He shrugs. ‘You don’t join The Manor if you aren’t sexually adventurous.’

  Oh, lovely. I look around the bar, which has thinned out since the band started and the upstairs opened. The people I’m sharing company with look like any other people, but they are all here for one reason and that has nothing to do with the posh sports facilities that The Manor boasts. One thing is certain, judging by all of the prestigious cars that are often parked outside – they are all very rich people.

  ‘How much is the membership?’ I ask. My curiosity is getting the better of me.

  He works his face right into my neck. ‘Why, do you want to join?’

  ‘I might.’ I say flippantly.

  He bites my neck. ‘Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, lady.’ He pulls me up further onto his lap. ‘Forty five.’

  ‘A month?’ That’s not bad.

  He laughs. ‘No, grand a year.’

  WHAT? ‘Shit!’

  He clamps his teeth on my ear and then rolls his hips into my bum. ‘Mouth.’

  I moan a little at his evident hard state. Forty five thousand a year is ridiculous money. These people must all be stupid or desperate, but as I look around, there are no particularly ugly men and women. They all look like they could get some if they wanted to.

  ‘Hey, does Kate pay that?’ I know she’s not short of a few quid, but she is very shrewd with her cash.

  ‘What do you think?’ he asks on a little laugh. I don’t know? Did Jesse waiver the membership fee because she’s my friend? Would he do that?

  Oh! ‘Sam,’ I say in realisation. ‘Sam paid.’

  ‘At mates rates, of course.’

  He applies mates’ rates for membership to his sex haven? I’m on another planet at the moment. This sort of thing is way past my comprehension and here I am, dining and drinking with these people and dating the owner. Who would have thought?

  ‘I wish you had refused.’ I grumble. Kate might be laidback, but I can’t help thinking that she is coasting towards complete disaster.

  ‘Ava, what Sam and Kate do is their business.’

  I scowl to myself. ‘How many members are there?’ I really am very interested in the workings of The Manor and the lifestyle these people choose to lead.

  He brings his palm up to my forehead and pushes back until the back of my head rests on his shoulder. ‘Someone is very nosey, considering they hate the place.’ He kisses my cheek.

  I shrug casually in a gesture that suggests I couldn’t care less whether he told me or not, but I’m surprisingly interested. It’s made him a very rich man, even if it is thanks to Uncle Carmichael. ‘I’m not nosey.’

  He laughs lightly. ‘At the last count, I think Sarah said fifteen hundred-ish, but they’re not all active at the moment. Some we don’t see from one month to the next, some of them meet people and start a relationship and others take a break from the whole scene.’

  Holy shit!

  I do a quick mental calculation in my head and come up with a whole lot of millions. ‘Is the restaurant and bar included?’

  ‘No!’ he says shocked. I don’t know why. For forty five thousand pounds a year I would want more than an open invitation to have sex with anyone and everyone. ‘The bar and restaurant are a separate entity. Some members eat breakfast, lunch and dinner here four or five times a week. I wouldn’t be making much money if I included all meals and drinks in with their memberships. They have accounts they settle on a monthly basis. Turn around, I need to see you.’ He nudges me to get up and positions me between his thighs. He brushes my hair over my shoulder and straightens my diamond before taking my hands in his. ‘Would you like to see upstairs?’ he asks, and then commences chomping his lip.

  I withdraw slightly. I know he doesn’t mean the suites, I’ve seen them, or I’ve seen one of them. He means the communal room and I’ve seen that too, but it was empty and being cleaned when I stumbled across it. Do I want to see it?

  Fucking hell!

  I bloody do as well. I don’t know if it’s Mario’s Most Marvelous giving me a bit of spunk, or if it is just pure curiosity, but I really want to be in the know. ‘Okay.’ I utter the word quietly before I talk my way out of it, and he nods ever so slightly, almost thoughtfully.

