Page 13 of In My Dreams

  “I didn’t notice any, but as of right now, his left eye is swollen and black-and-blue,” I said with pride.

  Chief Cross chuckled under his breath.

  “Did you notice what he was wearing?”

  How could I not. The picture of him was embedded in my mind, haunting me. I went back into my mind and slowly gave him the details.

  “He was wearing a dark-blue t-shirt. It was very dirty and torn at the collar. He also had on some dirty blue jeans, a black knitted beanie, and he wore black gloves, with the fingers cut out. He also had on black boots and wore a long black trench coat, at one time.”

  “Thanks, Elizabeth. Your description should help us a lot. A little more detail than Tyler. The sketch artist is with him right now. The more information we have, the easier it is on the search.

  “Hey Jimmy,” Chief Cross called out to the hall.

  A few seconds later an officer walked through the door. He was tall and slender, in his mid-twenties, with ash-blonde hair. He glanced at me then turned away quickly, as if he didn’t want to stare. That was definitely not a good sign. I hadn’t even had a chance to see what I’d looked like yet.

  Chief Cross quickly tore off one sheet from his pad and handed it him. “Run this down to the sketch-artist, before they finish, will you?”

  “Yes, sir,” he answered. He snatched the piece of paper from Chief Cross’ hand and bolted out the door.

  “Well Elizabeth, now the big question… or questions. First, what were the events that led up to your kidnapping, and lastly, how did you manage to escape?”

  I felt like Chief cross was about to bury me in a huge hole that I’d dig. Would anyone believe me if I told them that Michael was the one who warned me, and helped me get free? It was pure craziness.

  I must have been stuck in my mind again, because he had to clear his throat very loudly to bring me back. How do I begin to explain? Oh…By the way, Chief Cross, I dreamt all the events that happened to me, before they actually happened. Oh, and Michael was the one that showed me…

  It was all I had. I guess I should just tell him the truth. Crazy or not, it was my truth and he’d just have to deal with it.

  “Well,” I paused.

  He must have noticed I was stressing. “Just start from when you were taken. What happened,” he asked kindly.

  “Well --,” I began, “I’d just gotten home from the Young’s and decided to take a shower.” I left out the part about trying to contact Michael on purpose. I didn’t think that part was necessary.

  “While I was in the shower, I received a call from Lucy Crow. She demanded that I leave the house immediately. She said that Michael had contacted her and told her that the man was coming for me.

  “Was Lucy Crow still in town?” he asked.

  “No sir. She was back at her village.”

  He continued writing, so I continued. “I threw some random things in my backpack and called Emily to tell her that I’d be coming to crash at her house. On my way to my jeep, I noticed that someone was in it. The door flew open, and Buck came running out.

  “I tried to get away but he was too fast. He must have knocked me out because the next thing I knew, I was waking up and was tied to a bedpost with duct tape… my wrists, my ankles, and my mouth.”

  He exhaled loudly shaking his head. “I need to get in touch with this Lucy,” he said loudly to himself. “Tyler took us to the cabin, but he was nowhere to be found. The police are scouring the area. We found out that his real name is William Walter Roberts, and goes by the nickname, Buck. He’s mentally unstable, and we’re pretty sure that he’s wanted for murder in a few states. We are waiting to hear back from the Fed’s with more information. What you and Tyler have given us is all we have to go on for now. Hopefully the FBI can pull this guy up and send us a photo.

  He probably thought he could hide out in the Alaskan wilderness. We’re thinking that he’s probably out of state by now, but if he’s still here, we’ll catch him,” he said confidently, laying his hand on my shoulder. The Police and State Troopers are on a state wide, man-hunt for him. As soon as we get the sketch, and hopefully a photo, we will post it everywhere.”

  I could only nod. My stomach became very unsettled; knowing that the madman, the murderer named Buck, was still out there.

  “Now,” he asked, looking at me wide eyed, pronouncing every word slowly and articulately, “how on earth did you get away?”

  “It’s complicated,” were the words that escaped my mouth.

