Older, Fremont, 51
Oleson, Nellie, 167, 169, 245, 284
On the Banks of Plum Creek
blizzards, 88–89, 94–96, 164–66
cattle runaway, 89, 93
description of Plum Creek, 90–92
grasshoppers, 95–96
Kennedy family member reconnects, 301–2
Laura’s collaboration with Rose, xv
Laura’s success prior to, 60
location of house, 320, 339–40
request for autograph, 135–36
royalty rate, 97–99
as “Top-notcher of 1937” in New York Post, 142
Wilder-Lane letters on, 87–93, 94–97
writing of, 75–76
On the Way Home from Laura’s diary, 378
Ozarks, 9–10, 305
Ozarks, traveling to or from, 5–7, 60–62
Pacific Ocean, 12
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, California, xv, 10–11, 12–13, 16–17
Panzram, Miss, 324–25
Parkhurst, Genevieve, 63–64
Patterson, O. S., 21
Pearson, Miss, 223
penny postcards, 8
Pepin, Wisconsin, 321
Perry School, De Smet area, South Dakota, 344–45
Pettis, Miss, 78–79
Phillips, Miss, 67
Phraner, Mrs., 247–48
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography, xiii, 26, 59–60, 178–79
Plum Creek, Minnesota, 90–92, 119, 350–51. See also On the Banks of Plum Creek
political letters
apathy of citizens, 112–13
Congressman Kilburn, 267–70
F.D.R.’s birthday party, 192
on General Motors strike, 140
on government handouts, 293
on Hitler, 196
Laura’s statement to voters for tax collector position, 31–32
Roosevelt and New Deal, 111, 193–94
support for N.J. Craig, 22
politics, Rose writing about, 256–57
Pollard, Mrs. Eugene, 362–63
Pomona Public Library, Laura Ingalls Wilder Room, California, 319, 322, 330, 347–48, 358–59
pony express rider, 129
postage stamp in Hell, 110
poultry, 9–10
Power, Mary, 284
Prairie Girl
characters in, 165, 168, 169, 177
outline of, 124, 125
See also Little Town on the Prairie;These Happy Golden Years
Prock, Bruce, 84–87, 107–8, 114–15, 145, 195
Prock, Francis, 153, 154
Prock, Mrs. Bruce, 140–41, 179, 205
Prock, Paul, 154
Quiner, Caroline. See Ingalls, Caroline Quiner “Ma”
Quiner, Charlotte Tucker, 34–35
Quiner, Eliza (aunt), 34
Quiner, Henry (uncle), 147, 158, 167, 175–77, 181–82
Quiner, Tom (uncle), 34, 158, 168, 177, 183
labor disputes, 152, 153
land available for homesteading, 124
Manly working for, 130
notebook with company store prices, 115–17, 118
Raymond, Ida Louise
and On the Banks of Plum Creek, 98–99, 99–100
on Detroit Book Fair, 133–34
and Farmer Boy, 65–66, 73–74
First Four Years proposal, 137
on lateness of Silver Lake manuscript, 187
and Little House on the Prairie, 75–76, 79–80
and Neihardt book reviews, 79
Nordstrom as assistant, 99
Redmond, Miss, 257–58
Review of Books, National Economic Council (Lane, ed.), 310
Richardson, Mrs. H. R., 303
robins, 204
Rock House at Rocky Ridge, 26, 59, 83–84, 139
Rocky Mountains, 11, 41–43
Rocky Ridge Farm, Mansfield, Missouri
about, 246–47, 269–70
cedar trees stolen, 149–50
fire in garage, loss of power, 93–94
and flooding in the area, 253
gardening, 26, 64, 113–14
Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum, xvii–xviii, 377–78
parties at, 55
pictures of, for Horn book, 249–50
purchase of, 7
Rock House built by Rose, 26, 59, 83–84, 139
Rose as head of household for tax purposes, 111–12
Rose’s literary friends visiting, 63–64
sleeping porch, 201–2
surprise party for Masonic chapter members, 17–18
tulip tree, 204
as unique example in Ozarks, 9–10
water pumps for, 197–98
Rose. See Lane, Rose Wilder (daughter)
Row, Peterson Publishers, 145, 213
royalty rates
On the Banks of Plum Creek, 97–98
Farmer Boy, 67, 73, 97, 229–30
Little Town on the Prairie, 229–30
By the Shores of Silver Lake, 203–4, 209
for These Happy Golden Years, 239–40
Ruby, Thomas L., 21
Ruralist, 9, 16–17, 23, 26–27, 33
San Francisco, California
arriving in, 1925, 45, 50–51
Berkeley, 16
descriptions of, 14, 15, 51–52
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, xv, 10–11, 12–13, 16–17
San Francisco Bulletin children’s page, 132
Sato, Yoshihiko, 336, 340, 346
Saturday Evening Post, 169. See also Free Land (Lane)
Schaefer, Mrs., 299
school house, 141
