Page 31 of Dirty Bertie

  personal characteristics and tastes: attitude to marriage and adultery 92–94; characterized in Émile Zola’s Nana 112, 114–117; eating habits 268, 335–336; health problems 267, 279, 336–338, 339–341; influence on French society 209–213; libido 259; linguistic abilities 287–288; sense of humour 69; smoking 46, 87, 207, 268, 336, 344; style and mode of dress 202–208; superstitions 342; taste in theatre 127–128

  Edwardian England 362

  Eiffel, Gustave, Tower builder 299

  Eiffel Tower, Paris 299–300

  Entente cordiale, Bertie’s role in 233, 301, 306, 316–17, 326, 327, 353, 361

  Escola, Edouard d’, poet 62

  Eugénie, Empress of France, wife of Napoléon III: visit to England (1855) 10; makes impression on Bertie 15–16, 36; and British royal family visit (1855) 22, 29–30; portrait by Winterhalter 24–5; at the Château de Fontainebleau 57–8, 63, 67–9; status in French society 61–2; disapproval of Napoléon’s womanizing 69–70; at Paris Exposition Universelle (1867) 98; salons 145–6; flees Paris after French defeat at Sedan 156; in exile in Britain 166, 192; death of son, Louis-Napoléon 241–2

  Fallières, Armand, French politician 348

  Fashoda, Anglo–French diplomatic incident over 301–6

  Figaro, Le (newspaper) 299, 304, 310–13, 314–15

  Filmer, Sir Edward, friend 93

  First World War 329, 334, 361

  Flaubert, Gustave, novelist 66, 148; Madame Bovary 107

  Flourens, Émile, French Foreign Minister 267

  Folies Bergère, Parisian cabaret 253

  Fontainebleau, Château de 54–9, 60, 63, 65, 72, 89

  Franco-Prussian war (1870) 155–69

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of the Austro–Hungarian Empire 354–6

  Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria 3n, 51, 329

  Frederick IX, King of Denmark 3n

  Friedrich, Crown Prince of Prussia (later German Emperor), Vicky’s husband 43, 98

  Gallifet, Gaston de, friend and bloodthirsty general 98n, 165, 175, 234–5

  Gallifet, Marquise Georgina de, mistress 98–9

  Gambetta, Léon, French politician 231–7, 244

  Garnier, Charles, architect of Paris Opéra 126, 269

  Gautier, Théophile, poet 148

  George, Duke of Cambridge, Bertie’s uncle 187

  George III, King of England, Mad 14

  George IV, King of England, dissolute 14, 48, 188

  George V, King, Bertie’s son 91, 348, 357–8

  Germany: Bertie’s visit to Königswinter 41; increase in size of navy 322, 328; Schleswig-Holstein Question 84

  Gibbs, Frederick Waymouth, tutor to young Bertie 13

  Giraud, Sébastien Charles, painter 148

  Gladstone, William, British Prime Minister 167, 188, 192–3, 195

  Gladstone, William, son of the politician 41–2

  Goncourt, Edmond de, French writer 215–16

  Goulue, La, can-can dancer; Louise Weber 250–2

  Graham, Sir James, First Lord of the Admiralty 9n

  Gramont, Agénor, philandering duke 121-2

  Granier, Jeanne, actress/mistress 246, 275, 313

  Great Exhibition, Britain (1851) 10

  Greffuhle, Comtesse de, friend 340–1

  Guilbert, Yvette, cabaret singer 275–6, 339

  Gustav Adolf VI, King of Sweden 3n

  Haakon VII, King of Norway (earlier Prince Charles of Denmark) 3n, 320n

  Hale, W. B., journalist 331

  Hardinge, Charles, British diplomat 308, 312, 329, 340

  Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, builder of boulevards 104, 107, 153, 257

