LONG the oracle of the country gentlemen of the high Tory party.The ancient News-Letter was written in manuscript and copied byclerks, who addressed the copies to the subscribers. Thepolitician by whom they were compiled picked up his intelligenceat coffee-houses, and often pleaded for an additional gratuity inconsideration of the extra expense attached to frequenting suchplaces of fashionable resort.
There is a family legend to this purpose, belonging to theknightly family of Bradshaigh, the proprietors of Haigh Hall, inLancashire, where, I have been told, the event is recorded on apainted glass window. The German ballad of the Noble Moringerturns upon a similar topic. But undoubtedly many such incidentsmay have taken place, where, the distance being great and theintercourse infrequent, false reports concerning the fate of theabsent Crusaders must have been commonly circulated, and sometimesperhaps rather hastily credited at home.
The attachment to this classic was, it is said, actually displayedin the manner mentioned in the text by an unfortunate Jacobite inthat unhappy period. He escaped from the jail in which he wasconfined for a hasty trial and certain condemnation, and wasretaken as he hovered around the place in which he had beenimprisoned, for which he could give no better reason than the hopeof recovering his favourite Titus Livius. I am sorry to add thatthe simplicity of such a character was found to form no apologyfor his guilt as a rebel, and that he was condemned and executed.
Nicholas Amhurst, a noted political writer, who conducted for manyyears a paper called the Craftsman, under the assumed name ofCaleb D'Anvers. He was devoted to the Tory interest, and secondedwith much ability the attacks of Pulteney on Sir Robert Walpole.He died in 1742, neglected by his great patrons and in the mostmiserable circumstances.
'Amhurst survived the downfall of Walpole's power, and had reasonto expect a reward for his labours. If we excuse Bolingbroke, whohad only saved the shipwreck of his fortunes, we shall be at aloss to justify Pulteney, who could with ease have given this mana considerable income. The utmost of his generosity to Amhurstthat I ever heard of was a hogshead of claret! He died, it issupposed, of a broken heart; and was buried at the charge of hishonest printer, Richard Francklin.'--Lord Chesterfield'sCharacters Reviewed, p. 42.
I have now given in the text the full name of this gallant andexcellent man, and proceed to copy the account of his remarkableconversion, as related by Doctor Doddridge.
'This memorable event,' says the pious writer, 'happened towardsthe middle of July 1719. The major had spent the evening (and, ifI mistake not, it was the Sabbath) in some gay company, and had anunhappy assignation with a married woman, whom he was to attendexactly at twelve. The company broke up about eleven, and, notjudging it convenient to anticipate the time appointed, he wentinto his chamber to kill the tedious hour, perhaps with someamusing book, or some other way. But it very accidentally happenedthat he took up a religious book, which his good mother or aunthad, without his knowledge, slipped into his portmanteau. It wascalled, if I remember the title exactly, The Christian Soldier, orHeaven taken by Storm, and it was written by Mr. Thomas Watson.Guessing by the title of it that he would find some phrases of hisown profession spiritualised in a manner which he thought mightafford him some diversion, he resolved to dip into it, but he tookno serious notice of anything it had in it; and yet, while thisbook was in his hand, an impression was made upon his mind(perhaps God only knows how) which drew after it a train of themost important and happy consequences. He thought he saw anunusual blaze of light fall upon the book which he was reading,which he at first imagined might happen by some accident in thecandle, but, lifting up his eyes, he apprehended to his extremeamazement that there was before him, as it were suspended in theair, a visible representation of the Lord Jesus Christ upon thecross, surrounded on all sides with a glory; and was impressed asif a voice, or something equivalent to a voice, had come to him,to this effect (for he was not confident as to the words), "Oh,sinner! did I suffer this for thee, and are these thy returns?"Struck with so amazing a phenomenon as this, there remained hardlyany life in him, so that he sunk down in the arm-chair in which hesat, and continued, he knew not how long, insensible.'
