Johnstone, Davy, 740
Jonathan Cape publishers, 358–359, 400–401
Jones, Brian, 338, 430, 434, 459, 480
Jones, Pauline. See Lennon, Pauline Jones
Jones, Rod, 174
Juke Box Jury, 334–335
“Julia,” 572–573
“Just Because,” 746 “(Just Like) Starting Over,” 796, 798, 800
Justis, Bill, 137
Kaempfert, Bert, 238–240, 268, 440
Kaiserkeller Club, Hamburg, 196–197, 200, 207–209
Kane, Larry, 368
Kansas City, 369–370
Kardomah coffeehouse, 66–67
Kass, Ron, 560, 584, 601
Kaufman, Irving, 748
Kelly, Brian, 222, 226
Keltner, Jim, 711, 719–721, 723–724, 731, 738
Kennedy, Adrienne, 523–524, 525, 543
Kennedy, John F., assassination of, 319, 348
Kennedy, Maureen, 328–329
Kenny’s Castaways, 726
Freddie Lennon at, 510–511
Pauline at, 512
purchase of, 381–385
Kesey, Ken, 516
King, Jonathan, 503, 729
King, Tony, 717–718, 739
Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes, 172–173, 246, 412
Kinnear, Roy, 395, 458
Kirchherr, Astrid, 211–212, 237, 268–269, 302, 440
photos of Beatles, 212–213
Sutcliffe and, 212–216, 233–237, 244, 261–262
Sutcliffe’s death and, 263, 265
Sutcliffe’s hairstyle, 235–236
Klein, Allen, 635, 660, 672, 675
Apple Corps and, 589–592, 600–601, 756
breakup of Beatles and, 622, 624
ceases to manage Beatles, 708–709
Kyoko’s custody and, 692
McCartney’s lawsuit and, 663–665
Northern Songs and, 603–604
Klein, William, 245
Koschmider, Bruno, 189, 191, 196–198, 200, 204, 208, 217
Kramer, Billy J., 302–303, 310
Ku Klux Klan, 451, 453
“Lady Madonna,” 533, 534
Lamburn, Richmal Crompton, 49–52, 337
Lansberg, Morris, 353
Lawrence, Sharon, 725, 737
Lea, Frances, 329
Leach, Sam, 222, 243, 246
Leacock, Stephen, 65
Leary, Rosemary, 607
Leary, Timothy, 425, 430, 606–607, 612
Ledbetter, Huddie (Leadbelly), 86, 91
Lee, George, 89, 90
Lee Park Golf Club, 93
Leibovitz, Annie, 801, 805
Lenmac Enterprises Ltd., 382
Lennon, Alfred “Freddie” (father) autobiography of, 753–755
away at sea, 7–8, 12–17, 37–38
childhood of, 5–7
Davies’s book and, 568–569
death of, 753–755
at fancy-dress ball, 525–526
JL reconciles with, 508–513
JL’s custody and, 19–20, 36–38
JL’s last meeting with, 653
JL’s support of, 654–655
Julia’s death and, 149
makes record, 420–422
meets and marries Julia Stanley, 8–12
meets and marries Pauline Jones, 508–509, 511–512, 531, 568
other children of, 652–653, 753
Penny Lane and, 483
returns to JL’s life, 1964, 377–380
Lennon, Charles, 5, 17, 379
writes JL about Alf and Julia, 509–510
Lennon, Cynthia Powell
Alf Lennon and, 421, 511
autobiography of, 769
Bassanini and, 544–545, 572, 578, 609, 722
Beatles 1964 US tour, 344, 348, 353
career plans, 266
divorce and settlement from JL, 578
at fancy-dress ball, 525–526
Ginsberg and, 414–415
How I Won the War, 459
JL confesses infidelities to, 538–539
JL dates, 155–161, 170, 186–187, 203, 220, 234–235, 260
JL’s LSD use and, 462–463
JL’s marriage to, 276–278, 284–286, 301–302, 323–329, 363–364, 387–389, 406, 455, 456, 519, 539
JL’s MBE and, 407
JL plans to divorce, 544–546
JL and Yoko Ono and, 540–541
Julian and JL and, 609–611
Julian’s birth and, 305–306
