Page 10 of Dark Swan

  Satisfaction hit him like a bolt of lightning.

  On a rack--or hell, even on someone else--the bra and panties would have been nothing special. On Lilica, they were a treasure and belonged in a museum.

  Her body formed the perfect hourglass, flaring at the hips. Her breasts were more than a handful, high and pert, her legs long and lean . . . providing the perfect path to dessert.

  "Your panties," he said. "Remove them."

  Dark hair danced over delicate shoulders as she shook her head in negation. "Remove yours first."

  "Mine are called underwear, sweetness, not panties." He smiled, even though the moment of levity failed to lessen the tension between them.

  He hooked his fingertips in the elastic waistband and pushed.

  Her gaze locked on his steel-hard length, and her hand fluttered to her throat. "You are so big . . . so beautiful."

  "So ready for you." Cupping his sac, he repeated, "Your panties now."

  Her tremors worsened as she shimmied out of the fabric.

  Need clawed at him. She's going to be the death of me.

  Without being asked, she freed the front clasp of her bra. The material parted, revealing the pink diamond nipples that would forever haunt his dreams. He closed the distance and twined his fingers with hers to lead her into the bathroom. He wanted to run or, barring that, to pick her up and carry her, but he forced himself to remain unhurried.

  With the press of a few buttons, water sprayed from the shower spout rather than enzyme mist, as the rest of the world used. Thick steam filled the air, drawing a delighted gasp from Lilica and a smile from him.

  "Water?" she squeaked. "I've heard about it, read about it, but never actually seen it."

  After the human-alien war, when three-fourths of the planet had lain in ruins, plant and animal life destroyed, the oceans and lakes poisoned, new methods of sustainability had had to be found. Fast. Now people lived on synthetic everything.

  He stepped into the stall, drew her beside him, and closed the door. "Feel free to drink the water. I'll be drinking you."

  Her cheeks flushed. She chose to stand directly under the waterfall, the heat of the spray deepening a pink hue in her now bronzed skin, darkening her now honey-brown hair that curled down her back. Her eyes closed, a purr rising from her.

  "This is amazing."

  "You are amazing. Beautiful beyond compare."

  Frowning, she faced him, changing colors again as water droplets caught in her lashes. "You truly think I'm beautiful."

  "That surprises you?"

  She leaned toward him, the tip of her tongue emerging to snatch a water droplet from his chin. "Do you want me more than you've ever wanted anyone else?" she asked in lieu of an answer.

  He scowled, his body aching.

  She grinned slowly. "You do."

  "Enough talk. Come here." He drew her closer while lowering his head. His lips pressed into hers, claiming a deep, wet kiss.

  This time, she kissed him back right from the start, their tongues thrusting together. He wasn't gentle, but then, neither was she. The need blazing between them was too great, driving them both into a maddened frenzy.

  He cupped and kneaded her ass, the harder pucker of her nipples abrading his chest, creating a dizzying friction.

  "More . . . give more." She bit at him, as if she wanted to devour him. Her nails dug into his shoulders to keep him in place as she grinded against him, her hips moving forward and back in a too-fast rhythm.

  Attempting to sate her need?

  He gripped her hips to still her and lifted his head to stare down at her. Her eyelids were hooded and heavy, her lips blood-red and already kiss-swollen. "Will this be your first orgasm?"

  She fought his hold, doing her best to rub her core against his throbbing erection. "Gave myself one or two . . . I think."

  "If you think you had one, the answer is, yes, this will be your first."

  She nipped at his chin. "Then make sure I enjoy it."

  "Oh, sweetheart, I most definitely will, but you have to let me set the pace." He brushed his thumbs over the rise of her cheeks. "I promise I'm up for the challenge."

  Another nip. "Is that a reference to your penis?"

  The word penis said in that carnal rasp should be considered a weapon of manly destruction. "Just so you know, ninety percent of the things I say are a reference to my penis."

  She twirled a lock of his hair around her finger. "I'm curious about it . . . your penis."

  Well, hell. Those words were a weapon of Dallas destruction. "I think it's time for an introduction, then." He guided her hand to the base, hissing with sublime satisfaction as she wrapped her fingers around it.