'With regard to this vision,' says the ingenious Dr. Hibbert, 'theappearance of our Saviour on the cross, and the awful wordsrepeated, can be considered in no other light than as so manyrecollected images of the mind, which probably had their origin inthe language of some urgent appeal to repentance that the colonelmight have casually read or heard delivered. From what cause,however, such ideas were rendered as vivid as actual impressions,we have no information to be depended upon. This vision wascertainly attended with one of the most important of consequencesconnected with the Christian dispensation--the conversion of asinner. And hence no single narrative has, perhaps, done more toconfirm the superstitious opinion that apparitions of this awfulkind cannot arise without a divine fiat.' Doctor Hibbert adds in anote--'A short time before the vision, Colonel Gardiner hadreceived a severe fall from his horse. Did the brain receive someslight degree of injury from the accident, so as to predispose himto this spiritual illusion?'--Hibbert's Philosophy of Apparitions,Edinburgh, 1824, p. 190.
The courtesy of an invitation to partake a traveller's meal, or atleast that of being invited to share whatever liquor the guestcalled for, was expected by certain old landlords in Scotland evenin the youth of the author. In requital mine host was alwaysfurnished with the news of the country, and was probably a littleof a humorist to boot. The devolution of the whole actual businessand drudgery of the inn upon the poor gudewife was very commonamong the Scottish Bonifaces. There was in ancient times, in thecity of Edinburgh, a gentleman of good family who condescended, inorder to gain a livelihood, to become the nominal keeper of acoffee-house, one of the first places of the kind which had beenopened in the Scottish metropolis. As usual, it was entirelymanaged by the careful and industrious Mrs. B--; while her husbandamused himself with field sports, without troubling his head aboutthe matter. Once upon a time, the premises having taken fire, thehusband was met walking up the High Street loaded with his gunsand fishing-rods, and replied calmly to someone who inquired afterhis wife, 'that the poor woman was trying to save a parcel ofcrockery and some trumpery books'; the last being those whichserved her to conduct the business of the house.
There were many elderly gentlemen in the author's younger days whostill held it part of the amusement of a journey 'to parley withmine host,' who often resembled, in his quaint humour, mine Hostof the Garter in the Merry Wives of Windsor; or Blague of theGeorge in the Merry Devil of Edmonton. Sometimes the landlady tookher share of entertaining the company. In either case the omittingto pay them due attention gave displeasure, and perhaps broughtdown a smart jest, as on the following occasion:
A jolly dame who, not 'Sixty Years Since,' kept the principalcaravansary at Greenlaw, in Berwickshire, had the honour toreceive under her roof a very worthy clergyman, with three sons ofthe same profession, each having a cure of souls; be it said inpassing, none of the reverend party were reckoned powerful in thepulpit. After dinner was over, the worthy senior, in the pride ofhis heart, asked Mrs. Buchan whether she ever had had such a partyin her house before. 'Here sit I,' he said, 'a placed minister ofthe Kirk of Scotland, and here sit my three sons, each a placedminister of the same kirk. Confess, Luckie Buchan, you never hadsuch a party in your house before.' The question was not premisedby any invitation to sit down and take a glass of wine or thelike, so Mrs. B. answered drily, 'Indeed, sir, I cannot just saythat ever I had such a party in my house before, except once inthe forty-five, when I had a Highland piper here, with his threesons, all Highland pipers; and deil a spring they could play amangthem.'
There is no particular mansion described under the name of Tully-Veolan; but the peculiarities of the description occur in variousold Scottish seats. The Ho
use of Warrender upon Bruntsfield Linksand that of Old Ravelston, belonging, the former to Sir GeorgeWarrender, the latter to Sir Alexander Keith, have bothcontributed several hints to the description in the text. TheHouse of Dean, near Edinburgh, has also some points of resemblancewith Tully-Veolan. The author has, however, been informed that theHouse of Grandtully resembles that of the Baron of Bradwardinestill more than any of the above.
I am ignorant how long the ancient and established custom ofkeeping fools has been disused in England. Swift writes an epitaphon the Earl of Suffolk's fool--
Whose name was Dickie Pearce
In Scotland, the custom subsisted till late in the last century;at Glamis Castle is preserved the dress of one of the jesters,very handsome, and ornamented with many bells. It is not abovethirty years since such a character stood by the sideboard of anobleman of the first rank in Scotland, and occasionally mixed inthe conversation, till he carried the joke rather too far, inmaking proposals to one of the young ladies of the family, andpublishing the bans betwixt her and himself in the public church.
After the Revolution of 1688, and on some occasions when thespirit of the Presbyterians had been unusually animated againsttheir opponents, the Episcopal clergymen, who were chieflynonjurors, were exposed to be mobbed, as we should now say, orrabbled, as the phrase then went, to expiate their politicalheresies. But notwithstanding that the Presbyterians had thepersecution in Charles II and his brother's time to exasperatethem, there was little mischief done beyond the kind of pettyviolence mentioned in the text.
