I’m sure this happens, though maybe more on a subconscious level than an overt one. I don’t recall specific instances of me having to change a significant plot point because of the way a character is “acting.” I’m more likely to adapt the way a character is acting to the plot.
What character in this book did you most identify with and why?
That’s a tough one! To write believable characters you have to get into their skin to a certain extent, and understand their point of view. I would say I understand part of each of their characters: Cecily’s need to please; Franny’s wish to be loved; and Kate’s desire to run.
You practice law in Montreal. How do you manage to find the time to fit in writing, and how do you think your work as a litigator complements your work as a writer?
As a lawyer you need to be organized and efficient, and both of these characteristics help my writing and give me the time to do it. I mostly write on the weekends and vacations these days. The first third of this book (rough draft) was mostly written in a week while I was skiing in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The last third in two weeks while I was on Christmas vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The middle took all the time in between.
What is the greatest influence on your writing?
Reading and watching great books and television shows. Being surrounded by great writing is key. For instance, shows like Gilmore Girls, Felicity, The West Wing, and of course The Wire are great places to learn characterization and dialogue. Early favorite books of mine include the Anne of Green Gables books, the Little House on the Prairie series, and the works of Frances Hodgson Burnett. I spent my teen years reading Stephen King and murder mysteries like Agatha Christie and Rex Stout. I found Jane Austen in my early twenties. And now I have individual love affairs with books like The Fault in Our Stars, The Night Circus, and The Time Traveler’s Wife.
CATHERINE McKENZIE’s novels—Fractured, Smoke, Hidden, Forgotten, Arranged, and Spin—are all bestsellers and have been translated into numerous languages. Catherine practices law in Montreal, where she was born and raised. Visit her online at www.catherinemckenzie.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/catherinemckenzieauthor, and on Twitter or Instagram at @CEMcKenzie1.
The Murder Game (writing as Julie Apple)
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Copyright © 2018 by Catherine McKenzie
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
McKenzie, Catherine, author The good liar / by Catherine McKenzie. Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-1-5011-7856-6 (softcover). —ISBN 978-1-5011-7858-0 (ebook)
I. Title.
PS8625.K4395G66 2018 C813’.6 C2017-904195-9 C2017-904196-7
ISBN 978-1-5011-7856-6
ISBN 978-1-5011-7858-0 (ebook)
Catherine McKenzie, The Good Liar
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