I sat down next to him. "So, you say you have Stacy?"

  He smiled. "Yes. She's the craziest vampire I know, but she loves it. I’ve actually come because she wants to see you."

  Chapter Fifteen

  "So, apparently, I have grandparents now."

  I stared at Duncan. We were still in the limo, driving up to one of his estates up north. I had told him about the conversation I had overheard my parents have and then how I had approached Adrian about it.

  "But they don't want to see me till I turn…eighteen."

  "It's not unusual for vampires not to want to be seen with humans," Duncan said.

  "That's racist," I said. "Or something…I can't believe I have had them all along and they could have been a part of my life and just decided not to. Who does that?"

  "Maybe your grandparents didn't want you to see them. Have you thought about that?"

  "Why not?"

  "Because they haven't aged since they were turned. They probably look like they’re eighteen too. At some point, you'd have started to ask questions and then what would they tell you?"

  "What my mom tells me. That they eat healthily. That they use sunscreen and stay out of the sun and take good care of their skin."

  He tilted his head. "That might work when you're a mom but not a grandparent."

  I sighed. He was probably right, but still. "I don't forgive them. All my life, I have felt so strange because my grandparents never came to visit. All this time, I thought they were dead."

  "I understand your frustration, Sprinkles," he said, then chuckled while looking at me.

  "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Nothing. I've just missed you, that's all."

  I went quiet. I had missed him too, a lot, but I didn't want him to know that. Ever.

  "Why did you do it?" I asked, not completely certain I wanted to hear the answer. "Why did you betray me?"

  He leaned forward and folded his hands. "It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, Robyn. You must believe me. But I had to because…well, they wanted to kill you. Because of what you had seen and done. I told them it was my mess and that I would clean it up. I couldn't let them hurt you."

  "Who? Who wanted to kill me?" I asked.

  "My parents. They didn't know it was you, just that it was a human who had caused a lot of havoc and almost blown their cover. I told them I would take care of everything, but I had to move fast. That's why I needed your help to get to Stacy fast. I knew you would never help me willingly and I couldn't assure you that I would be able to save her. At the time, it was her or you, and I didn't want to lose you. I couldn't risk it. Luckily, when they finally met her, when my parents met Stacy, I was able to convince them. Besides, it was too late. She had already changed. But now I am in charge of her and making sure she doesn’t cause any problems. That's part of why I need you."

  "Why? She's causing trouble already?"

  He nodded. "I don't know what I have gotten myself into, to be honest."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jayden saw the limo drive away with Robyn in it and groaned. What the heck was going on here? Robyn had said she would never see him again. Had her mother made her go anyway? He had to believe that was the case. But Jayden couldn't stand the thought of her being alone with that guy. He didn't trust Duncan one bit and feared Robyn might be in danger with him.

  Feeling helpless and restless, he walked downstairs to the living room where his mother was watching some nature show about the gazelles in the African savannah.

  She was staring intently at the animals on the screen, and it looked like his mom was drooling slightly.

  His mom turned her head and wiped the drool away when she saw him. "Hi, hon. What's up?"

  "I just feel restless, that's all."

  "Ah, I know that feeling," she said and tapped the couch next to her. "I have been crazy restless since I was hurt and haven't been able to get out. But tonight, I will be back out there for the first time in weeks. Come, sit. Watch a little TV with me."

  He did as she said and sat down. The gazelles were running in groups, and his mother seemed to follow their every move like she wanted to jump in there and run with them. Or maybe chase after them? That was probably more likely.

  "Are you worried about asking Ruelle out?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "Maybe."

  "Don't overthink it. Ruelle is a down to earth kind of girl. She'll love anything you do."

  He shrugged again. "I guess. Where is Dad?"

  His mom shook her head. "He's here somewhere."

  "Did you notice he was acting a little strange during dinner?" Jayden asked, concerned.

  She shrugged and stared at a gazelle on the screen, her nostrils flaring with excitement. "Not really. How do you mean?"

  "He kept asking me about stuff that happened several months ago." Jayden shook his head. "It's probably nothing."

  Just then, his dad entered, scratching his scalp. "Has anyone seen my book on the antelopes? The one Jayden gave me for Christmas? I want to start reading it."

  Jayden wrinkled his forehead. "You finished that last week, Dad."

  "I did?"

  "Yes, don't you remember you gave it to Logan?" Jayden said. "It's in his room now."

  Jayden stared at his dad, who looked very confused, then at his mother, who had a concerned look in her eyes that she tried to hide.

  "I…don't even remember reading it."

  "It's okay," she said. "I’m sure you just forgot. It happens."

  Jayden stared at her, then shook his head. "Yeah, Dad. You're just getting old, that's all."

  His dad chuckled, then sat down on the couch next to the two of them. "I guess I am just a little forgetful lately."

  Chapter Seventeen

  "She's in here."

  Duncan had taken me to his estate and showed me into a hall where Stacy was standing by the window. When she heard us, she turned and smiled. I felt a huge wave of relief go through my body.



  We hugged. I felt emotional, to say the least. For two weeks, I had believed she had been killed, when in fact Duncan had saved her. I just wished he hadn't lied to me about it. It would have been nice not to have to feel so incredibly guilty all the time.