I may here mention that the fashion of compotation described inthe text was still occasionally practised in Scotland in theauthor's youth. A company, after having taken leave of their host,often went to finish the evening at the clachan or village, in'womb of tavern.' Their entertainer always accompanied them totake the stirrup-cup, which often occasioned a long and laterevel.
The poculum potatorium of the valiant Baron, his blessed Bear, hasa prototype at the fine old Castle of Glamis, so rich in memorialsof ancient times; it is a massive beaker of silver, double gilt,moulded into the shape of a lion, and holding about an Englishpint of wine. The form alludes to the family name of Strathmore,which is Lyon, and, when exhibited, the cup must necessarily beemptied to the Earl's health. The author ought perhaps to beashamed of recording that he has had the honour of swallowing thecontents of the Lion; and the recollection of the feat served tosuggest the story of the Bear of Bradwardine. In the family ofScott of Thirlestane (not Thirlestane in the Forest, but the placeof the same name in Roxburghshire) was long preserved a cup of thesame kind, in the form of a jack-boot. Each guest was obliged toempty this at his departure. If the guest's name was Scott, thenecessity was doubly imperative.
When the landlord of an inn presented his guests with deoch andoruis, that is, the drink at the door, or the stirrup-cup, thedraught was not charged in the reckoning. On this point a learnedbailie of the town of Forfar pronounced a very sound judgment.
A., an ale-wife in Forfar, had brewed her 'peck of malt' and setthe liquor out of doors to cool; the cow of B., a neighbour of A.,chanced to come by, and seeing the good beverage, was allured totaste it, and finally to drink it up. When A. came to take in herliquor, she found her tub empty, and from the cow's staggering andstaring, so as to betray her intemperance, she easily divined themode in which her 'browst' had disappeared. To take vengeance onCrummie's ribs with a stick was her first effort. The roaring ofthe cow brought B., her master, who remonstrated with his angryneighbour, and received in reply a demand for the value of the alewhich Crummie had drunk up. B. refused payment, and was conveyedbefore C., the bailie, or sitting magistrate. He heard the casepatiently; and then demanded of the plaintiff A. whether the cowhad sat down to her potation or taken it standing. The plaintiffanswered, she had not seen the deed committed, but she supposedthe cow drank the ale while standing on her feet, adding, that hadshe been near she would have made her use them to some purpose.The bailie, on this admission, solemnly adjudged the cow's drinkto be deoch an doruis, a stirrup-cup, for which no charge could bemade without violating the ancient hospitality of Scotland.
The story last told was said to have happened in the south ofScotland; but cedant arma togae and let the gown have its dues. Itwas an old clergyman, who had wisdom and firmness enough to resistthe panic which seized his brethren, who was the means of rescuinga poor insane creature from the cruel fate which would otherwisehave overtaken her. The accounts of the trials for witchcraft formone of the most deplorable chapters in Scottish story.
Although canting heraldry is generally reprobated, it seemsnevertheless to have been adopted in the arms and mottos of manyhonourable families. Thus the motto of the Vernons, Ver non semperviret, is a perfect pun, and so is that of the Onslows, Festinalente. The Periissem ni per-iissem of the Anstruthers is liable toa similar objection. One of that ancient race, finding that anantagonist, with whom he had fixed a friendly meeting, wasdetermined to take the opportunity of assassinating him, preventedthe hazard by dashing out his brains with a battle-axe. Two sturdyarms, brandishing such a weapon, form the usual crest of thefamily, with the above motto, Periissem ni per-iissem--I had died,unless I had gone through with it.
Mac-Donald of Barrisdale, one of the very last Highland gentlemenwho carried on the plundering system to any great extent, was ascholar and a well-bred gentleman. He engraved on his broad-swords the well-known lines--
Hae tibi erunt artes pacisque imponere morem, Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos.
Indeed, the levying of black-mail was, before 1745, practised byseveral chiefs of very high rank, who, in doing so, contended thatthey were lending the laws the assistance of their arms andswords, and affording a protection which could not be obtainedfrom the magistracy in the disturbed state of the country. Theauthor has seen a Memoir of Mac-Pherson of Cluny, chief of thatancient clan, from which it appears that he levied protection-money to a very large amount, which was willingly paid even bysome of his most powerful neighbours. A gentleman of this clan,hearing a clergyman hold forth to his congregation on the crime oftheft, interrupted the preacher to assure him, he might leave theenforcement of such doctrines to Cluny Mac-Pherson, whosebroadsword would put a stop to theft sooner than all the sermonsof all the ministers of the synod.
