“The only way we can get Lucifer to listen to us is to have Emma speak to him herself. He has a soft spot for the Nephilim, because his only son is one of them. If Emma can convince him that Lucian has vowed to kill every last one, including his son, he might want to join us. Yes, it’s a risk, but it might work. Emma hasn’t transformed yet. She is still human and can enter,” Danyel said.

  “No! No way! I will never allow it!” Alaine shouted. She stood and pounded her fists on the table. Her brown eyes glared at Danyel.

  “Alaine, it’s the only chance we have. The Midway said it themselves…they are not getting involved. We cannot fight Lucian on our own, and right now, even though it would be the last thing we’d want to do, going to Lucifer is our only option. If we don’t, Lucian will kill every one of us. He must be stopped. I’m only suggesting this because if Emma is in-fact the one of the prophecy, then we have a fighting chance.”

  “Never! You can go Danyel, but I will not send my daughter into Hell. Lucifer will kill her if he finds out about her, or he’ll keep her for himself and do God-knows-what with her! I forbid it, and that’s the last I ever want spoken about it!” Alaine yelled. Tears streamed down her face. She stood for a moment, emotional. “I’m going to check on Caleb,” she said, whipping her face. She walked into the room where Caleb was, and shut the door behind her.

  “She’s right,” Kade said. “Emma can’t go down there, and whoever does will be going on a suicide mission. If it means a chance that she’ll live, then I’ll go and speak to Lucifer myself.”

  “It won’t work, Kade. Lucifer won’t speak to you. You’ve become an insignificant mortal, something he cares nothing for and despises. Mortals aren’t allowed near him, let alone speak to him. You probably won’t even make it past Hell’s first level, and there are five total. Each level more deadly than the last,” Danyel said sadly.

  Just then I snapped myself back into reality. The whole conversation, the one that everyone else was having, was revolving around me. Yet, I was sitting in the very next room, in the dark, watching, listening, and letting them decide my fate.

  They didn’t even attempt to wake me, or ask me what I thought about this whole situation. My life was no longer my own. I was one, out of how many other innocents, who were being hunted and killed for selfish, stupid reasons, and all because of one, idiotic Fallen Angel named Lucian.

  He’d already killed my mortal parents, and now he was going to kill the rest of the people I loved? No way! I wasn’t going to lie around, pretend to sleep, and watch everyone around me plan their possible deaths, especially if there was a chance that I could save them. Even if it was a small chance, it was still a chance, and any chance was worth risking.

  I’d just watched each of those Guardians fight for my life, and now it was time I gave back to them. I wasn’t strong but I was brave, and bravery got many people further than they could have without trying.

  I suddenly felt a spark deep within me, and my mouth took on a life of its own.

  “So, do I get a say in what happens with my life?” I said, standing up from the couch.

  Every head turned and every eye steeled on mine, looking more surprised than anything.

  “No, Emma. You’re still human and only seventeen, which makes you a minor. So, Alaine has the final say,” James answered.

  It would be him to give an answer like that. He was the closest to her, and the oldest of the bunch, aside from Samuel and Danyel.

  “Well, I don’t think that’s fair. If we do nothing but sit here, we’re as good as dead anyway. They will eventually find a way in, and Lucian will kill every last one of us. I agree with Danyel. If we have the slightest chance, we should take it. At least we’ll be fighting towards something that could possibly save us all,” I said. I was actually proud of myself for standing up. It was liberating.

  There was complete silence. Everyone stayed still, probably letting what I said, sink in. I knew I was right. I just needed them to agree with me. If I stood firm, I knew I could change their minds. They knew all about fighting, and not giving up…and I was practically one of them.

  “I’ll do it,” I said loudly, breaking the silence. “I’ll go and speak to Lucifer.”

  “If you’re going, then I’m definitely going,” Kade said, with a wide smile. His hazel eyes glimmered, and told me he was in agreement with what I said. My heart swelled as I looked at his handsome face. I wanted to run to him, and wrap my arms around his neck, and hold him. I was so glad to see him back, even though he looked so weak.

