Lightly jumping from foot to foot, I swing my arms and loosen my muscles up. My heart is thumping with adrenaline and as I look around my brothers, I gauge who has the power to hurt me and who I don’t have to worry too much about.

  Zach is itching to have his go. I’m glad I got him this morning.

  “Two hits each, one brother at a time. Let’s get this done,” Dad booms and Zach steps forward first.

  “I’m going to enjoy this,” he smirks.

  “Not as much as I enjoyed knocking you on your ass this morning,” I smirk straight back at him.

  “It won’t happen again,” he vows.

  His fist smashes into my jaw and the impact nearly has me spinning on my feet, before I can get my head straight, he lands a heavy blow to my stomach. Fucker. I wasn’t expecting that.

  JJ steps up next, and barges Zach out of the way when it doesn’t look he wants to move on and he stands there, one, giving me time to toughen up after Zach’s turn, and two, he doesn’t want to do this.

  “Do it,” I spur him on.

  “This is wrong,” he mutters.”

  “Get on with it, JJ,” Slade hollers.

  “I wish I could hit him,” he snaps, so only I can hear.

  “So do I, but you know I need this. Come on, don’t be a pussy. You’ve got two hits, take advantage. Remember when I fucked Zara when you wanted her, and I fucked her in the ass, something I know she won’t let you do.”

  I’m goading him real good but it doesn’t work.

  “Is that true?” he’s more interested than pissed.

  “Yeah, felt good too. A lot tighter than her pussy. It’s how I’ve imagined your momma feeling around my dick.”

  It’s a low blow but it’s got to be done. I need this.

  A fist hurtles towards my nose and another is closely followed. Two pops at my nose, and wetness oozes down over my lips and into my beard.

  “I know you didn’t mean that, about my mom, cause if you did, then you’d have to know, that I’ve banged one out over your mom plenty of times.”

  I lurch forward and remember why I’m here.

  “Don’t feel good, does it,” he throws at me, smirking, and steps back.

  I have no idea why that fucker is my best friend. The twins take their turn, I didn’t think prospects would participate, but apparently, they do. I take every hit coming my way, time ceases to exist, and each blow becomes heavier, knocking me off my feet. Every inch of my body hurts. Then there is one to go. Slade.

  He bends down in front of me and looks me in the eye.

  “If you want to make this right with me, get on your feet and face me.”

  He stands, leaving me on my hands and knees and with sheer will power, I dig deep and slowly, unsteadily, rise to my feet. Stumbling to my right, I keep myself on my feet and breathe my way through the blood and pain. Slade moves out of the way and I wobble one last time.

  “You’re doing well, don’t burn out on me before I get my turn,” he goads, and I can see my dad holding his tongue, over Slade’s shoulder. He is not happy.

  I could throw him a cocky come-back, but I keep it to myself, and instead, I say, “Yours are the only ones that count.”

  A slow grin spreads across his face and he steps closer to me.

  “You’re damn right they are.”

  He goes on to swing his fist into my cheekbone and follows it through with another blow to my right cheekbone.

  I’m done.

  I collapse on the ground, I can’t even lick the blood off my lips only moving my tongue. I’m vaguely aware of the world around me until the vision in my right eye starts to blur. I don’t know if I’m going blind or if my eye has swollen shut. This is a world of pain and no amount of wise words from my dad could’ve prepared me for this.

  “Is she still worth it?”

  His words sneered close in my ear boost the little energy I have left, and I pull my arms up and brace my hands on the ground, I drag my knees up and I’m back on all fours.

  Blood pools from my mouth onto the dusty ground and I can feel it seeping through my beard and down my chin.

  Lifting my head, it feels like it’s splitting into two and I feel like vomiting from the pain.

  Next stage, getting to my feet. I keep my eyes closed to try and curb the dizziness and once I’m on my feet, I wait till I’m sure I’m not going to fall again.

  Dabbing my hand to my mouth, it makes the blood worse, and I spit out a tooth from the back of my mouth.

  I stare straight at Slade and hold my head high, as much as I can anyway.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m going blind, I can’t stay on my feet for long, and I’m in more pain than I’ve ever been in, but if you need more, I’ll take it. She’s worth more,” I tell him.

  He sizes me up and flinches his fist, mocking a punch, testing to see if I would take it. He smiles when I stand my ground.

  After a long minute, I’m struggling to keep on my feet and he holds his hand out. I shake it and regret it. He doesn’t ease up and the pain shoots up my arm.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll make this look like a fucking tea party, you got me?”

  “I got you.”

  He lets go of my hand and my dad starts walking towards us.

  “Are we good Slade?” I ask.

  “As long as you’re good to her.”


  I manage to say before I fall to the ground.

  The gravel bites into my skin and it doesn’t help the already there pain. We’re good, so it was worth it. Fuck knows how I’m going to explain this to India.

  “Let’s get you inside,” Dad says, kneeling beside me.

  JJ appears over me and is shaking his head.

  “I’m glad she didn’t want me all those months ago, I would not have gone through all this for her.”

  “Are you saying you tried it on with her?” Slade asks.

