“You can do that?” Ben asks with surprise.

  “That, and so much more. You’ll learn, not only about my abilities, but about the abilities of all the other supernaturals we’ve encountered. As you know Eliza and I are the Magnificent Ones, we are two of the most power witches in the world. Our strong bloodline along with other factors have increased our magickal ability.”

  “Yes I have been let in on a few of your secrets and I’m sure you’ll learn some more of mine. Okay, so the door’s hidden, and only certain people can make it appear. Now my question is—how the heck do the rest of us get out?”

  “Getting out is not a problem. Everyone is free to leave on their own will, unless we have it under lockdown for some reason. It also has another spell, so that if someone is in danger—or danger is approaching the school—it will go on automatic lockdown.”

  “Great idea. Now why don’t you do your hocus-pocus and open the door, and let’s get this show on the road.”

  “I’ll be happy to open the door, but let’s get one thing straight first, Ben. If you ever call magick hocus-pocus again, I will tear you apart from your chin to your groin, and eat you from the inside out.” Ebony stands face-to-face with Ben and flashes her fangs.

  “Whoa, Ebony, calm down. There will be no tearing—or eating—necessary. I’m just joking around. I won’t let it happen again.” He raises his hands, waving them slightly in front of him. His fear is evident, from the bead of sweat forming on his brow as he attempts to remedy the situation.

  We all burst out in laughter, knowing that Ebony is just teasing him. Nathanial walks over and slaps his old friend on the shoulder as Ebony quietly recites the incantation to open the entrance to the school. A dull blue and green burst of light glows before us, and as it fades the elevator doors appear. Once the doors open, we all step onto the simple, yet classic, elevator. With one more incantation, we begin our descent to the school corridor. I can sense Ben’s heartbeat speeding with his excitement.

  Upon reaching the school, the elevator doors open wide, revealing the most beautiful flooring, made from white Italian marble with beautiful golden streaks running through it. About a foot from the wall runs a gold and teal border, outlined with crisp black. In the center of the main corridor, embedded in the floor, is a large six foot by six foot Triquetra, constructed with a black Italian marble. We all agree that the Triquetra is the perfect symbol for our school, due to the magickal powers held within it. It will assist in keeping the magick of the school strong. Hanging high above from the twelve-foot ceilings, and above the Triquetra, is a large and elaborate crystal chandelier, putting out soft white light.

  Leading Ben to the dormitory, Nathanial walks beside me, taking my hand in his, and I feel a certain peace, knowing that he will be with me forever. Even after more than two years, I still feel butterflies and little electric shocks every time Nathanial touches me. At the same moment, we both turn and look lovingly at each other and, with a small smile, I lean down and kiss the top of Nik’s head. With a small baby— the orphaned brother that I love—in the carrier upon my chest, and my soul mate next to me, I get a new sense of family, the kind I never thought I would have. As we reach the end of the corridor, I’m brought back to reality.

  “Ben, to the right are the dorms. Your room is the last one at the end of the hall. To the left is the common room, and through the door at the back of the common room is the game room. Now, why don’t we go get you settled in your room. I’m confident you’ll like it,” I explain.

  “Let’s go check out the solo room you made for me,” Ben exclaims as he darts down the hallway lined with large Roman pillars. They let off a golden glow as he hurries by, resembling a motion sensor light. The pillars are magickally charged, when someone with good intentions walks past them they will put off a bright glow. If one with bad intentions passes by the columns will glow red or even turn black—the lighter the color the purer the intentions. I think it was quite the touch. We have these magickal pillars throughout the school.

  Reaching for the brass doorknob at the end of the hall, Ben turns the knob, but to no avail. With a questioning look, he turns to me. I smile and hand him the key. “Y’all really need to stop teasing me all the time…’cause one day I’ll figure out my powers can give you a run for your money.”

  Alexander laughs and nods as he pushes through the now open door. “That would be the plan, now wouldn’t it?”