  He stands and I let him lead me into the entrance hall and to the bottom of the stairs. I gaze up to the massive gallery landing, hearing the comings and goings of people in and out of rooms. I let Jesse slowly tug me up the stairs. I know he’s taking it leisurely to give me time to retract my decision, and I want to tell him to hurry up before I do. We reach the top and start circling the landing until we arrive at the stain glass window. There are people milling around everywhere, all fully dressed, some outside rooms, some just chatting. It’s bizarre.

  ‘We need to get cracking on those next week.’ Jesse says, pointing through the archway to the extension. I can see now why he needs to. ‘Ready?’ he asks.

  He turns into me and I know he’s watching me as I stare up at the double doors that lead into the communal room. My eyes are pulled to his like the magnets they absolutely are and his deep green pierces me. He knows everything about this place makes me immensely uncomfortable. Why wouldn’t he? I’ve given him no reason to suggest otherwise, but he doesn’t seem pissed off that I clearly find his establishment sleazy and dark. He’s not offended. It’s like he almost approves of my reaction and aversion.

  He moves closer, preserving the eye connection until we are stood chest to chest. ‘You’re curious.’ he murmurs.

  ‘Yes.’ I confess without hesitation. I am.

  ‘You don’t have to be so apprehensive. I’ll be with you, guiding you through. If you want to leave, say the word and you’re out of there.’ His attempt at reassuring me is weirdly working. He squeezes my hand and I’m calmer, more comfortable and at ease, as he gives me a gentle tug towards the stairs. I kick my feet into gear and let him lead me up the stairs, my heart jumping a little harder as we get closer.

  ‘There will be various acts in progression. Some will be mild, some not so much. It’s important for you to remember that everything transpiring is because all parties have agreed. Just by being in this room doesn’t necessary show your desire to participate in any of the acts.’ He looks down and grins. ‘Not that you ever will. I’m making it my mission objective to ensure that every man knows what the consequences will be if they approach you.’ He returns his eyes forward. ‘I might send a memo out.’ he muses.

  A small laugh escapes my mouth. He probably would as well. He flicks me mischievous eyes and a soft smile and my love for him intensifies further.

  I let him lead me through the open, dark wood double doors and into the communal room.

  Chapter 23

  As the full room comes into view, I concentrate on maintaining my steady breathing. It’s hard. The background music that is overwhelming my hearing is the absolute essence of sex and only increases my heartbeat further.

  The vast room is as beautiful as I remember it, with all of the exposed beams prominent and the gold chandeliers dimly lit. The Austrian blinds are all drawn at the Georgian sash windows and that, mixed with the dusky light from the chandeliers, gives it the key element; sensual and erotic, but not in a sleazy way. I can’t put my finger on exactly why this is. How ironic that I’m surrounded by semi and fully naked people, and I’m admiring the décor.

  Fucking hell. Naked people everywhere!

  Jesse acknowledges numerous naked people as we make our way through the room. The women swoon and straighten their backs when they spot his presence, even though he has a firm hold of my hand. I feel so out of place, mainly because I’m fully dressed. I look up at him and see how unperturbed he is by the surroundings. Why would he be? This is normal for him. Unfolding before my eyes are various scenes, all of which muddle my mind, but at the same time totally captivate me. It’s difficult not to look.

  He glances down at me and smiles, giving my hand a little squeeze. ‘Okay?’ he asks, as he comes to a
stop and turns to face me.

  I nod and offer him a small smile. I look down at our joined hands when I feel him run his thumb over the top of mine. He has literally drawn all of the anxiety out of me with his touch. As I gaze back up at him, I find his eyes are watching our hands too. He continues to smooth his thumb over my skin as he turns to face a young woman, who is probably late twenties and trussed up on a heavy, wooden cross-like frame, just like the one in the extension. She’s blindfolded with black satin and her mouth is slightly agape.

  A man, naked from the waist up with legs slightly spread, stands before her, holding a crop in his hand. The look in his eyes is one of pure lust and appreciation as he slowly, deliberately traces the curves of her breasts with the tip. She’s rippling under its touch.

  Jesse’s hand shifts slightly in mine, and I look up at him, but his gaze is set firmly on the scene before us. I return my eyes to the bound woman as the man slowly draws the crop down her front, between her breasts and towards her abdomen, circling the tip around her bellybutton in meticulous, measured movements. She’s whimpering.

