Page 5 of Something Wicked

  I clicked reply and my fingers tapped angrily at the keyboard before I highlighted my response and hit delete. There was no reason for me to be upset with him. He had taken the time to read it over and I should be grateful. I began to type again, a forced smile on my face, willing myself to be happy.

  Thank you for taking the time to read it. What scenes do you suggest I change?

  I clicked send and also forwarded my e-mail to Liz. Almost immediately, I received a notification from Drake’s e-mail address.

  The sex is boring. Too much fading to black. I want more detail.

  Asshole. I grabbed my coffee cup and headed out the break room so I could fuel up on caffeine and catch up on the new stories.

  But as I walked toward the freshly brewed pot, I turned left and ducked my head inside of Liz’s office.

  “Drake’s people contacted you the other day, right?” I asked as her eyes narrowed.

  “Of course.”

  “Do you think I could get that number? I want to send thanks for him giving me the interview.” And swear at him without an electronic trail that can be forwarded to my boss.

  “You have a lead?” Her eyebrow rose as if she doubted me or maybe she was impressed I was finally taking this job more seriously.

  “I might.” I pulled my mug up to my lips to take a sip only to realize it was still empty.

  “Make me proud,” she replied with a smirk as she jotted down the number on a notepad and held it out for me.

  “I make no promises.” I winked at Liz as I took the paper and headed back to the break room to fill my mug, before returning to my tiny hole in the wall of an office. My cell phone still needed to be replaced so I picked up my work phone and typed in the numbers. I knew I’d be lucky to get an answering machine let alone a real person, so I was shocked to hear a familiar voice on the other end of the line.

  “Gabriela,” he purred and it made my toes curl while simultaneously choking on my sip of hot coffee. Why did he have to sound so damn sexy?

  “Oh... um... Mr. Gibson, I didn’t expect you to answer.”

  “Who else would answer my phone?”

  “Your phone. Of course. This is your phone.” I pulled my lower lip between my teeth, biting back the string of curse words that threatened to fly from my mouth.

  “Are you still drunk? Did you call me for a reason, Gabriela?”

  “Yes. Shit. No, I am not still drunk. And yes I called you for a reason,” I looked around the room as I tried to remember why the hell I had called Drake Gibson. “I wanted to thank you,” I practically shouted as I finally remembered what the hell I was doing. Real smooth, Gabby. Real smooth.

  “No thanks necessary. Was there anything else you wanted?”

  Does everything that he says have to sound like a sexual invitation? “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.” I put my hand on my hip, ready to let my angry rant rip from my lips.

  “Really? I’m listening.”

  I grabbed my pen and began to press the button on top repeatedly as I struggled to figure out a way to let him have it when he sounded so sweet. With a dramatic sigh, I closed my eyes and shook my head. “This is a weird conversation to have over the phone.”

  “Are you asking me out on a date, Gabriela?” I could hear the amusement in his voice and it made my blood begin to boil.

  “No, actually, I wanted...”

  He interrupted before I could finish. “Next Friday at eight. I’m a very busy man so please don’t keep me waiting. I’ll pick you up. But you are going to have to pay and I don’t put out that easily, so don’t get your hopes up.” The line went dead before I could call him an asshole. Asshole.

  “Gabby,” Liz popped her head inside of my door. I clutched my chest to keep my heart from escaping.

  “Stop doing that or I will have to put a bell on your neck to alert me to your arrival.” I groaned, rubbing my hand over my forehead. “Why didn’t you tell me that number was Drake’s personal phone? Why the hell was he calling here on his own anyway? Doesn’t he have people to do that for him?”

  “That would have been a rude way for him to invite you to the after party.” The smirk on her lips had me contemplating throwing my mug at her, but I didn’t want to waste the coffee.

  “He personally invited me to that party? Why wouldn’t you tell me that?”

  Liz shrugged as she leaned back against the door frame. “It didn’t seem important.”

  “Jesus, Liz. I know I pissed you off by yelling at him, but don’t you think that would have been vital information to tell me about? Why did he want me there anyway?”

  “Maybe he likes you.”

  “Likes me? I don’t even like me after the way I acted.”

  Liz laughed as she waved her hand to dismiss my comment. “Gabby, you are a funny and beautiful woman who doesn’t put him on a pedestal. Maybe he likes that about you.”

  I groaned as I gulped down the remainder of the coffee. “I think I may have accidentally asked him on a date.”

  “You accidentally... what?”

  “Never mind. I think he was kidding. I’m not sure what happened, but the point is, it wouldn’t have been so confusing if you would have told me who I was calling in the first place.”

  “That’s true, but this is much funnier.” She winked as she slipped out into the hall, leaving me alone to wallow in my humiliation.

  Chapter Eight


  I relaxed back on my hotel bed, lacing my fingers under my head as I thought about seeing Gabriela next weekend. I hadn’t planned to spend time with her for a while, but I liked the idea of her wanting to see me. I was more than a little curious as to what she wanted to talk about.

  The things that came out of her mouth have surprised me more than once. I was hoping they would next week as well. As soon as we ended our phone conversation, I made a quick call to Liz to find out her home address so I could pick her up.