The Town-guard of Edinburgh were, till a late period, armed withthis weapon when on their police-duty. There was a hook at theback of the axe, which the ancient Highlanders used to assist themto climb over walls, fixing the hook upon it and raisingthemselves by the handle. The axe, which was also much used by thenatives of Ireland, is supposed to have been introduced into bothcountries from Scandinavia.
An adventure very similar to what is here stated actually befellthe late Mr. Abercromby of Tullibody, grandfather of the presentLord Abercromby, and father of the celebrated Sir Ralph. When thisgentleman, who lived to a very advanced period of life, firstsettled in Stirlingshire, his cattle were repeatedly driven off bythe celebrated Rob Roy, or some of his gang; and at length he wasobliged, after obtaining a proper safe-conduct, to make thecateran such a visit as that of Waverley to Bean Lean in the text.Rob received him with much courtesy, and made many apologies forthe accident, which must have happened, he said, through somemistake. Mr. Abercromby was regaled with collops from two of hisown cattle, which were hung up by the heels in the cavern, and wasdismissed in perfect safety, after having agreed to pay in futurea small sum of black-mail, in consideration of which Rob Roy notonly undertook to forbear his herds in future, but to replace anythat should be stolen from him by other freebooters. Mr.Abercromby said Rob Roy affected to consider him as a friend tothe Jacobite interest and a sincere enemy to the Union. Neither ofthese circumstances were true; but the laird thought it quiteunnecessary to undeceive his Highland host at the
risk of bringingon a political dispute in such a situation. This anecdote Ireceived many years since (about 1792) from the mouth of thevenerable gentleman who was concerned in it.
This celebrated gibbet was, in the memory of the last generation,still standing at the western end of the town of Crieff, inPerthshire. Why it was called the kind gallows we are unable toinform the reader with certainty; but it is alleged that theHighlanders used to touch their bonnets as they passed a placewhich had been fatal to many of their countrymen, with theejaculation 'God bless her nain sell, and the Teil tamn you!' Itmay therefore have been called kind, as being a sort of native orkindred place of doom to those who suffered there, as infulfilment of a natural destiny.
The story of the bridegroom carried off by caterans on his bridal-day is taken from one which was told to the author by the lateLaird of Mac-Nab many years since. To carry off persons from theLowlands, and to put them to ransom, was a common practice withthe wild Highlanders, as it is said to be at the present day withthe banditti in the south of Italy. Upon the occasion alluded to,a party of caterans carried off the bridegroom and secreted him insome cave near the mountain of Schiehallion. The young man caughtthe small-pox before his ransom could be agreed on; and whether itwas the fine cool air of the place, or the want of medicalattendance, Mac-Nab did not pretend to be positive; but so it was,that the prisoner recovered, his ransom was paid, and he wasrestored to his friends and bride, but always considered theHighland robbers as having saved his life by their treatment ofhis malady.
This happened on many occasions. Indeed, it was not till after thetotal destruction of the clan influence, after 1745, thatpurchasers could be found who offered a fair price for the estatesforfeited in 1715, which were then brought to sale by thecreditors of the York Buildings Company, who had purchased thewhole, or greater part, from government at a very small price.Even so late as the period first mentioned, the prejudices of thepublic in favour of the heirs of the forfeited families threwvarious impediments in the way of intending purchasers of suchproperty.
This sort of political game ascribed to Mac-Ivor was in realityplayed by several Highland chiefs, the celebrated Lord Lovat inparticular, who used that kind of finesse to the uttermost. TheLaird of Mac---was also captain of an independent company, butvalued the sweets of present pay too well to incur the risk oflosing them in the Jacobite cause. His martial consort raised hisclan and headed it in 1745. But the chief himself would havenothing to do with king-making, declaring himself for thatmonarch, and no other, who gave the Laird of Mac ---- 'half-a-guineathe day and half-a-guinea the morn.'
