Page 12 of Chaser

  “Of course they are. It’s not like I’m asking her to get married, Astrid. I just don’t want to walk away, but that means we can’t hide. And if we’re going to agree to tell West, then she has to admit that she wants me for more than just a fuck buddy. And then … well, we can just take it day by day. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing otherwise anyway.”

  She chuckled. “Isn’t that the truth?” We pulled up to the club, and her smile fell as she looked beyond the window at the people and paparazzi. She took a deep breath and said half to herself, “Here we go.”

  Astrid threw open the door and slid out, and I did the same, hurrying around the car to meet her as we were flanked by photographers. Flashes strobed, and Astrid hung on to me as we barreled toward the entrance, though I couldn’t see anything, just followed one of the bouncers toward the door as the rest pushed the paparazzi back.

  We stopped just inside the door to adjust to the dark after the visual assault, the bass from the club thumping. I glanced into the club, nodding in appreciation as we walked in.

  The vaulted ceiling swept up in pointed arches, the dance floor lined with columns. At the end of the long space was the DJ, the tables standing in front of a massive stained glass display in a seemingly random pattern. But as I watched, I realized it was changing, moving slowly. It was a screen. I shook my head, smiling.

  Astrid pulled me toward the bar in the main club.

  “Where are we going?” I yelled over the music.

  She pointed to the bar. “Bastian.”

  I glanced over to find Bastian leaning against the bar, blond and muscular, smiling bright and looking dapper as fuck in slate pants and a white tailored shirt. He smoothed his tie and pushed off the bar to greet us. He was one of Astrid’s closest friends and a dancer with Lily at the New York City Ballet.

  “Hey, bitch.” He kissed Astrid on the cheek.

  “Hey, whore.” She kissed him back. “I’m glad you came.”

  “I’m glad you invited me. How are you, Mr. Moore?”

  I smiled. “Living the dream.”

  He looked me up and down. “Yeah you are. Is Lily with you?”

  Astrid laughed. “That’s funny, Bas.”

  He shrugged. “I had to ask. I wish she’d come out more often. We only see each other at work, which is a sad, sad thing.”

  “None of us see her much these days. She’s holed up with West.”

  “Well, at least she’s got that. I wouldn’t be complaining about being holed anywhere by him.”

  A laugh shot out of me.

  “Let’s go get drinks,” Astrid said and hooked her arm in his. “Really, what would I have done if you hadn’t come?”

  “I dunno, maybe you would have hung out with your date? I know that’s what I’d be doing. I mean, have you seen him?”

  I snorted.

  We headed up the stairs to VIP, and Ash caught sight of me from across the room, smiling as he threw his hand up in the air to greet me. It was the same boyish grin he’d had ever since we we’d met at age five. I couldn’t help but smile back. The asshole was the closest thing to a brother I had.

  He met us halfway and went in for a hug, clapping me on the shoulder as we bumped chests. “Coop, you made it. What’s up, man?”

  I shook my head, still smiling. “Oh, you know. The usual.”

  He jerked his chiseled chin at Astrid. “’Sup, Astrid?” He leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  “Hey, Ash.” She pressed her cheek to his. “How long have you guys been here?”

  He ran a hand through his blond hair just as a giggling brunette came out of nowhere and nearly fell into him. He hung an arm on her shoulder, smiling wide at me. “Not nearly long enough. Come on, let’s get you guys drinks.” He swung an arm in invitation, and we followed him through the club to his table, which was packed with people. His entourage was hanging around, mostly friends we’d had since high school, each with a girl or two I’d never seen before draped over them.

  Ash poured Astrid a gin and tonic, then a scotch for me and Bastian. I nearly emptied mine on the first sip. Everyone was drunk and laughing, all carefree smiles and general not-giving-a-fuck. It was their specialty. It was mine, too, in a way.

  He laughed and hooked his arm around my neck, his drink in his free hand. “Fuck, man, we were just talking about Bikini Girl in Ibiza.”

  “You can’t put sunscreen there!” Ash and a couple of the guys yelled, and we all broke out laughing.