at Kenwood, 381
LSD and, 422–424, 463–464
marriage to JL made public, 323–324
Pauline and, 512
Penny Lane and, 483
pregnancy of, 274–275, 285, 286, 302
Transcendental Meditation and, 506, 533, 535, 537
visits JL in Los Angeles, 722–724
on Yoko Ono, 486
Lennon, David, 652–653, 753
Lennon, Edith, 5, 6
Lennon, George, 5, 6
Lennon, Herbert, 5, 6
Lennon, Jacqueline Gertrude, 35, 55, 83, 100, 148, 367, 387
Lennon, John Charles Julian (son), 389, 407, 465, 538, 539, 541, 544, 546
Alf Lennon and, 421, 511
appearance of, 465–466
birth of, 305–306
JL and, 386, 406, 446, 463
JL’s songs and, 357
at Kenwood, 381
Pauline and, 512
at Tittenhurst Park, 665–666
on trip for Yoko Ono to meet JL’s aunts, 609–611
trust fund for, 578
visits JL in Los Angeles, 722–724
visits JL in New York, 735, 769
visits JL in Palm Beach, 777
Lennon, John “Jack” (grandfather), 3–6
Lennon, John Winston. See also
Beatles; Lennon, John Winston, songwriting of
Alf and, 336, 377–380, 508–513
antics and practical jokes of, 182–183, 267–268, 331–332
appearance of, 82–83, 457–458, 592, 633, 670, 805
arrested for drug possession, 573–574, 577–578
art work of, 53, 66–67, 215, 237, 255, 359, 442, 540, 541–543, 562–563, 633–634, 642
artistic influences, 63–65
birth, 12, 13–14
books of, 358–363, 400–402
changes name to John Ono Lennon, 598
childhood dreams, 53–54
childhood friends and activities, 43–47, 51–53
childhood households, 15–21, 25–26, 29–39
children of, see Lennon, John
Charles Julian; Lennon, Sean Taro comedy and, 455–456
Concert for Bangladesh, 674–676
cultural influences on, 65–68
death of, 802–807
discomfort with crippled and spastic persons, 53, 74–75, 163, 173, 196, 202, 203, 231, 237, 330–331, 334, 350, 352, 562
driving and, 384–385, 609–610, 616
Dylan and, 396, 397, 398, 481, 778
early friendship with McCartney, 118–124
early stage name of, 180
education, 33–35, 58–65, 94–95, 109–115, 127–136, 139–140
Epstein and, 255–257, 284, 299, 306–308, 327, 503–504, 510, 656
Epstein’s death and, 501, 506–508
fame and its drawbacks, 326–332, 334, 431–432
first professionally recorded song of, 183
fortieth birthday, 797
guitars and guitar practice of, 88–89, 119–121, 165, 202–203
heroin and, 617–619, 637
income and expenses of, 326–327, 381–382
insecurity of, 409–410
Julian’s birth and, 305–306
Julia’s death and, 146–147, 151–154, 269, 299
Kyoko’s custody and, 579, 666–669, 676, 687–688, 692–693, 698
language skills of, 34–35, 48–49
life in last years, 76
3–783, 798–799
Life Lines, 298
“Lost Weekend” in Los Angeles, 713–732
“Lost Weekend” in New York, 732–741
LSD and, 422–424, 426–427, 430–431, 499, 551
macrobiotic diet of, 551, 631
Madison Square Garden appearance with Elton John, 736, 738–741
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation, 518–519, 532–538
Mann on music of, 319–321
marriages of, see Lennon, Cynthia Powell; Lennon, Yoko Ono
masturbation and, 72–73, 525
McCartney and, 118–124, 668–669, 671–672, 702–703, 730, 771, 782–783
McCartney’s lawsuit and, 663–665
meets McCartney, 102–103, 106–109
