Come on, cool me down. If you don’t I’ll die.

  All right, I was talking to my super suit. I was definitely losing it, but the crazy thing was that after I thought it, I could actually feel myself get a little cooler. Whoa. This suit could actually read my thoughts. That was freaky. Cool, but freaky.

  Thank you. I wanted to make sure that if it did read my mind, that I was thankful. Thank goodness it didn’t talk back.

  “Once we pass the first gate the heat won’t be as bad. It’s hotter here because we are exposed to the heat from the lava below, but it’ll be a little more bearable once we get into the caves,” Danyel said.

  We were nearing a large dark cave when Danyel stopped me, and held up his hand. We all paused. My heart began hammering a thousand beats a minute and the Bloodstone started glowing bright red.

  “What is it?” I whispered.

  Danyel sniffed the air.

  “We need to be careful. The first Guardian is very near. Probably right beyond the veil of darkness, watching us,” he said softly, his eyes locked into the darkness of the cave. I strained to see whatever it was he was talking about, but before I saw it, I heard it.

  The ground quaked all around us, from steps being taken by whatever humongous creature was coming. My breath quickened and my heart hammered loudly. I slowly stepped behind Danyel.

  Kade came and stood right behind me and. I leaned back into him, not only for support, but because knowing he was there, gave me strength. My body was trembling, but his was firm and unshaken.

  Kade’s lips lightly brushed against my ear, and then he softly whispered, “I’ll still protect you, no matter what. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered back. My heart fluttered with his words.

  I didn’t realize how fast my heart had fallen for him, but it had. If what Samuel and Alaine had told me was true, then the moment we touched, our hearts had become bonded. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t feel it. I’d never felt like I wanted to be so close to someone before; a knowing that we were meant to be together.

  His arms wrapped tightly around me, so I closed my eyes and focused on being safe in his strong embrace. His beautiful face was so close to mine, and his voice so warm and comforting.

  The moment didn’t last long, and I didn’t expect it to. We were in Hell after all.

  Danyel whispered and motioned for us to move back.

  The thunderous steps from whatever was coming, was still making everything around us quake, sending the sharp rocks from above crashing down all around us.

  Danyel and Samuel had taken crouching positions, ready to battle whatever showed itself from the darkness. A horrifying growl echoed through the cavern. A growl, unlike any I’d ever heard on earth. It sounded evil. Very, very evil.

  The closer it got, the more the earth shook, throwing my balance off. I turned and wrapped my arms around Kade’s neck and he held me tightly to him.

  “Here it comes,” Danyel warned.

  “What’s coming?” I asked Kade, with my face buried in his chest.

  “I don’t know,” he answered. “This is my first time into Hell too.”

  I had to look. I had to see what was coming, so I pulled away from Kade and turned around. Two huge, glowing eyes, eyes which looked like they were on fire, suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Kade quickly stepped in front of me, readying his sword.

  “You’ll be fine, Emma,” Samuel said, attempting to reassure me. “Kade, stay back with her.”

  “I will,” he answered.

  As Samuel moved closer to Danyel, Kade grabbed hold of my hand and laced his fingers in mine. I was glad he did, because it connected us. His steadfastness and bravery transferred to me, and I didn’t want him to let go. I needed his strength now.

  The ground shook again, and I tried to peer around Kade. But just when I thought the flaming eyes were terrifying, what stepped out of the cave made my knees weak.

  It was like no other creature I’d ever seen. It was huge, towering over twenty feet tall. It had the face of a gargoyle. A gray monstrous face carved from rock, which ran down its neck. Long pointy horns protruded from its head. But its body was different, and I recognized the fur instantly; a desert sand color, with huge paws and sharp claws. It was a lion. But tucked onto its back were long, shiny black wings.

  It stepped out and pounced at Danyel, its mouth opened and filled with razor sharp teeth, but Danyel leapt out of the way.

  Something snapped from behind the creature, crashing only inches away from Danyel.

  I screamed.

