Page 8 of Carmen's Messenger



  It rained and the light was going when Foster sat in a window seat ofthe library at the Garth. He was alone, but did not mind this. TheFeatherstones treated him as one of the family; he was free to do whathe liked, and Alice had just gone away, after talking to him for halfan hour. Lighting a cigarette, he mused and looked about.

  Outside, the firs rose, black and dripping, above the wet drive.Between their trunks he saw the river, stained with peat, brawlingamong the stones, and the streaks of foam that stretched across acoffee-colored pool. Then a few boggy fields ran back into the mistthat hung about the hills. A red fire threw a soft glow about thelibrary. The room was somewhat shabby but spacious. Rows of old booksin stained bindings, which Foster thought nobody read, faded into thegloom at its other end. It was warm and quiet, and he found it acomfortable retreat.

  He had now been a fortnight at the Garth and did not want to leave.Featherstone and his wife obviously wished him to stay; he was gratefulfor the welcome they had given him, and felt as if he belonged to theplace. What Alice thought was not clear, but she treated him with aquiet friendliness that he found singularly pleasant. By and by hebegan to wonder why Lawrence had not written, particularly as he hadbrought away a bag of his. Foster had one like it, and as both had itsowner's initials stamped outside, he imagined the baggage agent hadbeen deceived by the F when he affixed the check. Lawrence's bag,however, had his name engraved upon the lock.

  Foster sat down in a big chair by the fire, and imagined he fellasleep, because it had got nearly dark without his noticing it when theopening of the door roused him. Looking up, he saw Featherstone comein with a letter in his hand. The post did not arrive until theafternoon.

  "Ah!" he said, "you have heard from Lawrence."

  "No, but the letter is about him," Featherstone replied, and sittingdown opposite, was silent for a few moments. His pose was slack and helooked as if he had got a shock.

  "I don't see how you can help, but perhaps you had better know howmatters are," he resumed and gave the letter to Foster.

  It was short, but Foster, who was surprised and disturbed, understoodhis host's alarm. Daly had written from Hexham, asking, or rathersummoning, Featherstone to meet him there next day, although he statedthat if this was impossible, he would arrive at the Garth in theevening. There was a threat in the intimation that it would be toLawrence's advantage if Featherstone saw him soon.

  "Well," said Foster dryly, "it looks as if our plot had succeededbetter than we thought. We certainly didn't expect the fellow wouldfollow me to England."

  Featherstone did not seem to understand, and Foster remembered that,with the object of saving him anxiety, he had said nothing about Daly'shaving extorted money from Lawrence in Canada. He now explained thesituation in as few words as possible.

  "But Lawrence ought to have told me!" Featherstone exclaimed.

  "I don't know that it would have been of much use. You see, Lawrencemeant to put Daly off the track, and if he failed in this, to fight.When I heard of it, I quite agreed."

  "But he can't fight," Featherstone objected in a strained voice. "I'dhave urged him to do so, if it had been possible. We're not cowards."

  "Why is it impossible?"

  "Don't you know?" Featherstone asked with some surprise.

  "I know my partner's in trouble; that's all."

  Featherstone hesitated, as if he wanted to take the other into hisconfidence, but shrank from doing so. Then he said with forcedquietness: "If this rogue knows as much as I suspect, he can get my sonarrested."

  "On a serious charge? I don't ask what it is."

  "It would mean a long imprisonment, to say nothing of the humiliation,"Featherstone answered brokenly, and was silent for a minute with thefirelight on his tense face. Then he went on with an effort: "I musttell you what I can. Lawrence in a desperate moment injured, I hadbetter call it robbed, a relative of ours. The boy had got intodifficulties, but hitherto, although he had been a fool, there was acertain generosity in his rashness. He was very hard pressed--I haveseen that since--but I can make no excuse for what he did."

  "He made good afterwards," Foster interposed.

  "We tried to think so, but it looks as if one can't make good. Thepunishment for a wrong done, or consented to, must be borne. Well,when I learned the truth I went to the man my son had robbed andoffered to repay him. He said he would take no money, for reasons thatI ought to grasp, and sent me away afraid, because I knew he was hardand very just."