  He just stared at me waiting for a decent answer.

  “Well sir, to be honest, I already knew how I was going to get free before I even came too.”

  He glared at me with a look of total confusion.

  “While I was unconscious, I dreamt of Michael. He gave me explicit details of how I was bound, and how I was to get free. When I came to, everything was exactly as he had said. I followed his instructions and I got away.”

  Chief Cross’ face had become twisted and he was speechless. What I wouldn’t give to know what he was thinking at this moment. I knew this was something he wouldn’t write in his report. It took him a few seconds to regain his composure.

  I continued to tell him how I barely got away by breaking the man’s nose, then rubbing my wrists on the sharp piece of metal on the side of the bed post to get free, how I ran out the door into the trees with him shooting at me, and how I almost gave up. And then I went there… I told him that if it weren’t for Michael appearing to me and leading me to the road where Tyler and Emily picked me up, I would have died.

  I also told him about the dream of Michael’s death, and even though I knew it sounded far-fetched, it was the truth. The paranormal probably wouldn’t fit into police criteria as solid evidence. He could take and discard what he wanted. At least I had a peace in knowing that I told him the truth.

  He handed me a tissue.

  “Well, I don’t have much to say about that. I guess the main thing, is that you got out of there alive.” He shook his head and scratched his temple with his pen. “I can’t really use any of your testimony without physical evidence or an eye witness. You understand, don’t you?”

  “I understand, Sir. But Michael wanted me to see what happened for a reason. Just check for yourself. Check the back of his neck. Check his blood. He shot something into him, enough to kill him. Michael never touched drugs in his life. He was murdered, and it was by the same man that kidnapped and tried to murder me.” I began crying. My eyes ached so horribly, it felt like my lashes were aching too.

  “I’m sorry Elizabeth. I’ll tell you what… I will make a call down to the morgue, and have the medical examiner check Michael’s neck for any marks. Then I’ll have them send me the results of his blood work, directly.” He scribbled madly on his pad.

  “Thank you Chief Cross,” I sobbed.

  He took in another deep breath, slouched in his chair, and flipped his book shut.

  “Well, Elizabeth. That was quite an adventure you’ve been through. I’m just glad that you made it through alright,” he said patting my hand. In police terms he was probably telling me he thought I was crazy.

  He smiled, tucking his pen and pad into his shirt pocket. I returned his smile. “Thank you, for your time, Elizabeth. I’m so sorry about what happened to Michael, and for everything you’ve been through. I promise you, that we are doing everything in our power to catch him.

  “Thanks Chief Cross.”

  “You’re welcome. Now get some rest, or better yet… get something good to eat,” he said with a wink, as he exited the room. Just as he did, my mom entered with a sandwich, chips and a soda, nestled in her arms.

  “Claire,” he said tipping his hat to my mom.

  “Bye, Bob,” she replied with a grin, shuffling over to me.

  “You hungry?” she asked, plopping back on her chair next to my bed.

  “Not really,” I replied. Her timing was impeccable. She must have been waiting outside of the hall.

bsp; She looked like she hadn’t had much sleep. Black bags hung under her eyes and her hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days.

  “They’ve got some really great food down in the hospital cafeteria,” she said devouring half of the sandwich in a few bites. She then gulped down half the soda. “Did you know that if you give birth here, the hospital serves the parents a steak and lobster dinner? Not fair! Makes me think about having one more,” she laughed.

  “Sure mom…” I said smugly, rolling my eyes. “I take it you’re feeling better?”

  “Much better,” she chimed. “Honey, you would not believe the hell I’ve been through these past couple of days. First of all… I just about had a heart attack when they called me and told me you were in the hospital. That’s the thing that sobered me up instantly. Then I had thoughts of you dying. Oh gosh! And on top of that, I’ve been going through the most horrible withdrawals.

  “Oh, Lizzy… I’ve been doing some soul searching and can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am for making you live my hell all these years. You didn’t deserve that.” Her eyes flooded with tears.

  “No mom. Please don’t.”