  I shift on my heels and Jesse flicks me a curious glance. I ignore him and watch as the man continues his decent until the crop meets the juncture of her thighs and as she lets out a loud moan, he crashes his mouth against hers to swallow her sounds. He discards the crop and replaces it with his fingers, separating her and beginning a slow friction, up and down, building up her pleasure and her moans. Her body arches, pulling the restraints that are holding her hands secure to the frame, a signal that she’s close.

  I’m sweating, feeling slightly claustrophobic, and my heart rate has accelerated further. Her partner responds to her sounds by speeding up his strokes and hardening his kiss, the sound of tongues knotting and dueling becomes desperate, and in one stifled cry, she reaches climax and her body holds the bonds rigid as he slows his strokes down to work every last bit of pleasure from her. She slumps, dropping her chin to her chest. I involuntarily gasp, and I feel Jesse’s hand squeeze mine in agreement. This is real intense stuff and I’m so surprised by it all. We’re not the only ones watching the erotic scene in front of us. It has captured the interest of quite a few people, who have gathered around the couple. I look around and recognise various people from the bar and dinner, except now they are all semi clothed or naked. You have to be bloody confident to frequent the communal room.

  Jesse tugs my hand to get my attention and I look up at him, but he just nods towards the scene. I look and find the man kissing her in gratitude. He recovers the crop from the floor and saunters slowly around to the back of her, dragging it on the floor as he goes. She is blind to his movements, but her sudden awareness is apparent as her body solidifies and she raises her head, panting. He starts to stroke her back, running his fingertips up and down the centre of her spine and then down to the cheeks of her backside. She hums in satisfaction, and I think I might have as well. I feel Jesse’s eyes on me. He heard me too.

  Oh God!

  He caresses her perfect, firm cheeks, rubbing and kneading with the palm of his hand, and he groans as she arches her back and loosens again. After a few minutes of manipulating and stroking her pert bum, he withdraws his hand and I see the woman tense.

  She knows what’s coming. I know what’s coming. Jesse’s increased pressure around my hand confirms it too, but I can’t drag my eyes away. He raises the crop and in one hard, fast stroke, he brings it down to meet one of her cheeks. She cries out, and I flinch at the sharp snap, turning my head away from the scene and into the hard vastness of Jesse’s chest. Before I am aware, his free hand is cradling my head, pushing my face into his shoulder and pulling me closer to his body. The pressure of his hand around mine increases further and I hear another crack. My hand is released and he wraps it around my back to join his other, my arms bunched up in between our torsos. I’m completely cocooned by his body and despite my surroundings and what is taking place in it, this is the most comforting place I have ever been.

  ‘This is not your thing, let’s move on.’ he whispers in my ear.

  Move on to what? Will that be my thing? I resent the exposure I feel when he releases his big body from mine, but I let him take my hand and lead me away. I hear the crack of the crop again and again as we leave the area, and I snap my eyes shut each time, holding my breath. I just can’t grasp what I’ve just witnessed. Pleasure and pain? Just the pleasure please! That part looked good, but then I remember being handcuffed myself and Jesse’s hard slaps across my backside as he slammed into me. I’m not even going to pretend I didn’t enjoy my retribution fuck.

  ‘What is this music?’ I ask as we round a corner and approach a group of people.

  He looks down at me with a smile. ‘Enigma. Is it making you horny?’

  ‘No.’ I scoff. It is! All of this is, but I’m not going to admit it, although my finger twiddling wildly in my hair is a dead giveaway. He laughs and bats my hand down as he stops me in front of one woman and three men.

  Jesse bends his body so our eyes are level. ‘Just for the record, none of this will ever happen with us.’

  I look at him and he winks. It’s bitterly endearing and I’m grateful for the clarification because I wouldn’t share him either. ‘What about the other stuff?’ I try to sound casual and not hopeful. I think I pull it off.

  His eyes snap to mine. ‘I don’t share you with anyone, Ava. Not even their eyes.’ He sounds affronted and I smile, but I didn’t mean in here specifically. There are private suites. Bloody hell, what’s got into me? I turn my attention back to the scene before us.

