_Books for Older Children by L. Frank Baum_
The Daring Twins Series
In writing "The Daring Twins Series" Mr. Baum yielded to the hundreds ofrequests that have been made of him by youngsters, both boys and girls,who in their early childhood read and loved his famous "Oz" books, towrite a story for young folk of the ages between twelve and eighteen.
A story of the real life of real boys and girls in a real family underreal conditions.
_Two Titles:_
The Daring Twins Phoebe Daring
While preparing these books Mr. Baum lived with his characters. Theyhave every element of the drama of life as it begins within the lives ofchildren. The two stories are a mixture of the sublime and theridiculous; the foibles and fancies of childhood, interspersed withhumor and pathos.