  The creature had a tail… and not just any tail, the tail of a frickin’ scorpion!

  It stepped into the dim light and now glared at Samuel, baring its sharp teeth.

  “State your business here,” its deep voice rumbled, and as it spoke, fire spewed from its mouth.

  Holy crap! That creature just talked, and breathed fire! This was not happening. If this was the first guard, and there were supposed to be five, and each gets worse?

  I could feel myself start to hyperventilate, and I didn’t think the super suit would be able to help me.

  “We wish to see Lucifer. We have urgent news regarding his son, and a threat placed upon his life by Lucian,” Danyel answered, and that was the truth.

  “You know that is not possible. Lucifer sees no one unless he calls for them. If you do not heed my warning, I will feed on your corpse, and throw your bones into a pile to rot for all eternity. So, leave now and return from whence you came,” the creature growled, pointing his sharp claws towards the exit.

  Heck yeah. I was all for that, and ready to leave…like yesterday.

  “We will not leave,” Samuel yelled back. “And if you do not let us pass, we will have to kill you.”

  Holy Crap! He did not just threaten that ginormous horrifying beast. He was asking for a death sentence!

  The creature began to laugh loudly. So loudly that everything around us began to quake again, sending more sharp rocks crashing down around us.

  Kade grabbed my arm and pulled me down, bending over me, shielding me.

  “You? Kill me?” The creature roared with laughter. “Why do you think Lucifer assigned me as watcher of this gate? I’ll cook you with a breath, and then eat you. And when I’m done, I’ll pick my teeth with your bones.”

  Samuel and Danyel looked at each other for a moment. They looked like they were pondering his advice. Were we going to leave? I seriously couldn’t tell. Then, Samuel whispered something into Danyel’s ear, and there was another brief pause. They looked at each other and then burst into laughter.

  I watched the creature’s eyes flame with malice.

  “Watcher of the gate,” Danyel announced loudly. “You have done your job well, until now. But I’m deeply saddened to announce that you will be relieved of your duties this day, and for the rest of eternity.”

  Oh God. They were seriously flirting with death. I hoped they knew what they were doing. They were used to fighting in battles together, and hopefully had some kind of a plan. If they didn’t, I’d be running toward that exit just as fast as my legs could carry me, hopefully with my feet intact after running over the razor sharp rocks.

  I glanced behind me to see if I could find the easiest route out, but there was no easy route. It was a nightmarish maze of razor sharp rocks, and I was shocked that we’d even made it this far.

  “Hey, don’t worry about them,” Kade whispered in my ear. His warm breath on my cheek sent tingles through me.

  “Are you seeing that creature? Look how huge it is, and it breathes fire. They’re gonna be toast. Burnt, crunchy toast!” I breathed, and then looked into his hazel eyes. He was smiling, like he knew something I didn’t. “Am I missing something?”

  “Emma, they’ve been trained from before the Fall, and have been in battles for centuries. They are two of the best warriors, of Angel and Fallen, that have ever lived,” he whispered.

  I stood there stari
ng at him. My father and his best friend were not only centuries old, but two of the greatest warriors that had ever lived. Wow. I turned towards them and looked with a new admiration. They didn’t look old, not even close. Their bodies were fit, tanned, muscular, and glistening with sweat. I shook my head in complete disbelief.

  “You insignificant scum. Prepare for your death,” the creature roared, baring its razor sharp teeth. Liquid dripped from its mouth and as soon as it hit the ground it burst into flame.

  Its eyes burned an even brighter red, as I watched it crouch, ready to strike again. It suddenly leapt at Danyel, but Danyel ran and slid under its belly, popping up behind him.

  With a quick swish, its scorpion tail whipped over its head and smashed right next to Samuel. Over and over it struck, but Samuel dove and rolled across the sharp rocks, dodging every strike.

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I exhaled a loud sigh of relief when Samuel was finally out of its reach.

  I watched Danyel raise his sword and slice the creature’s tail. A blood-curdling roar reverberated off the walls, sending even more rocks crashing down around us. Fire spewed from its mouth like a flamethrower, torching everything in its path. I was horrified as I saw the flames heading toward Samuel.

