Page 11 of Player on Ice

  He closes his mouth over my pussy once more, his tongue working magic just like before.

  I am definitely never wearing panties again!

  He brings me to the brink, but doesn’t let me go over the edge.

  Standing, he says, “I want to be buried deep inside you when you come this next time.”

  “Oh, Jaxon, I want that too. But first I have one thing I want to do for you. It’s my turn to…” I drop to my knees in front of him, wrapping my hand around his thick cock.

  This is something I’ve wanted to do since the day I caught him outside touching himself.

  “I want to play,” I say, “like I saw you doing that first day.”

  I get no argument from him, not that I expected any.

  So I play, experimenting, learning what he likes. I stroke and cup and try out different pressures. Jaxon likes them all, but he loves when I finally give up on hand stuff and take him in my mouth.

  I’m sure to give him as much attention as he gave me, but I worry at one point that I might make him come. Jaxon, though, has amazing control and holds back.

  But then he stops me and tells me it’s time to move to the next level.

  With me nodding, he lays me back on the sofa, and then settles his hard body between my legs.

  But before we go any further, he says, “Hey, I want you to know that I’m clean. I’m always safe, Cara, and everyone on the team gets tested regularly. Still, I have condoms upstairs if you want me to go get some.”

  I love that he’s telling me this. It makes my next decision easier.

  With his heavy cock pressing into my folds—which feels incredible, by the way—I tell him, “No. I want to feel all of you, Jaxon. No barriers. I’m clean too. Plus I’m on the pill.”

  He blows out a breath. “So we’re good?”

  I nod. “We are.”

  I expect him to plunge into me, go all wild man on me, but he doesn’t. He kisses my neck, my mouth, my breasts, while the length of him shifts, rubbing against my clit, teasing me, promising me that there’s more to come.

  I’m so wet and worked up by the time he reaches down to line us up that all he has to do is thrust his hips once and he’s sheathed inside me.

  “Ah, Jaxon…” I press my head back into the cushions. “You feel so fucking good.”

  “Not as good as you feel to me, sweetheart.”

  He starts to move then, a steady in and out, rhythmically fucking me. Finally! But it’s more than just the culmination of all the weeks of fighting, getting along, and then fighting some more.

  We thought we’d agreed to truces before, but this one is real.

  Almost choking up, I move with him. I can tell Jaxon’s trying not to get off too soon. He wants to prolong this, our first time, as much as I do.

  “It’s never been like this with anyone before,” I whisper.

  He lifts up so he can meet my eyes. “Good. I want to be your one and only, Cara. I want this to be special.”

  “Why is that, Jaxon?” I dare to ask.

  He slows to a stop.

  Buried deep inside me, he says, “I can think of only one reason. I’ve completely fallen for you.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes.” He laughs. “I am head-over-heels fucking crazy about you, okay?”

  “Wow.” I place my hand on his lightly stubbled cheek. “That’s good, Jaxon, because I’ve fallen for you too.” I playfully smack his ass and add, “Now get back to fucking me, Mr. Holland.”

  “Ms. Milne, your wish is my command.”

  Better than Fighting

  Ah, Cara… I can’t get enough of her. If I’m not fucking her, I’m busy tasting her. And when I’m not doing that, I’m touching her in ways I know she loves.

  After hours of that kind of loving in the living room, we finally make our way upstairs, where we try out both our beds—first hers, then mine.

  We decide we like my bedroom and my bed best, so that’s where we fall asleep.

  When Cara and I wake up the next morning, rain is pounding heavily onto the roof.

  “Hmm,” I muse, staring up at the ceiling. “I think any outdoor activities are out for today.”

  She stretches, nuzzling in close. “Good. I didn’t feel like going down to the beach today anyway.”

  “Mmm…” I kiss her neck. “And why’s that?”

  She grabs my ass. “Hmm, I think you know.”

  We start back up where we left off last night, only this time we have a background track of raindrops pelting the roof.

