Scarcely had the sun risen above the sandy horizon when Jim and AliKumar rode from the oasis mounted upon two of the fleetest camels whichthe expedition possessed. They carried upon their saddles sufficientfood and water to last them for a week, while each had a rifle andabundance of ammunition. Turning their faces toward the south, theyurged their beasts into a long swinging trot, and sailed away over thedesert with the cheers of their comrades ringing in their ears.
"Before we return I hope to have obtained full news of my father," saidJim, as they swept along. "If I find that he is only slightly guarded, Ishall take advantage of some dark night and try to reach him, and if weget him to the camp, the Mullah may do as he likes, but I defy him tocapture us, for our position there is remarkably strong."
"During the daytime the attempt will be hopeless," answered Ali Kumarthoughtfully. "But, master, I tremble to think of the consequencesduring the night, for we are few, and they would be many. Creeping up tous, they would rush upon us before we were prepared, and then nothingcould save the expedition."
"We shall see about that," exclaimed Jim doggedly. "It seems to me thatif we were to light big fires round our square, we ought to be able tokeep the enemy out. But I agree with you, it would be a hard matter, andcould not be accomplished without fighting. And now for ourselves. Arewe likely to strike the Mullah's camp if we push on in this direction?"
"I cannot say for certain," responded Ali. "But you will remember thatthe tribesmen informed us that the white prisoner was some thirty milessouth of the Hoad. If that is the case, we should be nearer the Mullahby nightfall. By that time it will be advisable to find some spot inwhich we can safely hide. Then, on the following day, we can sally out,and, pretending to be peaceful peasants, try to ascertain news of yourfather."
"It sounds a good plan, Ali, but you must recollect that I am ignorantof the language. That being the case, it may be necessary for me toremain hidden while you go out, though when the time for rescue comes, Iinsist upon taking a full share in the matter."
An hour after they had set out from the oasis the two riders enteredupon a stretch of country which differed vastly from that which they hadjust left, for it was thickly clad with a carpet of fresh green, and wasdotted everywhere with bushes and trees, and in parts with huge massesof foliage which showed the position of a forest. But nowhere was therea habitation visible, and not a native was to be seen. Half a milefarther on, however, was a large pool of water, from which the rays ofthe sun were reflected with dazzling brilliancy; and to this they atonce rode, following one of the many paths that had been worn throughthe bush in all directions by wild animals.
"Half an hour's halt here, and then on we go," said Jim. "How thankful Iam that this is the cool season, and that the heat of the sun is not toogreat to prevent our marching during the day."
"It is fortunate, master," answered Ali, "for less than three monthshence the journey which we have already accomplished would have had tosatisfy us until nightfall. Then only could we have ventured to startforward again, for at the time of noon the glare and strength of the sunare so great that even a native prefers the shade, and loves to liethere and sleep. But now we need have no fears of sunstroke, and canride on. Our beasts are in the finest condition, and we can rely uponthem to carry us the remaining thirty miles with the utmost ease.To-morrow, if necessary, they will bear us back again with the samecertainty, for these are picked animals, and are worth some thirty ofthe common kind. But I shall prepare food, so that we may eat now andthen pass on without halting."
Taking the rough bits from the mouths of the camels, Ali led them to thewater and allowed them to drink. Then he picketed them in the centre ofa patch of luxuriant grass, and left them there to graze to theirhearts' content, while he returned to help Jim with the meal. Alreadythe latter had a cheery fire burning, and was toasting two large juicysteaks of deer-flesh over it. When they were ready, and the waterboiling, both sat down beside the embers, there being no ceremonybetween master and man. Indeed, looking at them there, a stranger wouldhave been troubled to tell the difference between these two Somalinatives, for both had dusky features and dark hair, while their gestureswere apparently the same. A closer inspection, however, would have shownhim that the younger of the two could find no comfort in the squattingattitude of which the natives are fond, and preferred to lie upon theground reclining upon his elbow. Then, again, he ate more daintily, anddrank from his tin mug as if he had been accustomed to better things.But what was remarkable about the two was the fact that each possessed arifle of modern workmanship, while Jim had a pair of revolvers, the buttof one of which peeped from beneath his clothing.