  “I’ll go too,” Danyel added. “You’ll need someone to guide you.”

  “And you know that if you are going, Emma, I will also. I’ll be there to protect you. It is my duty as your father,” Samuel said, walking out from the bedroom, drying his wet face.

  Oh my God! I suddenly had a Lord of the Rings flashback…the moment they all decided to go on the quest with Frodo. Then, a picture of Jeremy and Lia, the best friends I left behind in L.A., flashed in my mind. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy was Jeremy’s favorite, and I could picture them jumping at the chance to be my companions on this quest. But thank God they weren’t, because there wasn’t an athletic bone in either of their bodies and they’d probably both end up dead.

  I missed my two crazy friends, and the thought of them brought back overwhelming emotions, which I pushed to the back of my brain, so I could function enough to get through whatever was going on right now.

  With a large smile on his face Samuel walked up to Danyel and greeted him with a warm hug.

  “It’s so nice to see you alive, dear friend,” Danyel said. He patted Samuel on his shoulders, and then pulled him into another bear hug.

  Then it dawned on me. This was the first time they’d seen each other since they were captured by Lucian, and it must have been the first time they’d actually had a chance to speak.

  “Yes! And it’s great to see you too, friend,” Samuel exhaled loudly. “But easy…my ribs are still on the mend.”

  “I’m sorry,” Danyel said, releasing his grip.

  “Danyel, thank you for saving my daughter,” Samuel said kindly, turning to me with a smile.

  “How could I not? When I looked into her eyes, it was as if I were looking into the eyes of my old friend. I could not sit by and allow the fate of her father to become her own.” Danyel’s brow furrowed, and his eyes saddened. “And what did happen to you Samuel? How did you manage to come back from the dead after all these years?”

  “It’s a long story my friend, and too much to explain right now. But, it looks as if we will get to spend some time together. I’m sure there will be a chance for us to talk.”

  “That sounds good,” Danyel grinned.

  “Well, my friend. It looks like we will be together on another mission. At least this time we will have a chance to redeem ourselves,” Samuel said. They both smiled and laughed.

  “Samuel! How could you do this to me?” Alaine yelled. She had opened the door and stood staring at him with tears streaming from her face. I could tell she was heartbroken.

  “Whoa, whoa!” he said, holding his arms out to her. “Alaine, I’m doing this because I love you, and I love our daughter. If there is anything within my power that I can do to save you both, then I’ll do it. I will not stand by and watch the only people I truly love…die,” he said, pulling her into his embrace. “I’ve just gotten you both back, and this time I won’t let you go.”

  There was a long pause.

  No one spoke. They were still, silent, waiting, and wondering what the final outcome would be.

  “You better keep her safe, Samuel,” Alaine sobbed. “You keep her safe, and bring her back to me. You both better come back to me.”

  “I will guard her with my life, but I cannot make you any promise greater than that,” he whispered, kissing her on the forehead. Alaine cried into Samuel’s chest and he just held her tight.

  Whoa. Alaine actually gave in, and as mind-blowing as it seemed, we
were going on a quest. A quest into the depths of Hell to save not only myself, but Alaine, the Guardian’s, and any other Nephilim that might have survived.

  So that was it. My fellowship was Kade, Danyel, and Samuel. All had proven themselves, and saved my life on several occasions. Each was my hero.

  I couldn’t begin to imagine returning without any one of them. But, then again…would I return, or were we going on a suicide mission? Only fate knew the answer to that question, and I could only hope and pray that if we did return, that we’d all return together.

  “We still have a lot to plan, like getting you guys out of here in one piece, and making sure that the Fallen don’t kill you before you get to the porthole,” Malachi stated. “Plus, Kade will definitely need another day to rest, being that he is mortal now. It wouldn’t hurt for Samuel and Danyel to have another day to recover too.”

  I still couldn’t wrap my head around the thought that Kade was human, and it scared me. He was just as fragile as I was.

  “Did anyone update Thomas on what’s been happening?” Alaine asked. Thomas was another Guardian who stayed back at the house to watch over and protect Courtney, Caleb’s younger sister, and the rest of the human staff staying there.