  A woman is laid out on a cushioned fur throw, her hands bound loosely with a strip of soft leather. Her eyes flick to Jesse’s and she licks her lips. I actually let out a little laugh at her shamelessness. Not another one? She is completely naked and her eyes are full of want as she drags her stare from Jesse and diverts it to the three naked men looming over her. She wants Jesse too and I’m certain that what I’m about to see is going to be for his benefit.

  The three men all take position, kneeling at various places around her strewn body and placing their hands on her in different positions. None of them go for the same area. They all know their place on her body. One slowly lowers his head to her breast and begins swirling his tongue around one of her nipples, bringing it to a stiff peak before sealing his mouth around her areola and sucking while massaging the mound under his mouth.

  Another man is performing the same sensual routine on her other breast, working in unison with his fellow member, like they know how best to pleasure her. The woman’s answering sighs and exhalations suggest they are succeeding in their endeavors. I can’t help my own nipples tingling and puckering as I shift on the spot, feeling Jesse’s eyes on me. I look up at him, and he quickly looks away, but he has a smirk tipping the corners of his lips. He knows I’m affected. I cringe and look back to the scene, willing my body to behave. Now the third man has joined in and is stroking and rubbing between her thighs.

  Oh hell!

  The slickness of her is making his fingers slide with ease over the outer edges of her entrance. He withdraws his hand to reach up and run his wet fingers across her bottom lip, and her tongue darts out, lapping up the wetness. His fingers fall to her chin and then begin a slow trail down the centre of her body before reaching her sex. She bucks in response to his touch, letting out a cry of frustration as he removes his hand. He lays his free arm across her stomach to prevent her movements and then plunges two fingers into her, smiling at her attempts to struggle free.

  I’m watching, completely rapt, as she laps up the attention with intermittent moans, telling them they are making her a very happy woman, and I’m shocked to feel hugely turned on. She is being showered with attention from these men and their only pleasure is her pleasure.

  I know Jesse’s eyes are on me again, I can’t look at him.

  Just then, the guy at her thighs nods to the two men on her breasts – a silent signal – and they all release
her from their touch. She yells at the loss of contact, but then cries out as her legs are pushed up, her knees apart and a mouth is slammed on her swelling folds. I cross my legs as I stand, then feel Jesse’s hand relax around mine before squeezing hard.

  Another of the men takes her mouth in a greedy claim while the last man goes back to her breasts. His hands cup both mounds, teasing and petting, while his tongue runs a trail between them, before he finally divides the attention of his tongue between each one at steady interludes. Each of the men frequently gaze up to her face and each time they are rewarded with a look of pure satisfaction, which seems to embolden them. She is being worshipped by three magnificent males and you would have to be a nun for it not to turn you on.

  Swiftly, her body noticeably tenses – a visual display that she is about to orgasm. I tense on the spot too. The attention increases as they get the signal she is close and everything suddenly becomes urgent. The man at her mouth catches her moans with his hard kiss and her knees spread further to give the man between her thighs better access. They’re working as a team, building her up for explosion.

  And then she falls apart on a loud cry that is only slightly stifled by one male’s mouth. They work her through her orgasm, slowing the friction and speed of their strokes and licks. She relaxes and goes quiet as the men return to gently caressing her body with their mouths and hands. The man at her mouth releases her lips and reaches up to unbind her hands from the leather bond. He smiles as she rubs her wrists lightly and after a few minutes, she stretches out on the fur throw, her actions symbolic of satisfaction personified, and her gaze falls on Jesse again.

  I shake my head in disbelief. Does she want to stand up and take a bow? Despite her brashness, though, it was pretty incredible and I was enthralled, but now I’ve got the inevitable niggling feeling of inadequacy. Jesse has been up here, he has done these things and he has done it with plenty of woman, some of which are in this room. How many and to what extent? I suddenly feel the flex of Jesse’s hand between mine and realise that I have a vice hold on him. I gaze up at him and loosen my grip.