Page 16 of Midnight Velvet

  Miracle of miracles, the ropes began to loosen. Tyler winced at the raw, burning pain and the warm wetness of blood at his wrists, knowing he was also scratching gouges into his skin, but that didn’t matter right now. Getting free was the only priority.

  He finally broke through the ropes, shaking them off his wrists but keeping his hands behind his back. He looked over at Dylan, who was close to doing the same. Dylan had just broken free of the ropes when a commotion sounded outside. The guards went running and Webster and Mercado came flying through the office door, guns drawn.

  Webster cast a quick look in their direction before heading to the doorway, crouching low behind some barrels.

  “This is the NCA! The warehouse is surrounded. Drop your weapons and surrender!”

  Tyler exhaled a sigh of relief. The good guys had arrived! How, he didn’t know. Maybe someone else on the inside knew about Webster. Right now he didn’t care. He smelled a rescue.

  “Get ready to move,” he whispered to Dylan, who nodded.

  Tyler moved into a crouch and started inching toward the guards on their side of the warehouse. Hiding behind the cover of the trucks allowed them to sneak close to the two guards. Everyone’s attention was on the outside of the warehouse. Even Webster and Mercado hadn’t looked in their direction.

  In an instant Tyler and Dylan had silently dispatched the guards, grabbing their automatic weapons. Tyler pointed to Dylan, telling him without words to circle around the farthest truck.

  After Dylan disappeared, Tyler crept toward Webster’s location. Fucking coward stood at the back of the guards, hiding behind the burly men. Mercado was on the other side of the doorway, doing the same thing.

  He smirked, assuming to be a bigwig in this type of operation meant you got to get shot last. He spotted Dylan circling around the side of the farthest truck, inching up behind Mercado. Tyler signaled him, letting him know what he was going to do. Dylan nodded, a lethal smile appearing on his lips.

  There was so much noise from the helicopters outside that Webster didn’t even hear him approach. He reached around the commander, wrapping his forearm around the man’s throat and driving the barrel of the weapon into his back. “Looks like a stalemate to me,” he whispered into the commander’s ear, using the man’s earlier words.

  Webster stiffened, his gaze shooting toward Mercado. Dylan had Mercado in the same hold, gun pointed at his back.

  Tyler and Dylan moved to the back and to the center of the guards surrounding them. The guards looked confused, their gazes darting outside and back at their leaders.

  “Hell of a dilemma, isn’t it, guys? Protect these two or worry about the NCA outside? I’d say you’re fucked either way. If you’re smart, you’ll lay down right now while you can still breathe.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Webster said. “He’s bluffing.”

  “You almost got me and Velvet killed, asshole,” Tyler ground out. “You’ve betrayed your country and your agents’ trust. I wouldn’t be taking any bets that you’ll live through this.”

  Tyler realized he was looking for an excuse to gun the bastard down. “Go ahead, Webster. Flinch. Just a little. I’ll blow a hole through your belly so wide that you could toss a football through it.”

  Webster froze, sweat trickling down his face and neck and dropping onto Tyler’s forearm. Tyler grinned.

  By the time the confused guards turned around to survey the outside situation, they were faced with over two dozen armed NCA agents. Weapons dropped to the concrete faster than lightning striking the ground.

  “Looks like it’s prison time for you and your friend, Mercado,” Tyler said, pushing Webster toward the NCA assistant commander, Rufus Sanders. A rugged-looking mountain man in his early fifties, Sanders was not someone Tyler would ever want to fuck with. He was old-time military and also a good friend of Tyler’s dad.

  “Commander,” Tyler nodded, pushing Webster closer.

  Sanders nodded and smiled. “Well done, men.” Turning to the other agents, he said, “Take this scum out of my sight. The United States government is going to want to have a very long talk with the ex-commander of the NCA.”

  After Webster and Mercado and the others were led away, Sanders grinned, hands on his hips. “What a fucking mess.”