Their meal finished, Ali took from a pouch which dangled about his necka pinch of tobacco, and securing it in the hollow of his hand, proceededto roll a cigarette. Surely this was a strange thing for a native inthis wild part of the country to do! True, many followers of the Mullahindulged in the smoking habit, but none knew of the cigarette. Ali,however, had learnt the art at Berbera, and, indeed, behaved more like acivilized individual than any native that Jim had as yet seen.
"I am a Christian and can sit at meat with my master, when he wills," hehad said some days before. "Therefore, should it fall out that you and Iride away together, there will be no trouble on that score, though withany other of your followers difficulties would arise, for they could noteat with you, while to drink from the same vessel would be an insult totheir religion."
Having finished his cigarette, Ali sprang to his feet, and soon theywere on their way again. Riding across an undulating country, they atlength reached a part which was studded with hills, and upon ascendingto the summit of one of these, both came suddenly to a halt, and uttereda cry of satisfaction.
"Back, master!" cried Ali in alarm, a second later. "Dismount from yourcamel, and cause him to kneel, then creep forward with me, and lie fulllength among the bushes, for, were we to ascend to the sky-line, ourfigures would be seen at once. There, look!" he continued a momentlater, as they threw themselves upon the grass and stared into thevalley beyond. "You can see the mud huts which the Mullah's followersoccupy, and there are his herds."
Stretching his arm before him, Ali pointed down the farther slope of thehill into a long winding depression, down the centre of which ran abroad stream of water. Following his finger, Jim saw some hundreds oflow mud hovels, nestling close to the bank of the river, and so clearwas the atmosphere that he was able to distinguish numerous figuresmoving about, while herds of camels, sheep, and horses were visibleeverywhere.
"What is that?" he suddenly asked, pointing in his turn to a dark massin the centre of the valley. "It looks to me as though there werehorsemen there, but I shall soon tell you, for I have brought my glasseswith me."
Hastily withdrawing his field-glasses from the case, he raised them tohis eyes and looked long and carefully towards the object which he haddiscovered.
"It is the Mullah's army," he said in an excited whisper, as if hefeared that the ordinary tones of his voice would be overheard at thatdistance, and so alarm the enemy. "I can see a host of horsemen, andmore than three times as many men on foot. And--yes, there is someoneriding in front of them, who must be the Mullah."
The sight at which he gazed filled Jim with a feeling of excitement, fornow, at last, he was within touch of his goal. There, below him, was theman to whom his father was a slave, and there, careering up the valley,were a portion of the following who might even then be on their way toattack the foolhardy Englishman who had come in quest of the prisoner.Could Jim have read the thoughts of that tall man who so proudly rodehis charger in front of the gathering of warriors below, he would havelearned something that intimately concerned himself. As he sat hishorse there before his following, his face was turned in the directionfrom which Jim and Ali had come, and his mind was engaged with the newswhich had come to his ears two or three days before.
"An insolent Englishman has dared
to cross the Hoad," he was murmuringto himself. "His purpose, as told me by the spy, is to rescue one of mybeggarly prisoners. Let him beware. Before many hours have passed I willslay his whole following, and he, too, shall find himself a slave."
Turning his horse with a touch of his heel, the Mullah held his handabove his head and arrested the progress of his following. Then spurringclose up to them, he gave them their orders, and stood by as theymarched away.
"I wonder where they are bound for?" said Jim, as he watched themovement through his glasses. "Their heads were turned towards thenorth, and it looks as though they were bent upon a journey which wouldtake some time, for camels laden with baggage are accompanying them,while some followers are driving a small herd of sheep and cattle. Ihope it does not mean that they have discovered our camp, and aremarching to attack it."