  I let my eyes fall closed as I pictured Gabriela seated across from me in a dimly lit restaurant, her long dark hair cascading over her shoulders, settling on top of her small breasts. Her eyes were the same color as her hair, melted milk chocolate pools that were unreadable. But plied with a little bit of alcohol and her real feelings tumbled from her lips. She was frustrated, unhappy with her life. We were very much alike in that respect.

  Gabriela was a challenge, an untapped volcano of emotion and sexuality just waiting for the right person to come along and set her free. I wanted to be that for her. What the fuck was I saying? I wanted that for me.

  Pushing from the bed, I made my way to the expansive hotel bathroom. I needed a release and a frigid shower after the night of endless dreams. I slipped under the waterfall showerhead, letting the water wash away my darkening desires, but they did little to dampen my need for her.

  I had several messages from Levi on my phone when fell back onto my bed. I clicked through them, each increasing with his anger, indicated by the number of curse words he could string together. He didn’t care that I was unhappy with Julia. He saw her as our lottery ticket and he wasn’t ready to walk away.

  I cared for him as much as one could for another person, but I was growing tired of him being the burden I’d drag through the rest of my life. He was like the baby bird who was never shoved out of the nest to learn to fly on his own.

  Unfortunately, that was because we were tethered together and if he fell, he’d take me down with him. That was the trouble of sharing a secret. The only way to break the bond is for it to be let out or for one of you to die. I turned my phone off and tossed it on the pillow beside my head, groaning loudly as I rubbed my palms over my face.

  I needed to figure out how to get myself out of this mess.

  Chapter nine


  I was in no hurry to leave work after the embarrassing conversation I’d had with Drake. But the ideas for my novel had consumed my thoughts and I was desperate to get my fingers on the keyboard and get it out.
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  Unlocking my apartment, I jumped, dropping my purse to the ground as the sight of Tyler startled me. He had his own key and came over as he pleased, but after seeing so little of him the past couple of weeks, I didn’t expect him to be here.

  He turned from the stove, shaking his dirty blonde hair from his eyes as he held up a spatula as if he’d been here the entire time.

  “I figured I owed you a meal.” The one side of his lips curved up into a boyish grin, but I could tell it was forced. I grabbed my purse and tossed it on the counter next to him before pressing my lips to his cheek.

  “Thanks, Ty. But I have a lot of work to do.” I kicked off my flats and pulled open the fridge, trying to decide which wine I’d like to drink. My nerves were shot and all I could think about was sharing my novel with someone else. Not even, Tyler had read what I’d written.

  “It can’t be more important than spending time with me.” His arms wrapped around my waist from behind as he pressed his lips to my neck. “Come on, babe. You’re not still mad at me for last night, are you?”

  “Of course not. Work comes first for you. I get it.” I tried to keep the bite from my words. It had never bothered me before that Tyler was career oriented. But lately I wanted something more. “My job is important too. If I’m not your first priority, you can’t expect to be mine.” I couldn’t tell him I needed to work on my book because he’d just be more upset that I was wasting my time on a childish dream. Last time I’d brought it up to him, he laughed it off like in front of his friends, leaving me struggling to hold back tears at the dinner party.

  “What’s this?” His fingers went to my necklace and my body stiffened against him. “Some other guy is buying you jewelry?”

  I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a bottle of Pinot Gris, spinning around to face him. “Don’t be ridiculous, Ty. Neither you nor any other man would pay that much attention to me. I bought it for myself.” I stepped around him, grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with a heavy hand. I gulped down the contents as he sighed heavily, settling back in front of the stove to stir the dinner he was cooking. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone and his hair was sticking up haphazardly. The dusty blonde color looked dull and his eyes were red with their honey-colored centers. I could tell he’d had a long day and it was about to get worse.

  “Well, maybe I’d do more of those things if you actually appreciated them.” With that, he tossed the spatula in the sink causing it to clatter loudly before dumping the pork stir fry over the dishes. His eyes narrowed angrily as his hand rubbed the back of his neck roughly.

  “Jesus Christ, Ty. You didn’t have to do that. I’m sorry alright. I know I am not very fair. I didn’t thank you for the flowers.”

  His eyes looked to the bouquet and back to me. “No big deal.” He shrugged.

  “Ty, I’m sorry.” But I was livid and I didn’t feel like I owed him any sort of apology. I’d never complained when he chose his career over me. He could give me the same respect. Had he not forgotten our anniversary in the first place, he wouldn’t have had to buy me flowers and cook me dinner.

  “Had you answered your cell at all today you would have known I was planning this for us.” He rubbed his palms against his eyes out of exhaustion.

  “I dropped my phone yesterday. Had you showed up for our anniversary, you would have known that.”

  His head cocked to the side as he clenched his jaw, biting back the angry retort that played on his tongue. “I’ll buy you a new one.”

  “I don’t need you to buy me anything. I’ll get one myself after I get paid.”

  “Please,” he scoffed as I took a step back from him and crossed my arms over my chest. “You can barely afford this little place and you can’t go without having a phone. When are you going to stop being so stubborn and just come stay with me?”

