Page 29 of Carmen's Messenger



  When Lucy looked up, the others had gathered round and Walters smiledsympathetically.

  "Are you better?" he asked Lawrence.

  "Yes; we'll go on in a minute. I don't know what was the matter; feltdizzy and couldn't keep my balance. Think I needed a rest."

  "The thing's obvious," Walters agreed. "After seeing you on theglaciers, I reckon your nerve's all right, but you're not well yet andwe brought you up the last hill too fast. The exertion disturbed thebeating of your heart and a few drops too much blood sent to the brainmakes a big difference. That's what happened; it's our fault."

  Lucy was grateful for the explanation, and thought it correct, but shenoted with some concern that Lawrence did not show the embarrassmentshe had expected, which indicated that he had not recovered yet. Inthe meantime, Walters gave her a look of ironical amusement. She couldnot resent this and it seemed ridiculous to doubt him, but she did.

  "Thank you; you were very quick and cool," she said with an effort.

  Walters tactfully bowed his acknowledgment, as if he did not want topress his claim on her gratitude, and Lucy turned to one of the others.

  "Was it you who held me back?" she asked, and when the man nodded,resumed: "Of course, you were right. I might have startled him and wewould both have fallen."

  "That's what I was afraid of. Anyhow, Mr. Walters deserves your thanksmost. He saw what was needed and did it smartly."

  Then Lawrence got up, with some color in his face, and gave Walters hishand. "I expect I would have fallen if you hadn't come along," he saidand turned to the rest. "I feel I must apologize for frightening you.My best excuse is that I wasn't as fit as I thought."

  They urged him to rest and one offered to run to the hotel for brandy,but he declared he was able to go on, and they tactfully began to talkabout something else and after a few minutes let him drop behind. Hewas grateful and went slowly, with his hand on Lucy's arm. Sometimeshe pressed it gently and she gave him a tender look, but said nothing.She could not talk; her relief was too great. When they reached thehotel Lawrence went to his room, and soon afterwards Lucy met Walterson the veranda.

  "I hope Lawrence is not much the worse," he said.

  Lucy remembered the part she had taken and resolved to play it out.

  "I expect he will be as well as usual after a rest. You took a verygenerous revenge."

  Walters laughed. "After all, I was only a little quicker than the restand really ran no risk. I was behind him and he couldn't get hold ofme. In fact, I don't know that I'd have had grit enough to stick tohim if he had slipped."

  He left her and Lucy could find no fault with his reply, which sheadmitted was frank and modest. For all that, her distrust had not beenbanished, and when, after a time, Lawrence came down, she said, "Isuppose you're now satisfied that it wasn't Walters' fault you wereleft on the _couloir_?"

  "Aren't you?" Lawrence asked with some surprise.

  "No," said Lucy firmly. "I'm not quite satisfied. You see, there werea number of accidents, all leading to one result. Coincidences of thatkind don't happen unless somebody arranges them."

  Lawrence laughed. "Then they're not coincidences. Do you still holdWalters accountable for the accidents?"

  "If he was accountable, they wouldn't be accidents," Lucy rejoined withsome color in her face.

  "A fair retort! But let's be serious. I'm not sure I'd have fallenoff the log if I'd been left alone, but it's very possible. Walters'help was useful, whether he saved my life or not, and you can't denythat he meant to save it."

  "No; I think he meant to save you. Did you know who it was when hetouched you?"

  "I did. Remembering Jake's theory, I saw it was possible he had cometo push me off, but I knew he hadn't. That's why I gave him my handafterwards."

  "Ah!" said Lucy. "I was sorry when you did that, because I knew whatit meant"

  Lawrence looked at her deprecatingly. "I don't like you to beprejudiced, dear, even on my account. I can do nothing that mightinjure Walters now and can't treat him with suspicion; but he's goingsoon and, if it's any comfort, I won't leave the hotel grounds for thenext day or two. Anyhow I've rather overdone things lately."

  "Thank you for the promise," Lucy said, and was glad when her motherjoined them, for she felt baffled and wanted to think.

  She hated Walters with a half-instinctive hatred that reflection showedher was justified; but beyond the concession he had made Lawrence wouldnot be moved. On the surface, so to speak, he was logical and she wasnot. She was sure Walters had plotted to leave him on the couloir,although she admitted that he had meant to save his life when he turneddizzy upon the trunk. It was possible that he had yielded to suddengenerous emotion, but she did not accept the explanation. The fellowwas cold-blooded and calculating; she thought he had deliberately lethis opportunity pass, because, after this, nobody would believe himguilty if he found another. But he must not find an opportunity, andit was a keen relief to know that Foster would soon arrive. She hadnot told Lawrence yet; it might be better to let Foster make an excusefor his visit.