  “Please listen,” she begged. She set aside her half eaten sandwich and took a hold of my hands. “I’ve been so selfish. When your father left… it literally killed me inside. I gave him my whole heart and he ripped it to pieces. I couldn’t deal with it. I didn’t know how to. I needed to numb the pain, and the alcohol did that for me. I was selfish, and didn’t care about anything else but what I was feeling. You grew up to fast honey, looking after me when I should have been taking care of you.”

  She brushed a stray hair from my cheek, but I didn’t say a word. We just looked at each other and cried.

  “When you moved out, it brought back horrible memories of your father leaving. I got depressed and drank even more. Then, when the police called, telling me you were in the hospital… I’d never been more terrified in my life. The thought of losing you, the only one who truly loved and cared about me, made me wake-up and take a good, hard, look in the mirror. I realized, then and there, that I’d turned into a worthless drunkard, and a horrible mother.

  “I’m so sorry honey. Sorry for all the hell you just went through, and for all the years of hell I’ve put you through. And I’m so, so sorry about Michael. I know how much you loved him and how much he loved you. He was a special young man, and I’m so sorry that he’s gone,” she sobbed. She laid her head in my lap and wept. “I love you Lizzy, and I’ll be here for you now…I promise.”

  “Thanks mom. I love you too. And, I forgive you,” was all I could say.

  She turned her head towards me and smiled. Her face shone a glimmer of hope, and lightened, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

  “You don’t know how much that means to me, Lizzy. It’s time I grew up and took control of my life,” she said tightening her lips, lost in her thoughts for a moment.

  I smiled and patted the back of her hand, hoping she would keep her promises. But I also knew it would be a very hard battle; a long and agonizing battle.

  “Are you feeling alright?” I asked, noticing that she was rubbing her temples.

  “They almost had to admit me when I came to see you. It’s those darn withdrawals. The Dr. had to give me medicine to calm my shakes, and then they gave me a sedative so I could sleep. I’m feeling a little better today, except my head feels like it’s going to explode.”

  “I guess these past few days have been hellish for the both of us, huh?” I admitted.

  “Yeah, I guess it has. At least we still have each other,” she agreed, rubbing my arm. I was optimistically happy that my mom was attempting to become sober.

  But my heart still ached every time I thought of Michael. I could picture him walking through the door with a bunch of balloons and a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

  It then hit me. Michael told me to see the good in everything. My mom wouldn’t be making these changes if none of this had ever happened.

  The nurse walked in and inhaled sharply. “Oh my goodness, I forgot your orange juice!” she apologized.

  “That’s alright, my mom brought me something to drink,” I said, turning to her. She quickly handed me the half-emptied cup. “So - how long before I get out of here?”

  “Well, if you continue to get better, maybe a few days. The Dr. will be in to see you a little later. He’ll let you know.” She continued checking my temperature, and blood pressure. “Looks good.”

  “Did I get any frostbite?” I couldn’t tell because my limbs were wrapped up.

  “Just some very minor frostbite on the tips of your fingers and toes. Don’t worry. You’ll keep your limbs,” she winked.

  “Thank God!” I giggled.

  The doctor came in later and assessed me. He wanted to keep me in the hospital for two more days, just to monitor me and make sure I was strong enough to go home.

  My mom stayed the whole day, and left early that evening. She said her goodbye’s and left for home to shower. She promised me she’d be back first thing in the morning.

  This was the first time I’d been alone…all day.

  Chapter 11

  I fumbled with the remote trying to turn on the television, when I heard laughter echo from down the hall. It was Emily. She and Tyler rounded the corner with wide smiles on their faces. Tyler cleaned up pretty nicely and looked quite handsome. The strong scent of his cologne enveloped the room, making my stomach turn. It was the same scent Michael used.

  “Hey girlfriend… How are you feelin’?” Emily chirped, skipping to my bedside. She reached over and gave me a hug like she didn’t want to break me. Her face was beaming. “We brought you something.”

  “I hope it’s something good,” I said sarcastically.