Mini Cooper of, 384, 609–610
moves to London with Cynthia, 324–329
moves to US, 676–677, 682–684, 705–708
mugs sailor in Hamburg, 216
music in last years, 765–766, 769–770
musical influences, 76–89
musical interests in childhood, 42–43, 45, 56
nearsightedness, 61, 93, 123–124, 329, 458
peace campaigns and other causes, 595–597, 601–602, 626–633, 635–638, 665, 668–671
as performer, 93, 288–289
premonitions of death, 326, 460
primal scream therapy and, 639–642
pseudonyms of, 242
quoted on Christianity and the Beatles, 446–452
reading habits, 47–51, 135–136, 770–771
rock festivals and, 619–622, 630–631, 637
Rolls-Royce of, 384, 459, 494
sails to Bermuda, 779–780, 789–797
Schreiber on, 371–372
Sean’s birth and, 749–750
Sean’s care and, 750–752, 764–765, 767, 770, 812
sexual feelings for mother, 73–74, 638, 341, 778–779
shoplifting of, 52–53, 62–63, 96, 133, 195
sued by Levy, 718–719, 745–746
Sutcliffe’s death and, 262–265, 266, 268–269
twenty-first birthday of, 243–245
UK properties of, 381–385, 494, 510–512, 615–617, 627
US government investigation of, 688–701, 707–709
US immigration status of, 604–606, 647–649, 676, 718, 732–734, 755–756
US properties of, 705–707, 765, 768, 772–773, 776–777, 779–780, 788
visits Japan, 660–661, 757–760, 762, 767
Wooler and, 310–311
Yippies and, 685–687-689
Lennon, John Winston, songwriting of. See also specific albums and songs
at ashram, 534–535
after Bermuda trip, 793–794
credits and, 296–297
Dylan and, 374–375
early, 140–141
insecurities about, 340–341
other artists and, 302–303, 304–305
working methods, 386, 409–411
Lennon, Joyce, 6, 18
Lennon, Julia, 35, 55, 83, 100, 148, 367, 387
Lennon, Julia Stanley (mother), 120, 483
death of, 144–150, 269
JL and, 638, 778
JL’s birth and, 12, 13–14
JL’s childhood and, 15–21, 29–30, 35, 55–57
JL’s music and, 92, 93, 95, 100, 107
JL’s sexual feelings for, 73–74, 638, 341, 778–779
meets and marries Alf Lennon, 8–12
Mimi and, 71, 144
music and, 41–42, 56–57, 83, 87–88, 89
other children of, 17–18, 30, 35
Lennon, Madge, 18, 38
Lennon, Mary, 4
Lennon, Mary Maguire “Polly” (grandmother), 4–5, 38
Lennon, Pauline Jones
Alf’s death and, 754
children of, 17–18, 30, 35, 652–653, 753
at fancy-dress ball, 526
meets and marries Alf Lennon, 508–509, 511–512, 531, 568
pregnancy and miscarriage, 531, 568
Lennon, Robin, 753
Lennon, Sean Taro (son)
birth of, 749–750
care of, 750–752, 764–765, 767, 770
described, 809–810
fifth birthday of, 797
Green as guardian of, 783
JL and, 758, 780, 789, 790–793, 795–796
on JL’s death, 812–813
on JL’s music and legacy, 814–817
on life with JL, 810–812
music of, 809, 814
Lennon, Sydney, 5, 6–7, 11, 15, 18, 20, 38, 149, 379
Lennon, Yoko Ono, 521, 587, 604–606, 612, 788. See also Plastic Ono Band
art work of, 474–479, 493, 519–520, 540, 541–543
bed-ins and, 595–597
childhood of, 469–472, 557–558
children of, see Cox, Kyoko; Lennon, Sean Taro
Concert for Bangladesh and, 675
drug arrest of, 573–574, 577–578
drug use of, 550–551, 617–619, 637, 788–789
early life with JL, 547–553, 558–559, 582