  “Samuel!” I screamed. He looked at me and grinned.

  In a second, the most beautiful black wings appeared from his back and wrapped around him. The creature aimed its fiery breathe toward him. I screamed as his body was engulfed in flames, but Kade put his hand over my mouth.

  “He’s alright, Emma,” he whispered.

  My instincts were to run to Samuel, but Kade held me back.

  And then… the most horrifying thing happened next. The creature fixed its fiery eyes onto me and Kade. We didn’t have anywhere to hide.

  As I watched its chest expand and its mouth open, my life flashed before my eyes.

  We were going to be burned to death.

  I quickly turned and looked into Kade’s eyes, and hugged him tightly. His eyes were steeled on the creature.

  In an instant, I felt a searing heat.



  I gritted my teeth and felt Kade lift me. He turned me around from the heat, and took the flames directly on his back.

  I felt him groan, and watched his face wince in pain. I couldn’t watch, and wouldn’t allow him to die for me, not like this. I pulled him, trying to turn him away from the flames, but he held me tightly in place. Hot flames engulfed us, but he kept his arms wrapped tightly around me.

  “Kade!” I screamed. “Kade move!”

  But he didn’t move, or say a word. He just kept me steady, away from the flames. The heat was almost unbearable, but then it… suddenly stopped and we were covered in darkness.

  In a few moments, there was light again. Samuel had come and shielded us from the scorching heat with his wings.

  Another loud scream sent shockwaves over the ground. Danyel had sliced the creature’s belly and injured it, but it was now pissed.

  “Emma, I have to help Danyel. I’ll be right back,” he said, with a look of concern on his face.

  “Okay, but please hurry,” I urged. “Kade needs help.”

  “I will,” he said, before taking off in a split second.

  Kade’s eyes suddenly rolled back and he became limp. I tried to hold him up, but he was too heavy, and we both fell to our knees.

  “Help!” I screamed, but they were busy battling the creature.

  Kade moaned and then slumped over, unconscious. I caught him and placed his head on my lap, and that’s when I noticed his back. My stomach lurched and I began to sob. It was the most horrific sight I’d ever seen.

  The back of his shirt was gone, completely melted, along with his skin. All I saw was charred flesh, and bones, and blood oozing from the massive wounds. My heart broke, thinking of the pain he was enduring. Thank God he was unconscious right now.

  In a flash Samuel was back, standing next to me.

  “Emma, when he wakes you’ll need to give him the potion from his vial. It will help ease some of the pain,” he said, placing his arm around my shoulder.

  “Is he going to die?” I sobbed. Just the thought was killing me inside.

  “No, Emma. But he’ll need that potion as soon as he wakes. Do you understand?” I nodded, and looked into his deep brown eyes, mesmerized for a moment. I knew there was something familiar about him, the first time we met, and now I knew why. I had his eyes. “You’ll need to be strong now, strong for him, strong for all of us.”

  “I will,” I whispered.

  Samuel leaned forward and kissed my forehead. He started to rise, but paused. “I’m proud of you, Emma. I’ve always been. I’m sorry I never had the chance to be a father to you, and I do wish things were different,” he said with sad eyes. He jumped up and was gone before I could answer him.

  Tears cascaded in waves down my cheeks. I wanted to tell him that it was okay. I wanted to tell him that even though he wasn’t there for me before, he was now. I wanted him to know that I loved and appreciated him. I hope he knew.

  It wasn’t his fault that he fell in love with Alaine. And it was absurd to think their love was forbidden, and that their love child, me, was even more forbidden. It was no wonder why they wanted me dead. At least the good angels sent Guardians to protect us.

  Kade moved slightly and moaned in pain, and I didn’t know what to do. His eyes suddenly popped open, and he tried to get to his feet.

  I grabbed hold of his arm to keep him down.

  “Don’t move,” I sobbed. “Please don’t move.”