  Helena, Princess, Victoria’s daughter 283, 289

  Helleu, Paul, painter 209

  Henry VI, King of England 18

  Hibbert, Christopher, biographer 120, 301, 323, 335

  Howard, Harriet, mistress of Napoléon III 7–8

  Hugo, Victor, writer 244, 265

  Ireland, Bertie’s posting with the Grenadier Guards 46–7

  Isabella, Queen of Spain 155

  Izvolsky, Alexander, Russian Foreign Minister 321

  Jockey Club 130–1, 144, 173, 191, 218, 247

  Jollivet, Gaston, memoirist and playboy 103–4, 105–6, 107, 110–11, 128, 142–3

  Joséphine, wife of Napoléon Bonaparte 7

  Jouy, Étienne, playwright 127

  Jullian, Philippe, biographer 36–7, 44, 59–60, 65, 90, 202, 211, 305

  Karim, Abdul (the ‘Munshi’), Victoria’s Indian servant 6, 280–2, 292

  Kelly, Madame, brother keeper 260

  Keppel, Alice, mistress 294, 296, 327, 337, 341, 342, 345, 348

  Kitchener, General Horatio, British general 303

  Knollys, Francis, Bertie’s private secretary 308

  Knollys, Sir William, Bertie’s treasurer 78, 195–6

  Königswinter, Germany 41

  Laking, Sir Francis, Bertie’s doctor 294

  Lalande, Caron de, photographer 29

  Lami, Eugène, painter 31

  Langtry, Lillie, mistress 222–3, 244

  Lansdowne, Lord, British politician 307, 309, 316

  Laurent, Méry, cocotte 118

  Lear, Edward, writer 44

  Leighton, Frederic, painter 43

  Leopold, King of Belgium 14, 39–40, 50, 76

  Londesborough Lodge, Scarbrough, house where Bertie caught typhoid fever 186

  London, sexual hypocrisy 59–60

  Loubet, Émile, President of France 307, 309–11, 315, 327

  Louis XIV, King of France 63

  Louis XVI, King of France 55

  Louise, Princess 281

  Louis-Napoléon, Prince Imperial, son of Napoléon III 241–2

  Louis-Philippe, King of France 7–8, 176

  Lourdes, France 342

  Luxembourg Crisis 152

  Lyons, Lord, British ambassador in Paris 233

  Lytton, Robert, Secretary of British Embassy in Paris 190

  MacMahon, Patrice de, French politician 196–7, 220–1, 232

  Maison d’Or, Paris, chic Parisian café 140–3

  Manet, Edouard, painter 170n

  Marchand, Jean-Baptiste, French soldier 302–3

  Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 55

  Marienbad spa 338

  Marlborough House, London, Bertie’s London residence 86–7, 91, 178, 245

  Martin, Sir Theodore, friend of Queen Victoria 11

  Marx, Adrien, Les Souverains à Paris 100, 101

  Mathilde, Princess, cousin and fiancée of Napoléon III 22, 65–6, 148

  Maud, Princess (later Queen of Norway) 320n

  Maugny, Comte de, memoirist and writer Souvenirs du Second Empire 64–5, 107, 121, 130, 144, 204

  Maurois, André, biographer Edouard VII et son Temps 131, 197

  McCarthy, Justin, journalist 127

  Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Anastasia, Grand Duchess of, mistress 274

  Menton, France 269

  Mérimée, Prosper, writer 16, 64, 173

  Méténier, Oscar, writer 255–6

  Metternich, Pauline von, sexy niece/wife of Richard (below) 147, 254

  Metternich, Richard von, Austrian Ambassador to Paris 64, 147

  Mexico, Franco-Austrian régime 151–2

  Monaco, France 269

  Monson, Sir Edmund, British Ambassador to Paris 303, 308–9, 315–16

  Monticelli, Adolphe, Une Soirée chez la Païva 149

  Mordaunt, Sir Charles and Lady Harriet, scandalous divorce of 158–9, 183–4

  Moulin Rouge, Parisian cabaret 253

  Müller, Charles, painter 22–3

  Murat, Anna, great-niece of Bonaparte 65

  Napoléon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and Napoléon’s uncle 7, 26–8, 55

  Napoléon III, Emperor of France and Bertie’s mentor: appearance and personal characteristics 4–5; background and political rise 7–9; relationship with Queen Victoria 4–5, 38–40; visit to England (1855) 10; and British royal family visit (18
55) 17–18, 21–2, 27, 29–35; relationship with Bertie 34–5, 60; and French society 61; relationships with women 64–5, 66–7, 69–72; at Paris Exposition Universelle (1867) 98–9; renovation of the Château de Fontainebleau 55–6; renovation of Paris 21, 102–8, 126–7; decline of 151–4; defeat and capture at Battle of Sedan 155–6; exile in England 174; death 191–3

