Body Farm 81–2
Bolivia 171–2
Mad Bomber of New York 241–5
Madrid Train Bombings 134–6, 161–2
Omagh 153–4, 155
Bond, Dr Thomas 240–1
Bone Lady, The (Manheim) 186
Bone Remains (Manheim) 186
bones 167–8, 171, 174–82
Bones, Trail of (Manheim) 186
Borden, Lizzie 235
Bracadale, Lord 224–5
Bradford 11
Brewer, Michael 282
Brides in the Bath Murders 71–4
Britton, Paul 251–6
Broadmoor 251
Bronte, Robert 75–6, 77
Brooks, Mark 223
Brussel, Dr James 241, 243, 244–5
Buckland, Richard 149–50
Budowle, Bruce 156
burglary 16–17, 133–4, 164
Burney, Ian 77
Burnham, Alice 71–2
Burnham, Charles 71
Butterly, Eamon 25, 26, 27
Caesar, Julius 66
California 38–42, 159
Cameron, Elsie 74–6
Campbell, Stuart 221–2, 225–6
Canada 127, 285
Cannings, Angela 274
Canter, David 247–8, 249, 251, 259
Carolina Code 66
Cary, Nathaniel 223–4
Casey, Captain Marvin 38–9, 40
Cassels, J. D. 76
Cathcart, Brian 267–8
CCTV 207, 223, 226, 232, 268–9
Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID) 180, 185, 186
Centre for Internet Computing 210–11
Champod, Christophe 137
Chapman, Annie 291 Charles II 19
Cheema, Lakhvinder (‘Lucky’) 112–14
Chemical History of a Candle, The (Faraday) 20
Chicago Tribune 178
child abuse 183–6, 217–18, 226–7
China 43–5, 175–6
circle hypothesis 249
Clark, Sally 273–4, 275, 276
cloud computing 230–1
cocaine 102, 114–15
Cochran, Johnnie 285
Coffey, Paul 28–9
Collins, Charles 123–4, 125–6
Colorado 159
computers see digital forensics
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 5, 76, 138–9, 148, 156
‘Concerning the Origin, Shape, Direction and Distributions of the Bloodstains’ (Piotrowski) 140
Consolidated Edison 242, 243
cot death 273–5
Cotterill, Assistant Chief Constable Steve 35
Cotton, Charles 95–6
Cotton, Mary Ann 95–6
Coulthard, Malcolm 222
courtroom 263–89
adversarial system 283–4, 285
expert witnesses 13–14, 78–9, 269–81, 284–5, 292
juries 282–3, 284
rape cases 281–2
US 285–9
Coutts, Graham 211–14
crime scene 1–17
blood spatter 138–45
digital forensics 219
fingerprints 128–9
forensic psychology 257
pathologists 79
Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs) 6–7
see also Arnold, Peter
Crime Scene Manager (CSM) 8
Crimewatch (BBC) 201, 252
Crippen, Cora 68–9, 70, 71
Crippen, Dr Hawley Harvey 68–9, 68, 71
Crompton, Rufus 111–12
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 154, 269
crystal meth 102
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15, 61
CT scans 198, 205
Culshaw, Edward vii–viii
Curie, Marie 98
Cutler, Jenny 248
D-Central 229
dactyloscopy 119
Dando, Jill 78
Daoud, Ouhane 136, 162
Darwin, Charles 119
Day, Alison 247
De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Vesalius) 66
de Quincey, Thomas 262
Dearnley, Albert 77
decomposition 80–2
Decomposition Odour Analysis 82
Defending the Guilty (McBride) 268–9
Delichatsios, Michael 28
Denmark 127
Derby 35–6
Detective Inspector (DI) 7
Dew, Chief Inspector 69
Diana, Princess 78
diatoms 30, 31
digital facial reconstruction 205
digital forensics 210–33
Coutts case 211–14
Gilroy case 222–6