"I cannot say, master," answered Ali thoughtfully. "But their movementlooks suspicious. However, should they have gained news of our coming,it will be only as I have expected all along, for how could we hope toenter the country of this man without being discovered, when spiesabound, and when news may even have been sent from Berbera? Besides,what of the traitor who induced the tribesmen to attack us? He had fled,so said their messenger, but where or how he did not mention. Perhaps hetook advantage of the confusion to steal a camel, and with that to helphim, crossed the Hoad, knowing that he would be welcome to the Mullah.If that is the case, we have trouble before us, and perhaps it would bebetter for us to retire at once, so as to rejoin our companions."
"I think not," answered Jim promptly. "If those fellows down there arebound for our camp, we can do no possible good by returning to ourfriends, for we should only make a small addition to their numbers. No,when we set out for this part, we did so with the full knowledge thatthe camp in the oasis might have to defend itself at any moment. Weplaced my comrade in charge, trusting to him to keep the enemy out, andwe must not allow this to break our faith in him and our followers. Letus leave them to do their work while we complete ours. When you come tothink of it, the movement of those men below is probably the best thingthat could have happened, that is, supposing they are not successful intheir attack, as I firmly believe will be the case; for, knowing thathis followers have gone to intercept us, the Mullah will never suspectthat two of our expedition have detached themselves from the main body,and are already in touch with his camp. He and those of his men whoremain with him will have no fear of a surprise of any sort, and willtherefore neglect all precautions. What could be more advantageous toour cause?"
"It is a fine argument," replied Ali Kumar, after a long pause, "and Ibelieve you have seen this matter in the right light. As you say, tolose faith now in our friends would be foolish. If they are attacked, asI think is more than probable, they must trust to themselves, and liveor fall according to their ability. Meanwhile we have a chance which maynever occur again. Therefore, master, while you keep your glasses fixedupon the Mullah's following, I shall leave you for a time and searchfor a hiding-place. When I have found it I shall return, and then weshall make our way down to the camels."
Accordingly Ali turned and descended the hill, leaving Jim stretched outupon the summit, with his eyes fixed upon the distant warriors. In halfan hour the Mullah's expedition had disappeared behind an elevation, andJim at once turned his glasses upon the solitary horseman who hadwatched them depart. He saw him put his horse into a furious gallop, andhead him towards the collection of mud hovels. Then he watched as therider pulled in his animal, and threw himself from the saddle. At thismoment a native ran out and took the reins from him, while the Mullahstrode into the midst of the camp. Though he was often hidden for aconsiderable time by some clump of huts, Jim was able to follow him ashe advanced by watching for him as he crossed the open spaces. At lasthe reached a house of considerable proportions, above the flat roof ofwhich a tattered banner blew out in the tropical breeze, showing agroundwork of brilliant red, with figures worked upon it in darkercolours. A spear seemed to form the supporting post.
"He's gone in," said Jim, watching the figure of the Mullah with theutmost eagerness. "I must make a careful note of the position of hishouse, for I might have to find my way there some day. Indeed, if fatheris there--and I see no other way of rescuing him--I shall choose a darknight, and creep into the mud hut into which the Mullah has disappeared.Then I'll put a pistol to his head, and give him the choice of death orthe loss of his slave. But I should have to be very careful oftreachery, and in any case it would be a desperate game to play.However, we shall see. Having come so far, I do not mean to turn backbefore I have made every effort, and if I fail after all, why, I'llreturn to Berbera, join the British troops, and march in this directionagain in their company."
For long Jim lay full-length among the grass with which this hill wasthickly clad, and gazed down into the valley which formed the home andhiding-place of the Mullah and his adherents. Every now and again hewould catch sight of some figure moving along the bank of the river, orpassing down the only street of which the village boasted. Instantly, upwould go his glasses to his eyes, and he would focus them upon theobject, hoping that this might prove to be the white prisoner, hisfather. But in every case the figure proved to be some dusky warrior,trudging along with his spear over one shoulder, and his hide-shielddangling on his other arm, or one of the many wives with which theseSomali fighting men were blessed, walking down to the water to replenishher household stock. Full as Jim's thoughts were of other things, hecould not help remarking the graceful carriage of these people. Witherect figures, and arms swinging easily at their sides, these women boreupon their heads a tall earthen jar, which they balanced there with asmuch ease as the average individual contrives to retain his hat.
