Page 18 of In My Dreams

  I made it to a store in Palmer that had an ATM just inside the front door. I jumped out of the car and ran inside. There was an elderly man at the ATM. He slowly slipped his card in and punched in his numbers.

  Was every old person out to end me? I mean…come on!

  What was only a few minutes seemed like an eternity. If he only knew that my transaction was a matter of life and death.

  His transaction finally ended, and he pulled his twenty dollar bill from the dispenser. Before he took two steps out of the way, I jumped to the screen. My hands were trembling.

  I could only take out three hundred at a time, so I had to make a few transactions. I checked my balance and actually had $1023.21 in my account. A few checks hadn’t cleared, but I wasn’t going to worry about that right now.

  I finished my transactions with the full thousand dollars, shoved the wad of cash in my pocket, and dialed Emily’s number as I walked to the car.

  He answered immediately.

  “Did ya get my money?” he asked in a low evil voice.

  “Yes.” He wasn’t worth more than a single word.

  “Head out of Palmer and take the Glenn towards Sutton. Call me when you reach North Jonesville Road.” He hung up the phone.

  I took a very deep breathe and started the car.

  My cell phone rang, but it was the tone I’d chosen for unknown numbers. Someone must have noticed that I was missing from the hospital; most likely my mom, or Chief Cross. I decided not to take the call. Hopefully they’d leave a message.

  It rang again... unknown number… I couldn’t get it and risk Tyler and Emily’s lives. It was better not to talk to anyone.

  The phone rang again, and my heart stopped.

  It was Michael’s ringtone.

  I grabbed it and pressed talk.

  “Hello?” I answered, nearly breathless.

  Heavy static crackled on the line, and then the call disconnected. It suddenly rang again, vibrating in my hand. I jumped, dropping the phone between the seats. This time it was an unknown caller. I’d just get it. If it was someone I didn’t want to talk to, I’d just hang up.

  I frantically dug the phone out and answered it.

  “Hello?” I said unsurely.

  “Lizzy! It’s Lucy!”

  “Oh my God, Lucy! I’m so glad it’s you!” I breathed in relief. The line had a lot of static and I strained to hear what she was saying.

  “Is everything alright? Are you alright?” she yelled.

  “I - I don’t know. I -” I hesitated. I didn’t know what to tell her.

  “Michael wanted me to contact you – (static) let you know that he’s with you (static) – Don’t go. (static) not safe. Are you sure you’re alright? Is there (static) can do?”

  “No,” I said, but she must not have heard me.

  “Lizzy? Are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here Lucy. You can’t help me. This situation - it’s too complicated. I’m on my own. Thank you for calling,” I said sadly. I was glad to hear her say that Michael was with me.

  “Do you want me to call the police?”

  “No! No! Please don’t! If they get involved my friends will die.”

  “Oh, Lizzy!” She sounded frantic.

  I knew I’d just given away too much information.

  “I’ll be just fine, Lucy,” I lied. “You’ve already done more than enough.”

  “I will say a prayer of protection for you. Lizzy, please take care of yourself.”

  “I will.”

  “Goodbye, Lizzy.”


  Michael was with me, and knowing that fact, gave me strength. He must have known my situation and where I was heading, and I knew he’d be dead set against it. I was walking into a trap, a lion’s den, knowing that a hungry, ravenous killer lived there. But Michael also knew that I couldn’t abandon my friends, and he would have done the exact same thing.

  But even if I decided not to go, and ran instead, Buck was the type of person that would track me down, just for the fun of it. I also knew that if I didn’t show up, he would kill Tyler and Emily. I couldn’t let that happen. I’d have to settle this, once and for all, even if I died in the process.

  I reached North Jonesville in fourteen minutes. I pulled off to the side and dialed him.

  “Ya there already?” he answered abruptly.

  “Yeah, what now?”

  Drive down the road ‘bout three miles. You’ll see a dirt road on the left, and a boulder with a white circle painted on it. Look good or you’ll miss it, ‘cause there’re shrubs grown in over it. Follow it till ya see the cabin at the very end. I’ll be waiting for ya darlin’.” He laughed darkly then hung up.