  Ash shook his head and let me go. “We haven’t been back in, what, three years? It’s time, man. Way past time. Let’s do it this summer.”

  “Only if you wear the hat.”

  He clinked his glass to mine. “Oh, fuck yeah. I’ll wear the hat to Bocca Scopare if it’ll get you to Ibiza.”

  Bastian raised an eyebrow. “What’s so terrible about ‘the hat’ that it takes bribery to get one to wear it?” He took a sip of his drink.

  I shook my head. “We found this hat in Turkey that looks like the head of a giant dick. With a baseball rim.”

  Bastian nodded, amused. “I approve. Seems appropriate to wear to a restaurant called Mouth Fuck.”

  I laughed. “I just want to see him try to make it through the front door of Scopare with that hat on. It’s got veins and everything.”

  He raised his glass. “And it was worth every penny I paid for it, too.”

  I shook my head. “He walked up and down the nude beaches asking girls if they knew any dickheads.”

  Astrid laughed. “Oh, my God. You would, Ash.”

  “I have no fear.”

  “Or shame,” she added.

  “Same thing.” He took a drink.

  Astrid killed her drink and patted him on the shoulder. “Oh, Ash. Come with me to get a drink, Bas. Don’t make me brave the wildlife alone.”

  She took his arm as they headed to the table, and Astrid rolled her eyes at the giggling girls hanging all over the guys, stepping over legs and stripper heels to get to the liquor.

  Ash jerked his chin at me. “What’s up, man? Haven’t seen you much the last couple of weeks.” He took a drink.

  “Not much.”

  “Then where the hell have you been?”

  I played up whatever I could to assuage him. “Had a photoshoot the other day with W.”

  “Oh? Fashion or something else?”

  I smirked. “Eligible bachelors.”

  A laugh burst out of him. “Of course you did. So, that was one day. And how about the rest of the time?”

  I shrugged, not knowing what else to add because there wasn’t anything except the truth. “I’ve got a new girl.”

  Ash smiled mischievously. “Now we’re getting somewhere. How hot is she?”

  “I can’t judge her on that scale. She’s a good girl.”

  “Oh, fuck man. I love the corruption of a good girl,” he said knowingly. “What’s her story?”

  “She just moved here. Needed someone to show her around.”

  “Yeah, I bet she did.” He chuckled. “Astrid doesn’t suspect, does she?”

  “You know she doesn’t care. I’ve told her all about it.”

  He shook his head. “Astrid Thomas and all the side ass you want? It’s the dream.”

  His dream, maybe. I shook my head, amused as I sipped my scotch.

  His eyebrow raised with one corner of his mouth in a smile as he looked behind me. “Don’t look now, but Ali Banks is currently strutting this way with mischief on her mind. And by mischief, I mean blow jobs.”

  I laughed, even though I was annoyed. I’d hooked up with the actress a few times, which was plenty. Let’s just say that some actresses are always acting. I hadn’t called her in months, but for some reason, she hadn’t gotten the hint.

  “Hey there, handsome.” Her voice was silky, and she slipped her arm around mine.

  I turned to her, plastering on The Smile. At least Batman got a legit mask. “Hey, Ali.” I kissed her cheek, and she smiled up at me.

bsp; She was gorgeous — long, copper hair in shiny finger waves, ivory skin, big, green eyes, and a wide, sexy smile. She really was a fantasy on legs, a model before she started acting. But that smile was just as plastic as mine.

  Her fingers gripped my bicep. “Where’ve you been, Coop? I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  Ash raised his glass. “Hey, Ali. No, I’m good too. Great to see you.”

  Ali shot him a flat look. “Hey, Ash,” she said, sounding bored, but when she looked back at me, she lit up. “Really, though. I’ve missed seeing you. Have you been in New York or on vacation?” She didn’t wait for an answer, just kept talking. “I’ve been dreaming of Italy. As soon as we’re finished filming, I think I’ll take a sabbatical there. Maybe you could come meet me for a weekend.” Everything about her was suggestive — her eyes on me, the curve of her lips, her body pressed into my side — even if her words hadn’t been crystal clear.