Later, a movement about the central dwelling from which the flag flewattracted his attention, and looking closely in that direction, he sawfour armed men suddenly emerge from the shadow of the walls into theroad in front, where they formed up in line. Four others at once placedthemselves in front of their comrades, and having saluted one another inceremonious fashion, as people of the East are accustomed to do, theyseparated, the first party disappearing down the street, while thesecond filed into their positions about the Mullah's residence. But ofthe latter there was never a sign; he remained in the seclusion of hismud hut, his thoughts, no doubt, fixed upon that tiny camp belonging tothe insolent Englishman, which he hoped to hear, in the course of a fewhours, had fallen a prey to his followers.
"I must be careful to remember about those guards," murmured Jimthoughtfully, "for should it become necessary for me to visit the house,they might interrupt our interview and spoil my chances. But we shallsee; perhaps Ali will have good news for me."
For three hours he lay on the summit of the hill, keeping a carefulwatch on the Mullah's camp, and wondering all the while what hadhappened to his native headman, and why his return was so long delayed.
"I hope nothing has happened to him," he said at last, in anxious tones."It would be a serious matter if he were captured, for it would let theMullah know that there were spies close at hand. But I can't think whathas happened to him, for amongst the following below there must be ahuge number of strange men collected together, and Ali's clever enoughto pass himself as one of these. Besides----Hallo! Who's that?"
Happening to turn his head to look at the two camels which were grazingsome two hundred yards in the rear, Jim suddenly caught sight of afigure running towards him, and waving an arm to attract his attention.Grasping his rifle, and shooting a cartridge into the breech, he at onceretired from the summit of the hill, taking care to creep on all-foursthrough the grass until well away from the sky-line. Then he started tohis feet, and running forward until close to a large mass of rock, heknelt behind it, and, raising his weapon to his shoulder, covered theman who was approaching.
"Very likely it is Ali," he said to himself; "but should it happen to beanyone else, I shall be quite ready for him."
A minute later any doubts which he might have h
ad were dispelled, for,topping a rise which intervened between himself and Jim, the strangershowed clearly against the distant horizon.
"Ali!" cried Jim, in tones of relief; and at once rising from his seat,he hastened towards him with his rifle over his shoulder, and his mindfilled with alarm at the evident excitement under which his followerlaboured.
"What is it? What has happened, Ali?" he demanded. "Have you beendiscovered? And if so, are you being followed? In that case we hadbetter get the camels ready at once, so that we may ride for our lives,for to attempt to remain here would be madness."
"No, do not touch our animals, but sit down and listen," answered Alibreathlessly, throwing himself upon the ground, as if he were exhausted,and lying there panting so hard that he seemed unable to speak. Atlength, however, he took a sip of water from the gourd which dangled athis waist, and seeming to revive at once, sat up and gazed at hismaster.
"All is well," he said, "and I have not been discovered. But I have seenthings which have caused me to tremble with alarm, and which sent meback to you at my fastest pace to warn you."
"What is it, then," asked Jim anxiously, unable to guess what could havehappened to his follower. "Come, tell me at once, Ali."
Leaning forward, he placed his hand upon the native's shoulder and shookhim gently so as to hasten him, for the sight of Ali's excitement hadfilled him with a vague feeling of alarm.
"Listen, then, master, and I shall tell you what happened to me after Ileft you upon the summit of the hill. But first let us climb to ourposition again, and take our posts there, for I warn you that if we areto escape from this place alive, we must be ever watchful, and keep oureyes constantly fixed upon the valley below."
This wise precaution was immediately carried out. Then Ali turnedtowards Jim and continued his story.