McAfee case 227–9
Reynolds case 214–15
Diplock Courts 284
Directions for the treatment of persons who have taken poison (Orfila) 89
Djurovic, Vesna 212–13
DNA 9, 16, 148–64, 291
Argentinian ‘Dirty War’ 171
contamination 157–8
Crippen case 69, 71
CSI effect 15
ethical issues 159–61
familial searching 158–9
LCN DNA profiling 153–7, 271
Madrid Train Bombings 161–2
and maggots 57, 226
Nickell case 255
PCR 152–3
Pitchfork case 149–51
Reed brothers case 154–7, 271
Stephen Lawrence case 264–6
Dobson, Gary 264–8, 267
dogs 33–4
Donne, John 63
Dorsey, George 176, 177–8
Dragnet 249
Dropbox 231
Dror, Itiel 136
drugs 102–3, 114–15
Drummond, Edward 236
Duffy, John 247–8
Dunleavy, Philomena 200–2
Dunleavy, Seamus 200–2
Düsseldorf 236–8
Duster, Troy 159
Dwight, Thomas 176
E-FIT (Electronic Facial Identification Technique) 208
ears 199
Eddowes, Catherine 291
Ellison, Louise 282–3
Ellison, Mark 265
entomology 43–62
Ruxton case 48–51
Westerfield case 59–61
equality of arms 269, 281
erotic asphyxia 212–13
Erzinçlioğlu, Zakaria 58
ETA 161
European Court of Human Rights 160
Evans, Julie 108–9
expert witnesses
in courtroom 270–81, 284–5, 287–9
pre-trial meetings 269–70
eyes 199, 200
Facebook 217–18, 230
FACES (Forensic Anthropology and Computer Enhancement Services) 186–7
facial reconstruction 190–209
age progression 205–7
digital modelling 205
Dunleavy case 200–2
King’s Cross fire 202–4
Richard III 208–9
Fallon, Alexander 203–4, 204
Fallon, James 235–6
familial DNA searching 158–9, 162
Faraday, Michael 20–2, 21
Farriner, Thomas 18, 20
Farrow, Ann 122, 124
Farrow, Thomas 121–7
Faulding, Peter 85, 86
Faulds, Henry 118–19, 125, 127, 129
Faull, Gregory 228–9
faune des cadavres, Les (Megnin) 45–6
anthropology 179
Madrid Train Bombing 134–6
offender profiling 245, 247, 255
Finger Prints (Galton) 119
fingerprinting 116–37, 232
burglary 16–17, 133–4
McKie-Astbury fiasco 130–2, 133
Madrid Train Bombing 134–6
Pillow Pyro 38, 39, 40
Stratton brothers case 121–7
Fire Lover (Wambaugh) 38
re Research Station 26–7
fire scene investigation 18–42
Great Fire of London 18–20
petrol branding 34–6
Philpott case 35–7
Pillow Pyro 38–42
Stardust Disco fire 23–9
Flight Characteristics and Stain Patterns of Human Blood 142
footprints 13
Forensic Casebook, The (Genge) 137
forensic psychology 234–62
Jack the Ripper 238–41, 245–6
Mad Bomber of New York 241–5
offender profiling 238–60
psychological autopsy 261–2
Rachel Nickell case 251–6
Railway Killer 247–9
Vampire of Düsseldorf 236–8
Forensic Science (Fraser) 130
Forensic Science Service (FSS) 142, 150–3, 154, 162–3
Forrest, Robert 102–4, 110, 114, 277
Fowler, Dr Raymond 262
Fraser, Jim 130
Galen 66
Gall, David 111
Galton, Francis 119
Galyan, Chuck 38, 39
Gardiner, John 145, 173–5
Gardiner, Margaret 173–5
Gardner, Erle Stanley 6
Garson, John 125–7
gas chromatography 34
Gatliff, Betty 198
General System of Toxicology (Orfila) 88–9, 92
genetic fingerprinting see DNA
Genge, N. E. 137
geographic profiling 249–50
George, Ron 40
Gerasimov, Mikhail 198
Germany 127
Gettler, Alexander 97–8, 101, 102