  “Sounds refreshing.”

  Ali smiled, her eyes on my lips. “I’ll text you about it.” She got even closer. “So, what are you doing tonight?”

  I looked her over. Even with her breasts against my arm, her long thigh against mine, those big, green eyes of hers looking up at me hopefully, I wasn’t interested at all. She looked too polished. Too perfect. I thought of Maggie’s wild hair, the peppering of freckles across her cheeks and bridge of her nose. She didn’t even have to try — Maggie was effortlessly beautiful, unlike Ali, who looked like she’d had a makeup artist and a stylist put her together, which I was certain was the truth.

  Even more appealing: Maggie would never throw herself at a man the way Ali did.

  I smiled apologetically. “Ali, I’m here with Astrid.”

  “Oh.” She blinked and let me go, putting a little space between us just as Astrid walked up, smirking.

  “Hey, Ali.”

  Ali threw on the brightest smile in her repertoire, I was sure. “Oh, hey, Astrid. I didn’t see you were here.”


  She lasered her charm on Astrid, touching her arm as she beamed. “I saw your Barney’s ad in Times Square. So hot.”

  Astrid gave her a flat, bullshit smile. “Thanks. Jean-Pierre does amazing things with a camera.”

  Ali laughed, the sound practiced. “Please. You’re so gorgeous. I bet you even look good with the front camera on your phone.” She waved a hand at Astrid and turned back to me. “I’ve got to head back, but it’s good to see you, Coop.”

  I motioned to her with my drink. “You too, Ali.”

  Her smile curled a little in the corners. “I’ll see you around.” She turned to walk away, hips swaying.

  “Bye, Ali,” Ash called, too loud, laughing when she didn’t turn around.

  Astrid shook her head. “Shameless.”



  THE NEXT MORNING, I FOUND myself standing in the entry of the shelter between Susan and Brian, amongst a handful of volunteers and residents as our benefactor walked through the front door with her assistant by her side. And the second I saw her, my heart took a swan dive out of my chest and hit my shoes with a splat.

  She was tall and beautiful, with thick, jet black hair cut just above her shoulders, eyes sparkling and blue, just as I remembered. Her shirt and pencil skirt were tailored, lips red as she smiled warmly at us. It was a smile I was very, very familiar with.

  It looked exactly like her son’s.

  Cooper’s mom blinked at me, her smile stretching wider with recognition. “Maggie! It’s been years, how are you?”

  I smiled back, stunned as she embraced me. We’d met when Cooper and West graduated from Columbia, had dinner together. “I’m well, Mrs. Moore. It’s good to see you.”

  “Please, call me Catherine. It’s been too long. Cooper told me you were in town and looking for a job.”

  Everyone was staring at me as I stood in front of my new boss — my booty call’s mother — smiling like an idiot as my thoughts spun around like they were on the Tilt-A-Whirl.

  “Oh, did he?”

  “He did. We’re so lucky to have you. Between Cooper and Susan’s glowing recommendations, I’m just so thrilled that you’ve landed in our laps.” She turned her attention to Susan. “Lovely to see you, Susan.”

  “Hello, Catherine. We’re so happy to see you, too.”

  “I’m glad to be here. Hello, Brian, and everyone.”

  I was still smiling, barely listening as she said her hellos, feeling like a deer in headlights. Cooper had something to do with me being hired. I was all of a sudden certain of it.

  She turned to everyone after a moment. “Let’s head to the kitchen and get started.”

  I followed them into the kitchen and sat down, listening to everyone discuss their updates with my mind on Cooper, my discomfort waning as my anger blazed. I didn’t need his help to find a job — I didn’t ask for it, and I didn’t want it, but he did it anyway. He told his mother about me, maybe even called Susan. The thought that I hadn’t gotten the job on my own filled me with fury.

  Part of the reason I’d wanted the job was to get away from Cooper, and now I found myself working for his mother.

  It came to my turn, and I stood in front of a group that included my fuck buddy’s super rich mother and a very hot chef who was eyeing me like an amuse-bouche. I did my best to ignore all that and smiled through my plans for the program in a short presentation, outlining my philosophy and means to teach the range of readers I’d be working with. I hoped it was enough, hoped I’d make a difference for the children, maybe bring some sunshine into their lives after enduring so much hardship.

