Her fingers automatically contracted when she felt him start to pull away. “Please, Reid. I’m so close,” she whispered. Lucie hadn’t climaxed in so long she wondered if she even remembered what it felt like. She used to take care of things herself, but after months of long hours at the office and falling into bed exhausted at night, she lost the energy to even bother. She was probably considered asexual by now. At the ripe, old age of twenty-nine and a quarter.

  “I know, but I won’t give it to you right now. And it has nothing to do with Vanessa in the next room, because believe me, if I wanted to I’d take you up against that wall and not give a damn if she watched while eating popcorn like it was one of your movie dates.”

  “Then why?” Oh, God, was she actually whining?

  He held the side of her face as he spoke, his intense eyes doing nothing to help cool her down. “Because when I make you come for the first time I don’t want you holding back. I want to hear every hitch of your breath.” He placed a kiss at her temple. “Every moan.” Another kiss on her cheek. “And I won’t be satisfied until you scream my name.”

  She would have groaned in frustration, but the kiss he gave her swallowed any sound that dared escape. After several heady moments he pulled away and gave her a devilish smile. “If it makes you feel better, there’s a lesson in this.”

  “I’m fairly certain I hate this lesson,” she said in a breathy voice between large gulps of air.

  “Lesson number three: always leave them wanting more.” He chuckled—he actually had the audacity to find that funny—and nipped her lip, then soothed it with the tip of his tongue. “Have fun today.”

  Incredulous, Lucie watched Reid disappear from the room then heard him say good-bye to Vanessa before heading to the bathroom for a shower. Yep. She definitely hated this lesson.

  Chapter Ten

  “Two usuals, Fritz!” Vanessa called down to the old, grizzled man at the other end of the bar.

  “Don’t get yer panties in a twist, Red, I’ll get to ya in a minute!”

  “I’d have to be wearing panties to keep them out of a twist.”

  “Well, that’s better than that ass floss these broads wear nowadays.”

  “How would you know what broads are wearing? The last action you probably saw was World War II, geezer.”

  “Ha! I got stories that would make yer hair even curlier than it is now, missy, an’ don’t you ferget it.”

  Lucie laughed at the typical back and forth between Vanessa and the owner of the bar they’d been coming to since college. Fritz was more like a lovable uncle to them, but that didn’t mean their humor with each other didn’t cross into faux flirtation and dirty jokes. He was the quintessential dirty old man, and they adored him.

  After Fritz served them their tap beers in large glass steins he kissed the fingers of both his hands and placed one on each of their cheeks. “There. Now shut yer yaps and go kick some ass tonight, huh?”

  “Will do, Fritzy,” Vanessa pledged before they made their way to the other end of the bar by the dartboards. They claimed their usual stools and clinked their glasses together with an enthusiastic “Salut” and took their first glorious sips. Nessie slapped a hand on the bar three times, which was her way of gaveling for an audience. “Spill.”

  Lucie hitched her eyebrows under her bangs and looked at her beer. “I’d rather drink it if it’s all the same to you.” She might be a lightweight when it came to wine, but she could hang pretty well with beer from years of practice with Vanessa since their college days.

  “I’m not encouraging alcohol abuse. I’m telling you to tell me what’s up with you and the hottie staying in your apartment. I waited patiently all during lunch for you to bring him up, but you were sadly close-mouthed about your new houseguest. So prepare for the witness stand.”

  For the second time that day Lucie choked on her drink. Oh, for shit’s sake. You’d better learn to control yourself or eventually you’re going to need the Heimlich if you dare to eat again. “No need for cross-examination or whatever, Nessie. Nothing’s up with him. He’s Jackson’s best friend and I’m helping him out, that’s all.”

  “Is he seeing anyone?”

  “No.” Wait a minute. She didn’t really know that for sure, did she? He hadn’t mentioned dating anyone, but she hadn’t really asked either. There hadn’t been any reason to. They were just two friends who were helping each other. But the definition of “helping” had changed drastically in the course of a week. “At least, I don’t think he is. But he’s not your type anyway.”

