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  Last but not least: thank you for reading. This novel took me a lot longer to write than I ever imagined. I hope it was worth the wait. And I hope the next one will be even better.

  Until then, take care and thanks again,

  - Gerry

  A.G. Riddle

  PS: As always, feel free to email me ([email protected]). Sometimes it takes me a few days, but I answer every single email.


  It’s mind boggling how many people I need to thank.

  One thing I’ve learned is that writing is a lot simpler when you’re just writing (and not “being a writer”). I love writing, but being a writer, boy that’s time-consuming!

  But there’s a growing group of people who have helped me to focus on writing and to do my very best during those hours when I’m typing, pacing, and thinking (that’s what it looks like when I’m writing).

  At home, Anna ensures that I bathe regularly and maintain some social function (helpful when writing non-Atlantean characters). And now she’s become involved in this riddled writing adventure, performing proofreading, marketing, and pretty much everything else except for stringing sentences together (I have to earn my keep somehow).

  I also want to thank:

  My mother, for her guidance and encouragement, as always.

  David Gatewood, my outside editor extraordinaire, for turning this manuscript around faster than a quantum cube.

  Juan Carlos Barquet, for the truly brilliant original artwork for The Atlantis Gene (and soon to be Plague).

  Andy Barzvi and Kristyn Keene at ICM Partners, for helping me navigate the dangerous post-apocalyptic wasteland known as “the publishing industry.”

  And finally, two groups I’ve never met.

  The first: you. Readers who stick around for the Author’s Note and the Acknowledgments, visit the web site, sign up for the email list, write reviews on Amazon, and sometimes, write me a note after they turn the last page.

  Hearing from you all over the last seven months has been an experience I can’t describe. And I will never forget. It has truly been the most rewarding part of this entire endeavor. I simply can’t thank you enough for supporting my work this early in my career.

  And: to my beta readers. I’m sorry I didn’t get this to you sooner, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are: Andrea Sinclair, Annette Wilson, Christine Girtain, Dave Renison, Dr. Andrew Villamagna, Drew Allen, Jane Eileen Marconi, Joe O’Bannon, John Schmiedt, Joseph DeVous, Markel Coleman, Richard Czeck, Skip Folden, Steve Boesen, Ted Hust, Tim Rogers, Tina Weston, and many others.


  A.G. Riddle spent ten years starting and running internet companies before retiring to focus on his true passion: writing fiction. He lives in Parkland, Florida and would love to hear from you:



  A.G. Riddle, The Atlantis Plague: A Thriller (The Origin Mystery, Book 2)

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