  Catherine was pleased, which was a relief. I realized as I sat down that I wanted her approval, badly. I tried to convince myself that it was just because she was so important to the shelter, to my new position. It had nothing to do with Cooper. Cooper who would be seeing a very pissed-off me in a few hours when I left work.

  When the meeting was over, Catherine and Susan left for a walk through while I worked on my craft supply list for the majority of the day, jaw set and fingers flying on my keyboard. I didn’t even see Brian until he pulled up a chair and set a cup of coffee next to me.

  I looked up and sighed, grateful and a little embarrassed.

  He sat back in his chair and smiled. “You were working a little hard, so I brought you some fuel.”

  I picked up the coffee. “Thanks, Brian. Is there a chance there’s liquor in this? Because that would be fantastic.”

  He chuckled. “Not this time, but I’ll see what I can do for the next round.” He took a sip of his own coffee, watching me over the rim. “So you know Cooper Moore?”

  My smile fell. “He’s my brother’s best friend. They went to Columbia together.”

  I couldn’t quite read his expression. “Interesting.”

  “Listen,” I bristled. “I didn’t know Cooper’s mother was our benefactor, and as far as I know, that fact had nothing to do with me getting this job.” I hoped, at least.

  He put up a hand in surrender. “I’m not judging or accusing. I know you’ve got the muscle to handle it.”

  My brow was low. “Damn straight, I do.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  I let out a breath and tried to relax. “I’m sorry to snap at you. I just don’t like the idea of not being taken seriously or that I got here any way but by my own merit.”

  “I get it. I mean, this is a highly competitive field full of sharks, the old charity game. Wouldn’t want anyone to do you any favors.”

  I smiled, feeling sheepish. “Well, when you say it like that, it does sound pretty silly.”

  “Nah, not silly,” he said with a comforting smile. “You work hard and want that to be your legacy, not who you know.”

  “I really had no idea about Catherine’s involvement with the shelter. I knew she did charity work, but I really only met her a few times, years ago. She’s been here since the nineties?”

>   He nodded. “She’s done so much for the city, for the people who live here. It wasn’t until she took over that the shelter really took off, expanded its reach. I’ve seen how much the people who come through here are touched, and that’s largely thanks to Catherine’s efforts.” He was so earnest, so heartfelt.

  “You really love it, don’t you?”

  “I do. It’s definitely more rewarding than being a sous chef. That was nothing but low pay, long hours, and loads of backstabbing. And let me tell you — they’ve got sharp knives.”

  “Hurts less going in, at least,” I said with a chuckle.

  He smiled, watching me for a second. “Let me take you to dinner.”

  “Man, you don’t quit, do you?” I shook my head at him, amused.

  “Not when I want something.”

  I sighed, still shaking my head. “I’m sorry, Brian. You seem like a really nice guy …”

  He sucked in a breath through his teeth and laid a hand on his heart. “Ouch.”

  I smiled. “Just friends. Okay?”

  Brian pushed his chair back and stood, smiling back playfully. “All right, all right. Duly noted.” He hitched a thumb over his shoulder. “I’d better get back to my spaghetti sauce. I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye, Brian.”

  He left me alone in the office, and I took a breath, sitting up a little straighter and laying my fingers back on the keyboard with my mind a mess. Not about Brian — once again, I didn’t feel a single thing, even as he threw his charm all over me with the subtlety of a busted fire hydrant. I swear, my brain was broken, hijacked by hormones or pheromones or some other invasive mone that wanted to ruin my life.

  I checked the time. Two hours until I would head over to Cooper’s and give him a piece of my mind. I’d been lied to, and he’d betrayed my trust — two things I wouldn’t stand for. My heart lurched when I thought this might be the end. Because I couldn’t stand for this.

  There was no way for him to talk his way out of it, not this time.


  Music played softly as I stretched out on my leather recliner in my favorite room in the entire world, reading Watchmen for the ten thousandth time.