  Ben races inside the room, throwing himself onto the pillow-top queen-size bed. With an elated breath, he gets up to examine the room. On either side of the bed are black nightstands with a single drawer and storage areas. Across from the end of the bed is a large matching nine-drawer dresser. I walk over to the bed and straighten the royal blue duvet and white throw pillows. Ben checks out the small desk for his studies, and then turns to the white leather love seat and recliner.

  “This room is so sick. Thank you for my own little man cave,” he says while plopping down in the chair. Looking ahead, Ben notices the flat screen TV-DVD, stereo combo. His face lights up. “I freakin love this room! So much for basic.”

  “Dude, you haven’t even checked out the shitter yet,” Nate jokes.

  “Yeah, cuz I really care about that. As long as there are two ply tickets in there, I’m good,” he chuckles as he gets up to check out the washroom and walk through closet.

  “Well dude, Alex and I will go get the rest of your junk, and you can start unpacking.”

  “Thanks man. You know, I have to say, it sure would have been cool if you were a vampire during our football days. We could’ve kicked some state butt.”

  “Well, sorry to break it to ya Ben, but it would have been all me. Wait a sec! It was all me—even the mortal me kicked butt!” Nathanial smirks as he and Alexander lead us out of the room.

  Chapter 3

  Nathanial’s Memories

  Thinking of everything I have planned, I go back to the day I first met Sophia. I will never forget that day, and the memories of what I shared with my mom makes me smile. It’s hard to believe she and Dad are gone—I hope they would be proud of me. I sit in the chair, bury my head in my hands and close my eyes, remembering every detail of that first day.

    

  The first day of school is over and most of my friends are racing out of here as fast as they can. Me—I wish I could repeat the day; this has been the best day of my life. Come to think about it, I gotta get home and tell Mom and Dad. Walking to my bike, I see her, the new girl; I can’t help but stop and watch her for a few moments. Her brother and sisters all hop into the perfectly polished white Escalade as she takes one more glance around and shakes her head before hopping in. I don’t think she’s happy about being here. I’m gonna have to help her with that. When they pull away, I unlock my black Raleigh mountain bike. I saved for years for this thing, and I love it. Jumping on, I decide to race home and tell Mom and Dad the amazing thing that happened today.

  Pulling up to the drive, I see Mom’s little blue beater car in the drive. With sheer excitement, I ride up to the lawn and toss my prized bike down. I pause only for a second at the shock that I just tossed it there, and then bolt into the house. “Mom—Mom, you are not gonna believe it! Where are you? Come here!” I scream.

  “My God Nate, what happened?” She comes racing out of her room, with her medical scrubs pulled half over her head.

  “Sorry Mom; I just had the best day of my life.” I turn for a moment, allowing her to fix her shirt.

  “Okay son, what is it? What made today the best day of your life?”

  “I met her,” I say, throwing my arms around my mother, who was once the most beautiful woman I had ever known. Now she takes the second seat.

  With a confused grin and little chuckle, she puts her hands on my shoulders, pushing me back just enough that she can look up at me. “What on earth are you talking about Nate? Who did you meet?”

  “I met the girl I’m gonna marry.” I take her hand and spin her aro

  “Well, I take it you met the new family in town.” She laughs and sits on one of the kitchenette chairs. “Okay, why don’t you tell me about my future daughter in law? How did you meet?”

  “I was walking to class, and she literally ran me over. She was trying to find her class, and bang—her books went flying everywhere. So after helping her gather up her stuff, I noticed we had first period history together. I showed her our class, and then even got to sit next to her.”

  “Okay, so you have picked the girl you want to marry because you sat next to her?” She gives me a questioning look.

  “No, Mom. It’s so much more. It’s like how you and Dad just knew. We also had Photoshop together.”

  “Okay, okay, so then tell me more about her.”