  "Just like that," he told her as she squeezed him.

  She angled his length as she arched her back, rubbing the tip between her legs. Just the way she'd wanted.

  "My Lily is determined to have her orgasm. Very well. I'll help." He kicked her ankles apart, spreading her legs, and slid his fingers through all her succulent heat and wet to spear one deep inside her.


  "Tell me when I hit the right--"

  "Yes! There!"

  "--spot." He moved the finger in and out of her, her inner walls clenching on him. The feel of her . . . better than he'd imagined.

  "Don't stop." A growled command. Her free hand landed on his shoulder, her nails not just digging but also cutting into his flesh.

  In. "Dying would be preferable to stopping, sweetheart." Out. He kissed her jawline, then her neck, and sucked her hammering pulse. Maybe it was the bond. Maybe it was her alone. But no woman had ever been so sweet, a drug he couldn't live without.

  "I don't understand how I can want you so much . . . how you can want me . . . too soon, too intense." She licked his neck, sucked on his pulse as he'd done to hers.

  Sharp teeth grazed his flesh, and he shuddered with rapture.

  "This wanting is only beginning, Lily." He speared her with a second finger, stretching her. Preparing her for his invasion.

  No, no. Hands and mouth, nothing more.

  But she was so deliciously tight, as if she'd been made for him alone. A gift he would never deserve.

  "Dallas . . . I need . . . give me . . ." She writhed against him, trying to force him to go deeper. She had no finesse, no rhythm, operating solely on need, and he loved it.

  "You are silk inside." He ran the lobe of her ear between his teeth. "My new favorite playground."

  Her nails cut deeper into his shoulder and even into his shaft, the sting as much a pleasure as a pain. She dove in for another kiss, working his tongue hard and fast before rearing back to gaze down at his shaft . . . at the beads of blood she'd drawn there. As if in a trance, she licked her lips, a look of absolute hunger consuming her expression.

  His Lily was part vampire. Noted.

  He throbbed as he ran a finger over his length to collect the beads. Beads he then smeared over her mouth. Her tongue darted out, pink and pretty, to lap them up.

  "More." The word was a rough command.

  Yes, oh yes. "You can have more. From here"--he pointed to his mouth--"or here." He pointed to his erection. "Your choice."

  A loud beep suddenly erupted from his phone. Hell, no. Not now. Take her! But the beep continued, and Lilica stepped away from him, the spell broken. A good thing. The beep was not a call but a warning. Security had just been breached.

  He cursed as he hopped from the stall, the urge to murder the intruder strong. A quick scan of the screen revealed an open front door. He pressed a few buttons, rewinding the camera feed, and discovered Devyn.

  Send him away. Return to Lilica.

  She flattened her palms against the clear glass wall, her gaze hot on him. "You promised me more."

  Yes--no. Their first time wouldn't be rushed or witnessed. She was going to scream. He was going to make sure of it.

  Planning to do more than give them both an orgasm now?

  Yes. No. Hell. Maybe. He was sc
rewed--just not the way he wanted. "We have a visitor."

  The lights in her eyes slowly faded, and he almost screamed. "Danger?"

  "No. Friend."

  She scowled. "Let me guess. Devyn."

  He offered a stiff nod. "I won't allow him to harm you."

  "I won't allow him to harm me." She cupped her breasts. "For today's meeting, I'll be staying in here."

  "Good idea." He pinched the hard crests of her nipples . . . then pressed another finger into the paradise between her legs. "Do not bring yourself to orgasm." The honor would be his, and his alone. "Wait for me."

  She unveiled another smile, this one pure challenge. "If I do bring myself to orgasm?"

  He liked that smile. Naughty and nice, innocent and wicked all at once. "I'll forget we have an audience and have you on your back in two seconds flat."


  Trembling, alone in the bathroom, Lilica slid to the floor of the shower. She should dress, march out of the bedroom, and teach the Targon king the error of his ways. Mess with me, die horribly. But she ached, and as the hot water continued to rain over her, a thousand little caresses from head to toe, she contemplated changing to blend into the water and bringing herself to orgasm despite what Dallas had said. Or maybe because of what he'd said. Exploring her body was something she'd only ever done after taking over IOT, but she'd never felt like this. As if she were burning alive, and glad of it.