In explanation of the military exercise observed at the Castle ofGlennaquoich, the author begs to remark that the Highlanders werenot only well practised in the use of the broadsword, firelock,and most of the manly sports and trials of strength commonthroughout Scotland, but also used a peculiar sort of drill,suited to their own dress and mode of warfare. There were, forinstance, different modes of disposing the plaid, one when on apeaceful journey, another when danger was apprehended; one way ofenveloping themselves in it when expecting undisturbed repose, andanother which enabled them to start up with sword and pistol inhand on the slightest alarm.
Previous to 1720 or thereabouts, the belted plaid was universallyworn, in which the portion which surrounded the middle of thewearer and that which was flung around his shoulders were all ofthe same piece of tartan. In a desperate onset all was thrownaway, and the clan charged bare beneath the doublet, save for anartificial arrangement of the shirt, which, like that of theIrish, was always ample, and for the sporran-mollach, or goat's-skin purse.
The manner of handling the pistol and dirk was also part of theHighland manual exercise, which the author has seen gone throughby men who had learned it in their youth.
Pork or swine's flesh, in any shape, was, till of late years, muchabominated by the Scotch, nor is it yet a favourite food amongstthem. King Jamie carried this prejudice to England, and is knownto have abhorred pork almost as much as he did tobacco. Ben Jonsonhas recorded this peculiarity, where the gipsy in a masque,examining the king's hand, says--
You should, by this line,
Love a horse and a hound, but no part of a swine.
The Gipsies Metamorphosed.
James's own proposed banquet for the Devil was a loin of pork anda poll of ling, with a pipe of tobacco for digestion.
In the number of persons of all ranks who assembled at the sametable, though by no means to discuss the same fare, the Highlandchiefs only retained a custom which had been formerly universallyobserved throughout Scotland. 'I myself,' says the traveller,Fynes Morrison, in the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, the scenebeing the Lowlands of Scotland, 'was at a knight's house, who hadmany servants to attend him, that brought in his meat with theirheads covered with blue caps, the table being more than halffurnished with great platters of porridge, each having a littlepiece of sodden meat. And when the table was served, the servantsdid sit down with us; but the upper mess, instead of porridge, hada pullet, with some prunes in the broth.'--Travels, p. 155.
Till within this last century the farmers, even of a respectablecondition, dined with their work-people. The difference betwixtthose of high degree was ascertained by the place of the partyabove or below the salt, or sometimes by a line drawn with chalkon the dining-table. Lord Lovat, who knew well how to feed thevanity and restrain the appetites of his clansmen, allowed eachsturdy Fraser who had the slightest pretensions to be aDuinhewassel the full honour of the sitting, but at the same timetook care that his young kinsmen did not acquire at his table anytaste for outlandish luxuries. His lordship was always ready withsome honourable apology why foreign wines and French brandy,delicacies which he conceived might sap the hardy habits of hiscousins, should not circulate past an assigned point on the table.
In the Irish ballads relating to Fion (the Fingal of Mac-Pherson)there occurs, as in the primitive poetry of most nations, a cycleof heroes, each of whom has some distinguishing attribute; uponthese qualities, and the adventures of those possessing them, manyproverbs are formed, which are still current in the Highlands.Among other characters, Conan is distinguished as in some respectsa kind of Thersites, but brave and daring even to rashness. He hadmade a vow that he would never take a blow without returning it;and having, like other heroes of antiquity, descended to theinfernal regions, he received a cuff from the Arch-fiend whopresided there, which he instantly returned, using the expressionin the text. Sometimes the proverb is worded thus--'Claw for claw,and the devil take the shortest nails, as Conan said to thedevil.'
The description of the waterfall mentioned in this chapter istaken from that of Ledeard, at the farm so called, on the northernside of Lochard, and near the head of the lake, four or five milesfrom Aberfoyle. It is upon a small scale, but otherwise one of themost exquisite cascades it is possible to behold. The appearanceof Flora with the harp, as described, has been justly censured astoo theatrical and affected for the lady-like simplicity of hercharacter. But something may be allowed to her French education,in which point and striking effect always make a considerableobject.
The author has been sometimes accused of confounding fiction withreality. He therefore thinks it necessary to state that thecircumstance of the hunting described in the text as preparatoryto the insurrection of 1745 is, so far as he knows, entirelyimaginary. But it is well known such a great hunting was held inthe Forest of Brae-Mar, under the auspices of the Earl of Mar, aspreparatory to the Rebellion of 1715; and most of the Highlandchieftains who afterwards engaged in that civil commotion werepresent on this occasion.