They were out early the next morning, and started for the tramway a miledistant. They passed Tom's hangar, and stopped for a moment to take alook at his machine. As they were leaving they heard his voice:

  "Going to leave us?" he inquired.

  "No; but we must go to the city to get our mail, and we are expecting atelegram," shouted Ralph.

  "Get back by eleven o'clock if you can," was the answer.

  "We'll be here, sure," said Alfred.

  "He must mean that we can have a try in the machine at that time, Isuppose," remarked Ralph.

  "I imagine that's why he wants us back then," answered Alfred.

  They covered the mile in record time. The idea of going up in a machinewas a stimulus, and they talked about it all the way, and wondered whatit would feel like to sail above the earth in a war-machine.

  At the post office they had their first disappointment, and there wasnothing at the telegraph office. They were perplexed at the absence ofnews, but consoled themselves with the thought that transportation fromthe Swiss frontier might be in the same condition as at the Westernfront, so they decided they would not remain long in the city.

  The city, containing a population of about 40,000, is located on thesand dunes. It takes its name from the old church of St. Eloi, and means_church on the dunes_. It has been in existence for over a thousandyears, and was owned by the Dutch, the Spaniards, and the English,before it became permanent French territory.

  Passing through the principal square, on their way to the terminus ofthe tram cars, they saw crowds of people moving toward the main landingplace of vessels. They followed, and witnessed the debarkation of thefirst vessel load of Red Cross supplies, accompanied by a large corps ofphysicians and Red Cross nurses.

  Fully fifty vans were taken from the ship and lined up, with theirequipments, ready for a prompt start. A number of lorries (large motortrucks), carrying beds, bedding and like material, followed, and wereplaced behind the vans.

  "Do you know where they are going?" asked Ralph, addressing a young manin uniform.

  "To the general hospital, where they will be assigned to stations nearthe front," he replied.

  "Do you mean the general hospital near the aviation ground?" inquiredAlfred.

  "Yes," was the answer.

  "Probably we can get a chance to ride there," said Ralph, addressingAlfred.

  The man overheard the remark, and quickly turned to the boys.

  "Are you attached to the flying squadron?" he asked.

  "Yes," replied Alfred.

  "Then they wouldn't object, I am sure," answered the officer, and hestrode forward. After speaking a few words to one who seemed to be incharge, he motioned to them.

  "Get in, boys," he said.

  They were quick to respond, and, after thanking the officer, mounted oneof the vans. Inside were three nurses and two physicians, who smiled atthe boys.

  "So you are going to war, too?" said one of the nurses, as she made roomfor them.

  "Yes," said Alfred, rather shyly; "we are going back."

  "Going back?" remarked one of the doctors. "Did you say 'going back?'"he inquired.

  "Well, we were with the Belgian army from Liege to Antwerp, and cameacross the northern part of Belgium with them," said Alfred.

  "Then you must have seen some fighting?" asked one of the others, muchinterested.

  "Yes, indeed; we were in the first battles of the war," said Ralph.

  The information was certainly an interesting bit of news. From that timeon the boys were the center of interest, and many questions were pliedand answered.

  "But where are you bound now?" asked one of the doctors. "If Iunderstand correctly, you are attached to the aviation corps, is thatso?"

  "Yes, we are being put up by them, and we may do some flying in a fewdays," said Alfred.

  "We do hope you will be successful," said one of the nurses. "Won't youtell us where you are from?"

  "We are from New York," said Alfred.

  "Then you are not English?" she asked.

  "Oh, no," replied Alfred. "But that doesn't make any difference. It'sjust the same as though we were English. We want to help out."

  There was a merry roar of laughter at this, and Ralph immediately chimedin with a sort of explanation: "The Germans didn't treat us right, whenthey captured us, and, anyhow, they had no business to attack Belgium."

  "Good for you," said a sweet little miss. "We like Americans, andespecially those like you who have that spirit."

  The vans covered the ground to the general hospital in quick time, andthe boys were really sorry when the van drew up before the building, butthey quickly recognized the place where they had accompanied the injuredaviators the previous day.

  "Ralph, we ought to go in and see the lieutenant and Jack," said Alfred.

  "Who are they?" interposed the doctor.

  "Why, they fell with their machine yesterday, and we helped them out,"said Alfred.

  "What was the lieutenant's name?" asked the doctor.

  "Why, we don't know; we forgot to ask for it; but maybe they will let usin," said Ralph.

  "Come along," said the doctor. "We'll find a way to get in."

  They followed him up the steps, and marched to the office, where thedoctor was greeted by many of those present.