  “No, and there’s no way of getting in touch with him now. Those damn demons must have found the box and cut the wires, because there is no service. The last time we talked to him was last night, before they left and were attacked,” Malachi said. “The last thing we told Thomas was that they were on their way home with Caleb. He must know something went wrong by now. He knows where we are, so I’m pretty sure he’ll try and figure out a plan to get us out.”

  James butted in. “I hope he stays put. He’s one against, who knows how many Darkling and Fallen out there? I wouldn’t doubt it if Lucian is watching Alaine’s house, or is right outside this bunker, just waiting for us to exit. There’s not much Thomas would be able to do anyway, and besides, he can’t leave Courtney and the others alone. He’s the only Guardian there. We’re on our own.”

  “Well, I’m going to make some breakfast, and then we can discuss our options after,” Alaine said, wiping her tears, and heading into the kitchen.

  “I’ll help,” I said, offering my services. I used to love helping my other mother in the kitchen. It was our time of bonding, since she had work and I had school, which gave us little alone time.

  “We’ll have pancakes,” she said, gathering ingredients and placing them on the counter. The pancake batter was premixed, and all we had to do was add water. Alaine did the frying, and everything was served on paper plates.

  After everyone ate their fill, we all sat around the table. The only one not present was Caleb, who was still in the room sleeping from the pain medication Alaine had given him. At least he was alive.

  “I think the only way to get out of here is to just charge out and fight,” Malachi spoke first. “Once we clear the field, the four of you can make your escape.”

  “Well, how far is it to Hell?” I asked. As soon as the words left my lips, they sounded so strange, and so ridiculous, that I literally laughed out loud. A few seconds later, the whole table was laughing with me, and even Alaine had a smile on her face.

  At least we could laugh about it right now. I looked at all of the faces around the table and hoped that we could all be together again.

  “The closest porthole to Hell is in the town of North Pole. It sits in Santa’s workshop, directly behind his chair,” Malachi said.

  I burst into laughter again. “You’re kidding me, right? The place where Santa lives and happy Elves sing and make toys?” I answered in a snarky tone.

  “Who do you think created Santa? The real man, Nicholas, lived over two-thousand years ago. He was a Christian man, a man of faith, a Bishop, a Saint, and known for his anonymous giving to children. His story was passed down through the generations, but Lucifer thought it brilliant to take and twist the meaning.

  “He used the story as a distraction, to haze the true meaning of Christmas, and replace it with a chubby man in a red suit, who would travel the world in one night, fulfilling worldly desires of children - toys, decorations, twinkly lights, feasts…yadda yadda.

  “Christmas has become his ploy. What was once a time for celebration of life and love has now become about getting the biggest and best gifts. Most mortals have become spoiled and ungracious, and fail to appreciate the things right around them. They forget that Christmas is about love, and God’s perfect, selfless gift. So, ultimately…Lucifer’s ploy is working,” Malachi answered.

  Alexander blurted, “yeah, and didn’t you know that if you twist the word Santa a bit, you get-”

  “Satan,” I breathed figuring it out. But even if that wasn’t what it was meant for, it seemed like a damn good explanation.

  I wasn’t expecting that, and it really made me feel bad for all the times I begged for gifts, and wasn’t grateful for the ones I received and didn’t want.

  “Wow,” was the only word that crept from my mouth.

  “Yep. Through the years, Lucifer’s learned to play dirty. Human minds are soft and easy to bend and mold. Most will just follow, never questioning. They are like sheep being led to slaughter.

  “Given, there are a few that rise up, and see the truth for what it really is, but they are usually seen as outcasts, preposterous, and maniacal for going against the majority. Mortals are a sad, ignorant race, and Lucifer thrives off of that,” James sighed.

  “And we’re going to him for help?” I questioned, starting to doubt this whole quest. “If he’s as cunning as you say he is, then what’s to stop him from tricking us?”

