Page 5 of Harmonia's Kiss

  She had no idea that the Dragon’s Teeth Warriors flew to the lair of Erik Sorensson, leader of the Pyr, to pledge their service to his command.

  Their mission here had been successfully completed, yet they would undertake more quests for the good of the world. They would defend firestorms, they would fight vipers, and they would be another weapon in the arsenal of the Pyr.

  Ronnie would never have imagined that their exchange had been anything other than one-sided, but she had given Drake the greatest gift of all. She had restored his faith. She had dismissed his despondency and his despair. She had reminded him not just of what he had lost, but its merit. She had given him hope, and a purpose.

  She had given him a kiss to treasure, a touch to remind him of his priorities from that day forward. He knew that he would feel the softness of her lips against his skin forever. He knew that she had meant nothing by it, that it had been a gesture of appreciation, but it meant the world to him.

  It reminded him of Harmonia’s birthright, the perfect balance to Ares’ strength. It was evidence of how a Pyr could temper his abilities and use them for good. It was a reminder to keep the light of the firestorm at the fore of his thoughts.

  Drake hoped that in return, one day when Veronica Maitland’s grief had diminished, one day when she least expected it, she would meet a man who didn’t exactly remind her of her lost husband but who kindled the same feelings within her as that man once had.

  Drake hoped that maybe, just maybe, Ronnie would one day see her future instead of her past.

  It would take time, but Drake intended to hope for her healing. He’d hope for her son to grow up strong and proud.

  And one day, one day after her tears had dried, Drake would make a point of finding her again. Veronica Maitland might be glad to see him. She might not.

  The choice would be hers.

  In the interim he’d know, with every blow from his talons and every volley of dragonfire he exhaled, that he was continuing the fight that he and his kind would pay any price to win.

  For the moment, that was more than enough.


  Deborah Cooke has always been fascinated by dragons, although she has never understood why they have to be the bad guys. She has an honors degree in history with a focus on medieval studies, and is an avid reader of medieval vernacular literature, fairy tales, and fantasy novels. Since 1992, Deborah has written more than thirty romance novels under the names Claire Cross and Claire Delacroix.

  Deborah makes her home in Canada with her husband. When she isn’t writing, she can be found knitting, sewing, or hunting for vintage patterns. To learn more about the Dragonfire series and Deborah, please visit her Web site at and her blog, Alive & Knitting, at



  Deborah Cooke, Harmonia's Kiss



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