  Featherstone paused, and Foster, who murmured a few words of awkwardsympathy, waited until he resumed; "I am a magistrate, pledged to do myduty, but I helped my boy to escape, and the man I was afraid of didnothing, though he knew. After a time, I went to him again, and hegave me to understand that he would not interfere so long as Lawrencestayed away, but must be free to take the proper line if he came back.It's plain now that he knew my son's faults and meant to give him thechance of overcoming them by hard work in Canada. At last, when he wasvery ill, he sent for me and said I could let Lawrence know he wasforgiven."

  "Ah!" said Foster, "now I understand what my partner meant."

  "This was not long before you came," Featherstone continued. "It was awonderful relief to know the danger was over, and then you told us howLawrence had grown out of his folly and become a useful man. Althoughwe longed to see him, our satisfaction was complete. Now this lettercomes, and I fear my wife is unable to bear the strain again."

  Foster was moved by his distress. Featherstone was proud andhonorable, and it must have cost him much to help his son to stealaway. Indeed, Foster thought what he had done then would alwaystrouble him, and after all it had proved useless. The worst was thathis sensitive uprightness might make him an easy victim of theunscrupulous adventurer. But Foster did not mean him to be victimized.As a rule, he was rather humorous than dramatic, but he got up andstood with his hands clenched.

  "This thing touches us both, sir. Lawrence is your son, but he's myfriend, and I've got to see him through, which warrants my giving youthe best advice I can. Very well, you must show a bold front to Daly;to begin with you can't go to Hexham."

  Featherstone gave him a grateful glance. He felt dejected anddesperate, but Foster looked comfortingly resolute. At first he hadwelcomed him for his son's sake, but had come to like him for himself.

  "No," he agreed. "I can't go; but that doesn't help us; because he'llcome here."

  "Yes; he must be met. But do you know how he came to learn about thematter?"

  "I don't, but my relative, who was interested in politics and socialschemes, had a secretary. I can't remember his name, but this might bethe fellow."

  "Then it's curious he didn't get on Lawrence's track before. Anyway,he must be met with the bluff direct now."

  "How can he be bluffed?" Featherstone asked with a hopeless gesture."He can have my son arrested if I don't agree to his demands."

  "He would first have to tell the police all he knew, and as soon as hedid this his hold on you would be gone. Then they'd ask why he'd keptthe secret, which would be remarkably hard to answer, although he mightperhaps take the risk out of malice if he saw you meant to be firm.For all that, you must be firm; you can't buy him off. He'd come backlater with a fresh demand. Would your estate stand the strain?"

  "My wife and daughter would make any sacrifice for Lawrence's sake."

  "The sacrifice would benefit this bloodsucker, which is a differentthing," Foster rejoined. "Then, even if you impoverished your family,you'd only put off the reckoning, which would come when the fellow hadtaken all you'd got. In short, he must be bluffed off now."

  He sat down and pondered and there was silence for some minutes. Ithad got dark and he heard the steady patter of the rain. He knew hehad undertaken a difficult task, and felt daunted because he could notsee his way. Still, it looked as if the happiness of these charmingpeople, and perhaps his partner's future, depend
ed upon him. If thatwere so, he must not fail them.

  "Well," he said by and by, "my opinion is that Daly thinks Lawrence ishere, so to speak within his reach, which must be a strongencouragement. If he learns the truth, he'll, no doubt, go back toCanada and get on his track. I'd like to set him searching up and downGreat Britain. There would be something amusing in his wasting histime and money, but at present I don't see how it could be done.However, we have until to-morrow to think of a plan."

  Featherstone left him soon afterwards and he stayed in the libraryuntil dinner, which was a melancholy function. It was necessary toappear undisturbed while the servants were about, and he envied hisfriends' fine self-control. These people had courage and when theytalked carelessly about things of no importance he did his best to playup. Still, although they sometimes laughed, their amusement soundedforced, there was a curious feeling of tension, and he thought Mrs.Featherstone once or twice showed signs of strain.

  When the meal was over he made an excuse for leaving them alone, butsome time afterwards Alice came into the hall, where he sat quietlythinking. She was calm, but he saw she had heard about the threateneddanger. He got up as she advanced, but she beckoned him to sit down.

  "My father has told me about the letter, and I understand you know,"she said.