  "How have you been?" I asked.

  "Great. Amazing. This guy has been so good to me," she said and grabbed Duncan. She pulled him close and held his arm tight. I could tell Duncan was a little uncomfortable. "He taught me everything about being a vampire. I have to tell you, Robyn. It's amazing."

  I wrinkled my nose. "Really?"

  "Yes, oh, God, you have no idea. I am so strong and fast, Robyn. I don't even have to try hard. Like if I want to go over there, all I have to do is think of myself going there and whoops…" she said and disappeared. "Just like that, I’m over here." I turned my head and saw her now standing by the door at the end of the room. And just as fast, in the blink of an eye, she was back again, standing right next to me.

  "Isn't it amazing?"

  "Sure," I said, not meaning it. I knew there were benefits like that, but they barely made up for the fact that you had to give up being human. Not in my opinion. The very thought of turning into a humongous bat-like creature and sucking the blood out of people was still appalling to me. And the part about living forever? Didn't really do it for me. Not when it meant being anything like them. Nothing about it was appealing.

  Stacy looked at Duncan, then sighed deeply. She stood close to him, almost rubbing herself up against him. "And then there is this guy. I just can't get enough of him."

  I smiled when seeing the look on Duncan's face. I was beginning to see what he meant by her causing trouble.

  "He's a darling," I said with a light chuckle.

  Stacy grabbed his cheeks and pulled them. "And so extremely cute. I just love him."

  "You do, now, do ya'?" I said, while his eyes screamed for my help.

  She grabbed his hand in hers an
d looked at it with an exhale. "And tonight, he said he'll take me hunting."


  "For animals, not humans," Duncan explained.

  "Ah, okay."

  Stacy giggled. "I can't wait to roam in the night with my beloved Duncan. Just him and me, running in the woods through the darkness, chasing our prey. I'll be your Bella if you'll be my Edward."

  Duncan looked at her, then chuckled. Their eyes locked for a few seconds, and suddenly it seemed like they had a connection of some sort. I don't know why, but even though I could tell he wasn't into her, I couldn't help feeling a small pinch of jealousy. It wasn't a pleasant feeling at all.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "Now you see what I mean?"

  Duncan held the door to the limo for me, and I got inside. We drove off. "The girl is crazy."

  "Is she?" I asked.

  "She thinks that just because I was the one who turned her that we have some sort of eternal connection. That we are destined for one another or something. And then she has all these references to movies and TV shows she has watched about vampires. One more insane than the next."

  "But you like her," I said.

  He looked away. "As a friend, as someone I’ve saved. Not the way she wants me to like her."

  I exhaled. He turned to look at me.

  "What?" he asked.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You exhaled."

  "I’m not allowed to exhale now? It's called breathing."

  "No. I mean, yes, of course, you're allowed to breathe, but it sounded like it meant something. You have an opinion on this that you're not sharing with me."

  "I just…I sense something," I said. "Between the two of you."

  He looked appalled. "No. There is nothing, Robyn. I’m just trying to be nice to her, but she's all over me. I am glad you saw it too because I want your help to get her off my back."

  "My help?"

  He nodded. "Yes, you."

  "How on Earth do you want me to do that? She's quite smitten with you if you haven't noticed."

  "Oh, I have, believe me. I need you to tell her that we are together."

  I scoffed. "I’m not gonna do that. I’m not, Duncan. I won't lie to her for you."

  "Then how am I supposed to get her to understand that I am not into her that way? That I’ve already found my future mate?"

  It was the first time him calling me that made me smile. Usually, I would have resented being called something like that, but for once, I enjoyed it. What was happening to me?

  Just because another girl shows him a little interest, you're suddenly all over him? Are you that pathetic?

  He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. I giggled.

  Apparently so.

  The limo came to a halt. Duncan kissed my hand again and held it tightly between his. The cold made me shiver.

  "Can I take you out again soon, then? Now that you have forgiven me?"

  I looked at him and our eyes locked. My heart was beating fast. I stared at his lips as they came closer to mine and when he kissed me, I kissed him back, feeling like I betrayed not only Jayden but also myself. What was it about Duncan that made me lose control and become powerless when I was around him? I stopped him.

  "Why?" he whispered as our lips parted.

  "I…I can't."

  He looked away. "Because of him?"

  I didn't know what to say. He turned to look at me again. "I will not give up; you do realize that, right? I will fight him for you if I have to."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jazmine was beyond thrilled to have her mother back. Not only was she back to normal, but it was like she was on something because she was roaming around the house constantly, playing loud music and singing. It seemed almost a little manic, but Jazmine would take this any day over the sobbing and grieving mother she had lived with for the past several weeks.

  Jazmine went to her room to go on her computer when Adrian appeared suddenly with no warning.

  "Oh, my God, you scared me," she said. She pushed him lovingly. "Don't ever do that again."

  He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. "I'm sorry. I just had to see you."

  "So now you can go through walls?"

  "You left the window open," he said.