  “I wasn’t planning on pursuing, but out of curiosity, why not?”

  “Rule number three.”

  “Really? What does he do then?”

  “He’s a fighter like Jackson.”

  Vanessa scrunched up her nose like someone had just shoved smelly socks in her face. “Oh, one of those guys. God, how barbaric, not to mention completely irresponsible for planning one’s future. No thank you.”

  Lucie didn’t bother defending Reid’s and her brother’s choice of career to her friend. There’d be no point. Vanessa lived by a very strict code of rules and refused to veer from them for any reason. She’d gotten the idea one night when they were just freshman, drunk, and watching the television drama, NCIS. The main character of the show had over thirty rules he lived by, and Vanessa, in all her inebriated wisdom, decided she needed the same strategy to avoid following in her parents’ dysfunctional footsteps. Rule number three was “never date a man who isn’t gainfully employed in a successful career with longevity.” Athletes with the potential to permanently injure themselves at a young age, effectively ending their careers, did not qualify as dating potential.

  “But why don’t you date him? I mean, come on, the man is a total hunk of man-beef.”

  “Ew!” Both girls fell into a fit of laughter. The alcohol was already loosening them up from their long weeks. “What the hell is man-beef? Stick to legal jargon because you obviously suck at complimentary descriptions.”

  “Don’t avoid the question. What about dating him?”


  “Why not?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “But it could be.”

  “Just drop it, okay, Ness?”

  Vanessa’s dark lashes practically twined together as she dissected Lucie’s face. Shit shit shit. “What aren’t you telling me, Lucinda Maris?”

  It always touched Lucie when her friend refused to call her by her married name. She’d told Lucie she should “sever every tie she had to that bastard,” but she hadn’t wanted to. She needed it as a reminder to guard her heart more carefully. Relationships based on a foundation of heady passion and quick courtships were doomed for failure. What she needed was the exact opposite: a foundation of mutual interests and goals, complemented by mild attraction, and at least two years of dating followed by a long engagement.

  She drank half of her beer in several big gulps and then placed the glass on the bar with a resigned sigh. Once Vanessa suspected she wasn’t being told “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” she was like a pit bull. “Reid needs to complete his recovery and get ready to fight for this big rematch he has in two months.”


  “And I agreed to take my vacation weeks to give him special around-the-clock attention to make sure he could fight if he did something for me.”

  “And that something would beeeeeee…”

  Lucie looked around as she bit the inside of her cheek before finally leaning in to make sure her friend was the only one who could hear her. “That he teach me how to seduce Stephen.”


  “Shhhhhh! Keep your voice down, you nutbag.”

  “I’m the nutbag? Luce, when are you going to realize that that guy does not deserve you? Is that the reason for your new wardrobe? I mean, you look fabulous, but if that douchebag didn’t notice you before the clothes and these lessons then it’s his fucking loss.”

/>   “Yeah, I know, you’ve mentioned something like that before once or twice,” Lucie replied wryly. The truth of the matter was Vanessa hadn’t approved of her crush on the good doctor when he failed to make a move after they’d worked together a year. “Look, can we not talk about this anymore? It’s harshing my buzz.”

  “Mine too. Okay, it’s officially off the table for tonight. Kyle and Eric just walked in so I’ll get us more beer before we start. Save my spot.”

  Lucie threw her legs up onto Vanessa’s vacated stool and waved to the other half of their team. At least the guys would act as a buffer from the whole Reid-Stephen issue. She’d been on a rollercoaster ever since Stephen walked into her office last Friday morning, followed promptly by Reid’s surprise visit and even more surprising offer.

  The heavy make-out session had only served to teach her what it felt like to be rode hard and put up wet. And she hadn’t even been able to enjoy her lunch and movie with Vanessa because she’d been anticipating the grilling she knew was coming. Now that it was out of the way, though, she fully intended to enjoy the next couple hours of drama-free fun. She’d texted Reid earlier and apologized for forgetting about league night and told him not to wait up for her since she knew he went to bed fairly early with the strict training schedule he kept.