school in Burr Oak, Iowa, 287
Seal, Mr. and Mrs. Silas, 186–87, 332
Serton, Daphne, 330–32
Sewell, Helen, 66, 80
Sherwood, Aubrey
50th Anniversary of De Smet’s founding, 55–57
copy of These Happy Golden Years, 242–43
inquiry about Let the Hurricane Roar, 71–72
invitation to Old Settlers Day, 338
on Lake Kampeska, 237–38, 242
Laura and Manly missing Old Settlers Day, 223, 232
Laura on By the Shores of Silver Lake errors, 210–11
and Little House books, 232–33
looking for Pa’s old ledger, 335
visit postponed, 131
vouching for truth of Little House books, 237–38
and Wilder Library, Mansfield, Missouri, 338, 339, 340–41
Shoemaker, Floyd S., 68
Short, Dewey, 112
Silver Lake, South Dakota, 56, 117, 148. See also By the Shores of Silver Lake
“Sing of South Dakota” (Kirchmeier), 369
Smith, Dorothy, 311–12, 328
Smith, Frances, 311–12
Smith, Irene, 244–47
Sorenson, Alvilda Myre, 81–82, 100–101, 235–36, 250–51
Sorenson, Nancy Lee, 250–51
sourdough bread recipe, 240
South Dakota, 60–62. See also De Smet, South Dakota
South Dakota State Historical Society
violin played by Charles Ingalls at, 259–60, 261–62, 288, 289–90, 365
wrong inscription on violin, 326–27
Spock, Jasper, 207–8, 238–39
Spring Book Festival Award from the New York Herald Tribune, 248
Springfield, Missouri, 143–44, 192–93, 196, 344
St. Nicholas (magazine), 74
Stanton, Ed, 30
Stanton, Meroe Andrews, 30–31
stealing Christmas trees business, 149–50
Sterr, Mrs., 282–83
stoicism of settlers, 164–68
Story Behind Modern Books, The (Montgomery), 295–96
Stratte, Helen, 135–36, 141
Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Park, 159
survey of childhood reading experiences, 297–98
Swanzey, Carrie Ingalls
childhood, 63, 245, 296
death of, xvii, 279–81
as last remaining sister, 236
Laura’s newsy letter to, 273
Laura’s visit to, 62
request for Rose’s castoff clothing, 207
Rocky Ridge visit, 266–67
on These Happy Golden Years, 248
tariffs on livestock, 21
television rights, 371–72, 379
Tharpe, Dorothy Nace, 262
Thayer, Eliza Jane Wilder (sister-in-law), 7, 78, 110, 121–22
Thayer, Wilder (nephew), 187, 299
These Happy Golden Years
contract for, 239–40
New York Herald Tribune Spring Book Festival Award, 248
outline of, 233–34
release date and paper shortage, 238–39, 244
reminiscence of Carrie Ingalls Swanzey, 248
Sherwood’s copy of, 242–43
See also Prairie Girl
Thomas, Lowell, 200
threshing, 157, 171
Tighe, Eileen, 224
tire theft by Turner boys, 83–87
tourism at the little houses, 282–83
trilliums in Connecticut, 229
Tros of Samonthrace (Mundy), 110
Truman, Harry S., 112
Turner, Al, 82–87, 108, 138, 149, 159
Turner, John
about, 82–87
in Columbia, 194
in Europe, 149
grades in school, 128
Laura on, 138
at New Mexico Military Institute, 113
tonsillectomy, 184
Tyler, Harmon, 369–70
Ulveling, Ralph, 306–7, 308–10, 347
U.S. Post Office, 19–20
Utah, 41, 43, 47, 48
vanity cakes, 34, 257–58
Victrola, 18
Vietnam, Rose in, 378
violin/fiddle of Charles Ingalls
at Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum, 377–78
at South Dakota State Historical Society, 259–60, 261–62, 288, 289–90, 365
wrong inscription on violin, 326–27
Wakefield, Reba, 300
Walker, Barbara, xvi
Walnut Grove, Minnesota, 120, 169, 287, 302, 362–63. See also On the Banks of Plum Creek
Walsh, Mrs., 77–78
Warren, Mary Phraner, 240
Watson, Miss, 297–98
Watters, Ralph, 362–63, 371
weather in Mansfield, Missouri
cyclones, 271, 273
fall, 99, 185, 226, 280, 305
and mail delivery, 19–20
spring, 273, 317, 337, 342, 350, 360
summer, 33, 253, 341, 342, 366
winter, 139, 144, 150, 163, 184, 187–88, 191, 192, 294, 317
Webber, Clara J., 273–74, 319–21, 322–24, 330, 336–37, 347–48, 358–59
Weldon, Mrs., 334
Wenzel, Miss, 316
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915, xv, 11
wheat shortage, 164–65
Wilder, Almanzo “Manly,” 59
about, 246, 256
and blizzard in Plum Creek, 165
caring for family farm in Malone, 118–19, 281
contribution to Free Land, 128–31
death of, 312–13, 314–15
earning money as a teenager, 126, 127–28