  "You could have been seen," she said and pointed at the window. "The window, Adrian? That's way too dangerous. You have to be more careful. Mr. Aran is watching us, all of us, but especially our house."

  He had revealed what he was to her one night recently, telling her he thought she would be able to keep it a secret since she herself was a witch. She hadn't told him she already knew or that Robyn knew. She liked that they shared this secret.

  "I know," he said and pulled her into a kiss. "I just couldn't control myself."

  His fangs were poking out when he smiled. His glare was blank, his pupils dilated. He kissed her, holding her very tight, almost hurting her. She pushed him away.

  "What's wrong?" he said, grinning.

  "Where were you this afternoon? You usually come over after school."

  "You had detention," he said.

  '"For an hour. It's not like it lasted all afternoon. You could have come over later."

  He giggled. "We have family visiting."

  "The blood drive?" she asked.

  He nodded, walked to her, and grabbed her by the waist again; he pulled her closer forcefully, then kissed her. He lifted her in the air and threw her on the bed, then jumped on top of her, sitting on her chest. "Gosh, you smell good," he said, kissing her wrist and hand, then her neck. Jazmine felt like he was being a little too aggressive and it wasn't comfortable.


  He didn't listen; he continued kissing her and biting her skin.

  "Ouch, it hurts," she said.

  "Oh, you like it. I know you do ‘cause you're my wild rose, remember? " Then he howled like a wolf. "I am gonna get myself a bite of a wild rose."

  He nibbled at her earlobe, then bit down, and she screamed.


  She pushed him away and got up. She felt her earlobe; it was still intact, he hadn't pierced the skin. There was no blood.

  "What the heck…Adrian?" she almost screamed. "Are you crazy? What did you have to do that for?"

  "I'm sorry," he said, obviously not meaning a word of it. He was swaying slightly. "You just taste so good. I always wanted to try a witch's blood. It's supposed to be so sweet and tasty."

  "You're not drinking my blood," she said. "Are you insane? What is wrong with you?"

  He stood two steps away, grinning. She shook her head. "You're high on something, aren't you?"

  He nodded, chuckling. "My cousins are here. They hooked me up. They're the ones that told me about your blood being extra tasty and told me to go taste it."

  Jazmine felt sick to her stomach. Adrian was being such a jerk.

  "Go," she said.


  "Get out of here."

  "But come on…Jazzy…my wild rose…let's have some fun…" he approached her, holding out his arms, then grabbed her and pulled her close again, holding her so tight she couldn't get loose. He kissed her neck again and again, trying to nibble at her throat.

  "Corvus," she whispered. She didn't want to do this, but it was the only way. "Corvus, corvus."

  Seconds later, three ravens flew in through the window and attacked Adrian, pecking at his head so hard he started to scream.

  "Get them to stop, Jazmine, make them stop!"

  "Get him out of here," she said and lifted her hand. More ravens appeared, grabbed Adrian with their talons, then lifted him, screaming and yelling, up into the air and out the window.

  She watched as they set him down on the lawn in front of his own house, then he ran inside, hands above his head to protect himself. Jazmine looked toward Mr. Aran's driveway. Luckily, the strange, long-legged man wasn't there. The lights were on inside of his house, so he was at home.

  Still, her he
art sank. What if he had seen it? Would he come after her? She had to be more careful. Jazmine felt a sense of panic erupt just as the clock struck midnight and she heard the sound of bats emerge from behind Robyn's house. She spotted six of them taking off in the moonlight. Seconds later, the door to Jayden's house opened, and she saw his parents and brother run into the street and disappear toward the park.

  Jazmine sighed, thinking they were all living very dangerous lives when suddenly she heard the sound of yet another door slam shut and went to the window to look out. To her surprise, she saw her own mother rush into the cul-de-sac, a broom in her hand. She mounted it, then took off into the air, flying, leaving Jazmine back at the house, mouth gaping.

  So much for her telling Jazmine to forget who she was and lay low and not practice any witchcraft.

  "Screw it," Jazmine said as she walked into the hallway to the hatch and pulled it. She crawled up into the attic and opened her mother's old book, then stayed there reading it till the early morning hours when her mother finally returned.

  Chapter Twenty

  Amy was sitting in her kitchen. She should be asleep, but she wasn't tired. The puppies were crawling all over the house, some of them up her legs, while Billie Jean was lying underneath Amy's chair, faithful as she always was, probably exhausted too from keeping track of her babies all day long.

  Amy ate a cookie from the batch she had baked earlier in the day and drank a glass of milk with it. There was a mirror at the other end of the room that she could see herself in while she chewed. She wondered about what Jazmine had said earlier, about embracing what she was. But how could she? She didn't like herself when she looked like that. The wings were pretty cool and all, but she didn't like the big nostrils, and she certainly didn't like the fact that she couldn't control the fire part. It scared her a little.

  She thought about the night she had changed for the first time. She remembered the pain and considered herself lucky that it was now gone. Well, almost. She still felt it a little every now and then, but it seemed to have subsided for the most part. Then she wondered what had really happened that night when she changed into that…creature. Why had it happened on that particular night? And why had it happened the other night when she was asleep? Why not on other nights? Was there any connection or was it just coincidence?