  She should have told Dallas no, should have let him sink deeper into an animal state, but she'd been stinging from her encounter with Trinity. And then he'd taken off his shirt, all those delicious muscles on display. And his tattoos! He had three. A tree of life along both sides of his rib cage; a pair of eyes, one on top of each foot; and her absolute favorite, a group of musical notes over his heart.

  The heat inside her disintegrated her restraint.

  Screw waiting for Dallas, and screw his consequences. She brought herself to a swift orgasm, but oh, it wasn't as satisfying as she'd hoped, leaving her confused once again about whether she'd actually had one.

  Dallas would tell her she hadn't. And maybe he'd be right. She still ached. Still needed.

  Legs unsteady, she emerged from the shower at last. As cool air kissed her wet skin, she rifled through Dallas's closet, then dressed in a T-shirt, a pair of boxers, and pair of sweatpants.

  If he complained about sharing his clothes, she'd probably claw his face off. If you want to keep me, be prepared to provide for me!

  Should probably provide for . . . myself?

  Whatever. She braided her hair and, wanting to assassinate something, ripped up another of Dallas's shirts to use as a tie.

  A quick search for weapons proved unfruitful, not that she was surprised. No matter. She still had her wits and her powers. Dallas hadn't dosed her. Had he forgotten, or had he decided to trust her?

  He wasn't the type to forget anything. He also wasn't the type to trust anyone but his elite circle of friends. Did he not mind that she could hear what he was saying to Devyn through the bond?

  But then, there was a third option, she realized. Negating her powers would have negated his own. So, one point Lilica. The bond had been a good idea after all.

  "Lilica!" Dallas's bellow echoed through the bedroom, and oh, wow, he'd never sounded more enraged.

  What had she done this time?

  And why did she already miss the nickname he'd given her? Lily.

  "Lilica! Get out here." He was closer now, probably stomping this way.

  --Ask nicely, Arcadian. Shouting demands will get you nowhere fast.--

  A pause.

  --Stop speaking inside my head.--

  --Why don't you come in here and make me.--

  Wait. She didn't want him storming in here and dragging her out, so she decided that, just this once, shouting demands would get him somewhere . . . slowly.

  --Never mind. I'm on my way.--

  Head high, she exited the bedroom at the pace of a hundred-year-old woman with a walker and a bum hip. He wasn't storming after all, but standing a few feet away, his body radiating tension, his muscles bunched.

  "What?" she snapped.

  His gaze spewed fire at her. "You met with Trinity," he snapped back.

  Right. He hadn't known about that. Her little visit with Trinity hadn't been on her mind while they'd been . . . otherwise occupied.

  Not yet ready to discuss her interaction with her sister--and her subsequent rejection--she studied his apartment. In the living room, the furnishings were just as masculine as those in the bedroom; the couch, two recliners, coffee table, and two side tables were dark and well used.

  Devyn saluted her with a mocking grin. He sat in one of the recliners, which looked to be made of real leather. Leather was just as expensive as water. He held a glass of amber liquid the same color as his eyes and as he sipped, ice cubes clinked together.

  Actual ice cubes, made from water, not just frozen blocks of H2OSyn.

  --We're rich!--

  "I'm rich." Dallas pinched the bridge of his nose. "Devyn invested my money. Without my consent. One night I went to bed with only a few thousand bucks to my name, and the next morning I woke up with millions."

  "I'm still waiting for my thanks," Devyn muttered.

  She ignored him, saying to Dallas, "Well. As soon as our bond is broken, I'm taking half your stuff."

  "What bond?" Devyn asked.

  Again she ignored him. She gave Dallas a pitying look. "Alimony is going to suck, but what can you do?"

  He scowled at her, and gritted out only one word. "Trinity."

  "How did you find--never mind," she said. "I can guess. John called Devyn."

  "You should have told me," he said, pointing at her.

  She anchored her hands on her hips. "I think that's the dumbest thing you've ever said. Think about it. You plan to harm her. Why would I ever tell you anything about her?"

  "She could have infected you, and you could have infected me."