  Naval review, Diamond Jubilee, 1897 283–6

  Nice, France 269, 271

  Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia 3n, 318–21

  Northcliffe, Lord, newspaper owner 306

  Offenbach, Jacques, composer of operettas 118, 136–7, 138, 211–12

  Oller, Joseph, cabaret owner 254

  Ollivier, Émile, French politician 153

  Orléans, Hélène, d’, prospective bride for Prince Eddy 177–8

  Orléans, Henri d’, alias Duc d’Aumale, friend of Bertie 198–9, 246

  Orléans, Marie-Isabelle d’, wife of Comte de Paris 177

  Orléans, Philippe, Comte de Paris 176–7

  Orléans, Pierre, nephew of Henri 347

  Osborne, Isle of Wight 84, 288–91, 292

  Otero, Caroline, cocotte 275

  Oxford University 44

  Païva, La, cocotte 148–9

  Paoli, Xavier, bodyguard 149, 205–6, 231, 271–2, 336

  Paris: British royal visit to (1855) 19–37; Café Anglais 68, 136–8, 211, 233; Café des Ambassadeurs 132–3; café-concerts 132–3; Château de Fontainebleau 54–9, 63, 65, 72; Château de Saint-Cloud 21–2, 161; Château de Versailles 29; Eiffel Tower 299–300; Exposition Universelle (1855) 9, 20, 24–6, 213; (1867) 97–8, 100–2; (1878) 220–1, 224–30; (1889) 298–9; (1900) 261, 305; fashion 203–9, 213–15; funeral service for Bertie 348; Hôtel Bristol 125; Le Chabanais (brothel) 260–6; Masion d’Or (café) 140–3; Montmartre and cabaret 247–50; Palais des Tuileries 34, 173–4; and prositution under the Second Empire 108–12; Prussian siege, 1870-1871; 60–4, 167–9; renovation under Napoléon III 102–8, 126–7; Sacré-Coeur Cathedral 176; salons 145–9; slums 256–7; theatres 126–31; tomb of Napoléon Bonaparte 26–8

  Pasteur, Louis, scientist 146

  Pearl, Cora (Emma Crouch), cocotte 138–40, 164, 214

  Père Lunette, Le, squalid café/brothel 255–7

  Philippe d’Orléans, Comte de Paris 176–7

  Picard, Ernest, French politician 169

  Pichon, Stéphen, French politician 347

  Pissarro, Camille, painter 168

  Poincaré, Raymond, French politician 335, 351–4

  Ponsonby, Frederick, Bertie’s assistant private secretary 323, 343

  Ponsonby, Henry, Victoria’s private secretary 88

  Poole, Henry, tailor 205–7

  Potter, James Brown, tuxedo wearer 207–8

  Pourtalès, Comtesse Edmond de, mistress 65

  Proust, Marcel, À la Recherche du Temps Perdu 141

  Prussia: Franco-Prussian war (1870) 155–69; Luxembourg Crisis 152; Schleswig-Holstein Question 75, 84

  Reboux, Paul, French writer 264n; Le Guide Galant 261–2

  Reid, John, Victoria’s and Bertie’s doctor 289–91, 333, 341, 343–4

  Renault, Georges, French writer Montmartre 247–9

  Renoir, Auguste, painter 172; Danse à la Ville 251

  Reymond, William, theatre critic 150

  Reynolds’s Newspaper 184, 188

  Ridley, Jane, biographer Bertie: A Life of Edward VII 326

  Rochefoucauld-Bisaccia, Duc de La, friend of Bertie 194–5, 197, 210

  Rome, Italy, Bertie’s visit (1859) 43–4

  Rostand, Edmond, Chantecler 340

  Rothschild, Baron Alphonse de, banker 65

  Rothschild, Léonora de, glamorous wife of Alphonse 65

  Rothschild, Lionel and Charlotte de, friends of Bertie 90

  Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Class 240, 258

  Royal Naval Review, 1853 8, 15

  Russia: Anglo-Russian relations 318–21; Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) 319

  Sacré-Coeur Cathedral, Paris 176

  Sadi Carnot, Marie François, President of France 300

  Sagan, Anne-Alexandrine-Jeanne-Marguerite Seillière de, mistress 79, 199–200, 218, 274