  When the realization hit her that she wouldn’t see Reid until tomorrow morning, Lucie downed the rest of her beer and eased further into her stool. Yep. Nothing to worry about, nothing to be anxious about. Just a couple of carefree dart games and drinks with her friends. She so needed this.


  Reid walked into the dive bar that Vanessa had suggested he come to as he’d been on his way out earlier that day. He hadn’t planned on going, but when Lucie texted to say he shouldn’t wait up for her, he knew she was avoiding him and what he promised her would happen when she got home that night. It shouldn’t have bothered him. But it did. And he didn’t have a clue as to why.

  What he did know was that as he’d shopped for groceries that afternoon he tried to think of more meals Lucie might like. And that train of thought inevitably led to images of teaching her how to cook said meals, complete with letting her taste things from his finger…and then from his tongue. And that led to him looking like he was smuggling a cucumber in his shorts as he strolled through the produce section.

  Standing by the door he scanned the room for Vanessa, figuring she’d be the easiest to spot with her height and wild red hair. Two seconds later his sweep was brought to an abrupt halt. Damn, had he been wrong.

  She stood in a group that was clearly the dart league she was a part of. He recognized Vanessa and Eric, but even they sort of blurred out once his eyes found Lucie. She wore a phenomenal pair of dark jean capris that hugged her ass and sat low on her slim hips, paired with a pale orange baby tee with the classic Crush soda logo emblazoned on the front. He’d liked how the logo curved around her breasts when she’d tried it on in the store. Now he was kicking himself for adding it to her wardrobe since every other guy in the bar probably liked it for the same fucking reason.

  She looked so different from how he’d seen her the last week. Not only in her appearance, but also her spirit. She had an inner glow shining through. He stood back, content to watch her in her element for a while. Her smile was so big that for the first time he noticed a small dimple in her right cheek. Her long chestnut hair was pulled back in some sort of a haphazard bun that looked to be held in place with stir sticks from the bar. She cheered on Vanessa who was throwing darts at the closest dartboard of three to where she and two guys were standing. When Vanessa’s last dart hit the board, all four started cheering. The blond guy next to Lucie picked her up by the waist and spun her around before giving her a big smack on the lips.

  And she didn’t even flinch.

  Knowing his reaction was unfounded, if not downright ludicrous, Reid stalked across the room, using his height and broad shoulders to his advantage to push through the rowdy bar patrons. Lucie didn’t see his approach as she was facing away from him, but Vanessa beamed a radiant smile when she noticed him standing behind Lucie.

  “Hiya, Reid! I’m so glad you decided to come! You’re just in time to celebrate our first victory of the night.”

  Lucie didn’t turn around for a good five seconds, maybe longer. But as soon as Vanessa had said his name, a noticeable tension straightened her spine. When at last she faced him, her smile reached no further than the slight curve of her lips. She wasn’t happy to see him. No doubt because he was interrupting the fun with her new admirer. “Reid. What are you doing here?”

  “I invited him before we went out this afternoon,” Vanessa said. “I thought he could join us for a few drinks, or at least watch us indulge if it went against his überstrict diet or whatever.”

  He leaned down and lowered his voice so that only she could hear. “I had this crazy notion that maybe you were avoiding me because you were nervous about tonight. But it looks more like you didn’t want me cock blocking you with Blondie over there.”

  As he straightened his own words burned him like acid pouring over his eardrums. What a dick thing to say to her. She didn’t deserve that, and the look of hurt and confusion on her face did him in. Grabbing her hand he led her through the room to the alcove where a pay phone hung on the wall.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, Lu. I acted like a prick. If you’re about to get lucky or whatever with that guy, then that’s…” He brushed a hand over his hair from back to front and then dragged it over the stubble on his cheeks. “Then that‘s great,” he finally forced out.

  “Reid, that’s really sweet of you—I think—but what are you talking about? There’s no guy I’m about to get lucky with here.”