Gilroy, David 223–6
Girolami, George 119
Gladwell, Malcolm 245
Goddard, Henry 10–11
Goldman, Ronald 285–6
Gordievski, Oleg 112
Great Fire of London 18–20
Grim Sleeper 159
Gross, Hans 234, 238
Grundy, Kathleen 107–9
Guatamala 171
Guevara, Che 171–2
guns 10–11, 287–9
hair 103, 162–3, 200
Hall, Martin 47–8, 51–5, 57, 58–9, 279, 291
Hammon, Rosalind 267
Haque, Azizul 120
Hardy, Dean 185–6
Harman, Craig 159
Harris, Thomas 246
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Rowling) 113
Haswell Colliery 21–2
Haward, Lionel 241
Hawthorne, Julian 165
Haynes, Lance-Corporal Jonathan 15
headspace extraction 34
healthcare murders 104–5, 106–10
Hendon, Eric 286, 287, 288
Henry, Edward 120–1, 125, 127, 129
heroin 57, 102
Herschel, William 117–18, 120
Hill, Detective Chief Inspector Graham 159
His, Wilhelm 197
Hitler, Adolf 241
Hoe, Peter 154–6
Hoey, Sean 153–4, 155
Hogarth, William 194
Home Office 129, 160
Hoover, J. Edgar 179
Hrdlička, Aleš 178–9
Hubert, Robert 20
Hughes, Howard 262
Hungary 127
Iceland 214
anthropology 165–89
anthropometry 118
blood typing 142
DNA 142, 148–64
facial reconstruction 190–209
fingerprinting 116–37
mug shots 118
inceptive evidence 8–9, 11
India 117–18, 120–1, 127
Indiana 52 Injustice (Stafford-Smith) 286–9
insanity 236
insect biology see entomology
insulin 83, 104–5
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 166–7
internet see digital forensics
Iraq 172
Jack the Ripper 122, 238–41, 245–6, 290–1
Jackson, Harry 123
Jarman, Edward 265–7
Jeffreys, Sir Alec 7, 148, 149–50, 159, 160
Jenkins, Billie-Jo 145–8
Jenkins, Siôn 145–8
Jericho 194
Jewell, Rebecca 35–6
Jigsaw Man, The (Britton) 251
Jigsaw Murders 48–51, 205
Jones, Danielle 221–2, 225–6
Jones, William 121, 122
juries 282–4, 285
Kappen, Joseph 158
Karadžić, Radovan 206–7, 206
Kastrenakes, John 286, 287
Kelly, Alice 243–4
Kelly, Ian 150
Kelly, Mary Jane 239–40, 245–6, 291
Kenyon, Kathleen 194
key logger 217
KGB 112
Khnum-Nakht 191
Killing the Shadows (McDermid) 250
King’s Cross fire 202–4
Kirk, Paul 140, 142, 143
Knight, Bernard 69, 71
Kollmann, Julius 191, 197–8
Korean War 179
Kosovo 165–8, 169, 172
Kürten, Peter 236–8, 237
Lafarge, Charles 90–4
Lafarge, Marie-Fortunée 89–94, 93
Lancet 67, 77
Langer, Walter 241
Langley, Philippa 208
latent prints 128
Lawrence, Stephen 264–8
Lawton, Lord Justice 272
Le Neve, Edith 68, 68, 69
Lecter, Hannibal 246
Lee, Frances Glessner 6
Lee, Mat 35
Leishman, Mary 203–4
Leonardo da Vinci 196
Lethal Witness (Rose) 77
Leutgert, Adolph 176–8
Leutgert, Louisa 165, 176–8
LGC Forensics 85, 142, 157, 264, 265–7
Linnaeus, Carl 52
Little, Michael 158–9
Lloyd, Margaret 71–2
local knowledge 50, 257–8
Locard, Edmond 4, 5–6, 116
Locard Exchange Principle 5
Locke, Anne 247
Lombroso, Cesare 164, 195–6, 238
Longhurst, Jane 37, 211–13
Louisiana State University 186–7
low copy number (LCN) DNA profiling 153–4, 155–7
Lucero, Glen 39
Lyon, Elizabeth 104–5
McAfee, John 227–9, 228 Macbeth (Shakespeare) 43, 138
McBride, Alex 268–9
McKie, Iain 131, 132
McKie, Detective Constable Shirley 131–2, 133