  "Who was it that met with an accident yesterday?" he asked.

  "Lieutenant Winston," was the reply.

  "And was he badly hurt?" almost shrieked the sweet little nurse who hadaccompanied the party in the van.

  "No; he is getting along well," said the attending physician. "He oweshis life to a couple of brave lads, who happened to be near. He has beenanxious to see the boys, and has asked where they were."

  "We are the ones who helped him," said Ralph. "We want to see him; maywe?"

  "Oh, thank you, thank you so much," said the nurse.

  "Do you know him?" inquired Alfred.

  "He is my brother; may we go to him at once?" she asked.

  "I will take you to him," said the physician.

  "So you are Miss Winston?" said Alfred. "Isn't it funny how we happenedto meet you?"

  She almost hugged the boys in her joy at the news, and at her goodfortune in thus meeting the boys who were instrumental in saving herbrother.

  The lieutenant saw his sister approaching arm in arm with the two boys.The greeting was a most affectionate one.

  "I met the two boys in Dunkirk; they just happened to get into our van.We learned after we got here what they had done. Isn't it noble ofthem?" she said.

  "I have tried to find them all day," said the lieutenant, and he pressedthe hands of the boys. "Yes, I was in an awfully tight place when theboys found me; but I am all right now."

  They remained with the lieutenant and his sister for more than an hour.They had entirely forgotten their appointment with Tom. It was nearlytwelve o'clock.

  "I am afraid we shall have to leave you," said Ralph. "We promised Tomto be over at the hangar at eleven."

  "Tom Brandon; the American dare-devil?" said the lieutenant, smiling.

  "Why, yes," replied Alfred, somewhat hesitatingly. "Is he a dare-devil?"he continued, with wide-open eyes.

  "Well, he doesn't seem to be afraid of anything; I suppose he would goanywhere, if he was ordered to make the trip. Is your engagement animportant one?" asked the lieutenant, with a curious light in his eye.

  "Why,--yes,--we--we wanted to take a flight this afternoon," said Ralph.

  "Do you think they would let us?" asked Alfred quickly.

  "Rather against the rules and somewhat risky," said the lieutenant,slowly shaking his head, but his face relaxed, as he saw the crestfallenappearance of the boys. "We can get around the rules sometimes," headded.

  "Tom said he would try to fix it for us," said Ralph.

  "Then go at once, and tell him that Winston gave him permission," saidthe lieutenant. "Do you think it is safe, Addie?"
he asked, turning tohis sister.

  "It seems to me it is safe to trust boys who have been in battles asthey have, don't you?" she replied sweetly, as she arose and grasped theboys' hands. "Now, don't forget us, will you?"

  "No, indeed; we intend to come over to see you in the morning," saidRalph.

  The boys fairly flew across the broad grounds in order to reach thehangar. Their chagrin was great as they peered in to find that Tom andhis machine were absent.

  "Looking for Tom?" asked one of the men.

  "Yes; do you know where he is?" asked Alfred.

  "He's coming now, I think," was the reply, as the man approached thedoor and glanced upward. "Yes; there he is, winging it in."

  Within two minutes the Morane gave a quick dive, then flattened out andskimmed the ground, and just before alighting the nose of the machinegave a short, quick, upward dart.

  "He does that the slickest of the whole lot. That was a quick stop, sureenough," remarked an attendant.

  The machine had landed not two hundred feet from the hangar. The boyswere over without delay, and accosted Tom, as he reached the ground.

  "We are sorry that we couldn't get here in time, but we met LieutenantWinston's sister coming over, and we were detained at the hospital,"said Ralph.

  "It's just as well, as I couldn't make it. The commandant wouldn't giveme the time to take you out," said Tom.

  "But the lieutenant told us to tell you that he gave you permission totake us," said Alfred.

  "Did he say that? Well, that's another thing. I'll tell the commandant,"and, without another word, he crossed the field, and disappeared. He wasback in five minutes, and waved his hat as he appeared.

  "All right, boys; we'll have an hour's flight; how will that suit you?"he said.

  The boys were too much excited to know what to say in reply. Tom walkedaround the machine, observing every part of the control plane and thewires, then mounted the chassis, and with a wrench unscrewed the base ofthe machine gun.

  "Here, boys; we'll take this off for the afternoon; it'll give you moreroom. There, take hold of it at both ends, and carry it into thehangar," he said, as he handed down the weapon.

  "Gee! but that weighs something!" said Ralph.

  "Close to eighty pounds, I should say," observed Tom.

  "Where shall we sit?" asked Alfred.