  When it began to get dark, she stood near the glass front of theveranda and glanced at her watch. She could see for some distance downthe valley and knew that the smoke of a locomotive would spread in adark cloud across the tops of the pines. The train was late, but therewas no smoke yet. It was a long climb from sea-level at VancouverInlet and in winter the line was sometimes blocked. There was noobvious ground for alarm, but somehow she was worse afraid of Waltersthan before.

  The massed pines gradually faded to a formless blur on the coldblue-gray slopes of snow. There was no sound from the valley by theroar of the river, and by and by a servant turned on the lamps. Lucycould now see nothing outside and shivered as she looked at her watch.She hoped no accident had delayed the tram.

  In the meantime, Lawrence, who was sitting near her mother, had pickedup a book, but put it down when Walters came in, and Lucy felt acurious tremor of repugnance as she glanced at him. It was a shrinkingshe sometimes experienced at the sight of a noxious insect. Yet therewas nothing about Walters to excite aversion. He was rather a handsomeman, and stood in a careless pose, smiling at the group.

  "The trouble about a pleasant time is that it comes to an end, and I'llhave to pull out to-morrow," he said. "When are you going to give methe photographs you promised, Lawrence?"

  "I'll get them now and you can choose which you like. They're in myroom."

  "I want one with Miss Stephen in it as well as yourself," Waltersreplied. "It will be something to remind me of our climbs."

  "Send the boy for the packet," Lucy interposed.

  "I think the drawer's locked; anyhow I don't want the boy to upset mythings," Lawrence objected.

  "Then I'll go with you," said Walters. "It will save you taking thepacket back and you can get ready for dinner while you are upstairs."

  Lawrence got up. "Very well; we'll go now."

  "Take the elevator, even if you have to wait," Lucy said as they wentto the door.

  Lawrence had chosen a room at the top of the building because the viewwas good and it got the sun early in the morning, but now and thenwalked up the stairs to see how fast he was recovering his strength.After a minute or two, Lucy heard the elevator start and its harshrumble jarred her nerves. The electric lifts they use in Canada seldomrun silently, and the elevator had not been working well. Lucy wasannoyed that the sound disturbed her, and imagined she had notrecovered from the shock she got during their walk. She was nervousand admitted that she did not like Lawrence to be out of her sight whenWalters was with him. She tried to persuade herself that this wasfoolish, but could not banish her uneasiness. Then Mrs. Stephen lookedup.

  "There's the train; I didn't hear it stop."

  Lucy listened. She had forgotten the train for the last few minutes,and it seemed to be going fast. The sharp snorting of the mountainengine and rhythmic clang o
f wheels seemed to indicate that its longclimb had not been interrupted. The Montreal express did not stop atthe flag station unless the conductor was warned. She felt daunted asshe realized that Foster might not have come, and she had not told hermother she had telegraphed for him.

  A few minutes later she heard steps outside; then the door opened, andshe felt a thrill of satisfaction as Foster came in with Pete. Helooked grave and rather hot, as if he had been walking fast, but it wasstrangely comforting to see him. Besides, she liked his big companion,who waited with Scottish calm.

  Foster bowed to Mrs. Stephen and then turned to Lucy.

  "Is Lawrence all right?"

  "Yes. He overtired himself this morning, but is better now."

  Foster looked relieved. "Is Walters here?"

  "He goes to-morrow."

  "Ah!" said Foster, as if he thought this important. "I should havearrived yesterday if your message had come earlier. I got it justafter the train started in the morning."

  Mrs. Stephen looked at her daughter, but Lucy offered no explanation.Foster's abruptness disturbed her. He obviously wanted to understandthe situation, but seemed to think he had no time to lose.

  "I sent the telegram half an hour before the office closed and as theagent goes early you ought to have got it in the evening," she said.

  "Then it must have been kept back. Where's Lawrence now?"

  "He went to his room with Walters about ten minutes since."

  Foster beckoned Pete. "Then I'll go straight up; I know the number."

  They went out and Lucy sat down, feeling disturbed but somewhatcomforted. It was plain that Foster shared her fears and knew morethan she did, but in another minute or two he would join his comrade,and Lawrence would be safe when he was there.

  In the meantime, Walters lighted a cigarette Lawrence gave him in hisroom and sat down to examine the photographs. There were a number ofviews of the mountains and a group of figures occupied the foregroundof several. A guest at the hotel with some talent for photography hadtaken the pictures, and after a time Walters picked out two in whichLucy and Lawrence appeared.