McLean, Rachel 63–5
Macnaghten, Melville 122–4, 125
M’Naghten, Daniel 236
MacRae, Andrew 188
MacRae, Renee 188–9
McTavish, Jessie 104–5
McTurk, Kirsty 224
Mad Bomber of New York 241–5
Madrid train bombings 134–6, 135, 161–2
Maggia, Albina 101
Maggia, Amelia 101
Maggia, Quinta 101
maggots 47–8, 49, 51–61, 226
Maggots, Murder and Men (Erzinçlioğlu) 58
Maharaj, Krishna (‘Kris’) 286–9
Malhotra, Bill 26–7
Man Called Ironside, A 104
Manchester Museum 190–1
Manheim, Mary 186–8
Mann, Lynda 149–50
Manual of Fingerprint Development (Home Office) 128–9
Manual of Forensic Entomology, A (Smith) 46
Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, A (Taylor) 67
Markov, Georgi 110–12
Marsh, James viii, 92
Marsh, Nick 183
Marsh test viii–ix, 92–3, 95
Marshall, Angus 148–9, 210–21, 226–7, 230–3
Marshall, Shirley 210
Martland, Harrison 99–100, 101
Matassa, Mike 41–2 br />
Mathews, Karen 261–2
Mathews, Shannon 261–2
Mayfield, Brandon 135–6
Meadow, Sir Roy 272–5, 275
Megnin, Jean Pierre 45–6, 56
Mermaids Singing, The (McDermid) 250
metadata 227, 229, 231
Metesky, George 243–5, 244
methadone 102, 103
Middleton, Thomas 19
Millburn, PC Teresa 1–2
Miller, Jennifer 201
Milošević, Slobodan 167
missing people 186–9, 193
age progression 205–6
mobile phones 219, 221–2, 224, 226
monkshood 112–14
Montaigne, Michel de 63, 277, 284
Moo Young, Derrick 286, 289
Moo Young, Duane 286, 289
morphine 106–10
Mosley, Paul 36
motive 234–5
Mowbray, William 95
Mowlam, Mo 153
mug shots 118
Muir, Richard 126
Mulcahy, David 248–9
Mullis, Kary 152
Munday, Bessie 71–3, 72
blood spatter 139–48
crime scene investigation 3–4, 7–12
digital forensics 211–15, 222–6, 228–9
DNA 149–50, 154–7, 158
fingerprinting 121–7, 130–2
forensic evidence 264–8
forensic psychology 235–41, 251–6, 262
offender profiling 238–41, 245–9, 251–6
poisoning 89–97, 102–14
see also bodies; bombings
Murphy, Colm 153
Napper, Robert 255–6
National DNA Database 9
National Footwear Database 13
National Hi-Tech Crime Unit 216
Neave, Richard 190–1, 192, 198, 202–4
Neil, Detective Inspector 73
Neil, John 238–9, 290
Nekht-Ankh 191
Netherlands 192–4
New Statesman 147
New York
Mad Bomber 241–5
medical examiners 97
New York City Police Department (NYPD) 127
New Zealand 285
Nic Daéid, Niamh 18, 22, 29–33, 34, 291
court process 285
drug concentration test 114–15
smoke alarms 36–7
Stardust disco fire 23, 24
Nichols, Mary Ann 238–9, 290, 291
Nickell, Rachel 251–6
9/11 78
nitroglycerine 100
Norris, Charles 97, 101
Norris, David 267, 268
Northern Ireland 284
noses 199–200
NSA (National Security Agency) 230
Nulde girl case 192–4
Obama, Barack 52
offender profiling 238–60
Ognall, Mr Justice 254–5
Omagh bombing 153–4, 155
‘On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts’ (de Quincey) 262
opinion evidence 133
Orfila, Mathieu 88–9, 92–4, 291
Orr, John 38–42
Osborne, Sir Thomas 20
Oxtoby, Primrose 106
paedophilia 183–6, 217–18, 226–7
Paracelsus 88
Paré, Ambroise 66
Patel, Trupti 274
patent prints 128
pathology 63–87
Brides in the Bath murders 71–4