  “Well, her name is Sophia, and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is a little guarded—not sure if she’s happy about moving here…I will help change that though. She has the prettiest long brown hair—that was pulled up—and the greenest eyes. She wore these black rimmed glasses that just made her eyes pop. Her lips are so pink, and I can’t even explain how pretty she is. Anyways, I think she’s pretty smart too, but hides it.”

  Mom starts to laugh. “I have never seen you this excited about anything—not even football. I guess she might be the one. Did she give you any indication that she would like to get to know you better?”

  “Well—not really. She was warming up a little, but don’t worry. After all—who couldn’t love me?” I flash Mom one of my half-crooked smiles, and she buries her head in her hands while shaking her head. “Oh my God, Mom!”

  “What now, Son?” she asks, still chuckling a little.

  “You can’t tell Dad and Luke about this! I will never hear the end of it—acting like a little school girl with her first crush.”

  “Hunny, I hate to break it to you…although you’re not a girl, this is your first crush.”

  “Mom, didn’t you hear anything I said? This is not a crush. This is the girl I’m gonna marry! Just wait and see.”

  “Yes, yes, the girl you’re gonna marry. Can you promise me one thing though?”

  “What’s that, Mom?”

  “Graduate first. You still have two years, and I am far too young to be a mother-in-law.”

  We both laugh, and I kiss my Mom on the head before going to my part time job.

    

  With the memory I shared with my mom, I know I’m ready. I’ve known Sophia was the one from the start. I just hope that she feels the same. Now, all I have to do is figure out how—and when—I’m gonna do this.

  Chapter 4


  Things start to bustle at the school as soon as the students begin to arrive. Eliza remains up at the house with Elijah and Florence to greet the students, and to allow them access through the magickal entrance. Once Ben gets settled, Dakota Williams walks in with some of his shape-shifter pack. Shilah, Mika and Makaya are all joining the school, plus Dakota is coming on as a trainer, and Skah as a head instructor. I think Dakota is more excited than anyone. We are all aware of his feelings for Ebony, but he always puts them to the side. Dakota has been very respectful of Ebony’s relationship with Matt, but since Matt’s passing, Dakota has become Ebony’s support shoulder. Of course, Elyn just adores him too, but he doesn’t let his feelings get in the way of their friendship. Dakota’s very aware of the relationship Ebony had with Matt and the possibility of him returning one day, once he completes his guardian training. The only issue is that not one of us knows when Matt may return. It could be fifty years from now. I want Ebony to be happy—and if she can find that with Dakota, I hope she takes it. I almost feel guilty thinking that. I love Matt, and I miss him so much, but she can’t wait around for him. Only God knows how long he will be gone.

  “Dakota, you’re finally here,” I yell as I run to give him and the other shifters a hug. Of course, because of Nik in the carrier, we can’t hug too tight. Nathanial is right behind me doing that silly hand shake, half hug thing the guys do.

  “Oh yeah, we’re here. So let’s get this party started,” Shilah cheers while making as if he’s playing an air guitar.

  “I hate to break it to you boys, but this isn’t all fun and games. You will have state approved education to still complete as well as your supernatural training and rules to follow. Think of this as a magickal boarding school,” I break the news.

  “Come on guys, I will show you your rooms. We can leave the party pooper here, for any others that may come today.” Nathanial gives me a little nudge and flashes his crooked half smile as he leads the Williams boys to their dorm rooms. I can hear him giving the tour. “This is the girl’s dorm—no boys allowed—and vice-versa. The instructors and trainers will live in these rooms, between the two dorms. Me and the rest of the Pierce family will reside upstairs, but there’s an intercom in case you need us. If for some reason we have guests, we have a button to the intercom that will then transfer all transmissions to one of our cell phones.”

  I can’t help but smile; I think he’s really enjoying this. It will be good for all of us. We’ll have a stronger purpose to our existence. I mean, we’ve always followed the Vampiric Laws—and gone over and above, by searching for new ways to feed—and more recently, by assisting the Magnificent Ones in their fight against evil. What more could be asked from us? We want more though, and this school is going to give it to us. We now have the ability to share our knowledge and way of life with others; we can teach them and guide them to use their powers for good.