  “There’s no way of really knowing, Emma, and that’s the risk we’ll be taking. Right now, he’s the only one that can stop Lucian. Because there is a huge rift between them, Lucifer might be open to hear about it. This might be the only chance for him to seek vengeance. Yes, Lucifer is cunning, but more than that, he loves revenge, and he loves power.

  “Lucian has wanted to rule over the Fallen, and has always questioned Lucifer’s power. He’s taken part of the Fallen army with him, and outright defied him. But if I know Lucifer, he’ll want to put him in his place. He’s planning something, and I’m sure of it. I’m a bit surprised it’s taken this long,” Danyel said.

  If anyone knew about the Fallen and Lucifer, it would be him and Samuel.

  “Danyel, I heard you say that there were five levels of Hell. I thought there were nine circles,” I questioned, remembering a paper I did in school on Dante’s Inferno.

  He laughed. “That was a book, written by a man who had mixed religion and his own private concerns; concerns primarily of his enemies. He was a poet and a writer, in which war, exile, and other fateful events, caused his heart to harden. Ultimately, disgust and bitterness with his enemies, set-in-motion the outlines of the inferno, and his pages became a place of eternal damnation for all those he despised.”

  Wow. I was getting re-schooled by the Fallen Angels themselves, and a lot of this was going right over my head. I guess I’d get a hands on experience of Hell soon enough.

  “Well, if there’s a chance it will save us, then I’m in,” I spoke.

  Yeah. I was talking brave now, knowing that I’d have the three of them with me, but right now, we were all safe and together. Tomorrow my words and my bravery would be tested, if we could ever escape this place. I just hoped that I wouldn’t start screaming and crying when the action hit, proving my mortal chicken-ness.

  “Don’t worry, Emma. We’ll make sure you get the chance,” Dominic chimed, with a wide smile on his face.

  “Yeah! We’ll kick ass for you tomorrow, Emma!” Alexander added, giving his knuckles to Dominic.

  Bam! Their colliding fists would have shattered any human hand, but after they smashed their knuckles together, they laughed.

  Immortals. At least they were fun.

  Samuel turned to Danyel and placed his hand on his shoulder. “When we escape from here, I?
??ll take Emma and you’ll take Kade.” Danyel nodded, but Kade’s brow furrowed.

  My heart was breaking inside for him, thinking about how he must be feeling. Probably helpless, and now, hearing that he was going to be carried by a Fallen Angel…that must totally suck.

  It all seemed so strange, like a horrible nightmare. Just last night, Kade was carrying me as we flew effortlessly through the forest making our escape. I could picture him fighting and killing the Darkling with ease. So strong. So fearless.

  I couldn’t believe that he had chosen to become mortal so he could travel with me into Hell. He was thinking about me over himself. Still trying to be my protector. I hoped I could make it up to him one day.

  But…WAIT a minute!

  My mind started to whirl, and my heart thumped loudly.

  Kade was…human! Human! He was no longer a Pureblood.

  Did that mean that we actually stood a chance of being together, without any law binding us?

  “Emma? Emma, did you hear what I said?” Alaine asked.

  I snapped myself from that blissful thought, and instantly felt my face flush with heat.

  “I - I’m sorry. M-my mind was…somewhere else,” I stammered. Thank goodness none of them could read minds. That would have been completely embarrassing.

  “I wanted to know if you would go in and keep an eye on Caleb for a bit, while we discuss a few of the details. He should be fine, but he might be waking up soon. If he does he will be very thirsty. I’ve put a pitcher of water and a glass on the table next to him if he needs it.”

  “Sure,” I said, getting up from my seat.

  “Thanks, sweetheart,” she said with a smile.

  “No problem.” I had a feeling that this was her nice way of sending me out of the room, which most likely meant that there were some details they didn’t want me to listen to.

  I opened the door to Caleb’s room, and quietly snapped it shut behind me.

  “Emma?” Caleb said in a sleepy voice.

  “You’re up?” I turned to him and he looked so pale. His eyes looked like they’d sunken, leaving black rings around them, and his head and arms were wrapped in bandages. He tried to sit up, but fell back down again, weak. I rushed over to his side and helped him sit up. His lips were cracked and dry. “Are you thirsty?”