  He raised his head; his hazel eyes were bloodshot, and riddled with pain. I reached in his pocket and pulled out his blue vial, twisted the cap off, and held it to his lips. “You need to drink this.”

  He didn’t refuse and took a sip.

  When he was done, I noticed there was only enough for a few more doses, and we hadn’t even made it past the first level yet.

  A wave of doubt crashed over me, drowning my hopes. How was Kade going to survive through the rest of the levels without the potion? I wasn’t even sure if he could stand, let alone walk. How were we supposed to go on? There was no way I was going to leave him. No way in hell.

  “Hey,” he said softly, breaking my sudden panic. I knew he was in much more pain then he was allowing me to see.

  “Kade, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have turned around. This suit would have been able to take the heat,” my voice trembled.

  The flesh on his back had completely melted off, his bones were showing, he was bleeding, and yet, he still managed to hide the pain and make me feel like everything was going to be okay.

  “I wasn’t about to take that chance,” he breathed. His breaths were shallow and his voice was weak.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked. That was an extremely stupid question, and I knew it the second it left my lips. He wasn’t good. He should be in a hospital, in critical care.

  “I’ve had better days,” he laughed, and then winced in pain.

  “You can’t go on. You need to go back and let Alaine help you,” I said. I didn’t want Kade to leave me, but even more than that, I wanted him to get the medical attention he needed.

  “No,” he said shaking his head.

  I knew he’d say no. He was my Guardian and thought it was still his duty to stay and protect me.

  “You need to get help, Kade. You’re severely burned, and we don’t have much potion left. I don’t even know if you can walk, and we still have a long, long way to go. There is no way I’ll be able to leave you. You have to go back,” I pleaded.

  “I’m not leaving you, Emma. I’ll be fine. Just give the potion a moment to take effect and I’ll be able to move.”

  I knew the potion should have already taken affect. It was instant, but showed that it was barely taking away his pain.

  An ear-piercing scream sent a shiver up my spine. Samuel had just removed the creat
ure’s stinger from its tail. The creature was pretty sliced up and bloodied. Its golden fur was soaked with crimson blood, and one of its horns was missing. There were several deep gashes across its sides.

  “If you let us pass, we will let you live,” Danyel said, with his sword held to the creature’s neck.

  “Even if you let me live, Lucifer will kill me for allowing you pass,” he growled. “I’d rather die by your sword, than to be tortured forever in this Hell.”

  Danyel looked up to Samuel, and Samuel gave him a slight nod.

  The creature lowered its head to the ground and closed its eyes. Danyel raised his blade into the air, and in one, quick fluid motion his sword came down, severing the creatures head from its body. It happened so fast that if I blinked, I would have missed it.

  Danyel stepped away and wiped his blade. I almost had pity for the creature, until I heard Kade moan. And then, I was glad it was dead. It had gotten well what it deserved, and was lucky it didn’t have to suffer like Kade was.

  Danyel and Samuel hurried back to us, and their faces grew wide with concern as they noticed Kade’s back. Samuel knelt next to me, resting his hand on my shoulder, and Danyel stood behind Kade. His eyes were deeply troubled.

  “Kade, have some of my water,” Danyel said, bending down to hand him a flask.

  Kade drank, and I could see a bit of relief on his face as the ice-cold water touched his lips.

  “That needs to be tended to,” Danyel said, looking at Samuel, gesturing to Kade’s back.

  “Is there any potion left?” Samuel asked.

  “There is enough for about two more doses,” I replied, handing him the vial.

  Samuel took it, unscrewed the cap, and then leaned over Kade, pouring most of what was left of the liquid onto Kade’s burns. Kade’s jaw tightened and the look on his face told me he was in agonizing pain, a pain I wish I could help relieve or take away. I watched, helpless, my heart shattering. That should have been me, but because of Kade, and the suit, I barely had any burns. Whatever I had would probably be healed by morning.

  “The potion will help him with the healing process and take away some of the immediate pain,” Samuel said, reading the horrified expression on my face.