  “Yeah, and I have a present for you too, you damn bastard!” I yelled gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

  What I would have given to have the ability to shoot him through the phone, blasting a huge gaping hole right through his ugly face. But I had to face reality, and right now…reality sucked!

  I had to face the inevitable, but I was ready… as ready as I’d ever be. I knew Michael would be with me, and I had a feeling that he’d do everything in his power to help.

  “I know you don’t want me to do this, but I have to. You know I do. I hope you’ll forgive me if this doesn’t turn out so good. I hope to see you again, soon. I love you, Michael.” I said loudly to the air.

  I slowed down when I reached near three miles. The boulder with the white circle was obscured by brush but I found it. I turned onto what was more of a trail than a road. The Audi barely fit. Shrubs and branches screeched in high pitch, rubbing against and scratching the brand-new, white paint. But that was the least of my worries. I didn’t think Emily would mind, since I was attempting to save her life.

  I had to come up with a plan, but before I could even think, two, bright, blazing, sapphire eyes were fixed on me. It was the white wolf and he was blocking the path. I slowly made my way closer to him, but he was unfazed, frozen like a statue.

  “I have to go or my friends will die!” I yelled, not caring if he understood. He didn’t budge, so I moved even closer. He crouched down and pounced onto the hood of the car, his eyes piercing, while sharp white fangs threatened me from going any further.

  “You know I have to go. I’ll never be able to live with myself if I don’t,” I cried, our eyes locked tightly. It was as if he understood. He lowered his hind and howled into the cold air, and then bounded over the roof and off the back of the car. I slowly pulled away, watching him in the rear-view mirror; his sapphire eyes seemed to be glowing in anguish. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  Who was the wolf? Michael said it wasn’t him, but someone else watching over me. I couldn’t think of who it might be, and I didn’t have time to think about that, or anything else. I was almost there, and I desperately needed to come up with some kind of plan.

  Okay…plan…Maybe I would hand him the money and when he started counting it, I’d whip out my gun and shoot him, somewhere in the head or heart. That sounded easy enough… in fact, it sounded too easy. For me, things were never as easy as they seemed. Plus, I was a horrible shot. I’d probably hit an innocent squirrel in a tree nearby, before hitting him.

  The cabin came to view in the distance and I started to panic. My heart pounded frantically against my chest. I had to settle my nerves. I needed to handle myself first, before I could handle the gun.

  Chapter 15

  As I pulled closer, everything was exactly as I had dreamt; the cabin nestled within a half-circle of spruce trees, the smoke billowing from the chimney, and the smell of cornbread in the air. Oh god! I don’t think I’d ever get used to this déjà vu thing. It was super unnerving.

  A dark figure stood behind the front screen door. My heart raced, my stomach twisted in knots, and my mind became heavy with fog, clouding all of my plans. Every feeling I had of bravery and chivalry, only moments ago, flew right out the window. I had to refocus. I had to find a way to d
isconnect from my normal self. But right now… it seemed impossible.

  I parked the car off to the side and took in a deep breath. I grabbed the plastic bag, floating around in Emily’s back seat, and shoved the cash into it. Then, I removed the box of bullets from the jacket pocket and placed it on the floor. I wouldn’t have time to reload anyway.

  I knew I couldn’t conceal the gun in my jacket pocket. That was too obvious, so I quickly tucked it into the back of my jeans, like I’d seen the gangsters do it on TV. But I was the furthest thing from a gangster. I sighed at the thought.

  I kicked the driver door open and stepped out. I held the bag of money in one hand, and fixed the back of my shirt and jacket with the other, to hide the gun. The air was ice cold but I was sweating.

  He swung open the door and stood at the edge of the porch with his hands crossed over his chest. The swelling on his face had gone down, and the bruises seemed to be healing. Heck, I’d be more than happy to put them back on his smug, ugly face.

  I tried to take a step, but my legs were trembling. My body was failing me and I needed every part of it to be strong. I couldn’t freeze. I had to pull myself together and be ready for anything.