  Tyler rubbed the raw skin of his wrists and nodded. “A major clusterfuck, sir.”

  Sanders jammed his fingers through his thinning brown hair. “You can say that again. Thank God your father contacted us or you two could be dead meat by now.”

  His father?

  “Sir? Did you say my father?”

  “Yeah. He called me at home after he was alerted by your trainee.”

  “Uh, trainee, sir?”

  “Yes. Your trainee.”

  Tyler’s gaze whipped around Sanders.

  Nevada. What the hell was she doing here?

  “Ne…Agent Velvet, what are you doing here?”

  “Just following orders…sir,” she shot back, anger turning her eyes dark. “When you left me behind for…watch duty, I saw you and Agent Legend captured. Realizing Commander Webster was the NCA mole, I didn’t know who to trust, so I contacted your father since I knew he had military and intelligence connections. Fortunately he called Commander Sanders, here, and they met me on the slope outside.”

  Somehow he knew he was being spared her tirade because of NCA protocol. Sonofabitch. She was covering his ass in front of the commander! “Well done, Agent Velvet,” he said, at a loss for words.

  Dylan snorted and when Tyler shot him a glare, scratched his nose, winked and stepped outside.

  “You all did a fine job. Agent Velvet, you are one hell of a trainee. Quick and smart thinking on your part.” Sanders patted her shoulder and followed Dylan out, leaving Tyler alone with Nevada.

  She’d saved his ass. His and Dylan’s. “How did you manage to get out of my father’s house?”

  She arched a brow. “I’m resourceful. Not that you’d ever give me credit for it.”

  Ouch. “Nevada, I was only trying to protect you.”

  Her anger was palpable, emanating off her like heat from a roaring campfire. “Bullshit. You don’t trust me. You think I’m incompetent.” Before he could answer she hefted the bag of weapons he’d given her and shoved it into his stomach, momentarily rendering him incapable of speech.

  He struggled past the loss of breath and said, “Nevada, you have to understand…”

  She cut him off with a wave of her hand. “No, you need to understand exactly how I feel. You are one arrogant prick, Tyler Call. Your lack of faith in me made me realize that training under you would be a colossal career mistake. Monday morning, I’m asking for a transfer to another training agent.”

  “Training? I think we have a lot more together than just our mutual profession.”

  She got into his face, leaning close enough that he could smell her sweet scent. “Whatever we once had is over. Got that? I couldn’t possibly have a relationship with someone who thinks so little of my intelligence.” For emphasis, she jammed her finger in his chest. “Don’t you ever fucking come near me again. If you do, I’ll show you how goddamned resourceful I can really be!”

  She turned on her heel and stormed out, leaving him alone in a warehouse that had just grown very, very cold.

  * * * * *

  Nevada bent over and rested her hands on her knees, watching the droplets of sweat drip off her face and arms. She struggled for breath. The only thing keeping her standing right now was the abject embarrassment she’d feel if she passed out in front of her training officer.

  Dylan stopped next to her and patted her on the back. “You okay, Velvet?”

  For two grueling weeks he’d punished her mercilessly, making her memorize the agent manual so he could quiz her. Then he’d force her to run these damn marathon-like sprints and climb over walls and through netting until she wanted to strangle him. Or throw up. Or both. “I’m fine.”

  At least the physical exertion ser
ved as an outlet for her emotions. It was only on her off time that she curled up into a ball and let the tears fall, regretting all that she’d lost.

  Or all she’d never had.

  Dammit, she missed Tyler. Hated him, but missed him, too.

  Legend’s grueling training at least served one purpose. Lately she’d fallen into bed and passed right out after a day with him.

  But it didn’t keep Tyler from entering her dreams. Her body woke sweating and aroused after a night spent in the arms of a man who would forever be just a fantasy.

  “Come on, Velvet, that wasn’t hard at all. Besides, your stamina is increasing every day.”

  “You’re some kind of inhuman machine, Legend. Nobody could have that much energy.”