  “When I know we are actually going to make it.” Shit.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Ty. I just want to be sure before we make that big of a leap. I’m only twenty-four. This is all too much.”

  “Tell you what, call me when you come to your decision. Once you can afford a phone. Better yet, don’t bother. I’m tired of wasting my time.” He stomped to the door, slamming it loudly behind him.

  I sank down on the stool at my kitchen island with my head rested in the palm of my hand. My stomach panged with hunger and the smell of the spilled food wasn’t helping. Falling in love wasn’t supposed to be this hard. You were supposed to know they are the one. They should sweep you off your feet and do everything in their power to protect you. Not that I needed to be protected. I was as stubborn as I was unrealistic. Even I was frustrated with my impossible expectations.

  I downed the rest of my wine before shoving off the stool and heading into my bedroom. My laptop sat on my nightstand, open and ready for another day of work. I grabbed it, carrying it into my tiny living room.

  I curled up on the loveseat with my knees tucked under my body and began to type out Drake’s name in the search bar. The results were overwhelming. I clicked the top link and cringed as I saw a blurry picture of myself, seconds after yelling at Drake during the premiere. I clicked to enlarge the image of Drake’s body nearly touching mine. My eyes were closed and his lips were at my ear, blocking most of his face from the shot. His left hand reached out, fingers splayed as if he was going to grip my hip, but didn’t.

  I scrolled down to more pictures from last night, chewing my thumbnail as I clicked on each one to examine him. Like I’d noticed before, he seemed to be scowling in most of them. But it was the one of him sitting at his table with John that captured my attention. John was engaged in a conversation, but Drake’s eyes were locked on something just out of frame.

  I scanned the table realizing what he had been staring at would be in the direction of my table. Me. He was watching me. But why?

  I rolled my eyes to myself and typed another search into the address bar. This time I included Julia’s name with his. Julia was a different kind of person altogether. She always made sure to be photographed at the right angle, a smile always plastered on her perfect face. She was the kind of beautiful that only money could buy. I closed the images and searched articles. Last night, it almost seemed like Drake was flirting with me, but the pictures of his girlfriend were like an ice-cold dose of reality dumped over my dull head.

  Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a creature that should be living under a bridge. I liked myself and very rarely felt the need to paint my face to cover up who I really am. But no one could look at Julia without feeling a little insecure.

  I grabbed the remote and searched out one of Drake’s more popular movies, putting it on for background noise as I worked.

  Blowing out a heavy sigh, I pulled open the file that contained my story and began to type. He thought my sex was boring? Wait until he reads this.

  After typing and deleting for three hours, each capped with another healthy glass of wine, my legs ached and I was practically falling asleep on my keyboard.

  I pulled up my email and clicked on his name, snarling as his name went in and out of focus. I typed out a message using only my index fingers.

  You want hot sex?

  I hit send before sitting my laptop beside me on the stand, I went to the kitchen to eat a sandwich and clean up after Tyler’s cooking mess. It was while scrubbing hardened rice from my favorite pan that my brain seemed to catch up with my actions. I never attached the manuscript. I asked Drake fucking Gibson if he wanted hot sex and never sent the file. Holy shit.

  I ran back to my computer and ran my finger over the mouse to bring it back to life. The little icon indicating I had a new message glowed red, the color of my face I was sure.

  I clicked to open his reply with my eyes narrowed like it would somehow lessen the blow of what he had to say.

  Is that a trick question?

  I groaned, my hand covering my mouth as if my nerves might make me h
eave all over my laptop. I typed back a response one-handed.

  I’d forgotten to attach the manuscript.

  I hit send and before I could close my laptop and wallow in humiliation he replied again.

  You forgot again. Should I come pick it up or are you enjoying teasing me?

  I smiled like an idiot, hating myself for letting his words get to me. I typed out a reply and hit send again.

  I think the cosmic joke is on me. Going to crawl in a hole and die now.

  I closed my laptop and sat it on the stand, refusing to check if he’d responded.

  I curled up in my chair with my Kindle and struggled to keep my eyes focused as I read through several chapters of the latest book I was reading.

  As if the Gods had decided today I would be the ant they tortured with their magnifying glass, my humiliation was far from over. A loud knocking at my door caused me to jump. I stared across the kitchen at the thin piece of wood as I debated whether or not to pretend I wasn’t here.

  The knock came again and I sighed angrily as I pushed from my seat and made my way to answer.

  “What do we have behind door number three?” I asked to myself as I pulled it open. Drake stood only inches from me with his head cocked to the side. “Oh, good. More humiliation.” I waved my hand and stepped back so he could come inside before I stuck my head out into the hallway. “Did you bring my aunt with you too so she can tell me how horrible my hair is?”

  “Was I supposed to?” He glanced at me playfully.

  “Oh, I’m sure she will be here in time.” I closed the door and made my way to him in the darkened kitchen, stubbing my toes on a barstool and letting out a string of curses. Drake followed behind me to the living room that was only lit by a side lamp I used for reading.

  “How did you know where I lived?”


  “Of course. Fucking Liz,” I mumbled.

  Chapter ten


  Gabriela sank down on the couch, pulling her knees to her chest.