  He pointed in the direction of where he’d seen them together. “I saw him kiss you, Lucie, and you didn’t exactly look surprised when he did it.”

  “That’s because he does it all the time.”

  She said that like it should’ve been all the explanation he needed. But the situation made even less sense now.

  “Come on.” Now it was her turn to grab his hand and lead them back to where they’d started from. She gestured to the blond dude who’d had his lips all over his girl. Hold up, what? Lucie. He’d had his lips all over Lucie. “Reid, I’d like you to meet Kyle. Kyle, this is Jackson’s best friend and my patient slash house guest slash…um, personal trainer.”

  From the corner of his eye he saw an impish grin steal over her face, which was sexy as hell. She was obviously proud of her play on words with their unique relationship, and he had to admit, it was pretty damn clever. Kyle held out his hand and Reid shook it like a good sport, but he made sure to add a little extra pressure and a meaningful stare in the universal male Don’t-fuck-with-this-chick-or-I’ll-eat-your-heart-for-breakfast-with-my-Wheaties look.

  The guy wasn’t a slouch in the muscle department, but it made no difference. With Reid’s training he could take any street fighter, no matter their size, if it came down to that.

  “And you already met Eric last night,” she added.

  Reid turned and shook Eric’s hand. “Eric. Didn’t think I’d see you so soon.”

  “Lucky for me,” Eric said with a smile. “Now you can buy my beers tonight.”

  Lucie interjected with a pointed look at Reid. “Kyle is Eric’s partner.”

  “At the hospital?”

  Kyle smiled behind his beer as he took a drink and Eric laughed as he answered, “No, man, you missed it. Lucie emphasized the word ‘partner.’ She all but did the air quotes with her fingers for you.”

  “Air quotes?”

  Vanessa was actually doubled over with laughter, but thankfully took a break to help him out. “They’re lovers, Reid. Eric and Kyle are gay.”

  Reid cut a look over to Lucie for confirmation. Shit. Well, didn’t this just change everything. Holding his hand out to Kyle again, he said, “I’m sorry, bro. I just assumed…”

  “That I was macking on Lucie? Don’t
sweat it, man, I totally get it. You were just standing in for Jackson as a protective brother. But you’ve got a better chance of me hitting on you than our adorable Lucie here.”

  Eric narrowed his eyes at his partner and Reid couldn’t resist a little tit for tat.

  “Careful, amigo,” Reid said. “Your fangs are showing.”

  “Yeah, I know. Kyle thinks it’s fun to see my hackles go up.” Then he turned to Kyle who seemed to be rather enjoying the exchange with his arms crossed over his chest. “Watch yourself, K, or you’ll pay for it later. That’s a promise.”

  Kyle just scoffed, not the least bit intimidated by the threat. “You should know by now that I don’t do things by accident. I’ll go get us another round.” Before Eric had the chance for a retort Kyle winked at Reid—not the flirtatious kind, but the kind that said he was having fun pissing off his partner—and then walked past him to the bar.

  “Hey, Orange Crush!” The five of them turned in the direction of the guy yelling over the crowd, but it was clear as to who he was addressing. Reid decided he was hiding that damn shirt when they got home. “You’re up!”

  “Oh, crap, game three started,” Lucie said before finishing off the last few swallows of beer. “We lost the first game and won the second, so whichever team wins this one goes to the playoffs. Wish me luck!”

  Her teammates all raised their glasses and yelled, “Luck!” at the same time. It seemed to be something they probably did often. Now that he was no longer seeing red, it was obvious they were a tight-knit group.

  Reid bought a bottle of water and settled in to watch Lucie play darts. Every time she was done throwing she’d stand next to him at the bar as they all talked and laughed. He’d tried offering her the stool he was on, but she declined saying that she’d just be getting up every few minutes or so anyway. It seemed like most of the players didn’t bother sitting down, choosing to stand on the perimeter of their respective dart board and cheer on their friends and try to distract their opponents.