  He laughed and clapped her on the back, nearly knocking her over. She struggled to keep her legs from trembling.

  “Okay, you’ve had enough for today. Let’s go get cleaned up and I’ll buy you a beer.”

  Right now she’d drink anything as long as it was cold and didn’t require running or climbing anything to get it. They walked back to the NCA training center. Nevada showered and dressed, knowing her muscles would be screaming at her tomorrow morning.

  And she wanted to be an agent? Was she insane?

  None of this was any fun without Tyler. She hated that most of all.

  Time to buck it up and get on with your life. You two are finished and you’ve got a career to think of.

  She followed Legend to a little spaghetti place known as the hangout for a lot of the NCA agents. They waved to their peers and grabbed a table at the back of the room. The waitress brought them two chilled mugs of beer and Nevada drank it down like a glass of cold water.

  “Thirsty?” he asked, arching a brow at her.

  Anyone would be thrilled to have Dylan as a partner. Smart, resourceful, funny as hell and not damn bad to look at either.

  But he’s not Tyler.

  Shut up, voice.

  “Midnight’s quit the NCA,” Dylan announced.

  Her gaze shot up from the menu and met his. “What?”

  “He quit. Last week. Turned in his notice and just dropped out.”

  Don’t ask. Don’t care. “Why?”


  Dylan shrugged. “Said it wasn’t what he wanted to do the rest of his life. That he had other plans now.”

  What other plans? No, don’t ask! “What other plans?”


  “I guess you’d have to ask him if you’re interested.”

  “I’m not.”


  “I’m not!”

  Dylan took a long swallow of his beer and set the mug down, leaning toward her so that only she could hear him. “I hate to inform you of this, but Tyler is a man.”

  Didn’t she know it. “Your point?”

  “We’re stupid when it comes to women. Make all the wrong choices and screw up all the time. It takes a strong woman to realize that her man can piss her off enough to think murderous thoughts but also realize that he loves her like crazy.”

  “He doesn’t love me.” When Dylan didn’t respond, she said it again. “He doesn’t!”

  “Yeah, he does. But that’s your choice to make and nobody else’s. I can only tell you what I know.”

  “Which is?” Why did she keep asking? She didn’t want to know anything about Tyler. Ever.

  “That I’ve never seen him act the way he did when he was around you. To him, an agent was an agent. Male or female, they got treated the same. He didn’t treat you like an agent.”

  “I know.” And that was the problem.

  “But can you really blame him, Nev? He didn’t treat you like an agent because he was too busy treating you like a woman. Like his woman.”

  Nevada couldn’t get Dylan’s words out of her mind all through dinner. Right now she could barely keep her thoughts on the road. When her car found itself outside Tyler’s condo, she wasn’t surprised.

  I don’t care about him. I just need to know, that’s all.

  She took the elevator up and stood at his door for a full five minutes before ringing the bell.

  “It’s open!” he shouted.

  Oh, God. What if he was expecting a date?

  So what? You’re not together anymore. If he’s got a woman coming over, who cares?

  She did, that’s who. Turning the knob, she opened the door a little, expecting to see his dining room table candlelit with plates for two.

  “Money’s on the table. Just leave the pizza there. There’s extra for the tip, Joe. Thanks!”

  Pizza. Her breath expelled in a whoosh of relief as she realized he’d been expecting pizza delivery. In fact, a teenager appeared right behind her with a square box in his hand.

  Nevada grabbed the money on the table, paid the boy and closed the door, inhaling the sweet smell of pepperoni. She hadn’t even touched her dinner with Dylan and her stomach was complaining rather loudly about it right now.

  Okay, this was awkward. She set the pizza on the table and stood inside the door, not knowing what to do.

  When Tyler whipped around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide, she realized she’d just made a huge mistake.

  Freshly showered, his tight abs showcased by his shirtless upper half, she forgot how to breathe. He wore only jeans, half-zipped. The soft, dark down covering his lower abdomen trailed enticingly into his jeans.