  The winds began to pick up, and a soft chanting in a native tongue, a sad lament, quietly swirled in the air around me. I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply. My body filled with a warmth and inner strength. Lucy. It must be Lucy.

  “Well, well, well… It’s a pleasure seeing you again, Lizzy,” Buck said coldly, breaking my trance. “Did you bring my present?”

  I wanted to yell obscenities at him, but I didn’t respond. I stood firm and fearless, for the time being. His gun was visible, tucked into the front of his pants.

  I steadied myself and walked to him, holding the bag of money out in front of me. He ripped it from my grasp.

  “Yer a good girl,” he said peering inside. I wanted to pull out the gun and shoot him right then, but I knew it wasn’t time.

  “Where are my friends? You have your money, now let them go.”

  “What’s the big rush? Ya seem to have a bad habit of leavin’ too early. Why don’t ya come in for a minute, while I go and get yer friends?”

  He was stalling. I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.

  He led me over the threshold of hell.

  “Jacket,” he said holding his hand out to me. I turned to face him, carefully slipped it off and handed it to him. He tucked his hands into the pockets. Thank God I moved the gun!

  I took a few steps back and took a seat in a chair that was next to the door. The gun jabbed into my back making me grimace, but I held in the pain. I had to be careful. He couldn’t suspect anything.

  He walked over to the stove and lifted the lid to the pot. Cornbread sat cooling on a rack. I was beside myself with Déjà vu. If everything was as it was in my dream, I knew exactly where Tyler and Emily were – down the hall, in the room to the right. But I also knew the series of events that would follow. I couldn’t allow my ‘glimpse’ to come true.

  I pictured them bound back to back, their heads covered with sacks. I tried to listen for any sounds, but it was quiet. I hoped they were alright. I hoped I wasn’t too late.

  His back was to me, so I quickly pulled the gun out of the back of my pants and set it next to me, pushing the barrel faced down into the side of the chairs cushion. I quickly concealed it with a throw pillow and positioned it so that if I needed, it would be easy to grab. I slid my finger across the side of the gun and released the safety.

  He stirred the contents of the pot and held the spoon up to his mouth.

  “Mmmmm!” he hummed smacking his lips.

  He then walked over to a small table where white powder, a razor, and a rolled up bill were laid atop. He sniffed the line of powder and then lifted his head. His eyes locked onto mine, dark and evil.

  A loud bang sounded from the back room.

  “Don’t ya move,” he said grimly, pulling the gun out of his pants, darting towards the back room. He kicked open the door and stepped inside. “Ya better behave yourself, or I’ll kill ya!” he threatened.

  Oh God! I was literally re-living my nightmare. I had to remember what happened. He’d heard a noise coming from this area. He ran out, and that’s when I heard the two gunshots. Was it me who fired those shots? It must have been, because I’d fired twice and missed. That’s what triggered his rage. That’s when he ran back into the room with Tyler and Emily, cocked his gun and fired. That’s when I woke up.

  I had to rethink my situation. I couldn’t make the same mistake twice, and rush in guns-a-blazing, especially when I already knew I’d miss two shots. I had to sit and wait until the time was perfect. I needed a clear shot; a shot that I was comfortable and sure of taking. Maybe if I did, it would change everything.

  He was yelling again. This time, I heard Emily. She was sobbing. My hands began to shake furiously. I would have to end this… I would have to take him out or he was going to kill all of us.

  I tucked my hand behind the pillow and held the gun, placing my finger over the trigger. My heart was pounding, my body trembling.

  You can do this! I chanted in my mind, repeating it over and over. I was trying to psych myself up. I could hear him banging around, yelling obscenities. He was agitated and high on cocaine.

  Then, his dark figure appeared in the hall. Heavy feet pounded as he entered the main room. His eyes were red and furious; his gun wielding in his hand.