  Saint-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, literary critic 64

  Salis, Rodolphe, cabaret owner 249

  Sandringham, Norfolk, Bertie’s country house 87–8, 187

  Sardou, Victorien, writer 131

  Schneider, Hortense, actress/cocotte 112–13, 115, 118–20

  Serbia 329, 354, 357

  Sloane-Stanley, Mrs, mistress 193

  Soubrier, Louis, maker of erotic furniture 263

  Spencer, John, 5th Earl, snobbery of 89-90

  Stamper, Charles, chauffeur 338

  Standish, Hélène, mistress 197–8, 200, 218

  Standish, Henry, father of Hélène 197

  Stanley, Canon Arthur, Dean of Westminster 218

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer 270

  Stockholm, Sweden 94–5

  Strauss, Johann, composer 30

  Sykes, Christopher, victim of Bertie’s jokes 69

  Taisey-Chantenoy, Marquise Irène de, lover of Napoléon III 66–72

  Taylor, John, estate agent in Cannes 271

  Temple, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury 296

  theatres, Paris 126–31

  ‘Thérésa’ (stage name of Emma Valladon), singer 133–45, 143

  Thiers, Adolphe, French politician 170–1, 173, 190–1

  Thompson, Henry, surgeon 192

  Times, The (newspaper) 14, 80, 238–9, 293, 338

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, artist 250, 252–3, 261

  Trémoille, Duc de la, friend of Bertie 210

  Treves, Sir Frederick, surgeon 295

  Turbinia, first steam turbine-powered ship 285

  Turgenev, Ivan, writer 148

  Turkey 227–8, 233

  Umberto, King of Italy 280–1

  Valladon, Emma see ‘Thérésa’

  Vane-Tempest, Susan, mistress 182–3

  vaudeville theatre 127–8

  venereal disease 182, 257, 265, 281

  Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy 307

  Victoria, Princess Royal (Vicky; later Crown Princess Friedrich, then German Empress), Bertie’s sister 15, 23, 32, 44, 49, 75, 77, 92, 156, 165

  Victoria, Queen: relationship with Napoléon III 4–5, 6–7, 9, 10–12, 39; takes Bertie to Royal Naval Review, (1853) 8; and Bertie’s education and upbringing 12, 14, 44, 72–73; and death of Prince Albert 50; state visit to France (1855) 17–18, 22–23, 26–28, 30–32, 37; and marriage of Bertie to Princess Alexandra 50, 74–79, 84–85; support for Germany 84; exclusion of Bertie from matters of state 85, 242–243; attempts to control Bertie’s visits abroad 95–96; attitude to France 9–10, 96, 156, 165, 281; and Franco-Prussian war 165–167; visits Bertie at Sandringham 187; unpopularity 188; and Louis-Napoléon, son of Napoléon III 241–242; visits to south of France 271–272, 280–281; relationships with male servants 5–6, 280; Diamond Jubilee 282–283; opinion of Bertie’s suitability as monarch 288; death, 288–291

  Victoria Eugenie, Princess (later Queen of Spain), niece of Bertie 320n

  Viel-Castel, Horace, friend of Napoléon III 9

  Voisin, Docteur, Bertie’s French teacher 12–14

  Wallace, Mackenzie, journalist 319

  Walters, Catherine, alias Skittles, mistress 194, 214

  Waterloo, Battle of 8

  Wellington, Duke of, enemy of France and British ambassador to it 15

  Wilde, Oscar, description of Alexandra by 92

  Wilhelm I, Kaiser of Germany 155

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany: at Bertie’s wedding 83–4; not invited to Diamond Jubilee celebrations 284–5; and death of Queen Victoria 289–91; and Anglo-Russian relations 319–20; personality and relationship with Bertie 322–9, 331–4; warlike ambitions 330–2; and Bertie’s funeral 345–6

  Windsor Castle: visit of Napoléon III and Eugénie (1855) 10; Bertie’s
wedding 81–2; Bertie’s modernization of 292; Bertie’s funeral 348

  Winterhalter, Franz Xaver, portrait painter 24–5, 63, 86, 147

  Wodehouse, John, concerned friend 94

  Worth, Charles, dressmaker 213–15

  Wynn-Carrington, Charles, cabaret owner 125, 157, 218, 346

  Zidler, Charles, cabaret owner 254

  Zola, Émile, novelist Nana 108–9, 112–18, 153–4

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