  Nate and Dakota return once they get the other boys settled in their rooms. Dakota grabs the room assignment from my hand. “Why don’t you two go and have a night out. There’s not much happening, and Skah will be here soon. I can handle things here for a while. Plus, it is Valentine’s Day after all.”

  “I don’t know Dakota. Are you sure?”

  “Look, I’m going to be a trainer; I’m going to have to handle the students at some point. Right now, it is just my boys and that Ben guy. Plus, if I need anything Mati and Alex are in one of the classrooms, setting up; I saw them when Nate gave us the tour. Now Nate—take your girl out.”

  Nathanial sweeps me off my feet. “You heard the man. I have to take my gal out.”

  “Watch the baby, you goofball,” I say as Nate gently puts me back down. Matilda comes to see what all the commotion is about, and Dakota explains the plan.

  “That is a great idea. I will take my adorable little nephew.”

  “Nephew?” I give her a questioning look.

  “Well, I figure since you and Nate are raising him, that means he is like my nephew. Is that a problem? I’m sorry, I just always wanted babies around, and now we have two beautiful little ones. I could just eat them up…ahh, that’s not what I…”

  We all chuckle at the pun. “We know that’s not what you mean, Mati. You don’t mind watching him?” Nathanial asks.

  “Not at all. I love spending time with little Nik. All the supplies are down here, right?

  “Yup, diapers are in the washroom at the change station, and bottles are in the fridge. Thanks a bunch you guys,” I say, handing Nik to Matilda. His excitement is palpable as he bounces right into her arms.

    

  Once we get out of the house, Nathanial drives down to Main Street. I’m surprised he wants to come here; so much has happened in this very spot. “Nate, hunny, why are we here? This is where you got attacked—and your parents passed here; there are so many bad memories here. Why would you want our first night out in a while to be where all the bad stuff happens?”

  “Yeah, a lot of bad stuff has happened here, but some good things have happened too. You saved my life here. You realized that Caspian was still around, and your family saved my little brother here. I don’t want to never be able to come to this beautiful park again without being miserable. I feel closer to my parents here. It’s where their souls left their bodies, and I can still feel them h
ere watching over us. I would love to make new memories here with you,” Nathanial explains as he runs his hands through the long strands of my hair. Then he rests one hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer until our lips touch.

  As our lips move in unison, taking each other in, and I taste the sweetness on his mouth, I’m swept away. I never wanted to take his dreams away from him. He worked so hard to get a scholarship to Harvard. He’s one of the best football players the east coast has seen in years. I can’t help but feel that Embracing him took all that away from him. I know everything happens for a reason, and Nik is the true reason behind Nathanial becoming a vampire, but I wanted so much more for him. I guess I should just hope for his happiness now, since there’s no going back, and I’m happy I will have him by my side. With a slight giggle our lips part, and he holds me close.

  “Now that is definitely a good start to a good memory. The only problem is, I don’t think we can continue with this memory in the middle of town,” I tease with a little squeeze of his backside.

  “Yes, that sounds great, but it’s not quite what I had in mind when I brought you here.” He starts walking towards the gazebo, leaving me standing at the edge of the path into the park. Out of nowhere, light and fluffy, feather-like snowflakes began to fall from the sky. I watch as Nathanial throws his arms up in the air and spins around to look at me, a huge smile on his face, his eyes sparkling like diamonds. “Can you believe the timing? So are you going to stand on that path all long night, or are you gonna follow me?” he says while walking even closer to the gazebo.

  I start running after the man of my dreams, and without warning, I slip on a light dusting of snow on the grass. As my arms and legs flail in the air, I try to re-catch my footing—to no avail—and with a huge thud land flat on my back. Nathanial races to my side, reaches out his hand and tries to help me up to my feet. Laughing harder than we have in months, I give him a little tug, and in the blink of an eye he’s flat on the ground beside me.