  "I'll take these, if I'm not robbing you," he said and waited untilLawrence put on a Tuxedo jacket, when he resumed: "Well, I suppose wehad better go down. Are you coming?"

  He went out and as Lawrence crossed the floor to turn off the light,called back: "I forgot the pictures; they're on the bureau. Theelevator's coming up and I'll keep it when it's here."

  Lawrence told him to do so. The lift had stopped between the floors ontheir ascent, and the electric light inside it had gone out, while theboy said something about his not being able to run it much longer. Thephotographs, however, were not on the bureau and Lawrence searched theroom before he found them on the bed. Then he turned off the light andwent into the passage, which was rather dark. The lamp at the shaftwas not burning, but he could see Walters beckoning at the gate.

  "He wants to get down before the motor stops," the latter said.

  Lawrence hurried along the passage, and when he reached the shaftWalters put his hand on the folding ironwork.

  "Come along; his light's out," he said to Lawrence, and added, as if tosomebody in the lift: "Start her off! I'll shut the gate."

  Lawrence stepped forward and then clutched the ironwork as his advancedfoot went down into empty space. Instead of the floor of the lift,there was a dark gap beneath him, and he knew he had come very near toplunging down the shaft. He hung over it, with one foot on the edgeand his hand on an iron bar, and looked at the black hole with horroras he braced himself for the effort to swing his body back. There wassome strain upon his right arm, because his right knee was bent and hisother leg dangled over the shaft. His hold on the ironwork had savedhim and he must use it to regain the passage.

  Next moment a hand fastened on his wrist and he thought Walters hadcome to his help. But the fellow was stupid; he ought to have seizedhis shoulder. Then the sweat ran down his face as he guessed thetruth. Walters had not come to help; he meant to throw him down theshaft.

  He set his teeth and felt the veins on his forehead swell with theeffort he made. He was in horrible danger and must fight for his life.Walters was trying to pull his hand off the bar, but he resolved thatif the fellow succeeded, he should go down the shaft with him. Butalthough his situation was desperate, he did not mean to fall.

  Then Walters' fingers slipped away, and something jarred Lawrence'sknuckles as he got a firmer hold. The brute had struck him with apistol butt and the pain was sharp, but he did not let go. Though hismuscles were badly strained and his brain struggled with numbinghorror, he could think. Walters could have made him loose his grasphad he used his knife, but the thing must look like an accident andthere must be no cut to show. The fellow had set a cunning trap forhim, but he might escape yet.

  Then he thought he heard steps, but his hearing was dull, for there wasa sound like bells in his ears and the hand fastened on his wristagain. He arched his back to ease the strain on his arm and wonderedvaguely how long he could hold on. Afterwards, he calculated that hehad hung over the shaft for about a minute.

  Suddenly his antagonist's grasp slackened and his hand was loose.There were running steps; somebody seized his arm and pulled himstrongly back. As he staggered across the passage he heard a heavyblow. Walters, reeling past, struck the wall and leaned against itwith blood on his white face. He put his hand into his pocket, but aman sprang forward and grappled with him.

  They lurched away from the wall and fell down the stairs. Another manran down after them, and Lawrence, who felt very limp, followedawkwardly. There were lights on the next landing and he saw thestruggling men strike the banisters and stop. One had his hand looseand held a pistol; his tense, savage face was uppermost. The man whohad gone down after them stooped and struck him with his fist. Thestruggle stopped, and Lawrence sat down on the steps and tried to pullhimself together. He knew now how his illness had weakened him.

  Then Foster came up the stairs, very hot and breathless, with hisjacket torn, and stopping beside Lawrence, forced a smile.

  "It's lucky I got here when I did," he said. "The brute yonder stoppedme coming yesterday."

  Foster did not remember his reply, but he got up and went down to whereWalters lay unconscious. As he reached the spot the hotel manager anda waiter arrived.

  "What's the matter? Is he dead?" the manager asked.

  "I don't know," said Foster coolly. "It will save the police sometrouble if he is."

  "But I want to know what's happened,"

  Foster indicated a pistol lying on the steps. "That's his; he tried touse it. I'll tell you about the thing later. In the meantime, you cantake him to his room and telegraph for the police." He paused andbeckoned Pete. "Go with them and don't lose sight of him until I come.He'll probably come round soon."

  "Weel," said Pete dryly, "I'm thinking he'll no' be verra sensible fora while yet, but I'll see he doesna' get away."

  He and the waiter picked up Walters, and Foster turned to Lawrence.

  "Now I'd better wash and straighten myself up. Perhaps you can lend mea jacket."

  Lawrence laughed, a rather strained laugh. "Certainly; come along.You're a curious combination, partner. I've called you romantic, butyou're not a sentimentalist when you get into action."