  "I wish I knew what ought to be done! It's an awkward matter. To tellthe truth, it bothers me."

  Alice sat down, shielding her face from the fire with her hand.

  "You mean you feel you ought to put it right?"

  "Something of the kind," said Foster, forcing a smile, "In a sense, ofcourse, that's presumptuous; but then, you see, I'm in your brother'sdebt."

  "You like to pay your debts," Alice remarked, fixing a level glance onhim.

  "When I can; but that's not all. I'm not in Lawrence's debt alone,"Foster answered with some diffidence. "I came over here, a stranger,ignorant of your ideas and customs, and you made me welcome. Ofcourse, if I had jarred you, you wouldn't have let me know; but thereare degrees of hospitality."

  Alice smiled. "You needn't labor your excuses for wanting to help us,and you are not a stranger now. You must have understood this when myfather showed you the letter."

  "Thank you," Foster replied with feeling, and was silent for the nextfew moments. Alice, who was proud and reserved, trusted him, and hemust somehow justify her confidence. He had a vague plan in his mind,but it needed working out.

  "But we must be practical," she resumed. "Can you help? You must seethat there is nobody else who can."

  Foster made a sign of agreement, for it was plain that Featherstonecould not tell his friends about his trouble.

  "I begin to think I might; but although I haven't quite made my plansyet, I see some danger. Would you take a risk for your brother's sake?"

  The girl's eyes sparkled, and he saw that she had Lawrence's recklesscourage. He had heard his partner laugh when they faced starvation onthe frozen trail.

  "I would take any risk to save him or punish the blackmailer."

  "Very well. I rather think your father will leave things to me, and Ihave a half-formed plan. There ought to be some humor in the plot, ifI can work it out. Daly's plainly convinced that your brother's here,and I don't see why he shouldn't be encouraged to stick to his opinion.In fact, the longer he looks for Lawrence, the more amusing the thingwill get. Of course, he may turn spiteful when he finds he has beentricked, but he, no doubt, means to do all the harm he can already.However, you must give me until tomorrow."

  Alice got up and when he rose said quietly, but with something in hervoice that thrilled him: "I think you like my mother and she knows Imeant to talk to you. Lawrence is very dear to her and if he weredragged back into disgrace, now when we thought it was all forgottenand he has made a new start in Canada, I am not sure she could bear theshock. There is nobody else who could help us and we trust to you."

  "Then I must try to deserve it," Foster answered with a bow. "But whatabout your old servant, John? Have you much confidence in him?"

  The girl's tense face relaxed. "In a sense, John is one of the family,but if you want his help, you must use some tact and not expect Westernfrankness. He is remarkably discreet."

  Foster opened the door for her, and then went to the gun-room, where hefound John, who had driven him from the station when he arrived,pouring out some Rangoon oil. Sitting down carelessly, he lighted acigarette.

  "I understand you were rather fond of my partner, LawrenceFeatherstone," he remarked.

  "If I may say so, sir, I was. A very likable young gentleman."

  "I expect you know he got into trouble."

  John looked pained at his bluntness. "I heard something about it, sir.Perhaps Mr. Lawrence was a little wild. It sometimes happens in verygood families."

  "Just so," said Foster. "Would you be surprised to hear he hadn't gotout of that trouble yet?"

  "Not surprised exactly; I was afraid of something like it, sir."

  Foster knew this was as much as he would admit, but felt that he couldtrust the man.

  "Very well. My partner's in some danger, and with Mr. Featherstone'spermission I must try to see him through, but may want your help. Isuppose you're willing?"

  "Yes, sir. If it's for Mr. Lawrence, you can take it that I am."

  "You can drive an automobile pretty well?"

  "Not like a professional, sir, but now we don't keep a chauffeur Ioften drive to the station."

  "That's satisfactory. I may want the car to-morrow evening, but nobodyelse must know about this."

  "Very good, sir," said John. "When you're ready you can give me yourinstructions; they'll go no further."

  Then he dipped a rag in the oil and began to rub a gun, and Foster wentout, feeling satisfied. It was plain that he could rely upon the oldfellow, who he thought was unflinchingly loyal to the Featherstones.After all, it was something to have the respect and affection of one'sservant.