filing on homesteads in Yankton, 121–24, 129–30
hauling hay for De Smet during a blizzard, 165–66
horse dies on way to Yankton, 122, 124, 127, 129
letters from Laura, xv
letters to Rose, 163, 184–87
physical challenges
head and ears, 172, 197
trip from New York to Spring Valley, 118–19
Wilder, Bessie, 9. See also Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wilder, Dorothy (cousin), 277–78, 279
Wilder, Eliza Jane (sister-in-law), 7, 78, 110, 121–22, 246, 299
Wilder, George (uncle), 158, 175, 183–83
Wilder, Hiram (uncle), 108, 158, 181
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
about, xiii–xiv, xxiii–xxvii, 255, 264–65
birth and childhood, 3–4, 56–58
birthdays, 55, 283–85, 329, 347–48, 360–61, 374
books by, xiii
childhood of, 146–47
and cities, 53
and colored people, 28–29
death of, xvii, 374–75
Detroit Book Fair speech, 105–6, 133–34, 231
driving trip to South Dakota with Manly, 199, 203, 205–6, 207
embarking on writing career, xiv–xvi, 59–60
favorite Bible quote, 342
gathering letters of, xv–xvi, xvii
as homemaker, 189–91, 201–2
Horn Book Magazine profile, 244–47, 249–50, 253–54, 258, 283
as journalist, 9, 35
life without Manly, 314–15
and Ludlow Amendment, 178, 179, 197
missing or destroyed letters, xvi–xvii, xviii
philosophy for living, 284, 301, 351
photographs of, 3,25,59,256,314
on scattering of family possessions, xvi
as teacher in a prairie school, 173–74, 344–45
timidity with strangers, 288–89
on traveling, 45–46
travels of, 8
writing process, 224–25
See also Wilder-Lane letters; entries beginning with “Laura Ingalls Wilder”
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, health challenges
diabetes, 374
eyes, 121, 128, 331, 370–71
flu, 159, 199
nerves and heart, 327, 362, 363
matism, 198, 294, 303, 304, 370
wrenched hand, 198
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, trip to California with Rose and Helen, 35–53
Boylston’s driving, 35, 40, 44
Colorado, 38–41, 41–42, 47–48
deserts, 11, 42–43, 46–47
and Isabelle the Buick, 35–36, 39, 42
Kansas, 36–38
Los Angeles, 52–53
Nevada, 44
Rocky Mountains, 41–43
San Francisco, 45, 50–52
Utah, 41, 43, 47, 48
Wilder, Perley Day, 277, 279
Wilder, Rose, 7–8. See also Lane, Rose Wilder
Wilder, Royal (brother-in-law)
about, 299
caring for family farm in Malone, 118–19, 281
death of, 276
filing on homesteads in Yankton, 121–24
hauling hay for De Smet during a blizzard, 165–66
trip from New York to Spring Valley, 118–19
Wilder family, overview, 33–35, 268–70
Wilder-Lane letters
for On the Banks of Plum Creek, 87–97
Christmas, 138, 140–41
example of, 105
on The Hard Winter, 161–62, 164–68
in Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, xv–xvi
hog descriptions from Laura via telegram, 143
Laura as homemaker, 189–91, 201–2
Laura on her Ma’s book, 107
Laura on Turner boys and Murrays, 83–87
Laura thanking Rose for her support, 188–89
Laura’s contributions to Free Land, 118–21, 121–24, 125–28, 157, 171
on Little House in the Big Woods, 63
on Prairie Girl, 165, 168, 169, 177
to Rose in Paris, 27–29
Rose’s destruction of, xviii
on By the Shores of Silver Lake, 146–49, 151–54, 155–56, 158, 160–61, 173–77, 180–83
Williams, Garth, 291, 325–26, 348–49, 350, 355–56, 365–66
technique for Little House books, 325
Wisconsin, 255. See also Little House on the Prairie
Wisconsin School for the Blind and Braille edition of Little House on the Prairie, 97, 99
Wise, Doris, 293–94
Woman’s Day (magazine), 224, 378
wood for fires (cordwood), 127–28
wood stove vs. furnace, 185–86, 195
Woodworth, Rev., 57
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 97
World War I and postwar in the United States, 26–27
World War II
Laura on, 263, 266
paper shortage, 220, 238, 244
photographer gone to, 258
Yankton, South Dakota, 5–6, 121–24, 129–30
Yosemite National Park, California, 49
Young, Ira, 18–19
The Ingalls family in De Smet, circa 1894. Seated: Caroline (Ma), Charles (Pa), and Mary. Standing: Carrie, Laura, and Grace. (Laura Ingalls Wilder Home Association, Mansfield [LIWHA])