  Yeah, staying in is the best.

  And so it continues…

  We sex it up all day, taking only a few breaks here and there, mainly for bathroom runs. Oh, and one time-out to eat, though for only a small snack.

  A little later, after expending so much energy, we decide it’s time for a more substantial meal.

  “Okay,” I say, sitting up in bed. “I’m on it. Though I wish I could stay here with you, sweetheart, and just magically cook something up here.”

  She purses her lips, those gorgeous lips that have been wrapped around my cock too many times to count today.

  “We could always call the housekeeper,” she says. “Maybe she could come over and whip up something for us.”

  “Fuck that,” I growl, yanking her to me. “I like being here all alone with you. We can run around naked and fuck everywhere.”

  “Hmm, you do have a point.”

  “That’s not the only ‘point’ I have,” I murmur, chuckling.

  We look down to where my cock is hard again and pointing right at Cara. I’m clearly ready for more, and from the little moan Cara rasps out, I think she is too. But we really need to eat.

  “Later?” I raise a brow.

  She nods. “Okay, but not too long from now.”

  Rolling out of bed and throwing on some old sweats, I promise her, “We’ll eat fast.”

  I then head down to the kitchen to reheat the burgers Cara and I never got to last night. That’ll be quick and we can get back to lovin’.

  I’m so damn hungry that I end up polishing off three patties as soon as they’re ready. Quickly, I plate a burger with all the trimmings for Cara, placing it on a tray so I can take it up to her.

  When I push open the bedroom door, she’s standing by the bed, fluffing up the pillows. It looks like she’s donned one of my shirts, a red and black Wolves’ tee. It’s huge on her, but damn if she doesn’t look adorable, kind of like she’s mine.

  Ah, I like that.

  Possessive me relishes that she’s wearing my clothes.

  Crawling up onto the bed, and settling back against the newly fluffed pillows, she says, “Mmm, I sure hope that piece of meat is for me.”

  I look down at my junk, then to the burger.

  “Actually, both pieces of meat are for you,” I say, snickering.

  “Ooh, now you’re talking, Jaxon.”

  I walk over to the bed with the tray. “First, though, I think we’d better get this one in you.” I nod down to the burger. “Wouldn’t want you passing out from lack of food when we get to dessert, eh?”

  She feigns horror. “Good God, no, that’d be awful.”

  I take a seat on the edge of the bed and turn to her. When she notices that there’s only one burger on the plate, she asks, “You already ate?”

  “I did,” I admit. “And I’m sorry. I just couldn’t wait. I was so fucking famished.”

  Smugly, she retorts, “So you’re saying that I wore you out and you needed more fuel?”

  “Yes, but it was only temporary. I already feel my energy returning.”

  Nodding to the tray, she says, “Then I guess you better hand me that burger so I can recharge too.”

  “You got it, babe.”

  I place the big burger in front of her and playfully make a sweeping motion over the tray. “Dinner is served, m’lady.”

  Quietly, and in a most serious tone, she says, “You’re so sweet to me, Jaxon.”

>   “Ha, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” I assure her as I scoot closer. “You’re about to see really sweet Jaxon come out when I feed you each and every bite of this meal.”

  She looks worried. “Wait. You want to feed me a messy burger?”

  It’s a big, juicy patty on a bun, stuffed with tomatoes, lettuce, and a squirt of ketchup. It could get messy.

  Still, I insist, “I am.”

  “Well, this should be interesting.”

  “Don’t worry, I came prepared.” I produce the fork and knife I’ve been hiding behind my back this whole time, along with some paper napkins.

  Cara laughs. “Jaxon, I swear you think of everything.”

  I lean over, pressing my lips to hers and murmuring, “I try to, babe.”

  I then feed Cara each and every bite of that burger. And guess what? There’s no mess, which is good, seeing as she is wearing my favorite Wolves’ tee.

  Afterward, she tells me that I’m too good to her. And I tell her that it’s only because she deserves the very best.