  “Um, no, I’m just fucking about with him,” JJ quickly answers him.

  “Shut up, son, and move,” Sparky grunts at him and I’m getting pissed with them all standing over me.

  “Get me home.”

  Between dad and Sparky, they haul me to the nearest truck and throw me on the back seat. JJ throws my shit on the floor and slams the door shut, causing my head to completely die, or pass out. When I come around, my dad is slapping my face as if I need any more violence today and I can see the top of the cabin from where I lay on the seats.


  “It looks like Cas and your dad have brought Leo home,” Alannah murmurs, from the window.

  “My dad?”

  The last time they were in the same room, punches were thrown and people I love got hurt.

  “Oh my god,” she shrieks and rushes for the door.

  “What? Alannah!”

  I can’t move as fast as her, and by the time I pull myself off the couch and walk into the hall, Cas and my dad are helping Leo through the door. For the first time since I returned home and blew up my dad’s world, he looks guilty when he looks at me, not angry.

  “Is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Alannah yells, moving out of the way so they can take him upstairs.

  Leo shakes his head and murmurs for the couch.

  “Are you okay?” I ask stupidly, as he passes.

  “I’ll be fine, it looks worse than it is.”

  Somehow, I think he’s lying for my benefit.

  “Seriously, is someone going to explain why my son looks like he’s dying.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic, babe,” Cas grunts.

  “Shit has been settled, Leo took a couple of hits from each brother for showing Slade disrespect. It’s over.”

  Frowning, I don’t think my eyebrows could get any closer. Fresh tears threaten to escape.

  “This is because of you?” I ask my dad.

  He looks away and I don’t recognise him anymore.

  “I hated myself for disappointing you, but not anymore.”

p; “Babe, it’s done now,” Leo grunts, and fresh blood trickles from his lip.

  “Yeah, we are done.”

  It breaks my heart, he’s my dad and I love him all the world, but he can’t go around beating people I love.

  “No, I done it for you. This is all for you.”


  I didn’t ask for blood and bruises.

  “Talk to your dad, please. We’re…family.”

  He went through this for me, the least I can do is talk to my dad, even if I do hate him right now. Besides, I’d like to hear him explain himself.

  “Come on, India. I’m not having your boyfriend make up for us,” he snaps, and walks out heading for the back of the cabin.

  I forget he knows this cabin a hundred times better than I do. Leo tugs on my hand and I look down at him, beaten and bloody, and all he can worry about is me. My heart is crying for him, it bleeds as does his face.

  “If you don’t resolve this, I’ll do this as many times as I have to, for you.”

  Alannah snorts and Cas growls like a caged animal.

  “We’ll resolve it today, just stay here and away from fists and god knows what else.”

  I’d lean down and kiss him, but I’m afraid of inflicting anymore pain on him. I see he’s thinking the same, he can live without my touch as part punishment for doing something so stupid.

  My dad is sitting on an old, rackety chair, he looks up at me and he quickly pulls over a chair for me. Sitting down, close to his side, I do my best to ignore the cuts on his knuckles.

  “I’m hurting, Indie. I knew boys would sniff around you and I’m not naïve to think brothers at the club wouldn’t think twice. I did hope I had enough respect that you would be off limits.”

  Off limits, like I’m forbidden?

  “I wasn’t planning on Leo, we just happened, and I love him, dad. I know what you think about him, and I must sound like some stupid teenager, but he is different with me. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  I expect him to laugh at me, but with a side glance at me, I see he is taking me at my word.

  “I’ve known who you were my whole life, but you’re not like the rest of them. You’re nicer and more respectful. What you did to Leo today, I think I’ve had you wrong all these years.”

  “No, princess. You mistook me as a friend when I’ve always been your father first. You’re having a girl, Leo will find that out in the years to come. He will survive what he endured today, my respect for him will last a lot damn longer than the bruises. You need to remember this life can spin our lives upside down in the change of the wind, and trouble is coming, it was my job as your dad to make sure Leo is strong enough to keep you and my granddaughter safe if I’m not around, or your brother.”


  A glimmer of hope surfaces, it’s the first time he’s spoke about the baby to me.

  “He is, you’ll see,” I sigh, “And Zach hates me now, I don’t know what his problem is with Leo, but he could barely look at me this morning.”

  “Don’t you worry yourself about him, he’ll come around soon and make it right with you.”

  “When is he going to make it right with you?”

  “It’s not about that today. Come on, you should get back inside, it’s getting cold out here.”

  And there he is, my caring and kind, thoughtful and nurturing dad.

  “I love you, dad,” I blurt out, throwing my arms around him.

  He holds me back and kisses the top of my head.

  “I love you too, princess.”

  “Please, don’t hurt him again.”

  “I won’t…unless he hurts you.”

  I can’t ask for more.


  We’re finally alone. It’s been a long day for the both of us and all I want is to lay next to my girl and not move a muscle. She has other plans. She runs me a bath and the thought of dipping my balls in the water that’s currently steaming fills me with dread. I’m more of a shower person.

  “I just want to lay down, let’s go to bed,” I suggest.