  And she was intimately familiar with where it trailed to.


  She swallowed. “Tyler.”

  “I’ve tried to call you. To see you.”

  “I know.” She hadn’t answered her phone or her door, knowing it was him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She had no idea. What was she doing here? “I…I…” Think fast. That’s your job, remember? “I paid the pizza boy.”

  She cringed. Brilliant.

  He regarded her warily. “Uhh, thanks. Would you like some?”

  No. She was leaving. “Yes, I’m starving.”

  Oh, God, she was suffering from multiple personality disorder.

  Like a mute she followed him into the kitchen as he grabbed paper plates and tossed them down on the table. He opened the pizza and laid out a thick, juicy slice on her plate.

  Instead of speaking, she laid into her pizza like she hadn’t eaten in a week. Surprisingly, the silence between them wasn’t uncomfortable. He opened two sodas and handed her one, which she accepted with a mouth-filled nod.

  Finally satiated, she wiped her mouth with the napkin, determined to get some answers and then get the hell out of his condo.

  And his life.

  “Dylan told me you quit the NCA.”



  He stood and emptied their plates into the trash, grabbing another soda and leaning against the counter. “Let’s just said I had an epiphany.”

  “What kind of epiphany?”

  His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Actually, some of it came about because of you.”

  “Me? I don’t understand.”

  Pushing away from the counter, he walked toward her and crouched down in front of her. She inhaled that soap-clean smell that reminded her so much of him it made her heart ache.

  “I fell in love with you, Nevada. I know I handled a lot of things badly with you, but it was like I couldn’t separate the agent in you from the woman in you. I fell in love with Nevada, not with Velvet. I tried to protect Nevada, not Velvet.”

  Which is what Dylan had told her. Surprisingly, she began to understand. “But why did you quit the agency?”

  “I had a revelation of sorts while working with my dad on this case and I suddenly realized I don’t want to be like my father. I don’t want to be gone all the time, risking my life and leaving behind a wife and children who’ll someday look at me like I’m a stranger.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  He reached for her hand
s. “You were the wife I was thinking of. You’re the woman I love.”

  She sucked in a breath, her stomach flipping like crazy.

  “You’re also the agent I should have allowed to back me up on the raid on the warehouse. But honest to God, Nevada, the thought of risking your life made my gut hurt. I made a decision to protect you, instead of trusting you and talking it over with you. In the end, you came through. I fucked up and lost you.”

  “Yes, Tyler, you did fuck up. I’d make a damn good agent.”

  He smiled. “I know.”

  “But you didn’t lose me.” The realization hit her as soon as the words spilled from her lips. She was still angry as hell at him, but it didn’t change the fact she loved him. And now it was time to take that leap she’d been so afraid of before. “I love you, Tyler Call. You infuriate me, but I love you.”

  He stood and hauled her to her feet, pulling her against him. His heart pounded as quickly as hers.

  “I need to ask you something. I’m not very good at this so I’m going to screw it up, but here goes.”

  Oh, God.

  “I promise to love you, be there for you and protect you every day for the rest of our lives. Marry me, Nevada.”

  “What?” She needed a paper bag. This was too much. She was hyperventilating, her breaths coming in short, quick gasps.

  “You heard me. Marry me. Be my wife and my partner.”


  “I’m opening a private investigation firm. Nothing fancy like NCA stuff, so if you still want to go the agent route I’ll understand. Your professional choices are up to you.”

  What did she want?

  It didn’t take her long to realize that the adventure she craved could be found in the arms of the man she loved. That she hated NCA agent field training because Tyler wasn’t with her. It was like her personal and professional life centered around him, and she’d never be happy unless she could have both.

  She felt like she was balancing on the precipice and only she could decide which way to jump. She looked to her past, to all she missed out on because of her irrational fears, and knew there was only one choice to make.

  She cradled his face in her hands and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you, Tyler. I’d love to be your wife.”