  "She didn't, and I didn't. But she does want to infect you." The admission escaped before she could weigh the pros and cons of telling him. "And before you go charging after her guns blazing, know that I'm going to change her mind." Lilica had to believe that the sister she loved was buried underneath the anger, the sense of rejection, and the thirst for power.

  Dallas's features softened as he closed the distance to frame Lilica's face with his big, calloused hands. "I'm sorry she hurt you, sweetheart."

  Her stomach dropped, and though she longed to lean into his touch, she stepped back, severing contact. Can't let myself need him. "I'll never give up on her. If you knew her like I did . . ." Her eyes widened. He could know her.

  She dug through her memories, focusing on the ones involving Trinity at her sweetest and pushing them across the bond, into Dallas's mind.

  "Stop that." He shook his head. "Just stop." Devyn unfolded from the chair, rising to his feet.

  "What are you doing to him?"

  Dallas pointed a finger at his friend. "Don't even think about hurting her. She's under my protection."

  The Targon blinked in surprise before holding up his hands, all innocence. "I was only thinking about making her hurt herself. Big difference. Huge."

  Don't read too much into Dallas's words, she told herself. By protecting me, he merely protects himself.

  Catching her thought, he scowled at her.

  "Did I hear you correctly? Devyn hurt a female?" A beautiful woman soared through the front door, kicking it shut behind her as she glared at the Targon. She held a tray of hors d'oeuvres. "Apologize to her. Now!"

  "For you, love? Anything." Devyn blew the woman a kiss. To Lilica, he said, "I'm sorry you forced me to take action against you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

  The woman bared her teeth, revealing sharp white fangs. She was a vampire. One of the first alien races to make themselves known to earthlings. The blood-drinkers now lived underground and very rarely surfaced.

  Excitement bub
bled up. Considering that Lilica had vampire in her DNA, she would love to talk shop.

  Devyn smiled his most devastating smile at the vampire. "You knew about my bad-boy reputation before you married me, pet."


  "Lilica, meet Bride McKells. Devyn's wife," Dallas said. "Bride, meet Lilica, my--"

  "Prisoner of war," Lilica interjected before he could call her something worse.

  Dallas stiffened.

  "Her name is Bride Targon," Devyn corrected.

  "Just Bride," the woman in question said. "It's lovely to meet you, Lilica."

  The scents of roses, sugarplums, and honeysuckle wafted from her, and as Lilica drew in a deep breath--scents had always been her thing--a strong sense of familiarity struck her, as if she were peering at one of her sisters; she studied Bride more intently. The vampire had jet-black hair, so like Lilica's natural state, and eyes the color of emeralds. Just like Jade's. Her pale skin had a pink-roses glow of health . . . like Trinity's when she wasn't eaten up with disease. Her lips were scarlet, like Lilica's sometimes were.

  The scientists at IOT couldn't have used this woman's DNA . . . could they? What were the odds?

  . . . Peel back the layers of coincidence and it made a strange sort of sense. Because vampires so rarely surfaced--and no one at the institute had been brave enough to venture below--the scientists would have snagged the first one they'd come across. Dallas stiffened as he looked from Lilica to Bride, then back again. Cursing, he scrubbed a hand down his face. He'd read Lilica's thoughts--but more than that, he believed her suspicions.

  "At IOT, scientists used DNA from captives to create Lilica," he said to Devyn. "You yourself told me Bride was locked there for months."

  Devyn laughed, and yet he appeared far from amused. "What you're suggesting is ridiculous."

  "Is it?" Dallas massaged the back of his neck. "You found the lab because of Bride's memories."

  The color drained from Bride's cheeks as she focused on Lilica. "You're really from the lab?"

  "Born there," she said softly. "Along with my sisters, Jade . . . and Trinity."

  Dallas cursed again, and this time Devyn joined him.

  "I was a child. No more than eight years old. I can't be what you're . . . I mean, that would make me your mother, and I--" Bride looked helplessly at her husband. "Right?"

  He sprang into action, taking the tray from her trembling grip and placing it on the coffee table before drawing her into his arms, protective, possessive, and gentle all at once. For the first time in their acquaintance, Lilica could guess how the cruel brute had won the heart of the vampire.