"When I left you," he said, "I placed my rifle beside a boulder, for Iknew that it would at once arouse the cupidity and suspicion of any whomI might meet. Then I descended the hill, and taking advantage of a longstretch of thick undergrowth which ran towards the village, I reachedits outskirts without having seen a single stranger. Then I watched foran hour as the people walked to and fro, and happening to see two womenwho were busily engaged in crushing corn for their bread, I crept intothe house behind them, and sat in the doorway listening to theirconversation. From what they said I gathered that the Mullah can collectas many as sixty thousand men to march behind his banner, but that thegreater portion are at present living peaceful lives in their ownparticular portion of the country. However, as soon as the Britishtroops advance, the call to arms will be sounded, and all will hasten tojoin the Mullah. A little while later, one of the women began to speakof the expedition which started out this morning, and from her I learnedthat it has undoubtedly gone in search of our camp. But guns are scarce,and it seems that the band only has about fifty with it. That the Mullahhad warning of our approach was evident, for one of the women statedthat her husband was the scout who had observed our arrival on thisside of the Hoad.
"Though I listened to their chatter for long, I learned nothing more ofimportance, for they conversed about their children and their homes. Andso, carefully looking down the street, and observing that large numberswere about, I slipped in amongst them, feeling confident that mypresence would not be noticed. Soon I was in their market, and followingthe lead of others of the men who were about, I purchased some fruit,haggling over the price, as is customary. Then, as I wandered from thestalls into the street again, I saw the white prisoner coming towardsme."
"The white prisoner! My father!" almost shouted Jim, his pulsesthrobbing with the news. "Are you sure that it was he? What did he looklike? Was he ill, and overcome by his miserable condition?"
He clutched Ali eagerly by the arm and poured the questions upon him sorapidly that the latter could not answer, but lay there gazing at himstolidly, as if astounded at his excitement.
"Gently! Speak quietly, master," he replied. "The questions which youask are unnecessary, for there is but one prisoner, one white slaveowned by the Mullah; assuredly, this one whom I saw is your father, andthat he is ill and downcast is only to be expected. Indeed, so heavy arehis cares, and so great the labour demanded of him, that already he hasaged. Though but a few weeks have passed since he was cast upon thiscoast, and fell into the hands of these, our enemies, yet the time hasbeen sufficient to make great changes in him. He is a tall man, but nolonger does he bear himself proudly, for this drudgery and thehopelessness of life have overcome his spirit. He lacks energy, andwalks along with eyes cast down and with never a thought of hissurroundings. Indeed, it is clear that his mind is forever bent uponescape, and that when he chances to look to right or left he does sowith the hope that something shall be there to help him--some friendwho, pitying his condition, has come prepared to stretch out a hand, andaid him to reach his countrymen once more. As he passed me by, andlooked at me vacantly, ignorant of the fact that I was in reality acomrade of his son who had marched all this way and had encountered somany dangers in the hope of rescuing him, it went to my heart to noticethe deep lines that care had set upon his face, and the whiteness of hishair. Yes, master, no longer is it grey at the temples alone."
"Poor father!" murmured Jim sorrowfully, his pity raised to the highestat Ali's words. "Poor dad! What a change in his condition!"
For more than a minute there was silence.
"Go on!" at last said Jim, in more resolute tones. "It was a blow tohear that there is such a change in my father, and that he was sodowncast. But after considering the matter, I am bound to confess thatit is only to be expected. I must congratulate myself upon the fact thatyou have seen him alive, for we might have arrived at the Mullah's campto find him dead, worn out by his sufferings. What if his hair is grey?Other men have lost their colour in a night under some great strain, butthey have recovered it to some extent later on. Father will do the same.Once free, he will become the same jolly fellow I have always knownhim."
Tears stood in Jim's eyes as he spoke, for he was deeply moved at thethought of his father's condition, but with an effort he steadiedhimself, and signalled to Ali to proceed by raising his hand, for hecould not trust himself to speak.