  And she does.

  That’s why, a short while later, as I’m peeling off that favorite tee of mine from her gorgeous body, I start showing her for the umpteenth time my very best.

  Later, as she’s nestled in my strong, capable arms, she lets out a contented sigh.

  “Care to share what you’re thinking?” I murmur against the top of her head.

  Leaning back and peering up at me, a smile in her hazel eyes, she says, “I was just thinking how amazing this is.”

  I cock my head. “How do you mean?”

  “I mean, this…us.” She motions to our intertwined bodies. “Do you realize that we haven’t fought once in the past twenty-four hours?”

  I think about it and say, “Wow, you’re absolutely right. That has to be a record for us.”

  “I’d say so.”

  We’re quiet then, reflective. I am, at least. I’m thinking about how getting along with Cara is so much nicer than battling with her. I thought battling was better, but that was only because we needed an outlet.

  Now we have sex.

  I share that with her, and she laughs.

  “So,” she begins, “are you saying that when we’re having sex, we’re in another truce of sorts?”

  “Yeah, but this one’s way better than any before.”

  “How so, Jaxon?”

  I gesture down to our bare bodies. “Well, I’d say it’s because sex truces are naked truces.”

  “Ooh, those are the best.”

  I caress her cheek. “They are, sweetheart. They really are.”

  “Mmm…” She stretches out on top of me. “Getting along is nice.”

  “Yeah, good thing I knew all along you’d give in eventually.”

  Even though I’m totally teasing, she sits up on top of me and smacks me in the chest.


  “Ouch.” I make a show of playing up that I’m injured, rubbing my pec for effect. “Damn, that hurt, woman.”

  Cara rolls her eyes. “Yeah, sure it did.”

  “It did,” I insist. “In fact, you should probably kiss it and make it better.”

  I waggle my eyebrows, and she gets the hint immediately.

  “Hmm, yes, maybe I should.”

  Leaning down, she presses her lips to one pec, then the other.

  “Better?” she asks.

  “Not yet.”

  My abs garner her attention next.

  “How about now?” she queries in between kisses.

  “Better, but…” I slide the sheet down an inch. “Maybe you should focus a little lower.”

  One kiss to below my belly button and then, peering up at me, eyes hooded with lust, she asks, “Lower still?”

  I shrug. “It couldn’t hurt.”

  Cara continues her descent until she runs into something hard and demanding.

  “Ah,” she says, “I think this particular appendage, huge as it is”—that’s my girl—“may require more than just kissing.”

  “What do you suggest?” I rasp, my voice growing thick and rough as lust clouds everything.

  “I’m thinking a more intensive treatment, like this…” Cara takes me in her mouth and I let out a groan of pure pleasure.

  Yep, getting along is waaay better than fighting.

  Regrets, I Have a Few

  Jaxon and I really need to take a break—one that lasts for more than ten minutes—from sexing it up. We’ve been inside the beach house for two full days, together the whole time.

  And still no bickering!

  This has to be a record.

  I’d like to see if it continues outside the bedroom.

  The rain has lasted as long as we’ve been in the bed. But it seems to finally be tapering off. Outdoors may be an option.

  “I don’t hear any storming,” I say to Jaxon as I cup my hand around my ear and listen for pounding on the roof.

  “Nope,” he says, “me neither.”

  We’re still in bed, so I snuggle in close to him. “Do you think we should leave this room, then?”

  “I did leave,” he replies. “Ten minutes ago when I had to pee.”

  I push his shoulder. “I mean for more than just bathroom breaks, silly man. There is more to life than sex, you know.”

  He looks appalled. “Hush your mouth, woman.”

  “Be serious, Jaxon.”

  “Okay, okay. What did you have in mind?”

  “How do you know I have something in mind?” I query.

  “’Cause I know you, Cara.”

  I realize then that he does. He really knows me. We aren’t two people who just hopped into bed. We’ve lived together on the island for weeks. And yes, there has been lots of bickering, but maybe Jaxon was right all along when he said it was all just foreplay.