  "You can easily crowd into the hole in front," said Tom. "Now don't getfrightened and jump out; I can bring you down easier than that. If itseems to turn over, don't mind. That's part of the game."

  The Morane was equipped with a self-starter, but three attendants wereon hand to hold the machine. They took their places and Tom turned onthe switch. Whir-r-r-r-r,--they felt the tremor of the machine. SoonTom's hand was raised and came down with a swift motion. They felt themachine slowly gain headway, and then it seemed to spring forward withhuge leaps. At first they could feel the oscillating motion of thewheels, and as the speed increased there was less jar until finallythere was no further vertical movement, and they no longer felt thewheels traveling over the ground.

  "We're up!" shouted Ralph in excitement, as he turned to Tom. The latterevidently knew what Ralph meant, even though the noise of the motorprevented him from hearing, for he merely smiled, and shook his head.

  Alfred leaned over the side of the body, and gazed at the wheels, and ashe did so something seemed to push the seat of the aeroplane upwardly.He quickly turned toward Tom and smiled. They were in the air. Howglorious it seemed to Ralph and Alfred at that moment. The feeling wasan indescribable one; they were now going up rapidly; ahead was a tallpylon, which seemed to be directly in their way.

  Ralph seized Alfred's arm, and pointed toward it, their eyes beingintently fixed on the square flag which flew above the mast, but themachine seemed to whiz by it like a streak. After passing it the machineseemed to slow down. They were not aware that the closer you are to anobject the faster seems to be the motion. Looking down at the earth theycould note an object for some time, and as they went further up and up,things on the earth seemed to pass by with less and less speed.

  The most confusing thing to them was the constant change of position.Instead of making a straight-away flight Tom circled around the aviationfield twice, going higher on each turn. The great hangar was plainlyvisible each time they came around, but it grew smaller and smaller.

  The boys leaned over the body of the machine, and scanned the earthbelow. It was too grand and inspiring for words. It was some time beforethey began to realize that the hangars were disappearing, and that themachine was now going forward in one direction. The country below was aconfused maze of narrow yellow streaks, bordered by green and yellowspots, with innumerable rows of dark green and brown bands and patches,which they soon recognized as trees, while cottages and larger buildingsdotted the whole landscape as far as the eye could reach.

  Alfred was the first to cast his eyes to the north. What he saw almoststartled him. A dark vivid green spread to the horizon, blending with apale mist, far, far away.

  "Look! look!" he cried.

  "That's the sea!" shouted Ralph.

  Tom smiled as he reveled in their joy. He pointed ahead, and the boysquickly turned. Far off, in the distance, they saw what seemed to beimmense fields of snow.

  "What can that be?" asked Ralph.

  Alfred shook his head, and gazed silently, then turned toward Tom. "Canyou make it out?" he asked Ralph. The latter shook his head.

  The machine went on for ten minutes more. Beyond the white fieldssomething else arrested their attention; great clouds of smoke wereobserved. They were not clouds, and there was no fire visible on theearth. That was the second mystery.

  "I know what that is now," said Ralph.

  "What is it?" asked Alfred.

  "Tents, tents," said Ralph.

  "Yes, and that smoke must come from the big guns," said Alfred.

  Ralph turned his head toward Tom, and raised his cap. The latter knewthat the boys recognized the nature of the scene before them.

  "That must be a battle," said Alfred, as he pointed to the great cloudsof smoke.

  "Look way over to the left," shouted Ralph. "See that long, narrow road?There is something moving there."

  "Why, that is cavalry; sure enough. See, they are turning a corner inthe road. That's plain enough," said Alfred.

  "I wonder if he is going to take us over the German lines?" queriedRalph.

  "And suppose something happens, and we are compelled to go down; we'llbe in a nice fix," remarked Alfred.

  Ralph shook his head, and glanced back toward Tom. The latter, however,soon turned the machine. As he did so a dozen or more aeroplanes cameinto view. They noticed that the machine was going toward a field wherea huge gas bag was moored near the ground. It was an observationballoon. Beyond were several dozens of flying machines drawn up in frontof the hangars. Tom circled the machine around several times; the earthcame nearer, and soon they observed a long stretch of green that seemedto invite them. In another minute they were several hundred feet fromthe earth, and they seemed to go faster and faster.

  "Whew! but doesn't it scoot now," said Alfred.

  They grasped the body of the car, while it seemed to fairly sizzlethrough the air. Closer and closer the earth crept up toward them. Theyfelt that it would be necessary to hold fast when the shock came. Thenext sensation was most peculiar; the body of the car began to rock upand down; the din of the motor had ceased, and they were riding on theearth.