  “You know me. I always bring the good stuff,” she teased, giddy.

  “Well, what is it?”

  “Sustenance,” she said coyly.

  I could smell it. It was food, but not only food… fast food. Tyler revealed a bag of McDonald’s from his back.

  “Big Mac meal… supersized…with extra sauce, and a coke,” Emily announced like a conductor. She took the bag from Tyler and shook it just beyond my reach. I shot her an evil eye.

  “I don’t beg,” I barked at her.

  Tyler laughed and handed her the drink he’d had in his other hand. For a split second they shared a subtle exchange. A look I knew too well. A look Michael and I gave each other often.

  “Uh-oh!” I muttered, which was something I should’ve kept to myself. Both pairs of cheeks blushed with red.

  “What?” Emily scolded, looking a bit embarrassed. I smiled, shaking my head at her. Her lips turned upward, blooming into a brilliant smile.

  “Never mind,” I said rolling my eyes. “So, did you bring that food for me, or not?”

  “Of course it’s for you, silly!” Emily pulled the food tray up to my chest and arranged the spread neatly on the tray. As soon as she opened the bag, the enticing aroma of freshly fried French fries filled the room. She opened the Big Mac box and poured the fries into the empty side. She was like that… so efficient. She then plopped down at the foot of my bed.

  Tyler stood quietly in the corner of the room. I could tell he was feeling a bit uneasy. I figured I’d try to be a tiny bit cordial to him, but only because of Michael. It was extremely hard. I had to fight the urge to hate him, knowing the situation he’d put Michael in. But if Michael could forgive him…I guess I could try. But there were no promises.

  “Hey Tyler,” I said in the nicest voice I could muster, “Why don’t you pull up a seat?” I pointed to the chair that was against the far wall. He smiled, dragging the chair to the foot of my bed and sat down, looking at the floor to avoid my gaze.

  “So when are you busting out of this joint?” Emily asked, stealing a few fries.

  “Two more days,” I huffed, before shoving the Big Mac into my mouth. I could feel the sauce smothered all over my lips. Emily l
aughed and threw me a napkin. Tyler stared at the blank television screen. I grabbed the remote and flicked it on. I thought that was a very nice gesture on my part. I know Michael would be happy that I was trying.

  “So what’ve you guys been up to?” I asked, shoveling fries into my mouth.

  Tyler glanced at Emily. I could see that spark. Something was up. Emily twisted her head back to me.

  “Nothin’ much. We’ve just been hanging out, making sure you’re safe and all. They’re still out there looking for that guy.” The mention of ‘the guy’ instantly triggered something in her brain. “Oh my gosh, Lizzy! That was so scary! I like totally freaked out when we saw you lying in the middle of the road! I thought it was a dead person! I was so scared. And when I saw it was you, I couldn’t believe it! Then… that guy actually shot at us! He was trying to kill us! They have it all over the news. I’ll bet he’s in Canada or the lower forty-eights by now. They’ve got the entire force looking for him.”

  “I’m not too sure that he’s gone,” Tyler interrupted. “He’s got a lot of places to hide. I’ll bet he’s just waiting it out, until everything calms down. Then he’ll probably come for his money… and me,” he said sadly, his voice trembling.

  “Doesn’t he know that your dad is the Chief of Police?” Emily asked, with a wiggle in her head.

  “He doesn’t care.”

  “Well, he better! Your dad has a bigger and better gun than he does,” she answered, so matter-of-factly.

  HELLO! Emily was such a ditz. Tyler and I looked at each other with a confused look and then broke into laughter.

  “What?” Emily said looking puzzled. She had no clue why we were laughing, only that we were laughing at her. She crossed her hands in front of her chest and pouted. While Emily sat quiet, I finished the last of my burger, and shoved a few more fries in my mouth. As a peace offering I gave her the rest to finish off, and she accepted by piling them into her mouth.

  “Hey Emily,” Tyler asked politely.

  “Yes?” she answered, giving him a big, cheesy smile.