  “Cara?” he questions. “Are you still with me?”

  “Yes, yes, of course.”

  “So what do you want to do?”

  “How about we take a walk on the beach, like old times?”

  “Old times?” Jaxon laughs. “Our walks on the beach weren’t that long ago.”

  “Yes, but a lot’s happened since then.”

  I nod down to us, naked in bed.

  “Good point,” he says, chuckling.

  Jaxon and I decide that a walk on the beach would be nice, so we both shower and dress. He goes with long shorts and a simple white tee, while I opt for bubblegum-pink shorts and a matching camisole.

  After we head down to the living room, hand in hand, Jaxon opens the glass doors to check on the weather.

  The rain has indeed stopped, but it’s super muggy out. So we decide to forgo the walk.

  “What do you want to do instead?” Jaxon asks.

  I plop down on the sofa, curling my legs up under me. “I don’t really have any other ideas,” I confess. “It’s not like we have a TV to watch or anything.”

  “True, but we do have my laptop and your tablet. We could watch something on either of those.”

  I think it over and conclude, “Okay, but I think your laptop would work better since it’s bigger. What do you want to watch?”

  He walks over to retrieve his laptop from a side table and then sits down beside me on the sofa.

  “Well, I’ve been meaning to get around to watching the final Stanley Cup game. Would you be up for that?”

  Brow knitting, I say, “Wait, you haven’t watched it yet? That game’s been up online for weeks.”

  “I know,” Jaxon sighs. “I just…couldn’t. Not until now.”

  I’m totally confused, so I ask, “What changed?”

  He takes my hand. “You, sweetheart, you’re what changed in my life.” He turns me to him and releases my hand so he can cup my cheek.

  Oh my God, the emotion in his beautiful emerald eyes. It’s like I’m freaking sunshine—his sunshine.

  And sure enough, the next words out of his mouth are, “You make me feel like I can do anything, Cara. Take on the world, e

  I swallow hard.

  Jesus, he couldn’t watch the game because of me, though he doesn’t know that. And now he can watch it because of me.

  What a mess.

  If Jaxon knew that I’m Mr. Hockeypants, he wouldn’t be so quick to say I make him feel like he can take on the world.

  I wouldn’t be his sunshine, either. I’d be more like the fucking hurricane that wrecked his life.

  I should tell him. I better just do it now…before we get in any deeper.

  Crap, this is what happens when you go with your heart, not your head. You forget that you have to deal with the consequences of those not-so-thought-out actions later.

  Still, I have no regrets; I can just fix things now.

  I open my mouth, ready to confess everything, but nothing comes out.

  My mouth snaps shut.

  I’m still so damn afraid. No, now is worse. I’m freaking terrified, more than ever before. Now that we’ve slept together, if he has a poor reaction to the news my heart will be crushed.

  Crap, I should’ve told him first. But there was no time. Now I’m scared to death that we’ll end before we even really begin. This is so new and so fresh. Can a burgeoning relationship like ours withstand a hit like that?

  I just don’t know.

  Jaxon Holland has turned my world upside down, and I like where I’ve landed. He’s blurred the lines between love and hate and smudged up my heart.

  But it’s not so smudged up that I can’t see what emotion has won—love.

  Oh my God—I love Jaxon Holland.

  Like for real.

  I’m not simply falling. I freaking fell.

  Shit, well that settles it. I absolutely must fess up about my blog…eventually.

  But today, right now, I want this little reprieve.

  Can I at least have that?

  In case it does all end.

  Yes, yes you can.

  “Cara?” Jaxon’s peering at me with great concern. “Are you all right?”

  I wave my hand around like I’m swishing away a nagging fly. This dilemma of mine is exactly that. I’m dealing with a pesky guilty conscience.

  “I’m fine,” I say.

  He tilts his head. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” I pat his hand. “Now let’s watch the game.”

S. R. Grey's Novels