  I’m already pissed I won’t be able to hold her like I usually do, and we have six months to make up for.

  “You need a bath, you’ll leave blood over the sheets,” she says quietly.

  She can barely look at me, but she helps me up the stairs and into the bathroom. I suppose soaking my beaten body might help.

  It takes a moment to slide into the tub and I nearly give up, twice. Once I’m in, I dread having to get out.

  My dad was right not to fight against the blows, this is bad enough. India moves around picking up my jeans and shoves them in the laundry basket. I think she’s going to leave when she sinks down on her knees beside the tub and leans her head on her arm on the edge.

  “Why did you agree?” she murmurs.

  “You wouldn’t have been happy if your dad was ignoring you. This way, you’ve dealt with it and he’s okay now.”

  “This is such a messed-up solution, he would’ve have come around eventually.”

  “I don’t think he would have, this is because I went behind his back, not because you’re pregnant,” I tell her.

  But I think it was a little.

  “Can he call for this to happen again?” she asks.

  “There’s no reason for him to now.”

  Plus, I don’t think the brothers would go for it. I’ve paid for my disrespect and I paid a high price.

  “Stop worrying, babe. It’s all working out now, it was worth it.”

  She grabs the sponge from the shelf and dips it into the water. She squeezes out the excess water over my chest, careful not to touch down on the bruises too hard and repeats numerous times.

  Tipping my head back against the edge of the tub, she drips the water over my face and repeats until she’s satisfied I’m clean of blood.

  I let her do her thing, hopefully once she sees the blood wash away she can move on and see it’s not that bad and I’ll be okay.

  “Don’t do this for me again,” she sighs, “If my parents aren’t talking to us, we wait it out, don’t ever let my dad do this to you again. It’s not worth it to me.”

  She dumps the sponge in the water and uses the tub to pull herself up to her feet.


  “I’m going to bed, I’m tired and it’s been a long day.”

  She closes the door quietly after her and I sigh. I done this for her, and she’s not understanding. I pant through the pain as I sit up and use the tub to pull myself up to my feet.

  The aftermath is a shit ton worse than the punishment. I’d rather be hit constantly than having to deal with these sharp pains and aches.

  Climbing out of the bath, I wrap a towel around my waist and sigh when I realise I forgot to pull the plug on the bath water. I’d leave it if it wasn’t for the fact the water is a dull red and it’s the last thing I want her to see if she comes through to use the bathroom during the night.

  Taking a deep breath, as much as I can without causing pain, I lean over and rip the plug out and head into the bedroom. India is lying on her side, with a pillow under her bump and she looks uncomfortable.

  It takes a beat, but I manage to lay myself down and get semi comfortable.

  “How I look may upset you, but around the club I’m stronger because after everything I was handed today, I rose to my feet and declared I’d go through it all again for you, and I meant every word. You weren’t happy, and I fixed that, you don’t get to tell me how I make you happy, your smiles are on me now and I will do anything to see you smile.”

  “I didn’t realise you were this crazy.”

  “I didn’t either, you must bring it out of me.”

  “As long as no more blood comes out of you, we’ll be fine,” she says, mid yawn.

  “Go to sleep, and in the morning, you’ll see, everything will be fucking blissful.”

  “Blissful?” she chuckles.

  “Yeah, blissful. I’m going to give you a life of bliss,
” I assure her.

  “I’ll look forward to it, once I’ve pushed your baby out and gone through the pain of childbirth.”

  I chuckle and then hiss, that fucking hurts.

  “Bliss all the way.”

  “When do you think your bike will be back on the road?”

  India pulls into the clubhouse and parks over by the garages, near where I park my bike when it’s not sitting in pieces.

  “I have no idea, I have to get strong again and look into buying my own truck for when the baby comes. We’ve got to fix up one of the rooms for a nursery, I want her to have everything.”

  “She will,” she smiles.

  I don’t trust this smile. It screams serious money is going to be spent today. Her and my mom are going shopping, she sent Kristen a message last night asking if she wants to go but she hasn’t heard back from her. I can see it hurts her, but she’s putting on a brave face. My mom is excited enough for the whole world, she’ll be a good distraction for India.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this? I’m sure my mom will shop for everything if it’s too much for you,” I ask before she opens her door.

  “I’ll be fine, I’m sure I’ll be bloody tired tonight, but I want to do this. I want to choose her crib and blankets, and everything else.”

  I smile, as much as it stings the cut on my lip.

  “Okay, but make sure you don’t over do it.”

  “I won’t.”

  Throwing her door open, she kicks it to stay open with her foot and I smile then frown. If I weren’t beaten, I’d be opening her door for her and helping her out. I should be looking out for her.

  I manage to open my door before she comes around and I heave myself out and up in one swift move, but not without pain.

  Gritting my teeth, I don’t show it in front of India and take her hand when she comes to stand next to me.

  She looks nervous. She scopes the bikes out, and I know she’s looking for Slade’s. It’s here and I don’t know if this relaxes her or makes her nerves worse.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  She nods and smiles.

  “This is the first time we’ll be seen together.”

  “After yesterday, everyone knows we’re together,” I chuckle.