  “Get up!” he roared, pointing the gun directly at me. I didn’t know what to do. I froze. I wasn’t expecting this. “I said get up bitch!” he yelled. He was all jacked up from the drugs he’d just taken. I knew I couldn’t make any quick moves or rash decisions, or I would die. I had to be careful, for Tyler and Emily’s sake. I carefully slid my finger off the trigger and put my hands in the air.

  “Ya got away from me once, but ya ain’t gonna do it again. And, this time you’re friends are going to watch,” he said in a cruel low tone. His eyes looked possessed. His pupils were dilated making them almost pure black. He looked unearthly, like a demon. “If ya try any of your voodoo crap on me again, I’ll shoot ya in the head,” he roared.

  I wished I hadn’t let go of the gun, but it was too late. He was already on me, shoving me towards the back room. Terror surged through my body weakening my limbs. He forced the door open and shoved me. I stumbled, falling hard onto the floor. Emily turned. She looked horrified, but relieved to see me.

  Tyler and Emily were on the floor, bound back-to-back; their mouths were taped shut with silver duct tape. We were all helpless victims in Buck’s macabre world.

  He grabbed my arm and shoved me onto a small bed against the wall. He then turned to Tyler and Emily, and stomped over to them, pressing the barrel of his gun to each of their foreheads.

  “If I hear one word out of either of ya, I’ll shoot ya in the head. Understand?”

  They both nodded. Tears streamed down their bloodied faces. He turned and glared at me.

  “Take it off,” he demanded, pointing to my shirt with the gun at my head. I started to slowly pull my shirt over my head. I glanced over to Emily. Her eyes were shut, and tears flowed down her cheeks. Her whole body was trembling.

  Tyler looked at me, shaking his head. His eyes were telling me how sorry he was. He’d made a promise… that he’d never let Buck touch me again. I could see the frustration in his tear filled eyes. His hands were turning purple and bleeding, trying to get free from the tape that was wrapped too tightly around his wrists; trying to make good on that promise.

  Buck charged me, grabbed my shirt and tore it off. I was still wearing a white camisole. He pushed me backwards, and my head hit the wall with force, knocking me dizzy.

  He was on me fast.

  I screamed and tried to kick him off.

  “NO!” I yelled, grabbing his wrists.

  He hit my face and leaned back, straddling my stomach with the gun pointed at my chest. I instantly saw my life flash before
my eyes. I turned to face Tyler and Emily for the last time. Emily tucked her head between her knees. Her eyes were shut tight, her muffled cries of terror made my heart sink. I knew she’d probably be next.

  I glanced at Tyler. His eyes were filled with tears of helplessness and horror.

  The gun barrel pressed harder against my chest. I closed my eyes awaiting the inevitable. I didn’t want his ugly face to be the last thing I saw alive.

  “Get off of her!” a voice roared, shaking the beams of the cabin. Suddenly, the air in the room went as cold as ice, and strong wind blasted through the doorway, ripping it from its hinges, crashing to the floor.

  A white mist shot straight for us. In an instant, Buck was thrown across the room like a rag doll. His body hit the wall sideways and dropped to the ground. He moaned, grabbing his back. He dizzily staggered to his feet, wielding his gun in every direction, trying to ascertain what had just attacked him.

  “Voodoo!” he roared pointing the gun back at me, rushing towards me.

  A sudden gust of chilled wind blew within the room like a tornado.

  “I said… don’t touch her!” the voice boomed. The mist appeared across the room and shot towards Buck, knocking him back against the wall. His feet dangled feet off the floor. His eyes rolled back as he gasped for air.

  I watched the mist changed from translucent into a definite form, and then... as a knight in shining armor comes to save his maiden… Michael was standing there. My heart swelled. He was statuesque, luminous and impressively strong. His right hand was wrapped around Buck’s neck, holding him off the floor.

  I turned to Tyler and Emily. Their eyes were wide in amazement, watching Michael. But unlucky Buck was witnessing the event firsthand. His eyes widened in complete horror, staring at the ghost of the person he murdered in cold blood, standing inches from his face.

  Michael was the nicest person I had ever known, but right now… he looked pissed. Beyond pissed. His eyes were blazing, piercing through Buck’s.