"Be happy, master. It matters nothing, whatever the colour of the hair,so long as life is there," answered Ali, in reassuring tones. "But letme proceed. Had I dared to do so, I would have signed to the prisonerand endeavoured to meet him in some out-of-the-way spot, but I saw thatsuch an act would have been madness, for as he approached, I noticedfirst one, and then a second, armed warrior lounging amidst the throng,but keeping a careful eye all the while upon their charge. Even when myeyes and the prisoner's met, I could do nothing but turn hastily awayand gaze at the passers-by on the opposite side. Then, little by little,I moved in the direction taken by your father, hoping to discover thehouse in which he dwelt, and have speech with him. But the attempt wasdoomed to disappointment in the last respect, for his guards kept everat his side. However, I had the good fortune to find where he slept. Itis that tumble-down dwelling which stands behind the central one fromwhich the flag hangs, and some few paces away from it. See! There it is!And before the door is an armed Somali warrior keeping watch upon theprisoner."
Rising to his knees, Ali leant one hand upon the ground and with theother directed Jim's eyes to the house of which he had spoken.
"Behind the big one, and with a man in front of the door," remarked thelatter, with his eyes glued to the glasses. "Yes, I can see it, Ali, andfeel sure that I can make my way to it in the dark. But go on with yourstory."
"Half an hour passed without my seeing the prisoner again," said Ali,sinking into the grass once more, "so I crept away, and rejoined thepeople. Then, just as I was about to make my way back to you, Isuddenly caught sight of a face which set me trembling. My knees knockedtogether in my terror, and had I not clung to the post of a doorwaywhich stood near at hand, I should have fallen, for never before hasdeath been so near to me."
He turned to Jim wi
th flashing eyes, and with cheeks which looked palein spite of his dusky complexion. Indeed, glancing at his features, itwas easy to see that his fear was great, and that the face which he hadcaught sight of had caused him no little uneasiness.
"I should have fallen," he repeated, "but the doorpost held me up whilethis man passed. Then I turned upon my heel, and slipping from thevillage, fled hither for my life."
"Who can it have been? Speak, man!" demanded Jim impatiently, bewilderedat his follower's words. "A strange face? Why! It cannot have been----"
"Yes, master, it was the traitor who led the tribesmen against us,"gasped Ali. "Of a sudden I saw him coming towards me, and I trembledlest he should recognize me; for, had he done so, that instant wouldhave been the signal for my death, and with my life would have gone allyour hopes, too. Our danger is now greater than ever before, and itseems to me that we should be foolish to remain any longer."
"And why?" demanded Jim curtly, a look of determination coming over hisface. "You are unmanned by this incident and your imagination. What ifthe traitor is in the Mullah's village? Is it likely that he suspectsthat we are close at hand? No! I tell you he is chuckling at the thoughtthat we are with our friends, and that the followers of the Mullah areabout to attack us. Pull yourself together, Ali, and be a man! Or, ifyou cannot, leave me to carry out the rescue alone, for I declare that Iwill not retire. To-night I shall go down to that hut and endeavour torescue the prisoner. If it is impossible, I shall wait for anotheropportunity; but turn my face the other way and leave father to his fateI will not, not even if our presence here is discovered."
He spoke the words almost fiercely, and turned upon his follower withflushed features and angry eye.
"Well, what is it to be?" he demanded curtly. "There are the camelsbelow. Take one, and fly at once, if you will, for I had rather that youdid not stay if you are not ready to stand by me."
"Master, I was a coward for the moment," answered Ali humbly. "The sightof that traitor and my narrow escape filled me with fear, and I returnedto you feeling as though the Somali warriors were following closely uponme, shouting for my life. But you are brave, and help me to act rightlyin this matter. Forgive me. I will stand by you, whatever the danger,and if you persist in going into the Mullah's village to-night in thehope of releasing the captive, I will follow you at a distance and awaityou with the camels. If, by chance, you are unsuccessful, and fall intothe hands of these people, I swear that I will not leave this part tillI have done my utmost to help you. Go, then, and may God aid you in yourundertaking!"
There was no doubt of his earnestness, for, rising to his knees oncemore, he extended his hand and grasped Jim's firmly, looking steadilyinto his eyes.
"You are a man again, and will be true to your word," said Jim simply."Now bring up the food and water, for at sundown I shall leave for theMullah's camp."